There are several ways to start a webstore and start selling online. If you are planning to hire programmers and web-developers then you’ll probably need to invest a large amount of money but if you are looking up for some cheap and easy way then you can get everything done yourself by following a few easy steps.
To get started with an online store, first and most important thing you need is a domain name and the second important thing is a server, in fact depending on what your end goal is, you may get started with a VPS or simply the shared hosting plan.
The amount of investment depends on your goal, for instance: if you are planning to sell your products country-wide or globally then shared hosting plan is no good, as that provides you limited resources and can handle only limited amount of visitors i.e. your clients and customers. A dedicated server is the second most important thing you should own to run a successful website.
Once you own your domain and web-space i.e. hosting or VPS or dedicated server. You can use one of the following applications to create and manage your eCommerce website withount any coding skills.
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