Tag Archives: lenin

The China Crisis

Any system collapses because of its internal inconsistencies rather than any outside conflicts.

The Soviet Union collapsed by unnecessarily exerting itself everywhere in its super power syndrome instead of pursuing the welfare of its own people within the homeland. Contrarily China has become cash-rich by following that wisdom of consecutive leaderships but now its government has also proceeded on that hegemonial path where the Communist Party of China might itself cause its collapse without anything foreign involved.

What threatens CPC more, democracies in the West and in nearby India, or its own proclaimed adherence to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought?

Exceeding the Deng restrainment, now cash-rich CPC has started economically exerting itself beyond the borders of the People’s Republic of China almost everywhere at the expense of the Chinese workers. Workers in China are exploited utmost. It is up to the extent that for decades every other capitalistic corporation used to establish its production lines in China.

This is making Chinese students from the working class background increasingly find solace in the writings of Marx and Mao. Reading radical classics thoroughly exposes the sham of Communist system to them. Gradually public experience configures their own consistency sparking independent imaginations among most of them. This makes the system seem increasingly more inconsistent with the vows of its own adherance.

Half a century back CPC pumped Maoism into India that is yet bleeding because of this. Although India reasonably refrained from retaliating by pumping in anything from Dalai Lama to democracy in return. Nor India embraced Taiwan as tit for tat to cope with China encouraging Pakistan. Whereas China brought in Russia also into this. Still not exerting unnecessarily is going to become India’s clear advantage in the future. Encouraging Pakistan has made what of the United States of America is evident in itself.

Inconsistencies within the People’s Republic of China are increasingly evident everywhere from Xinjiang and Tibet upto Hong Kong in contradiction to the Republic of China at Taiwan. Any system collapses because of its internal inconsistencies rather than any outside conflicts. This was proved true through the collapse of the Soviet system and this is going to be true with the Chinese characteristics as well.

The Power Of Sentence

Salman Rushdie said that the literature occurs at the level of a sentence but this works better with the politics that is actually made by the craft of making statements. In any democracy the politicians bid for the power by competitively creating the cleverest sentences.

For making his revolution in Russia, Lenin accumulated an unprecedented power only by wrtiting the power of sentence at its best. He didn’t even made many speeches in public before the victory of his revolution and was not even seen even by the most of his people till then.

Although Hitler accumulated all his power by orating the power of sentences at his best.

Despite not being a prolific writer or that fiery an orator, Stalin accumulated all his power by executing the power of sentence at its best. Strategicaly utilizing others’ inherent motives, he was indeed a grand master of the political chess board in practice.

The power of sentence has been a higher skill indeed than any configuration of literature in it.

People’s Personal Outlets Possess The Most Powerful Thing

Having the ideas, to make a program that works, is the supreme thing ever made.

The man considered as most powerful ever throughout the history of the political power is Stalin but the question is that what he considered as the most powerful thing ever. Whom he respected and why?

He respected Lenin utmost but the main question is that what Stalin actually respected about Lenin? There may be many more questions leading to same objective answer. Like what Stalin valued most? What Stalin did actually fear? What Stalin wanted his sons to master at? What Stalin actually disallowed his enemies to have?

All these querries could get satisfied in a single sentence. Having the ideas to make a program that works. We do have that. We are indeed equipped with that most powerful thing on planet earth that can drive the most of unprecedented manpower.

People’s personal outlets possess that power. Sangkrit is such a program leading the greatest ever movement #OccupyWebspace as more than three billion people have registered their domain names to own the internet age by now.

Unlike animals humankind make private property. Registering and developing a domain is the latest of its kind. Everybody could and should get involved into this by signing up for free SANGKRIT.net account making this the movement of everyone for everyone. Upgrading humankind into smartphone stage of internet age is the universal task.

Total Transparency Can Curb Down All Coercion In Public Life

Píratar have politically emerged as hope of humanity for relaying solid-state public facts from worldwide by making Iceland a bit haven, the way Switzerland has been a haven for safekeeping the money acquired anywhere.

Ninety-nine years after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, Píratar in Iceland have politically emerged as hope of humanity since they are about to win their way. It is not less important an event about to occur being the great October hacktivist revolution.

Píratar might be relaying solid-state public facts from worldwide by making Iceland some sort of a bit haven, the way Switzerland has been a haven for safekeeping the money acquired anywhere. That is promised to get done in immediate future and Birgitta Jónsdóttir is riding globally high on humane hopes at her hacktivist best.

Unlike Left

Hopes are high as were around the beginning of Lenin’s revolution in Russia that was then considered as good replacement for both capitalism and representative democracy but riding high on those very humane hopes, Stalin sincerely built unparalleled empire with coercion unseen elsewhere. That exactly shows that how high the hopes were then too and how much energy got produced on that basis.

Soviet Union continued for many decades by suppressing facts to maintain its fake facade. Finally Yuri Andropov tried to repair dysfunctional socialist system a little bit before Mikhail Gorbachev made his attempt on continuing that. At the same time a son of divorced communist parents in Finland, named Linus Torvalds wrote the kernel that is now successfully running the world into internet age but that too was not capable of running socialism any further. Soviet Union was unable to cope with upcoming times so collapsed without even knowing about Linus Torvalds or Sergei Bin born within its domain.

Socialism in the nanny state of Soviet Union very naturally failed. Free will is given to the humankind so that must get well respected in designing any sustainable political moves. Nanny states unnecessarily regulating individuals make only political scams such as, there is no unemployment although no one works, no one works although everyone gets paid, everyone gets paid although there is nothing to buy with the money given, no one can buy anything but everyone owns everything, everyone owns everything but no one is satisfied, no one is satisfied still everyone votes for the system. Birgitta Jónsdóttir has made this also clear “…we are not like many left parties that want to regulate citizens and create nanny states. We believe that regulation should be on the powerful, not the individuals.”

Left used to become total coercion on public life in the name of people. Unlike left, total transparency might have the power to curb down all coercion in public life. Official secrets are now past. Wikileaks has made them bit-driven facts. Here comes the need for a new kind of supportive state so that facts remain publicly open. Píratar in Iceland might make a provision of that. In a way unprecedented elsewhere, Iceland even jailed its bad bankers for causing financial crisis through society by misappropriating public money. That is also a convention worth following by free world.

Unlike West

On 27 October 2016 at 07:07 PM @wikileaks tweeted, “Party founded by former WikiLeaks producer @birgittaj (“Pirate Party”) is likely to take power in Iceland on Saturday according to polling.”. This sounds a forgone introduction for Birgitta Jónsdóttir, in whose company Julian Assange learnt the importance of getting political. Thereafter both of them duly grown apart, doing their own things and now both of them matter that separately in all respects that they earned pretty well.

The way Julian Assange represents WikiLeaks, Birgitta Jónsdóttir represents the possible bit haven. Respecting their consistency like that is going to complete the equation of total transparency in internet age. Total transparency can curb down all coercion in public life. That is the greatest thing politically possible now. If it is done. It is going to be a revolution for humankind.

Incidentally Iceland has been independent of European Union so not yet faced that influx of refugees, which brings nations face to face with the worst. Humankind has to face its worst enemy i.e. the aggressive pseudo-Arabism. It is certainly not any religion but is aggressive pseudo-Arabism in the name of a religion. It is like when backwardness becomes aggressive against forward public life. Aggressive pseudo-Arabism has been the worst enemy of humane integrity. Formation of Pakistan was a manifestation of this.

Aggressive pseudo-Arabism destroys all local naturalness by enforcing Arab way of life resulting really reactionary resistance everywhere. Although its code to get defeated is inbuilt within its this very nature but that comes with great humane cost on humanity.

Just Like Internet

Opposition to the hacktivist victory in Iceland is depending on a false allegation that Píratar could further destabilize Iceland’s now recovering economy by scaring off all investors due to their lack of political experience. In fact such opposition seriously lacks the fundamental information that hacktivists everywhere are quite capable of gathering the most of investments around them because of being at the core of internet industry.

Life is limited so you get trained direct during performance in the game of establishing order without even knowing the laws that bring you in order. That has also been a way of doing a lot better.