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Selling Software As Proprietary Service Is Equally Bad As Selling Software As Proprietary Product Is

It is important to keep all the diversity intact upon the Internet. Therefore the best of hackers must always be living responsibly well without ever submitting to the wage slavery of limited liability corporations. Independence of hackathon has not become less important in the Internet age. 

Continuously consolidating the commonwealth of codebases for selling free software support as an hourly paid independent service to domain registrants is the best way ahead. Selling software as proprietary service is equally bad as selling software as proprietary product is.

Men must always be men, authoring their own device drivers. Even android could also get replicated as free software in such a way.

Complete 360 Degree Solution With All Social Features Like Social Login, Commenting, Sharing, Feed & More For WordPress

Super Socializer is the brand new WordPress plugin that comes packed with various social features including Social Login, Social Commenting, Social Sharing, Social Feed and more. The plugin is free and provides you trendy themes with Social Login and Sharing icons and loading time is optimal.

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Checking For Grammar & Spelling Mistakes In WordPress

Jetpack already provides you a module for After the Deadline proofreading service for improving your writing via artificial intelligence to find your errors and offer smart suggestions. It also provides a number of customization options which you can easily set from your profile (Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile).

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Google Is In The Business Of Personal Media

Personal media has become the Google’s destiny. Android, Chromebook and Google Glasses have brought Google in to it. The search engine giant Google is now very much in the business of developing personal media.

Personal media very effectively enhances individual life. Therefore this succeeds to sustain. Success stories of personal computer, tablet and smart phone are its examples through the digital history. Unlike Facebook Google is getting a much stable future. It might change the way we compute.

Top 10 Free Slider WordPress Plugins That Works

There are about one thousand (or a little bit less) slider plugins you can search in WordPress plugin repository. Most of the slider plugins comes with both free and pro versions. Many plugins are broken, some broke your website, many works and there are very few which works and looks good, both at the same time. Hence, in this tutorial we are listing some of the best free slider plugins which we have tested on the latest release of WordPress and they all are good. See which one works best for you.

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How To List Any Category Posts Inside Pages And Other Post Types In WordPress?

List Category Posts enables you to list posts from a given category into any page, post or anyother post type using the [catlist] shortcode. While creating or editing any page or post you can directly insert its shortcode and the posts will get listed there.

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How To Copy Attachment File URL Right From WordPress Media Library Archive?

WordPress media library contains all your media file like images etc which you have uploaded on your website. By default you cannot get the any media file’s direct URL  without opening it. For example: Suppose you want to use a image on some other website and for that you need its URL, so what you will do is search its name on your media library, then click ‘Edit’ button then copy its URL from right metabox. But now you can make things more easy.

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Easily Manage Content Progress On Multi-Author WordPress Sites

You can better manage your multi-author WordPress sites by marking WordPress posts and Pages as completed, partial, needing review, add notes documenting editorial needs with Content Progress plugin.

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Animate Your WordPress Site Title Using Five Different Effects

Now you can animate your website title, not that one which comes on website but the one that shows up on main title bar of your web browser’s screen. TITLE ANIMATOR is the new WordPress plugin that works out of box. The plugin enables you to animate your website title with five different effects and its very easy to use. See it live working at and

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How To Transform WordPress Into A Questions & Answers Community Website?

There are many popular question and answer websites & networks like Quora & Yahoo Answers etc. These networks enables netizens to ask specific questions on various topics and then they are answered by other users. This tutorial explains you how you can easily create a Questions & Answers website using WordPress.

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How To Add Website Owner Mark In WordPress Comments?

Highlighting post author comment is a old and popular feature but now WP Owner Mark, a new WordPress plugin lets you display a special mark only on the comments made by website owner (i.e. the site admin). There are no options and settings, its an activate & forget plugin.

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How To Insert A Table of Contents In WordPress Posts & Pages?

Just like Mediawiki websites you can also create a table of content box for some long blog posts of your WordPress site. Table of Content simply makes in-post navigation much easier and your users can easily jump to different sections of your posts they want to read. Secondly, it is also good for SEO, likewise Google and other search engines automatically shows direct links (in search results) which jumps to post sections. This article is on a free awesome WordPress plugin that enables you to create Table of Contents without any HTML or CSS coding.

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Top 5 Plugins For Enabling 2 Step Authentication In WordPress

In general people use same same passwords across all social networks and other web accounts because remembering many usernames and passwords is not always easy for people who don’t spend much time on Internet. But this is risky because if in case one of your account’s password gets hacked or cracked, it can put your other accounts in danger. Other than strengthening your passwords you can increase your website’s security by enabling a two-step authentication so that if  any brute force or hacker cracks your username & password then still they will not be able to use it without a code or token, which in most cases connected to your smartphone device. Here are some good authentication plugins you can use in your WordPress site.

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Free Software Effect Had Ascertained The Freedom Of World-Wide-Web

No how less than Linus Benedict Torvalds was influenced at beginning, founder of World-Wide-Web Tim Berners-Lee was also inspired by Richard Matthew Stallman. Very much like the Linux kernel, World-Wide-Web was about to get released under GPL. He made a request to CERN for doing so. Although before CERN made its mind, he himself switched his request on the basis of an afterthought that big corporations such as IBM would become averse to the process due to licensing issues and finally brought it free in public domain like it has been.

It was the free software effect of free software movement that has actually ascertained the freedom of world-wide-web. Indeed RMS left the greatest impact upon digital era, a lot-lot more than most widely used GPL.

How To Get Complete Control Over WordPress Menus?

You can set visibility of your WordPress site menu items, you can control access on per user role and on the basis of logged-in memers and visitors etc. Power Menus is the new WordPress plugin that provides you full control over your website menus and the best thing is that there are no extra options page, you can control everything right from the main menus pages present in Appearance section of your dashboard.

Currently the plugin allows you to:

  • Limit access to posts and pages
  • Show or hide items per user role
  • Redirect users without required access permissions to a chosen page
  • Control visibility of menu items for logged-in or non-logged-in users and more features are under development.

How To Use Power Menus Plugin?

Install and activate Power Menus and follow the steps:

  1. Visit Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus page and set the secure page under “Secure Page – Power Menus” box (this will be the page where user with insufficient access permissions will be redirected to). If the page is not set or it’s set to “None”, chosen menu items will be hidden but page(s) will be still accessible via URL.
  2. Choose menu items and set their visibility (you should see “Visible to logged in users only” and “Visible to selected user roles” section)

Popup Express: Beautiful Lightbox Popup With Email Subscription Box For WordPress

Popup Express is the brand new WordPress plugin whiche enables you to easily display a beautiful email form on popup lightbox. The popup form appears in front of your content in a lightbox overlay and makes an offer to your website visitors asking them to signup for your email list. You can turn it on/off in a button click and increase your subscribers.

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How To Set Custom Width For Tiled Photo Galleries In WordPress?

With Jetpack Tiled Galleries you can display your image galleries in three new styles: a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid. All three gallery styles are beautiful, specially the Tiled Mosaic but in some full width WordPress themes a common problem comes, default width of gallery. Sometime width defined by the theme is less than website’s actual width and in that case gallery automatically aligns itself and starts showing space on other sides which looks odd. Tiled Galleries are built to fill your theme’s content width but occasionally themes forget to set the $content_width variable in functions.php and hence Tiled Galleries auto defaults to 500px wide. This tutorial explains you how you can easily edit the gallery width according to your website’s layout.

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Top 3 Plugins For Renaming Media Files Along With Their URL Slugs In WordPress

Media File Renamer is the best plugin for renaming your image and other media files from media library. The good thing about this plugin is that when you rename files physically by updating their titles, the plugin automatically updates theirs links inside your posts. It simply update all references (like img, src, url) to the media file in its associated post. But also there are other plugins designed for media renaming with more or less features.

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How To Add User Ranking System In WordPress Comments?

Simple User Rank Comments provides you another easy way of increasing time on site using a simple game of competition. This new plugin creates and displays user rank titles based on there comment count. User ank is auto display after pseudo in comments.

How To Use Simple User Rank Comments Plugin?

The plugin is easy to use, simply install and activate it. After activation visit your admin area Dashbaord -> Comments -> All Ranks for modifying and creating new user ranks.

After adding ranks, click the ‘Save Changes’ button then open a post with comments and see how it looks like.

For manually adding user rank in your comment’s template file you can use the following code:

<?php if(function_exists('get_user_rank')) {
    echo get_user_rank();
} ?> 

Automatically Fix Up All Posts & Images After Data Import Etc In WordPress

Fix my posts! is the new WordPress plugin that lets you automatically repair all your posts and images after data-import or at the times when your database get messed up. It becomes more useful at the times when you you import posts/images from another CMS using direct SQL, it simply allows you to run an automatic wizard where it auto repairs some basic things on all of your posts one by one.

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