Category Archives: Free Education

White Label CMS: Complete Customization For WordPress Admin Area & Panels

If you want to give your clients a more personalized and clatter less admin area interface then White Label CMS plugin is a very good option. It allows you to customize default WordPress admin area user interface to a less confusing content management system.

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How To Publish DailyMotion Videos To WordPress In One Click?

Earlier we have discussed about auto-importing YouTube and Vimeo videos to your WordPress website. Now today in this lesson you will learn about publishing videos from DailyMotion instantly in one click right from your WordPress admin area dashboard.

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How To Limit WordPress Login To One Device At A Time?

Earlier we have discussed about making WordPress to automatically logout idle website users by showing them a customizable message. We have also discussed about preventing concurrent logins to disallow users from staying logged into the same account from multiple places.

Now today this lesson is about new WordPress plugin called Only one device login limit. It simply limits WordPress user login to one device at a time. Hence, if someone or the user itself tries to access admin area from some other device, he will not be allowed to login.

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How To Clean Up Noise Music Library In Elementary OS Linux?

Noise (Music) is the default music player for Elementary OS Linux. One common problem experienced by its users is that it doesn’t provides any visual option to clear-up unwanted music files from library in order to fresh start.

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Instantly Expand, Resize & Zoom Videos On Most Websites

All video broadcasting websites provides you a full screen button. Some popular video websites like YouTube also provides you a theater mode option in addition to full screen that allows you to expand video size.Now today in this lesson you will learn about instantly zooming, switching fullscreen and resizing videos as per your will in your Google Chrome, Chromebook or Chromium web browser.

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How To Avoid Google Chrome Freeze On Ubuntu & Other Linux Distros?

Google Chrome freeze is a common problem experienced on Linux operating systems, specially on 64 Bit OS. This happens only with Google Chrome and Chromium browsers and it is happening since a very long time.

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How To Disable Hardware Acceleration In Google Chrome?

For rendering web pages Google Chrome doesn’t need to depend completely on the CPU. This is because, it supports GPU hardware acceleration.

This may be a good idea as it speeds things up but in many cases it becomes the main cause of system freeze, mouse and keyboard issues, slow web pages and many performance issues.

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How To Host Audio Files & Create Music Playlists In WordPress?

WordPress not only supports oEmbed for SoundCloud type websites. But, it can also embed any audio or MP3 file simply by its URL. You can upload music files in your website, create playlists, embed songs etc with native WordPress functionality.

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How To Import YouTube & Vimeo Videos In WordPress Website?

Yes, you can now automatically import your YouTube and Vimeo videos to your WordPress website in just a few clicks. You can import videos from YouTube user or playlist and then auto-publish them as posts, pages or custom post types using taxonomies like tags and categories.

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Internet’s First Managed WordPress Hosting With Built-in Virtual Assistant & Video Tutorials

Managed WordPress not only comes packed with unprecedented support from the masters of code but also provides you all video tutorials right inside your admin area dashboard to help you startup working with website admin and customization options.

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How To Sell Videos, Photos & Other Media Files In WordPress?

There are various methods of selling media files from your WordPress website. There are extensions such as ‘WooCommerce HSS Extension for Streaming Video’ & ‘Easy Digital Downloads HSS Extension for Streaming Video’ extension for popular WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads plugins.+

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Access Multiple WordPress Windows In One Browser Tab

In general what all WordPress users  does is open up so many tabs in one browser window to quickly switch back and frontend of their website. But sometimes this end up with tons of opened browser tabs slowing down management process.

In this lesson you will learn about a simple plugin ‘WindowPress‘ that improves efficiency and website management tasks by allowing you to use one tab for many WordPress windows.

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Not Sure About Domain Name To Register? Start Website On Temporary Domain Of

Not sure about what domain name to register? You may first create your website over temporary domain name at and then switch to your registered domain address in one click.  Continue reading Not Sure About Domain Name To Register? Start Website On Temporary Domain Of

How To Bulk Create WordPress Categories & Other Taxonomy Terms?

Now you know how to create multiple posts or post types at once in your WordPress site. We have also discussed about bulk posting videos from YouTube, Vimeo & DailyMotion etc to WordPress. In this lesson you will learn about creating terms & taxonomies like tags, categories etc in bulk on your WordPress installation.  Continue reading How To Bulk Create WordPress Categories & Other Taxonomy Terms?

Easily Setup Unfriend Notifications On Facebook

Earlier we have discussed about a web service that tells you about the people who removed you on Facebook. The service was good but in order to view unfriended persons, it asks you to access its website and then login with your Facebook account, it also sends email notifications but in this lesson you will learn about making things more easy and quick than before.  Continue reading Easily Setup Unfriend Notifications On Facebook

Installing Group Office To Start An Email & File Sharing Enterprise CRM Website

Group-Office is an enterprise CRM and collaboration tool. You can install its application on your domain in one click at to start sharing projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. It is easy to use and fully customizable application and now it works on every web-hosting plan.

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