Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
WordPress provides you specific feed for different elements like Tags, Authors, Comments and Categories etc, we havealready discussed about grabbing each WordPress feed manually or adding their link to your website so that your visitors can subscribe them. This tutorial explains you about a free plugin that allows you to easily add Category Specific RSS feed subscription menu to your WordPress blog posts, pages and sidebar.Install and activate Category Specific RSS feed Subscription, using this plugin you can present a menu showing with different RSS feeds subscription option to your blog visitors. Hence with this plugin you get the option to show category RSS feed that links so that your visitors can grab RSS feed of their choice.
Smart Archives Reloaded is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to easily display a list of posts grouped by year and month in different elegant formats. The plugin also provides you with several other interesting navigation elements.
All WordPress bloggers know about Text Widget. It is present on every WordPress site and we use it for showing arbitrary Text and HTML code on your blog’s sidebar or any other widget area you have in your theme. Earlier we discussed about a plugin that allows you to use WordPress Visual Editor and TinyMCE buttons in Text Widget. This article is about another widget plugin that allows you to use PHP code (including HTML too) in a text widget added by this plugin.
This is another powerful trick of stopping all machine generated spam comments much before they hit your web server. This can be dome by using a simple WordPress plugin called Cookies for Comments, the plugin sets a cookie on a random URL and that URL is checked everytime when a comment is posted on your website. In-case if the cookie is missing, it marks the comment as spam.
All WordPress bloggers know about Akismet plugin that detects both manual and bot spammers posting comments on WordPress, also give you choice to set auto deletion of spam comments, there are its free feature; it also gives you some premium plans you can purchase from its site Akismet.Com. This article is about another plugin that also may become a good alternative of Akismet if you give it a try. We are discussing about Defensio Anti-Spam.
AskApache Password Protect is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to add adds Crazy Additional Password Protection and Securities to your WordPress based website.
You might have noticed while using Facebook it displays a news ticker showing recent live activities of your friends circle on the top right corner of your Facebook Account’s Home Page. If it is yet not visible in your FB’s homepage then may be you haven’t clicked Show Ticker Button, a tiny button present on the same top right corner.
Jetpack Only for Admins is the new WordPress plugin you can use for hiding all admin area pages of Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin from all user roles (including custom user roles you have created) you have in your WordPress site.
WP Greet Box is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to easily display everytime a different greeting message to yourwebsite visitors on the basis of website they are coming from to yours.
There are hundred of free and premium slider plugins, I just checked a free WordPress slider plugin that easily allows you to create a simple slider for displaying your featured image along with the post title and excerpt in WordPress.
Editorial Calendar is a powerful and free WordPress plugin that makes it possible for you to see all of your blog posts and manage them via dragdrop feature.This plugin makes it easy for you to manage and schedule your blog posts.
Generally WordPress website owners use CAPTCHA plugins for protecting their site from Spam Bots. This tutorial explains you working of a free WordPress plugin you can use for protecting your WordPress installation from Spam Bots without installing any type of captcha plugin. Keypic.Com is an online service that provides you with free plugins now only for WordPress but for other Opensource blogging platforms like Drupal and next month (as scheduled) they would be launching plugins for Joomla, php. More plugins would be available in the near future for MediaWiki, Typo3, vBulletin. For more information on plugins visit here.
Changing RSS settings and adding your blog’s feed in FeedBurner is a common and important thing that most of the WordPress bloggers do after installing WordPress. You can easily edit your default RSS settings in WordPress by visiting Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading page. Scroll down to RSS section and you can change the number of posts to show in RSS feed and whether to send full blog post or only a summary in your RSS feeds.
WordPress visual editor in Add New and Edit post pages provide you a fullscreen button called as Distraction Free Writing Mode. When you switch to fullscreen mode your preview post button disappears and because of this you have to switch back to normal mode for previewing the blog post you were writing.
Jetpack’s stats module shows you your most popular blog posts on your admin area dashboard. WordPress plugin’s repository has a new plugin Jetpack Post Views, this plugin simply allows you to dispplay your most popular blog posts as a sidebar widget on your WordPress site. But remember this only works if you have Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin activated and its stats module is enabled on your website.
In last article we have discussed how you can Easily Display Your Github Repositories In WordPress And Also ShowThe Percentage Of Commits Made To Your Project. Now this post explains you ho you can display a list of contributors from a GitHub repository to your WordPress site.
You can automatically number your blog posts ordered by the post date. You can automatically put the post number in front ofyour blog post title. All you need is install and activate Auto Numbering Post. It needs no other configuration options to set.
WordPress posts already have a preview feature but many a time you have to open you WordPress site for previewingthe changes you have made. Suppose you have installed a new plugin and you want to know how its new features are looking in the front-end of your WordPress blog or when you activate a new theme or change your reading or discussion settings etc. You have to go through one or two click for previewing your website. Sometimes you like to open yourwebsite in new tab so that you can carry on with your changes in dashboard and refresh your webpage everytime after making new changes. This thing is a little bit time consuming and its not handy.
Here is a list of 20+ keyboardshortcutkeys you can use while writing your blog posts in WordPress, shortcutkeys are very useful sometimes while writing any long blog post and for the bloggers who are more active on their blogs and do a lot of posting and commenting activities.