Category Archives: Homeschool

Extending Asylum To Edward Snowden Made Vladimir Putin The Most Powerful Person

Hacked emails damaging the public image of Hillary Clinton were strategically leaked throughout the US presidential campaign to dominate the global news agenda although the hacktivists did little to nothing with the information they found about the Republicans. Evidently they did so to avenge on the Democrats in power, who messed with the hacktivism.

USA historically failed to tackle the Snowden affair. The best way left to then US President Barack Obama was to let the former CIA agent Edward Snowden go calmly but his acknowledging him by ordering an overt chase resulted into another far greater intelligence failure. Thereafter extending asylum to Edward Snowden ignited another cold war that finally made former KGB agent Vladimir Putin the most influential man on planet earth.

The man who prevented Russia from becoming finally a failed state, has been consistently influential within his nation but has become globally influential since then. Immediately after the Snowden affair, he was declared the Forbes’ world’s most powerful person and is still running so for four years.

In January 2015, Last Soviet leader Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev in an interview told about the Russian leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Der Spiegel, “When Putin moved into the Kremlin, he inherited a difficult legacy. There was chaos everywhere. The economy was crippled, entire regions wanted to secede. There was a threat of Russia disintegrating. Putin stopped this process and that will remain the greatest achievement of his time in office. Even if Putin hadn’t managed to achieve anything else, he will always be credited with that.”

Still saving Snowden was a substantial move by Putin. Not only Wikileakers but all sorts of hacktivists from worldwide deeply desired that he is to be saved from falling in the hands of USA. Saving Snowden then suddenly promoted Putin amiably among that invincible force. That is how, now Putin is said to have turned hacks in Trump’s triumph.

Hacked emails damaging the public image of Hillary Clinton were strategically leaked throughout the US presidential campaign to dominate the global news agenda although the hacktivists did little to nothing with the information they found about the Republicans. Evidently they did so to avenge on the Democrats in power, who messed with the hacktivism.

Learn A Programming Language To Make Your Domain Useful In World

Sangkrit prescribes a very simple course. Learn a programming language to make your domain useful in world.

You should learn the programming language of your choice for developing the domain of your choice as per your choice. It is your free will that should get a shape to serve the humanity through internet age.

Whatever might change any ways of doing many things altogether is good enough to startup. You shall succeed if this adequately disrupts. Logically think to make the next best thing to change the world.

This might make the hacktivist movement if everybody learns at least one programming language for developing own domain to get useful in world.

Start Parenting By Registering Your Child’s Name.Com

A top level domain name is a global property. When you have to name your child, you should do so by registering the desired at to give to your child a globally unique identity along with a global value. You cannot ever gift anything with a greater prospect to your child.

From the very beginning make your child learn a programming language. While practicing that your child should develop own domain into something useful for inventing own world. It is important to learn the basic syntax for making statement to machines in order to derive a solution by making them solve many problems.

Writing programs, to make your domain work for others, is the best way to build your business of internet age. In fact everybody must learn at least a programming language for developing own domain to get useful to own world.

India’s Expanded Role In The Changing World Order Is To Get Determined By The Success Of Its Digital Drive

India is under a political thrust to move into internet age at once.

₹ 1000 currency note is no more a valid tender and India is no longer same after complete state control over cash transactions so going back is now politically impossible. India’s digitization is a task quite comparable with Soviet industrialization not because Stalin did that ruthlessly but because Russia was otherwise unprepared to play that kind of role through the second world war and thereafter.

Concurrently India is under a political thrust to move into internet age at once. It is being made feasible with a complete focus upon it. Such an immediate future would certainly emerge with a force of disrupt. Incidentally India is emerging with real force of disrupt as the top-most leaders of business and politics such as Mukesh Ambani and Narendra Modi are adequately disrupting their areas of operations.

Disrupting the parallel economies has been a core challenge to the governments but doing that in India made Modi the man of moment. He led the Time’s person of the year although the US business, ignoring Indian public opinion, decided to declare their elected president Trump as winner of their title.

The Republic of India doesn’t depend anymore on Nehruvian dynasty heading INC as only sustainable political option since BJP as the political configuration of RSS has successfully shown the political sustenance through Indian democracy.  For the first time all the politics of appeasement politically collapsed through last Lok Sabha elections.

Irrespective of any religions, people of India were considered as Hindu by the foreigners living beyond Indus river. Hindu is the name of humane integrity that keeps the humankind peacefully together despite their believing differently in different things. Still Hindus and Muslims naturally live in India altogether exposing pseudo-Arabism of Pakistan that claimed it as impossible but finally failed even to keep its Muslims’ population altogether. That is the historic proof that Pakistan has finally failed as a nation. It is quite clear everywhere that religion is no more a cementing force to keep the humankind altogether but technology has exactly that kind of caliber.

Making people understand is the only troublesome task as most of them are tended to settle down dead as data in history. They are generally afraid of going into complete details and that primary fear keeps them away from making their own decisions. Making decisions makes you awesome.

India’s expanded role in the changing world order is to get determined by the success of its digital drive so that must not get diluted for political reasons as now India’s democracy is destined to get strengthened by the success of its digital drive and not by the success of its political opposition.

Help People With Facts To Improve Their Fiction

Whenever data is worldly unavailable, it is supplied by humane imagination.

Stalin helped people invent a whole world by inventing almost everything. He invented his name, nationality, state, religion, god and public mindset as well for inventing the world’s greatest-ever empire as Soviet Union. So much imagination might have led anyone else into a mental asylum but Stalin, because of his unparalleled efforts in consistency with reality, emerged as the greatest-ever statesman.

Humankind are curious animals. Fact or fiction, they just want to know anything. Whenever data is worldly unavailable, it is supplied by humane imagination. They simply fill the blanks by inventing information. That is the way, humanity is used to work.

Therefore don’t ever hesitate in helping people with facts to improve their fiction. Signup for your free account to become a personal outlet of its globally distributed order for doing that wherever you are so that now humankind get worldwide upgraded into its internet age.

Business is the best behavior yet known and internet industry paves the best way of doing that. Ignorant people are mostly afraid of making decisions. They will come to know when you will let them know.

State And Politics Won’t Ever Deliver More Than Stalin

Technology has to finally bury all those forgotten promises that never came to be. Future finally emerges with a force to disrupt.

Anyone could get straightened through any untoward situation but give someone power and see his real self coming out in open. Stalin was time-tested both ways fully well while grown into the greatest-ever statesman, history has ever registered. Still his honesty and modesty is unseen in any of the politicians anywhere at any point of time.

Indeed he was obsessed with establishing political order at any humane cost but he didn’t amass any material wealth for himself or his family. He has been mere the maximum manifestation of state. State and politics won’t ever deliver more than Stalin.

Humankind would have to move beyond politics to get served better, the way once they historically moved beyond religion. Respectively after religion and politics that next thing is technology. Promising the paradise to the people of planet earth, there have been the icons of illusions in politics and religion. Technology has to finally bury all those forgotten promises that never came to be. Future finally emerges with a force to disrupt.

Resolving many problems altogether by replacing old ways of doing things forever is the key to startup your own business into internet age. Facilitating that everywhere hacktivists get ready to rule the world.

Respecting Richard Stallman’s free software effect up on the beginning of internet age and living without disrespecting that makes the hacktivist out of any professional programmer, startup entrepreneur or venture investor. Sangkrit is all about getting civilized like that.

Hacktivists help others in registering their domains for developing their business online and create own wealth as net worth. Hacktivists respect the private property of domain registration and consider its webspace otherwise inviolable. Hacktivists work as professional programmers, startup entrepreneurs and venture investors. Hacktivists help any startup disrupting adequately by investing into it. Hacktivists change the world by helping humankind build own net worth.

Sangkrit depends on its people in accordance with their success in encouraging peoples of all countries for registering their domains as the newest kind of private properties. That is the parameter of measuring trustworthiness. Free will, mutual respect and cooperation to create humane usefulness make this a globally distributed order well integrated within internet industry.

Thus humankind make their quantum revolutions to finally change the world as whole. The most civilized humankind is the hacktivist and Sangkrit literally means as the whole of civilized humanity.

Hacktivism Has Won The World

No! Donald Trump is not the global person of the year. Donald Trump is just another president of globally failing United States of America that he did promise to rebuild as great again for winning his election that he won only because the winning candidate Hillary Clinton got defeated by the hacktivists led by Julian Assange.

Unlike Narendra Modi, Donald Trump is the manifestation of a demoralized nationhood but the Time magazine has disallowed globally glorious Narendra Modi as its person of the year by saying that most of the votes he got were from India itself but the Time magazine as US business has failed even in accepting the changed global truth that India is now no less a world that USA is not now so forget about their capacity for proclaiming it.

Selecting a global person of the year is no more a job befitting to them since they cannot ever dare to defy their local limitation although their runner-up person of the year reflected as ‘hackers’ is the echo of concurrent global truth. The new normal of globalization is hacktivism that has won the world even through the very US presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump or through the diplomatic battles between Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and Tayyip Erdogan.

Fidel Earned His Respect Pretty Well

Fidel Castro Ruz successfully ruled his people longer than any other ruler contemporary to him. Bedeviling eleven US presidents he survived all the assassination attempts, ordered by many of them. The only possible trick to get rid of Fidel Castro at CIA proved to let him get extremely old to pass away so naturally.

Not only he did change the world himself but has seen the world changing beyond his own imagination. He himself made the times of Earnetso Che Guvevara and lived beyond that to see Julian Paul Assange finally bringing the U.S. “to its knees” and called him a hero for his “challenge” to “the most powerful empire ever,” adding, “Ideas can be more powerful than nuclear weapons.” This was said by the man who once (in his urgent message on Oct. 27, 1962 that he had then sent to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev through the Soviet ambassador in Havana) urged Khrushchev to use nuclear missiles for eradicating the United States of America, if they attacked the Republic of Cuba.

Making Cuba sovereign and socialist was most difficult then but Comandante en Jefe of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz did just that. Moreover Compañero Fidel made his people literate, women independent and Latin American countries move beyond US interference. He earned his respect pretty well.

How To Display Responsive Logo Carousel In Your WordPress Website?

Logo carousels are used for displaying logos of business partners, investors, sponsors and affiliates etc.

Unlimited Logo Carousel is the new WordPress plugin that lets you easily display it on your WordPress website to showcase anything starting from logos to services you provide on your websites.

Continue reading How To Display Responsive Logo Carousel In Your WordPress Website?

The Man, Who Finally Defeated The United States Of America

Every time US interfered everywhere but someone has shown the guts to interfere into the United States of America. Hillary Clinton wanted to drone him but he has made her politically drowned in the most hilarious way. Prior to that his patronage network saving US defector spy Edward Snowden has been a live show of real guts that proved more thrilling than all fake Hollywood hits showing poorer fiction.

Only idiots assume that he could be working for this or that government. Neither afraid of anyone nor about anything he is busy brutally shattering the facade of governments. Showing sovereign courage as the greatest netizen, he is the man named Julian Assange. After Richard Stallman’s free software effect, his impact upon internet age is proved the greatest. One of the most respected very few men in human history, he deserves being respected like that.

America is never going to become great again without respecting the man who finally defeated the United States of America. Just because it was he, who actually made Trump won, without even bothering for that. Now displaying a general disregard for the constitutional institution of democracy, every lesser mind trapped on the side of outgoing establishment questions the result that brought Trump to White House and like morons can only mourn their majority mandate.

Birgitta Jónsdóttir Has Won The Way

Birgitta Jónsdóttir has finally made the global hacktivists really ready to rule the world, the way people want them. This is going to matter everywhere onward.

Birgitta Jónsdóttir never personally aspired to become the prime minister. Beyond the electoral results of Iceland, she has very successfully won the way for all sorts of hacktivists across all the countries alike.

At the same time, India is celebrating the festival of lights. May be the hacktivists worldwide would always celebrate like this.

Who is a hacktivist?

Whoever respects Richard Stallman’s free software effect up on the beginning of the internet age and lives without disrespecting that, is a hacktivist.

Following this, not only pure hackers but like píratars and wikileakers, any professional programmers, startup entrepreneurs and venture investors can also become hacktivists. Hacktivists insist up on immunity for the likes of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Unlike left and unlike west, hacktivists work just like internet.

In the beginning questions concerning jobs and employment were not addressed adequately and still campaigns were not integrated that well within internet industry. Sangkrit insists up on doing so urgently. Once this is done, you won’t ever lose again.

Hacktivists can become very best for attracting investments and inclusion of the very best kind while running smart states worldwide. That would electorally be winning the case.

Hacktivists must adequately be addressing the questions concerning education, entrepreneurship and employment. That shall make them invincible by involving whole people around them. Sangkrit literally means involving whole people. Adapting an invincible approach in politics is quite possible now.

Birgitta Jónsdóttir has made the global hacktivists really ready to rule the world, the way people want them. This is going to matter everywhere onward.

Total Transparency Can Curb Down All Coercion In Public Life

Píratar have politically emerged as hope of humanity for relaying solid-state public facts from worldwide by making Iceland a bit haven, the way Switzerland has been a haven for safekeeping the money acquired anywhere.

Ninety-nine years after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, Píratar in Iceland have politically emerged as hope of humanity since they are about to win their way. It is not less important an event about to occur being the great October hacktivist revolution.

Píratar might be relaying solid-state public facts from worldwide by making Iceland some sort of a bit haven, the way Switzerland has been a haven for safekeeping the money acquired anywhere. That is promised to get done in immediate future and Birgitta Jónsdóttir is riding globally high on humane hopes at her hacktivist best.

Unlike Left

Hopes are high as were around the beginning of Lenin’s revolution in Russia that was then considered as good replacement for both capitalism and representative democracy but riding high on those very humane hopes, Stalin sincerely built unparalleled empire with coercion unseen elsewhere. That exactly shows that how high the hopes were then too and how much energy got produced on that basis.

Soviet Union continued for many decades by suppressing facts to maintain its fake facade. Finally Yuri Andropov tried to repair dysfunctional socialist system a little bit before Mikhail Gorbachev made his attempt on continuing that. At the same time a son of divorced communist parents in Finland, named Linus Torvalds wrote the kernel that is now successfully running the world into internet age but that too was not capable of running socialism any further. Soviet Union was unable to cope with upcoming times so collapsed without even knowing about Linus Torvalds or Sergei Bin born within its domain.

Socialism in the nanny state of Soviet Union very naturally failed. Free will is given to the humankind so that must get well respected in designing any sustainable political moves. Nanny states unnecessarily regulating individuals make only political scams such as, there is no unemployment although no one works, no one works although everyone gets paid, everyone gets paid although there is nothing to buy with the money given, no one can buy anything but everyone owns everything, everyone owns everything but no one is satisfied, no one is satisfied still everyone votes for the system. Birgitta Jónsdóttir has made this also clear “…we are not like many left parties that want to regulate citizens and create nanny states. We believe that regulation should be on the powerful, not the individuals.”

Left used to become total coercion on public life in the name of people. Unlike left, total transparency might have the power to curb down all coercion in public life. Official secrets are now past. Wikileaks has made them bit-driven facts. Here comes the need for a new kind of supportive state so that facts remain publicly open. Píratar in Iceland might make a provision of that. In a way unprecedented elsewhere, Iceland even jailed its bad bankers for causing financial crisis through society by misappropriating public money. That is also a convention worth following by free world.

Unlike West

On 27 October 2016 at 07:07 PM @wikileaks tweeted, “Party founded by former WikiLeaks producer @birgittaj (“Pirate Party”) is likely to take power in Iceland on Saturday according to polling.”. This sounds a forgone introduction for Birgitta Jónsdóttir, in whose company Julian Assange learnt the importance of getting political. Thereafter both of them duly grown apart, doing their own things and now both of them matter that separately in all respects that they earned pretty well.

The way Julian Assange represents WikiLeaks, Birgitta Jónsdóttir represents the possible bit haven. Respecting their consistency like that is going to complete the equation of total transparency in internet age. Total transparency can curb down all coercion in public life. That is the greatest thing politically possible now. If it is done. It is going to be a revolution for humankind.

Incidentally Iceland has been independent of European Union so not yet faced that influx of refugees, which brings nations face to face with the worst. Humankind has to face its worst enemy i.e. the aggressive pseudo-Arabism. It is certainly not any religion but is aggressive pseudo-Arabism in the name of a religion. It is like when backwardness becomes aggressive against forward public life. Aggressive pseudo-Arabism has been the worst enemy of humane integrity. Formation of Pakistan was a manifestation of this.

Aggressive pseudo-Arabism destroys all local naturalness by enforcing Arab way of life resulting really reactionary resistance everywhere. Although its code to get defeated is inbuilt within its this very nature but that comes with great humane cost on humanity.

Just Like Internet

Opposition to the hacktivist victory in Iceland is depending on a false allegation that Píratar could further destabilize Iceland’s now recovering economy by scaring off all investors due to their lack of political experience. In fact such opposition seriously lacks the fundamental information that hacktivists everywhere are quite capable of gathering the most of investments around them because of being at the core of internet industry.

Life is limited so you get trained direct during performance in the game of establishing order without even knowing the laws that bring you in order. That has also been a way of doing a lot better.

One Man Somewhere In A Tiny Room, Using Internet, Can Interfere In The US Presidential Election, Is The New World Order

One man somewhere in a tiny room, using internet, can interfere in the US presidential election, is the new world order. Many people of other countries, who were affected by US policies, now desire to influence the US presidential election using internet, certainly deserve that.

This time the global policeman is looking for some privacy instead so that the US people independently elect their own president. Seeing that a small country such as Ecuador has withdrawn the internet facility provided to Julian Assange concurrently living in asylum in their embassy at London since internet was used for interfering in US presidential election.

Should we respect this as their right to apartheid even in the age of globalization that they championed for or whatever but Julian Assange is not going to leave them alone and they just cannot drone this single man to get rid of him like they might have done with anybody else. Finally someone is seriously interested in interfering in the internal affairs of the United States of America, which for decades stubbornly interfered in the internal affairs of every other country on the planet earth.

Automatically Pull WordPress Plugin Banner And Title In Your Tutorials

If you are posting review or tutorial about any WordPress plugin, you can automatically display the title of the plugin, link to the plugin and the banner anywhere inside your post content to make an awesome presentation indeed.

Continue reading Automatically Pull WordPress Plugin Banner And Title In Your Tutorials

Muslim Women Can Defeat Pseudo-Arabism

Faith is personal. Politics is local. Technology is universal. Women who blog, can make all the difference. Following the Sangkrit’s program, they should become independent as per the internet age.

Aggression of Arabism into other countries has been very dangerous to this world in its pursuit of the global hegemony. An unfinished battle against this kind of threat is bleeding within Indian sub-continent.

The government of India may finally move for freeing muslim women from three divorces and four marriages. Muslim women waited very long to get this much from Indian state.

Faith is personal. Politics is local. Technology is universal. Women who blog, can make all the difference. Following the Sangkrit’s program, they should become independent as per the internet age.

Sangkrit: The Program
Powered by You: The Quantum Revolution
  1. To start own business in internet industry, simply sign up for free account.
  2. It is easiest and best for starting own business as an individual initiative because this lets you become a personal outlet of the globally distributed order.
  3. You independently work as internet growth engine, making money by helping humankind in using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure at for changing ways of doing things to startup as business.
  4. Selling something balances you best in this world like nothing else would ever do whereas Sangkrit lets you get balanced by selling everything to change the world.
  5. Simply by cleaning your place, cooking your meals, programming your world and blogging your knowledge, you may further this into your domestic entrepreneurship for family business.
  6. Bringing everybody’s business online is sure to become the biggest business of internet age and procuring online support from lets you easily expand that way so doing that you homeschool your children for successfully inheriting your family business to help everyone around.
  7. Thus you make your quantum revolution by upgrading your world into internet age and once you become successful through this course, you voluntarily pay not less than your one-day-income as due fees to sangkrit@icici using UPI or via PayPal to

Performing in a balanced manner comes through the business-wise behavior. Whatever is not useful is just nothing at all. Women mostly act business-wise while doing only useful things.

Ultimate emancipation of muslim women would put an end to the pseudo-Arabism that has been the most lethal threat to human integrity across all the countries alike. If muslim women can defeat pseudo-Arabism, the political state should also encourage them everywhere in this regard.

Make Your Quantum Revolution Now

When you start making decisions, you learn establishing order as well. The revolution is going to be quantum and Sangkrit lets you make your quantum revolution independently as follows: –

Sangkrit and his program
Powered by You: The Quantum Revolution
  1. To start own business in internet industry, simply sign up for free account.
  2. It is easiest and best for starting own business as an individual initiative because this lets you become a personal outlet of the globally distributed order.
  3. You independently work as internet growth engine, making money by helping humankind in using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure at for changing ways of doing things to startup as business.
  4. Selling something balances you best in this world like nothing else would ever do whereas Sangkrit lets you get balanced by selling everything to change the world.
  5. Simply by cleaning your place, cooking your meals, programming your world and blogging your knowledge, you may further this into your domestic entrepreneurship for family business.
  6. Bringing everybody’s business online is sure to become the biggest business of internet age and procuring online support from lets you easily expand that way so doing that you homeschool your children for successfully inheriting your family business to help everyone around.
  7. Thus you make your quantum revolution by upgrading your world into internet age and once you become successful through this course, you voluntarily pay not less than your one-day-income as due fees to sangkrit@icicibank using UPI or via PayPal to

Make your quantum revolution now following the above algorithm to program it independent of others.

We are not everyone so we do not necessarily be doing whatever everyone does. We are the revolutionary vanguard in this world. We do not even think the way everyone does.

Startup as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of internet growth engine for making your quantum revolution that can change the world.

Parenting Is Everything

Romance has only been a propaganda for selling literature. That is nothing in comparison to the joy of responsible parenting. Parenting is everything. encourages parents to homeschool their children for developing their domestic entrepreneurship into a family business. Thus they enjoy parenting fully well by getting the heavenly pleasure of setting their own paradise at home as most humane units independently reinventing universal humanity at the quantum level naturally assigned to them.

Very naturally everybody does everything for their children so leaving anything for a chance is not that good in this regard. Homeschooling your kids resolves this.

Romance has only been a propaganda for selling literature. That is nothing in comparison to the joy of responsible parenting. Parenting is everything.

Nature has mandated us to have children so we must raise them fully well. Human civilization invented marriage for accomplishing that.

Marriage is meant for upbringing of children. Sex has a solid state purpose of offspring so it should become the most responsible behavior of getting intimate only with the mother/father of your children for parenting in a better way.

That is marriage and nothing else. Irresponsible parents should severely be punished but very inventively considering the welfare of the children involved.

Internet Growth Can Cause Coercion Losing All Worth Of Currency

History has been a compulsion by coercion that shall come to an end as soon as technology shall supersede all politics once forever, the way once politics superseded all religion and left scriptures behind as unhistorical texts.

After a few decades, no normal people would unnecessarily bother about whatever happened before the internet age like concurrent normal people have not much time to think anthropologically.

History has been a compulsion by coercion that shall come to end once technology supersedes all politics, the way once politics superseded all religion and left scriptures behind as unhistorical texts. Technology superseding politics is the ultimate truth of internet age. History shall finally become a dustbin to let bygone really be bygone.

Internet age is driven by free innovation and free distribution. Success comes by the usage of utility. Usage begins by utility without any advertising at all. Markets get made by usage. Competition is won by utility.

Internet growth can cause coercion losing all currency and worth of its occurrence. Globally distributed order of internet growth engine is devoted for doing that. All its personal outlets work doing that. Individual initiatives make the difference in globalizing their world for humanity.

Defeat The Education Of Upheavals And The Economy Of Displacements

To let the internet age move further from its smartphone stage into internet of everything, you form the vanguard of revolution that is capable of defeating all education of upheavals along with entire economy of displacements by developing internet economy independently.

The industrial age began with the education of upheavals and the economy of displacements everywhere ruining families, villages and countries distributing wage slavery for accumulating free capital. Its output has left pollution all over the planet earth.

Staying away from wage slavery by developing own business is your first step to become a free man or free woman. You easily do so by becoming a personal outlet of the globally distributed order of internet growth engine Upgrading humanity into internet age becomes not only your business but beginning with yourself you make this a way of life. You find your better half in the same trade.

As free man and free woman you make a free family by developing this into domestic entrepreneurship as family business. You discard any untoward education to your children by homeschooling them.

People across all countries simply cherish swish watches and scotch whisky just because unlike any corporate corruption, domestic entrepreneurship through generations, creates a responsible consistency that actually keeps any such thing always reliable.

Your children grow to takeover the family business with a backup of your wisdom guiding them. You make a house adequately comfortable for all of you and live solidly together finally defeating the education of upheavals along with the economy of displacements.

People across all countries simply cherish swish watches and scotch whisky just because unlike any corporate corruption, domestic entrepreneurship through generations, creates a responsible consistency that actually keeps any such thing always reliable.

To let the internet age move further from its smartphone stage into internet of everything, you form the vanguard of revolution that is capable of defeating all education of upheavals along with entire economy of displacements by developing internet economy independently.

Selling Balances Like Nothing Else

Selling something balances you best in this world like nothing else would ever do and Sangkrit lets you get balanced by selling everything to change the world.

To start own business simply sign up for free account. It is easiest and best for starting own business as an individual initiative and you become a personal outlet of a globally distributed order.

Selling something balances you best in this world like nothing else would ever do and Sangkrit lets you get balanced by selling everything to change the world. Simply by cleaning your place, cooking your meals, programming your world and blogging your knowledge you may develop this into your domestic entrepreneurship for family business.

You independently work as internet growth engine and make money by helping humankind in using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. Bringing everybody’s business online is sure to become the biggest business of internet age and procuring online support from lets you easily expand that way.

Doing that you help everyone around you. You get certified also for upgrading humanity into internet age.