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How To Add An Empty Cart Button With WooCommerce WordPress Plugin ?

WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce is a popular extendable eCommerce plugin that enables you to sell anything beautifully in your WordPress site. By default it doesn’t provides you any button or link for emptying cart but now you can easily add an empty cart button in your Woocommerce enabled WordPress site by using the new Woocommerce Empty Cart Button addon plugin.

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Increase Or Decrease Font Size With Simple Zoomer Widget For WordPress

Simple Zoomer is the new WordPress widget plugin by Chandra Sekhar Gudavalli that lets you add a widget and allows you readers to change your blog content font size by clicking the + & – buttons.

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New Metabox For Inserting Custom CSS In WordPress Posts & Pages

Custom CSS for Pages and Posts is the new WordPress plugin you can use for inserting custom CSS in your WordPress site posts and pages. The plugin enables a custom CSS metabox on post, page, custom post type edit screens.

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Enable WordPress Widget Visibility Module Without Jetpack

We already discussed about Powerful WordPress Widget Visibility Feature From Jetpack that allows you to controls what places your widgets appear on. Now this tutorial is on new WordPress plugin Widget Visibility Without Jetpack which is not a Jetpack Addon means you can use it (same Jetpack visibility features) when you are not connected to Jetpack.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Don Duvall, Keyboard Player, Vocalist & Songwriter


Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Don at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Don Duvall: I grew up in a little town (well it was then, not so little anymore) called Laurel, Maryland. My mother was a self taught piano player who played by ear and could also sing very well. She wanted me to be musical too when I was a child, so at the age of 5, I started taking piano lessons to learn to read music and play the piano the right way. I hated it! I rebelled constantly whenever I had to study for my lesson every week. I had a piano teacher named Mrs. Oaks who was of foreign dissent (she was oriental and I don’t remember where exactly she was from, but sometimes I had a hard time understanding her). I remember once at her home, where I took the piano lessons, I was sitting next to her on the piano bench as she talked to my mother who usually wasn’t present during the lesson. My attention span veered off into boredom and I started tinkling around with the ivories playing something that was very easy and quite off subject you might say. Mrs. Oakes turned around suddenly and grabbed her knitting needle and whacked me across the knuckles asserting with a loud voice “NO CHOPPY STICKS!” My mom was quite in shock, but actually when she wasn’t there at the lesson, Mrs. Oakes would use the needle constantly to keep me from bending my fingers as I played, using the correct fingering technique. It didn’t really hurt, but it keep me in line. She was quite a teacher, and taught me a lot.

I went on several years later to a music school in Waco, Texas. My family moved there in 1963. We didn’t live there too long because at the time, jobs were scarce and income was very low. My mom couldn’t make a living so we moved back to Maryland again in 1965. While I was in Texas I advanced my skills tremendously and I actually played with a concert band at the age of 11 at an outdoor amphitheatre in front of over 1000 people. I remember (though not very clearly) being very frightened as I played “The Blue Danube Waltz” on a grand piano from start to finish .I believe it was that day that changed my life forever. You see, I had never had anyone show appreciation for my skills out loud until that day, and the roar of the applause motivated me to a much greater satisfaction of playing the piano and music in general.

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After we moved back to Maryland, my mom put me in the College Park Conservatory of Music near the University of Md. I studied there until I was14. I then stopped my studies and starting listening to the radio and learning songs by ear. I had always played from the books up until that point, and playing by ear was something that just came naturally to me. I soon became fascinated in other instruments and had my mom buy a Bass guitar. I started playing bass in a band in Junior High school and quickly realized I wasn’t any good at it and better get back to something I had experience on! So I bought a Combo Organ. It was then I understood that it was actually something that I was really good at and I could possibly make money doing something I loved if I stuck with it. So as I played at Pool Parties, Teen Club Dances and other social events I was toning my skills for later in life. However, I was no longer reading music and relied totally upon learning by ear. I played all through high school in several bands with my musical (and some not so musical) friends. Then, straight out of high school I went into the Music business Full Time in local groups in the DC/MD/VA area and spent the next 4 decades playing music, doing what I love best, sometimes on the road 25-30 weeks a year. I’ve played in several Las Vegas type show bands where I have done everything from being Dolly Pardon in a dress with big balloons on my chest, to being one of the Temptations in a Motown review. Singing lead vocals has always been something I enjoy, so I have always been in bands that were vocally strong with lots of harmonies. I still play today in bands but my main concentration today is dedicated to writing songs which has become a true passion for me.

Hope you liked my introduction. I attached a few early pictures. One of my Mom at the Piano and the other of me showing great displeasure at having to practice the piano!

Shardul Pandey: Tell our netizens something about Musical CD which you are planning to record with your best original tunes ?

Don Duvall: I have written songs that I’m proud of. I believe my tunes represent a solid foundation that results in a sale-able commodity. I have got to say that I have very high hopes for the songs that I am trying to put out there. They are the kind of tunes that appeal to many different listeners’ tastes. I have a record executive who is very excited about working with me and he has a full blown studio with studio musicians that are really top notch. A number of my songs can be heard on my website. Some of my tunes have been played on the radio here in North Carolina on a local station just from my home studio recording, and although they sounded great on the radio, I can imagine how good they could come across if they were recorded in a professional studio with the help of session musicians with a top flight engineer and producer. I have that waiting for me in NY when I can get funding together to make it happen.

Shardul Pandey: You have been a good musician since childhood and over the last 4 decades you’ve put a lot of time in composing songs so how do you see your journey has been? Tell us about your experiences as an artist ?

Don Duvall: My musical journey has been very fulfilling. When I was young, once I found out what it is like to play with very good musicians and know the satisfaction of learning songs as a group that sound “official” as I like to call cover songs that sound enough like the original song to receive applause and get paid at the same time, I couldn’t wait to be able to do it for a living. I realized that dream of being a full time musician at age 20. After playing locally in some of the areas nightclubs for a few months, I joined a band that had a very busy booking agency behind them that kept the group working all the time. I sometimes felt like the road was my home as we would sometimes be out of town 4-8 weeks at a time and 25-30 weeks a year. The only drawback was it was hard on my wife who stayed at home mostly with our newborn son in the early years. I regret that I missed a lot of his childhood being gone all those years, and there were times I was extremely homesick. But we all survived and today we are still a happy family. My son and I still enjoy a wonderful relationship and my wife and I have been married for 41 yrs. I have to say although it was tough, I’m not sure I would change a thing about the way my musical career unfolded. I’m not sure my wife would say the same thing! But I believe in our case absence Does make the heart grow fonder. I have written a ton of songs since I started writing in the late 60’s. Many I didn’t even keep in my memory. In the early days, recording equipment was very primitive to us traveling musicians who had very little time at home to own their own portable studio. The best tool I used to have was a small cassette recorder. I couldn’t tell you how many songs I composed on the one I had, all noisy and mono. You couldn’t go back and rewrite when you wanted to edit anything, because the buttons were play and record. No tracks to erase and insert. So it was always “start over again”! I don’t know how many tunes I would have kept out of the assortment of tunes I created, but I wish I would have kept a few of the best for later. I mainly wrote my songs for my own enjoyment, and rarely even shared them with my co-musicians. But occasionally I would let one be heard that I thought was really good. The first tune I wrote that exposed to my band was when I was in a group back in 1970 called “Ramp”(Kind of an odd name for a band but when found an old yellow highway sign laying on the side of the road that was behind replaced and the drummer brought it home. It said RAMP and underneath it had a line and it said “Exit 40 mph”. Well, we got some yellow paint and blanked out the exit and changed it to “TOP” So the sign, which was much larger than you might think, said RAMP/top 40….I always thought it was clever and we saved money from having to make a real sign!) Anyway, the song was Leaving Me Behind. I still have it on a cassette from Radio Shack. The band went into the Fine Arts building at the University of Maryland and a friend of the sax player was the audio visual tech there. We made a 10 song cassette of cover songs, but included my original song on it. Since the early days most of the bands I played in were Nightclub bands that played all top 40 radio music and they really weren’t venues to play your originals in. They usually called for recognizable music that people danced to. So although we threw a few in every now and then, I was never in a self promotion band that was trying to sell originals and get on the radio. It was more like a 9-5 job that was fulfilling, and doing what I loved to do. I used to say to my friends and when people asked what I did for a living, I told them “You work for a living. I PLAY for my living”. One of the more rewarding originals I recorded in my home studio in the 90’s was a song called “Homeless”. It was about the homeless situation and how it has escalated in the past few decades. The group I worked in at the time learned the song and we were invited to play for a huge homeless benefit in Washington, DC with my song as the theme for the gathering. Over 1200 people were cheering for my song when it ended. Quite rewarding and for a good cause too. I actually had the tune captured from my YouTube site and was on the cover page of a website called US News and World Report. My only regret is I never went into a studio and re recorded it so it sounded more like a professional recording. I could always picture the tune being picked up by a major artist and recording it in the same fashion as “We Are The World” with many different national and international artists singing lines. It’s actually still on You Tube. It sounds a bit dated by today’s standards now. But still translates well I think.

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Lately, I have been doing more writing than ever and I am starting to submit my tunes whenever I see an opportunity arise. I’ve a member of several websites that promote music and have a collaborator that sometimes writes lyrics and then I do the music. I really don’t think my journey is close to climaxing or being over as I am more inspired now than ever to get my songs out there. Hopefully I will be recording a new CD in the next few months of 12 of my best tunes to date done in a professional studio. I hope that then the journey will actually be just beginning!

Shardul Pandey: So do you own a domain name? Likewise Internet is distributed in to domain names. You must have one like as that would indeed be accommodating your fan-following independently to make some value for you. Weblog with integrated social networks to regularly keep on blogging about little things of life works wonderfully in show business. What do you think ?

Don Duvall: Yes I do have a Domain Name. should be active by week’s end. I also occasionally run an internet talk show on where I talk about the music business with call in guests and some other entertainers who send me their mp3 originals to play for my listeners to hear so they can get some exposure. I have activated a new artists page on Facebook at  (feel free to check it out and “like” me!)I just created it and made it separate from my personal Facebook account. I’m also on Twitter @ddpianoman.

I have a number of You Tube videos out there in cyber space. Here is a short one with me singing a tune recorded by The Eagles :

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Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Don Duvall: I’d like to say to all the netizens out there that I am someone who has lived a very full life although I have always been striving to find that ultimate utopia that exists somewhere. I’m not sure if I will find it, but I will never give up. I have been on the edge a few times in my life of not knowing what was coming next. Especially in the last year as my wife and I both lost our jobs within a two week period. We were absolutely not prepared and devastated. We just about sold everything we had, her car was repossessed, and I had to get rid of some of my musical gear that I didn’t want to get rid of just so we could buy groceries. We then moved out of state to live with relatives for a few months until we could find work. We finally did get jobs after a very hard struggle with one job application after another, and we once again have gotten a nice place to call home, but it will be a long time until we fully recover. HOWEVER the older I get the more determined I am to succeed. I have been through a lot in my lifetime, had many successes and about the same amount of disappointments or more, but you never succeed at anything until you give it a try. Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. I am hoping people who find out about me will hopefully enjoy my musical journeys and share it with others. I live my life with a philosophy that many others should adapt. Expect nothing in life, and anything you get will be a bonus. That way it is harder to be upset when something doesn’t exactly go as planned. But never give up on your dreams. My music project is a dream I have been trying to capture but never knew quite how to do it because of limited funds, and a lack of knowing what to do to get it off the ground. I know have gotten at least part of the problem solved by getting a good solid foundation under me with my searching for someone to take interest in helping me record and produce my songs. The other part of the problem hopefully is only a short time away. My music project is on and can be viewed here.

You can help me with my project for contributions as low as $1.00 US Please give it a look and expect great things if this project gets off the ground. I am keeping my fingers crossed and as always hoping for the best. As Commander Peter Quincy Taggert (Tim Allen)in the movie Galaxy Quest said “Never Give Up, Never Surrender”. That’s my motto too.

New Jetpack’s Google+ Integration Module To Connect WordPress And Google Accounts

Jetpack’s new 2.5 version update provides you Google+ profile module that allows you to connect your WordPress blog and Google+ accounts. It displays a link back to your Google+ profile and a Google+ follow button after your posts. Also a link is added to your Google+ profile.

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New Responsive WP Smart Mobile Theme For WordPress

WPSmart Mobile is the brand new responsive mobile theme plugin that automatically gets your WordPress website mobile-ready using a beautiful theme that automatically adjusts layout depending on the device like iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone etc.

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Showcase WordPress Pages With Excerpt & Links Using Beautiful Boxed Columns

Page Showcaser Boxes is the new WordPress shortcode plugin that enables you to showcase your WordPress site pages with excerpt using beautiful boxed type columns linked to their full page via shortcodes. You can use the plugin’s shortcode in any post, page or custom post type.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Aubrey Erin About Her First EP ’48 Hours’

Shardul Pandey Talks - Aubrey Erin

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Aubrey at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Aubrey Erin: Well, I’m 21 from South Texas. I started singing when I was in 4th grade in choir, but never really desired to be a singer. I mostly wanted to be an Olympic Gymnast, but when I got older I realized I didn’t want to do that anymore. I was terrified of singing in front of people until my junior year of high school when I did my school’s talent show. After that, I went on to college at Baylor University where I thought I was going to study medicine and become a doctor, but after a semester I figured out that singing is what I want to do with my life. I picked up the guitar, started writing my songs, which I might add were AWFUL at first, and started making music. My junior year in college I really got going on it, I put out my first song on YouTube, and now when I look back at it, it makes me giggle a little bit. After that, I interned at ASCAP in Los Angeles and played a couple open mics out there and was on a radio show. Fast forward to now, I am living in Austin, TX working on my music. I’m currently raising funds to make an EP, and hopefully move on to Nashville soon.

Shardul Pandey: So would you like to briefly explain your sound, your first EP – 48 Hours to people who have not yet heard your music ?

Aubrey Erin: My first EP 48 Hours is something I’m really excited about. Simply put, it’s country music. Although, it’s not the honky tonk style of country. It definitely leans more on the side of country-pop, but not so bubblegum sounding.(If that makes sense) The title song, 48 Hours, is one I’m really proud of, and it has a happy sound to an unhappy story. So it’ll kind of throw you off. Another song on it is one I wrote for my sister’s wedding. It’s a love song ballad, and one of the best things I’ve gotten to perform. The other songs, well, you’ll just have to wait and see!

Shardul Pandey: How do you see yourself progress in this field? What keeps you unique ? What is your foremost experience as an artist ?

Aubrey Erin: I see myself progressing quickly. I keep putting myself out there and making music. It just takes 1 person to hear my sound, and like it enough to give me a real shot. I think with this EP I will really be able to put my foot in the industry. What keeps me unique is that I am influenced by a lot more than just country music, and I think that’s evident through my music. I listen to a lot of other genres and sometimes I incorporate that writing style and mix it with country music. There have been a lot of experiences that are crazy to me, but I think the one that sticks out the most was last summer when one of my songs got up to the Top 25 on the UK music chart Beat 100. It was so cool to me that people liked my music enough to vote for it out of the thousands of songs on there.

Shardul Pandey: What advice would you give to newbie musicians? Who were your biggest musical influences ?

Aubrey Erin: My advice for newbie musicians would be, get used to hearing “No”, a lot. It doesn’t mean that your music isn’t good, or that no one likes you. It means that at that point in time, you weren’t exactly what they were looking for. Keep going, keep making music, as long as you’re doing it because you love it, not because you want to be famous.

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My biggest musical influences are tough to choose, but I’d say my top two were LeAnn Rimes and Pat Green. Also, in the non-country genres, there’s a band called Cartel who I really admire.

Shardul Pandey: Is there any other musical projects you currently working on, any upcoming music videos ? International Tours on your skyline ? Etc

Aubrey Erin: Currently I’m focusing on getting things together for my EP. Although, I am putting together a band, so it won’t just be me and my guitar anymore! I’m excited, because my music will have a fuller sound, and be something you would want to hear on the radio driving down the road! Unfortunately, I’m not doing any touring at the moment, but there have been whispers of maybe going and playing some shows across the US in the spring. Fingers crossed.

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Aubrey Erin: My ultimate message for netizens is going to sound so cliché, but it holds true. If you have something you love to do, set goals, make plans to meet them, and then don’t stop until you do. We have a whole lifetime to do what we want, there’s no reason to give up.

New WordPress WA Form Builder With Cool AJAX Features

WA Form Builder is the brand new WordPress plugin you can use for capturing user information from your website using its user friendly form builder and its cool AJAX drag and drop features. The plugin enables you to use textfields, textareas, dropdowns, radio buttons etc. You can provide an interactive visual editor on the front-end for styling forms.

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How To Set Auto Expire Widgets In WordPress ?

Yes you can set text widgets that automatically expires according to given date in WordPress. You can use it for displaying events, wishes or notifications etc. Auto Expire Widget is the new WordPress plugin that allows you auto expire widget section in WordPress.

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New WordPress Plugin To Set 22 Cool Social Media Buttons

22 Social Buttons is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to set 22 cool social buttons in few easy steps. All you need to do is select a social button, set your title and URL and get its code, that’s all. Use it where you like.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Luís Caracinha About His Upcoming Movie ‘The Rope’

Shardul Pandey Talks To Luís Caracinha About His Upcoming Movie 'The Rope'

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Luís at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Luís Caracinha: I’m Luís Caracinha, a Portuguese communication designer living in Faro, south’s Portugal. I’m 24 years old and after 6 years working on design projects I decided to make a own project in cinema. In November 2011 I started developing the concept for a short movie based on a poem written by a Portuguese poet, Tiago Marcos, which talks about the story of a child and a old woman who have with them a common thing, a rope. The short film wants to invite you to think about your relation with your memories and the way we look and act about other’s life.

The rope’s project started full-time on February 2013 when We Make Productions decided to hug the project. In few months we got a 40 members team counting with camera men, director of photography, costume designer, story-boarders, translators, production assistants, press team, hairstylist, make up, etc. Also Original Features, an important film producer in Portugal, decided to support this short.The project is now in post-production and we are counting to launch it on the first semester of 2014. We have people working with us in countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, England, Greece and Russia.

To help the film production we created a crowd funding campaign, which finish tomorrow, on the international platform indiegogo (

The team is made by young professionals who have a great talent and got this project as an opportunity to show how good they are and how many talented people exists in our country.

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Shardul Pandey: What do you hope audiences take away from your film ‘The Rope’ ?

Luís Caracinha:The Rope is an invitation to build a review of our life until now. To look around, to think out of our routine and to ask ourselves how we want it to be in the future and how we treat those around us, who have a so much to share and teach. We think about our future in an specific way, almost all the time. We have a goal and a path. The thing is, the possibilities to reach your inner “self” are infinite. You must choose and think about what you are becoming every day. And that’s because you are constantly changing.

Shardul Pandey: You said you are developing the concept for a short movie since 2011 so what are your experiences ? What advice can you give for first time filmmakers?

Luís Caracinha: When I have an idea, I need time to let it grow. When you want to express it and put people thinking about it you should take a notebook and write all the possibilities. Talking to people about your ideas is also very important. That’s why I started working in this short-film in November 2011 but just started to materialize it in February 2013. Before this year I wasn’t prepared to make the short film. I hadn’t a team, and I hadn’t support. When I shared my idea with We Make Productions and its production team, a bright green light turned on in my mind, and here we are!

During the filming, our main “enemy” is time. Time is money in a production with 40 people and you are always feeling that you could do it better. Basically you always want another take. That’s when the producer come sin and shouts “No, your late!”. Time management is crucial in order to have the team working well and with enthusiasm. Oh, and also a lot of food and water!

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As director, when you write a script and start imagining it on the screen you don’t have any limitations. You imagination can go wherever you want. This is one of the best parts of creating a film. You are always looking for the best and most beautiful way to show people what you want them to feel. And everything looks easy until you get a producer. In this point everything changes and you start looking to your script, and then to your storyboard and after, to your budget. Here comes the funny part of the creative process: to adapt what you imagined to the best way of showing it, using your budget.

In this stage, it is only normal to feel a lot of desolation, but as director, you must know how to work with it because it’s very hard to put on the screen the exact same image you dreamed of.

My advices are: Be flexible to changes. Accept other opinions because your are making films for people not for you. Think out of the box and let a personal mark in your project. Learn how to work under pressure and with a real budget. Look always for beauty, even when it must look ugly. Be clever when choosing the right team for work.

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Luís Caracinha: I hope this short film gets the possibility to touch the audience. I would like to invite everyone to follow our work in the social networks and on our website There you can find all information about what we’re doing. Until Februrary/March 2014 we will be working on post production, the original soundtrack composition and promoting the short film. Unfortunately, there are a lot of investment that we need in order to improve the final result of the film. We are still looking for donations. If you believe in our work and want to support this project contact us by sending an email to Thank you Shardul for your interest.

Image Credits: Joana Van Hellemond

How To Automatically Remove Old Revisions In WordPress ?

Remove Old Revisions is the new WordPress plugin that automatically removes deletes revisions older than given number of days in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to automatically remove revisions which are older than the given number of days or you can leave it to blank or 0 to disable the old revision check.

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How To Adds Categories Selection Menu In WordPress P2 Theme ?

Popular live frontend posting theme P2 lets you quickly create and publish posts from frontend but by default it only provides you a text field where you can add your post, there are no options to select and add categories from the frontend posting box. This tutorial is on a simple WordPress plugin that enable you to assign a category to your post when using P2 WordPress theme.

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Anchor First Image To Open Pretty Photo Modal Gallery In WordPress

PrettyPhoto WPGallery is the new WordPress plugin that takes over and enhances the WordPress Gallery shortcode with another gallery that shows only first image as an anchor to open up the modal gallery.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Priyanka Bhattacharya

Shardul Pandey Talks To Priyanka Bhattacharya

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Priyanka at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Priyanka Bhattacharya: My hometown is Banaras. I’m from a middle class Bengali family. I started singing when I was 6 years old. My parents have always been supportive of my career choice, as they were also into music, though not professionally. My father, Sri Atanu Kumar Bhattacharya plays tabla and he initiated me into music. I then started learning classical music from respected Pandit Devashish Dey. My first big moment was when I won the prestigious AIR Vocal Music Competition when I was in 12th standard. In the meanwhile, I completed the six-year course of Hindustani Classical Vocal music (Prabhakar) from Prayag Sangeet Samiti. Then I got into Banaras Hindu University for my Bachelors in Music from the renowned Faculty of Performing Arts. During my graduation days, one day I got a call from Gajendra Singh, the creator of the famous music reality show, ‘SaReGaMaPa’ on Zee TV for ‘Challenge 2005’ edition of the show. My parents were really thrilled about that. I was very nervous during the entire process of audition… but eventually got selected in Adesh Srivastav’s gharana. I came to Mumbai for the first time… it was like a dream… I had mixed feelings because this was the first time I had stepped out of my hometown all by myself. But unfortunately, my grandmother expired at that time and I had to quit the show midway. For a brief moment, I was really down.

But after two years I came to Mumbai and joined Gajendra Singh’s music academy… and learnt from the best in the business. Then I returned to Banaras to complete my Masters degree in Music, and was awarded the University Gold Medal. My parents insisted that I should pursue music academically. But I wanted to pursue playback singing… I fought with my family and finally convinced all them to let me come to Mumbai and try my luck at least once. They gave me one month to prove to them that I could do something meaningful in Mumbai, or else I would have to go back. I had heard all kinds of scary stories about how it takes years for a singer to get their first major break, or a hit song. I was apprehensive.. yet I had no option but to try. During my initial days, I used to stay in Vashi with my cousin brother and sister-in-law. I used to travel from Vashi to Andheri everyday by local train for meetings and just to visit the studios, to know people, make contacts. One day, I came across a book called ‘Music-master’ at a magazine stall and I bought it. It had the contacts of people from the music industry. I started mailing my songs to music directors, sound recordists, etc. I would have mailed around fifty people but only three or four of them replied. I went to meet them and got two projects: one was under the Yashraj banner; a film called, ‘The Return of Jagdish Chandra Basu’… for this project, I sang with Shaan and Sunidhi Chouhan; and the second song was for the film ‘Mausam’. Later, I got a jingle for ‘Ganesh Kavach’… and on the basis of these three songs, I could convince my parents to let me shift to Mumbai permanently. I have sung in almost eighty movies (South to Hindi dubbed), a number of jingles like Venkey’s, Swasti fresh chakki atta, Bumchums etc., for TV serials like, Ganga ki dheej’, theme songs, and background vocals for films like ‘Cocktail’ and ‘Houseful 2. I have worked with a few of the most famous music directors of our time, like Pritam, Jeet Ganguly, Ram Sampath and others, and I have learned a lot from each one of them. I have sung for an upcoming movie being directed by Vivek Sharma (director of Amitabh Bachchan starrer ‘Bhootnath’ ). And recently I sang in MTV Coke Studio with Ram Sampath and Sona Mahapatra. The experience was truly gratifying. Just a few days back, my album released on all the major online music portals… it’s called “The Dark Lounge”, and by the grace of the Almighty, it’s already topping the charts. I also do a unique musical storytelling show, travelling across the country with renowned lyricist and writer, Neelesh Misra.

There’s just one assurance that I would like to give to all my well-wishers and my fans… that no matter what, I will continue to work hard. I believe in dreams and desire. I had a dream, over a period of time, it became my heartfelt desire and today I’m here, and I believe it’s just only the beginning of a lifelong journey

Priyanka Bhattacharya 3

Shardul Pandey: Music industry is competitive but people are listening to your music. So what do you think, why have you succeeded in a field where so many others have failed ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: I won’t say that others have failed, every artist has his/her own specialty and struggling is something which every artist has faced and even I am not an exception, But yes I would absolutely like to share with you that why I succeeded and why people are listening to my music, My recent release “THE DARK LOUNGE” which has shown a tremendous response and It’s world-class music is being appreciated by wide range of listeners from across the world, I have given my best to this album not only on singing part but lyrics, composition and music as well, this album is of very high-end production quality and we have made it keeping the taste of Indian and abroad listeners in mind, In short it has been made from the audience point of view and I think I have been able to give justice to the expectations of my audience.

Shardul Pandey: Yes struggling is something that every artist has faced and it is also a simplistic perspective. Success and failure can mean many different things.

Every new idea is a copy of a copy of a copy. What do you think? Likewise you compose most of your own music; so from where do you draw ideas, inspiration or intuition from when you write songs ? How much you like this process and when you get completely satisfied with output ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: I won’t say every idea is a copy of a copy, but an inspiration of an inspiration. Listening to tune creates a different chain of ideas differently in every mind. So in a way there’s always a piece of originality in a composition, even if it’s a result of an inspiration. When i reach a point where i realize that adding or subtracting anything to any of my composition can reduce its desired effect, i consider it complete…basically true artist always create something new…i believe in creating rather getting inspired.

Shardul Pandey: What is something you learned recently about singing, and what are you learning about now? According to you, what are cushy and hard parts of singing ? What is your foremost experience as an artist ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: I think I’m learning everyday. Each day I learn some thing new about music,profession and art. regular riyaz helps me keep myself prepared for all the challenges. It gives confidence… The audience can’t be fooled these days, a singer cannot get away by taking the easier routes. One has to be prepared for every type of singing style now a days. I think this is the most important thing I have learned in these years and I would suggest everyone to do right riyaz daily under the guidance of your ustad (guruji’s)

Shardul Pandey: So would you like to briefly explain your sound and your new album ‘The Dark Lounge’ to people who have not yet heard your music ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: Dark Lounge is a totally new brand of music I’ve done till now. It’s world music gives it a universal appeal to the audience. I think this gives this album the cutting edge, because of which people are liking it so much. It has music for all ages, all kinds of taste. If you have not heard it, I would definitely suggest you listen to it once. I’m sure that’ll be enough to get you addicted to it.

Shardul Pandey: Yes of-course “The Dark Lounge’ gives a universal appeal. I am listening to it and I highly recommend it to our readers here.

What do you think is your strength as a performer ? Any new plans for an international tour on your horizon?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: As an artist I think the urge in me to always learn, experiment and 100% input are my strengths. Basically I m classically trained which gives me strength and power as a performer. I’ve got offers for international tours, but I already have many work related commitments which I can’t abandon. As soon as i get a little free from my schedules and recordings, I’d definitely plan out an international tour

Shardul Pandey: What makes your endeavors unique? What advice would you give to newbie musicians?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: I think what gives uniqueness to my endeavors is the dedication of the entire team I work with. Here I’d like to thank God for always making me surrounded with great people, not just great artists/professional but great from heart. They have loved their work, and together as a team we have successfully made such music.

I would advice all the young musicians in fact all those who want to pursue a dream that they should never lose hope, the tunnel might be long but there’s always light at the end of it.

Shardul Pandey: Do you have any ultimate goal ? Success can mean many different things so what does success mean to you and how would you like to be remembered ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: I have not made any such goals, my dream was to become a successful singer, which I’m enjoying a bit right now. I want to sing and record my songs more and more. I’m looking forward to continue this work consistently in the coming future, and let’s see where it takes me.

Shardul Pandey: Do you own a domain name? Likewise Internet is distributed in to domain names. You must have one like as that would indeed be accommodating your fan-following independently to make some value for you. Weblog with integrated social networks to regularly keep on blogging about little things of life works wonderfully in show business. What do you think ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: As of now, it gets a little hectic for me balancing both work and interacting with my fans through social networking websites, so soon I’ll be launching my official website

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Priyanka Bhattacharya: I have only one message for my audiences and that it is: “thank you so sooo soooo much for liking my songs, my voice.

No matter how hard you work, how much you practice, if the audience doesn’t like it, it’s all a waste.

And seeing so much love and appreciation from my listeners makes me elated and grateful for their love…keep listening to my songs.”

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