Tag Archives: Webhosting

Answers To Your Most Common Website Hosting Questions

A strong online presence is essential for everyone, businesses, organizations, and individuals. At the heart of this presence is a website, a platform that serves as a virtual storefront, information hub, or personal portfolio. However, for a website to be accessible to visitors around the globe, it needs to be hosted on a server. This is where web hosting comes into play.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to post a website or web page onto the Internet. A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a system that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed on the Internet.

Different types of web hosting services are available

1. Shared Hosting

Overview: In shared hosting, multiple websites share a single server and its resources (such as CPU, RAM, and storage).


  • Cost-effective, making it ideal for beginners and small websites.
  • Easy to set up with minimal technical knowledge required.


  • Limited resources can lead to slower performance if other sites on the server consume too much bandwidth.
  • Less control over server settings.

2. VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

Overview: VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to provide dedicated resources on a shared server. Each website is hosted on its own virtual server.


  • More reliable and stable than shared hosting.
  • Greater control over server settings and configurations.
  • Scalability: Easier to upgrade resources as needed.


  • More expensive than shared hosting.
  • Requires some technical knowledge to manage.

3. Dedicated Hosting

Overview: Dedicated hosting provides an entire physical server exclusively for one website.


  • Full control over server settings and configurations.
  • High performance and reliability due to dedicated resources.
  • Enhanced security, as no other websites share the server.


  • Expensive, and suitable for large businesses or high-traffic websites.
  • Requires technical expertise to manage and maintain the server.

4. Cloud Hosting

Overview: Cloud hosting uses a network of virtual servers that host websites, offering scalable resources and high availability.


  • Scalability: Resources can be easily adjusted based on demand.
  • High reliability and uptime, as websites are hosted on multiple servers.
  • Cost-effective, as you pay only for the resources you use.


  • Can be more complex to set up and manage.
  • Costs can fluctuate based on resource usage.

5. Managed Hosting

Overview: In managed hosting, the hosting provider takes care of the technical aspects of running a server, including maintenance, security, and updates.


  • Less technical work for the website owner.
  • Enhanced security and performance, as the provider handles server optimization.
  • Ideal for businesses that prefer to focus on their core activities.


  • More expensive than unmanaged hosting.
  • Less control over certain server settings and configurations.

6. WordPress Hosting

Overview: Specifically optimized for WordPress websites, this hosting type offers features and performance tailored to the WordPress platform.


  • Optimized for speed and security for WordPress sites.
  • Often includes pre-installed WordPress, automatic updates, and dedicated support.
  • Cons:
    • Limited to WordPress websites.
    • Can be more expensive than general shared hosting.

7. Reseller Hosting

Overview: Reseller hosting allows individuals or businesses to purchase hosting resources and resell them to their clients. This comes packed with any VPS or Dedicated Server you subscribe to at Sangkrit.net.


  • Ideal for entrepreneurs or businesses looking to offer web hosting services.
  • Provides control over allocated resources and pricing for clients.


  • Requires knowledge of web hosting to manage multiple client accounts.
  • Customer support responsibility falls on the reseller.

Each type of web hosting service has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The right choice depends on your website’s specific needs, your budget, and your level of technical expertise. Whether you’re just starting with a small blog or running a large eCommerce site, there’s a hosting solution that can meet your requirements.

Can I Host Multiple Websites on One Hosting Account?

Yes, you can host multiple websites on one hosting account, but this depends on the type of hosting plan you choose. Here’s how it works:

  • Add-On Domains: Many shared hosting plans offer the option to host multiple websites using add-on domains. Each add-on domain can have its website with separate content.
  • Subdomains: You can also create subdomains, which are extensions of your main domain (e.g., blog.yourdomain.com) and can be used to host different sections or smaller websites.

How Do I Transfer My Website to a New Hosting Provider?

Here are some lessons that may help while you migrate your website, following are the basic tips involved during this process:

  1. Schedule the Migration During Low Traffic Periods– Plan the migration during times when your website experiences the least traffic to minimize the impact on users.
  2. Use a Temporary URL– Use a temporary URL or IP address to test your website on the new server before changing DNS settings.
  3. Notify Users in Advance– Inform your users about the scheduled migration and potential downtime.
  4. Check DNS TTL Settings– Lower the TTL (Time to Live) settings of your DNS records to speed up the propagation process.
  5. Maintain Backup Copies– Keep multiple backup copies of your website files and database in case something goes wrong during the migration.
  6. Test Thoroughly– Test all aspects of your website, including forms, payment gateways, and interactive elements, on the new host before going live.
  7. Monitor the Website Post-Migration– Closely monitor your website after the migration for any issues and address them promptly.
  8. Ensure Compatibility– Check that all plugins, themes, and scripts are compatible with the new hosting environment.

By following these steps and tips, you can ensure a smooth website migration with minimal downtime and disruption to your users.

Hope this comprehensive guide on web hosting answers has provided you with valuable insights and answers to your most common questions. Choosing the right web hosting service is a crucial step in ensuring your website’s success, and we’re here to help you make informed decisions.

If you have any additional questions or need further clarification on any aspect of web hosting, feel free to leave your comments below. Whether you’re a beginner just starting or an experienced webmaster looking for advanced tips, we’d love to hear from you. Your questions and experiences not only help you but also benefit our entire community of readers.

So, don’t hesitate – share your thoughts, ask your questions, and continue the conversation about web hosting!

Choosing The Right Hosting Control Panel: cPanel & Plesk Unveiled

cPanel and Plesk are two popular web hosting control panels that provide a graphical interface for managing various aspects of web hosting environments. They both offer tools and features to simplify the management of websites, domains, email, databases, and more.

However, there are some differences between cPanel and Plesk:

The User Interface


  • Traditionally known for its user-friendly and visually appealing interface.
  • Features an organized layout with icons for different functions.
  • Icons are grouped into categories for easy navigation.


  • Also user-friendly but with a different look and feel compared to cPanel.
  • Uses a card-based interface for easier navigation.
  • The interface may appeal more to users who prefer a different aesthetic.

The Operating System Support


  • Primarily designed for Linux-based hosting environments.
  • Has a Windows version called cPanel & WHM for Windows, but it’s less common.


  • Supports both Linux and Windows hosting environments.
  • Offers a unified interface for managing both Linux and Windows servers.

Integration & Compatibility


  • May have better integration with certain Linux-based hosting environments.
  • Often seen as a standard for shared hosting on Linux servers.


  • Known for its ability to seamlessly integrate with both Linux and Windows servers.
  • Suitable for those who need flexibility in choosing their server OS.

Updates & Licensing


  • Requires a license fee, and the pricing is often based on the number of cPanel accounts.
  • Regularly updated with new features and security patches.


  • Also requires a license fee, and pricing may be based on the number of domains or subscriptions.
  • Regularly updated with new features and security patches.

Ecosystem & Extensions


  • Has a rich ecosystem of third-party plugins and extensions.
  • Many web hosting providers offer cPanel as part of their hosting packages.


  • Offers a variety of extensions and integrations for added functionality.
  • Known for its flexibility and ability to support various hosting scenarios.

Security Features


  • Provides security features like SSL/TLS management and password-protected directories.
  • Users can configure security settings easily through the control panel.


  • Offers security features such as antivirus and anti-spam tools.
  • Has a security advisor tool to help users improve the security of their websites.



  • Supports popular databases like MySQL.
  • Provides tools for managing and configuring databases.


  • Supports a variety of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Offers a unified database management interface.

Email Management


  • Allows users to create and manage email accounts easily.
  • Supports popular email protocols and features.


  • Offers robust email management capabilities with features like spam protection.
  • Supports various email protocols and integrates with third-party email services.

Both cPanel and Plesk are reputable control panels with their strengths. The choice between them often depends on personal preference, hosting environment requirements, and the specific features you need for your website or application. Sangkrit.net offers you a choice between cPanel and Plesk, allowing you to select the one that best fits your needs.

cPanel has historically been more popular than Plesk, especially in the shared hosting market. cPanel has been widely adopted by many hosting providers and is often considered the standard control panel for managing Linux-based hosting environments. Its user-friendly interface and robust feature set have contributed to its popularity. If you are unable to make up your mind in selecting the one platform between the two then go for cPanel.

Webhosting Options To Power Your Specific Business Purpose

You have already learned how many types of webhosting options are there. Now this lesson clarifies what webhosting services can be used at what specific purpose in your business. Hosting your website on a Dedicated Server is the best thing you can do but if your budget is small, many other options are also available for you.

Webhosting For New & Small Businesses

The shared hosting is cheap and can power new and small websites that just entered the internet. These hostings can be subscribed as simple cPanel Hosting or Plesk Hosting from Sangkrit.net.

Once you register or transfer your domain name at Sangkrit.net, you can subscribe to the hosting and your account will guide you how to set it up to work. The one-click application installer will auto-install WordPress and you can bring your business online yourself very easily.

Apart from this a Website Builder offers you an easier way of doing the same. It can be a choice for businesses looking for quickly building an informative website with a responsive mobile friendly design, want to sell products or receive payments online.

Webhosting For Growing Businesses

When your business grows and you start to receive good traffic, you will at least need a VPS i.e. Virtual Private Server. It offers you more resources than a shared hosting option such as cPanel and Plesk hosting, we have already discussed them above. Now VPS is something that gives you more RAM, multiple CPUs, and greater processing power so that you don’t face downtime due to a lack of resources.

Apart from VPS, WordPress Hosting is an easier option if you want a straightforward interface of preinstalled WordPress with no worries of SSL security setups, malware scanning and backups, etc.

A Managed WordPress plan can be a choice of each individual who wants to bring his business online, startup as a blogger to earn money, or want to start an Ecommerce shop. Managed WordPress is for anyone who wants to startup and grow online.

Dedicated Hosting For High Traffic Websites

A Dedicated Server is the best hosting option because on a shared hosting, the resources are shared between multiple users. A server powers multiple shared hostings that means multiple users host their websites on the same server by susbcribing to a shared hosting option.

On a VPS you get more resources as its hosting packages are more powerful but still the resources are shared.

Whereas on a Dedicated Server, all resources are allowcated only to you and that gives you more proccessing power so that your website don’t go down when a large number of requests are made in a small time.

Apart from this, Webhosting Plus is a fresh option especially created for the users who don’t have a budget of leasing Dedicated Servers or they are not use to it. Webhosting Plus offers you higher resources, with an easier interface than of a Dedicated Server and it is also cheaper than that.

What Webhosting Do I Need?

Web hosting provides you space for hosting your domain. It stores your website files. Sangkrit.net has hostings for everyone, from low budget offering limited resources to options that can handle very heavy traffic.

What hosting option you need depends on your budget. You are here for achieving success and for that you will certainly need a Dedicated Server at some point in time especially when your success starts. Having it beforehand can save you from issues that you will face while moving to a bigger hosting option everytime you require more RAM, more processing power and more database space because of sudden increase in traffic.

Still, if your budget is less, you may go for other hosting options based on your present time need. There are hosting options for everyone and this lesson will explain you how one differ from the other and what exactly you need as it is going to impact your website’s availability, and performance.

Cheapest Hosting Options

cPanel Starter is the cheapest hosting option that enables you to host one website. Cheapest doesn’t mean its worthless, it is good for hosting one website of any kind, the bandwidth is unmetered and storage is 30GB which is good as your first step online.

You can use it for hosting any dynamic website such as an eCommerce store or WordPress, Joomla or Magento etc.

cPanel Economy, this is second cheapest option. It lets you host one domain but gives you 10 MySQL databases, and 100 email accounts capacity. The core difference between cPanel Starter and cPanel Economy is that cPanel Starter gives you the power to host one website i.e. one domain having one database.

Whereas, cPanel Economy lets you host one domain but 10 MySQL databases which means you can create 10 websites on separate databases using a subdomain (example: sudomain.yourdomain.com) or subdirectory (yourdomain.com/subdirectory) option. You may create more websites using different table prefixes on one database. Well that you can do on cPanel Starter too if you want to host multiple subdomain or subdirectory sites on one database. But see the storage capacity of the database is limited.

cPanel Deluxe, lets you host unlimited websites which means you can add unlimited domains but the database limit is 25. That means you can either run 25 websites on 25 separate databases or host more websites (that’s what is unlimited) by using one database for multiple websites and you have 25 databases so you can run many websites here also. It lets you create 500 email accounts.

cPanel Ultimate enables you to add unlimited domains and lets you create unlimited databases. Gives you 1 year of free SSL subscription, more processing power, and 1000 email accounts that you can create on your own domain.

WordPress Hosting

Also called Managed WordPress, these hosting options lets you start your own website or online store in minutes.

They save you from the hassles of configuring and managing WordPress installations. They give you dashboard access with the power to start your website on your own without the need of hiring a web developer. They offer automatic setup, backups, and software updates paired with 24/7, online support.

The WordPress Hosting options include:

  1. WordPress Basic – Good for hosting one website with a capacity of handling 25,000 visitors a month
  2. WordPress Deluxe – One website with a capacity of handling 100,000 visitors a month
  3. WordPress Ultimate – One website with unlimited visits
  4. WordPress Ecommerce – Ideal for starting your own online shop i.e eCommerce website
  5. WordPress Developer – You can start and manage 5 different WordPress sites
  6. WordPress Pro – Lets you manage up to 25 different WordPress sites

Webhosting Plus

The Webhosting Plus offers you the simplicity of cPanel hosting with resources that you generally get on a server. It includes more dedicated resources than WordPress or cPanel hosting we discussed above.

This is a great option if you are hitting or going to hit massive traffic, you need more power and resources but at the same time, you don’t know how to manage a server and you don’t want to hire a system administrator.

It also includes multiple plans starting from 4GB RAM to 32GB RAM with the power of up to 16 CPUs:

  1. Webhosting Plus Launch – 4GB RAM with 2 CPUs
  2. Webhosting Plus Enhance – 8GB RAM with 4 CPUs
  3. Webhosting Plus Grow – 16GB RAM with 8 CPUs
  4. Webhosting Plus Expand – 32GB RAM with 16 CPUs

This hosting option is easier to manage just like other cPanel hostings.

VPS & Dedicated Servers

These give you complete control and no resources are shared with other users. A common hosting plan you purchase is located on a server running multiple hostings whereas on a dedicated server all resources are only for your use.

You can build multiple cPanel hostings, allocate resources to each hosting plan, you can decide how many domains each webhosting can have and how much server resources a website or hosting can utilize or you can simply allocate all server resources to your main website.

There various type of servers with higher-lower RAM and space options. But the subscription is of only two types: Self Managed and Fully Managed.

Self-Managed Servers: – These give you command line control. To manage this type of server you may either learn system engineering or hire a system administrator or you can simplify things for yourself by adding the cPanel WHM option.

Fully-Managed Servers: These servers come with round-the-clock dedicated online support from experts.

Subscribing a VPS or Dedicated Server is just like purchasing a computer machine. So while subscribing to a server what you should see is its RAM, storage option such as HDD or SSD, and processor.

How To Assign Programmers To Develop Your Website On Your Web Hosting Account?

SANGKRIT.net enables all its outlets and account holders to get help from other outlets, assign programmers to develop website or resolve technical issues on any webhosting account by allowing account owners to give limited level-wise access to other account holders.

Continue reading How To Assign Programmers To Develop Your Website On Your Web Hosting Account?