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4521 Articles

How To Delete Complete Or Selected Web History Of Your Google Account ?

First thing you show know is What is actually Google Web History ? Google Web History is stored on the servers of Google and it is made accessible for you so that you can manage it directly from your computer by signing in to your Google account. It stores all stuff related to search queries which you have done using Google, results that appeared and also the pages you visit like URL etc. By default Google automatically turns on your account web search and other history so that you can browse your searches in future and also so that it can offer you better improved and more relevant search results and recommendations Google Web History offers more relevant search results, recommendations and more personalized experience while using Google.

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How To Disable Facebook Sound Notifications ?

By default you receive a sound notification everytime your friends send you chat message. This sometimes become irritating when you are listening to some music, watching video on YouTube etc. Facebook allows you to completely disable the sound notification, this tutorial explains how you can do this by following few simple steps given here.

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Great Way For Notifying Or Alerting Your WordPress Site Visitors For Anything

EMC2 Alert Boxes is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to use jQuery and HTML5 animations for creating a cool functional alert system in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to display alert boxes by using [emc2alert] shortcode or by calling the $().emc2alert() jQuery function. You can see it working live at

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How To Completely Disable Site Delete Option In A WordPress Multisite Network ?

In a WordPress multisite network each subsite provides a delete site option in dashboard’s tools menu. This option is used for subsite admins for deleting their personal subdomain/subdirectory based website of weblog from the WordPress network of sites. This tutorial explains you how you can easily remove this site delete option for subsite admins and make subsite deletion limited to network administrators.

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Extend Default WordPress Widgets With More Powerful Cutomization Features

You can easily extend default WordPress widgets and add a few more widgets with more powerful features and customization options. GD Simple Widgets is a package of powerful and user-friendly widgets which expands default widgets features with few more must-have widgets specially for displaying posts, authors and comments.

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Powerful Utility For Calculating Distance Between Two Indian Cities & Knowing Their Driving Directions

DistancesBetween.Com is a free service for calculating distance between two Indian cities and knowing their driving directions and distance charts quickly and easily. So if you are planning a trip and want to know correct distance between the cities including fuel and travel cost or care rent fare, nearest cab operators etc then DistancesBetween.Com would be a nice solution for you.

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How To Add Custom Links, Copyrights & More In WordPress RSS Feeds ?

You can easily customize your WordPress site’s RSS feed by adding custom links, copyright information and other HTML at the top or bottom of your WordPress based site’s RSS feed.

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Easily Store & Organize Photos, Music, Movies, Articles Across The Word Wide Web

KeepOne.Com is a very useful service for those who like keeping web content in a organised way. Using this utility you can keep everything like music, movies, articles, images and other hobbies at one place and also you can share your collections with your best friends, work buddies, schoolmates, or with your second half.

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Best Websites For Searching Song Lyrics

Easiest and best way to search for song lyrics is simply visit Google.Com -> Type Song Name <space> Lyrics and press ENTER. If you find your song then OK and if there are more songs with similar name then try searching Song Name <space> Lyrics +Name of Singer, Album or Movie and Press ENTER. Now this article lists three popular websites that offers song lyrics. If singing is your hobby, passion, you are a regular performer and you need reading song lyrics to perform infront of people, friends etc then these site will be best for you.

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Twitter Released Vine App For Android Devices

Twitter has released Vine for Android users. Vine is an easy and nice way to create looping videos, view and share them with your family and friends. From today onwards you can start to shoot, share and watch short looping videos using Vine App for your Android device, download it from Google Play Store. Continue reading Twitter Released Vine App For Android Devices

How To Easily Create A To-Do List In WordPress ?

You can set your WordPress install to let you users create private to-do lists or you can have all your site users share a to-do list, or you can have a master list with individual completion of items.

Cleverness To-Do List is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create To o list and provides you various options. You can assign your list items to a specific user, the plugin also includes an option to email new to-do item to the assigned user, you can optionally have those particular items only view able by that user.

You can assign different permission levels, capabilities, show deadline, progress fields, get category support and front-end administration etc.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate Cleverness To-Do List. After activation the plugin adds a To-Do List menu in your WordPress admin bar.

Click the link for opening the To-Do list page, here you can add to do items to your list.

You can configure all its options and features from its settings page (Dashboard -> To-Do List -> Settings)

Admin Area Widget:

To Do List Page:

Settings Page Showing Different Options Tabs:

Widget & Shortcode Support

The plugin provides you a sidebar widget and a shortcode [todolist] which you can use for displaying your to do list items anywhere in your WordPress site.

For adding the to-do list admin area section to the front-end of your website use the following shortcode: [todoadmin]

Post Formats Is Exiting Core From WordPress 3.6 Release

Few days back Mark Jaquith announced that Post Formats UI is exiting WordPress core in 3.6 but it will live as a plugin. It is said that Post Formats was holding the release of WP 3.6 so now developers are planning to extract it from the release but it would be live and will continue to develop as a plugin similar to MP6.

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BizSugar.Com: Read & Share Small Business News, Tips And Drive More Traffic Towards Your Website

BizSugar.Com provides useful content for small business owners, managers and entrepreneurs. You can use the service for reading shared content and sharing your content. You can share your blog posts, videos etc benefiting other internet users and bringing online visibility to your content.

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FriendsPlus.Me: Automatically Repost Google+ Stream To Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

Friends+Me is an online service created auto posting your public content from your Google+ Profile or Page to your Facebook Profile or Page, Twitter and on LinkedIn. It regularly fetches all your publicly shared G+ activity in adaptive intervals starting at 1, 5 and 10 minutes. Then it reposts the new posts to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts you have selected.

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How To Remove Inactive Google+ Users & Uncircle People Who Donot Circle You Back ?

Earlier we discussed How To UnFollow Twitter People In Bulk Who Are Not Following You Back ? and we also posted a tutorial on tracking Twitter people who are not following you back or who unfollowed you. Now this tutorial is on a service that provides you similar features but for Google+.

Circloscope.Com is a Google Chrome extension that helps you in managing your Google+ circles in various ways.

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One Click WhoIs Record Check Extension For Google Chrome & Android

WhoIs is a query & response protocol which queries databases storing the registered users and assignees of some Internet resource like a domain name, an IP address block, or an autonomous system and other information. Content delivered by this protocol comes in a human-readable format. This tutorial is on two simple WhoIs extensions which you can use in your Google Chrome web browser or in your Android machine for checking WhoIs record in a single click.

One-Click WHOIS Search For Google Chrome

Whois Lookup Tool For Android

How To Find People With Common Interest & Field In Google+ ?

Group.As is a Google+ Directory where you can find interesting people with common interests, fields etc. You can add yourself there so that others can find you easily, you can browse people classified into various groups etc etc.

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CircleCount.Com: Find Shared Circles & Get Your Google+ Community Rank Statistics

CircleCount.Com is a powerful service that lets you find shared circles, provides your Google+ community rank statistics, your circle & follower maps, recorded response on your G+ status updates and posts like +1s, comments etc. Continue reading CircleCount.Com: Find Shared Circles & Get Your Google+ Community Rank Statistics

How To Insert Links To Specific Paragraphs In Your Google Document ?

You might have read old days long essay books where author asks you to visit page number X and read paragraph number Y. Now if you are writing a long easy and making it public using your Google Drive, you can easily insert links pointing to a specific paragraph by following few simple steps.

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