Migrating Your Website With Smooth Transition & Minimal Downtime

Migrating your website to a new hosting option involves several key steps to ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime. First, choose a new hosting option at Sangkrit.net that meets your needs and create a full backup of your website’s files and databases. Next, export your database and upload your site’s files to the new … Continue reading Migrating Your Website With Smooth Transition & Minimal Downtime

Automating WordPress Database Updates For Seamless Website Migration

When migrating your WordPress site to a new domain or server, it’s often necessary to perform a search and replace operation on your database to ensure everything functions correctly. Thankfully, several plugins can handle this task, each offering a unique approach to key features. The “Better Search Replace” plugin for WordPress is a powerful tool … Continue reading Automating WordPress Database Updates For Seamless Website Migration

Answers To Your Most Common Website Hosting Questions

A strong online presence is essential for everyone, businesses, organizations, and individuals. At the heart of this presence is a website, a platform that serves as a virtual storefront, information hub, or personal portfolio. However, for a website to be accessible to visitors around the globe, it needs to be hosted on a server. This … Continue reading Answers To Your Most Common Website Hosting Questions

How To Migrate Websites From Wix To WordPress Hosting?

Now you can easily migrate your website from Wix to SANGKRIT.net’s WordPress Hosting. For migrating your Wix website to WordPress, first bring your WordPress site online, you may use SANGKRIT.net’s one click WordPress install for starting your WordPress site in minutes. After WordPress is setup, install and activate CMS2CMS: Wix to WordPress Migrator plugin and … Continue reading How To Migrate Websites From Wix To WordPress Hosting?

How To Move Any Website From Joomla To WordPress?

Before migrating your Joomla website to WordPress, first make sure you have a self hosted WordPress site. We recommend you SANGKRIT.net’s WordPress Hosting as it provides you easy one click WordPress installation and free database backups, (free backup is a limited time offer). Assuming you have a WordPress site, install and activate FG Joomla to … Continue reading How To Move Any Website From Joomla To WordPress?

Powerful WordPress Plugin That Automatically Detects Change Of Domain Name And Updates Database Tables So You Can Easily Migrate Your Website

WordPress plugin Repository has a new plugin that lets you make website migration from one domain to another very easy. So next time you need migrating your WordPress site to a new domain, all you will be needing to do install and activate the plugin Automatic Domain Changer. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> … Continue reading Powerful WordPress Plugin That Automatically Detects Change Of Domain Name And Updates Database Tables So You Can Easily Migrate Your Website

How To Search And Replace Across The MySQL Database Via cPanel?

There are several scenarios where someone might need to edit or perform a search and replace operation on MySQL database tables. The reasons for editing MySQL database can be website migration, updating URLs, migrating to HTTPS, fixing errors, replacing content, etc. To search and replace across a MySQL database via cPanel, follow these steps: Step … Continue reading How To Search And Replace Across The MySQL Database Via cPanel?

How To Update Old Links After Changing The Domain Name In WordPress?

After changing your domain name, installing SSL, or changing any link on your website, the most important thing you need to do is update the links on your website. When you move your WordPress Website to a new domain name, the most common issue that you notice is all internal links to pages and references … Continue reading How To Update Old Links After Changing The Domain Name In WordPress?

How To Migrate From WordPress To Managed WordPress?

Managed WordPress provides you a hassle-free environment to run your website. It offers you automatic setup, backups, and easy software updates paired with round-the-clock online support. The new Managed WordPress plans come with an auto-migration feature that allows anyone to conveniently move his existing WordPress website to Managed WordPress. To start you just need to … Continue reading How To Migrate From WordPress To Managed WordPress?

How To Import External Images In All Or Individual WordPress Posts?

You can easily import all external images attached in your website content without going through any difficult steps instead you just have to click a button and wait till it automatically imports all your post images. Sometimes when you imported XML file, specially when you are migrating your WordPress installation to a new server, the … Continue reading How To Import External Images In All Or Individual WordPress Posts?

How To Change WordPress Site Domain Name By Editing Its Database ?

We have already discussed about changing your website domain name or URL by editing functions.php file and by editing wp-config.php file. Now this tutorial explains you how you can update your website web address to new one (when you are migrating your website to a new domain) directly by updating your WordPress site’s MySQL database.

When You Are Moving WordPress To A New Domain And Forgot To Change Domain Name In Dashboard Settings

General procedure of migrating WordPress to a  new server on a new domain is to backup MySQL database and your website root directory (public_html) then change domain name to new one on Dashboard -> Settings -> General in the text fields for WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL). This tutorial explains the solution of the problem which … Continue reading When You Are Moving WordPress To A New Domain And Forgot To Change Domain Name In Dashboard Settings