Category Archives: Homeschool

Algorithms Govern Better

Chinese Wuhan virus might globally cause an outbreak of a pandemic disease in more countries than covered in Chinese Belt and Road Initiative just because the local Chinese administration initially tried to cover up the matter.

Chernobyl and Wuhan disasters had a common genesis in their outbreaks. It is not that both were Communist Party controlled totalitarian states but a bureaucratic failure in timely taking necessary measures, due to their administrative denial mode in governance, actually made both the disasters occur in this world.

Sangkrit advocates for an algorithm run administration everywhere to get rid of all the corruption, negligence and ignorance in governance. Technology is readily available to take over like that. Sooner or later this has to happen after all, since agorithms govern a lot better, wherever bureaucratic wisdom lacks any necessary proficiency.

Internet Integrates Humanity

Internet integrates humanity. There is no better way of uniting humankind. Internet unity is the greatest possible form of integrating humanity.

Let us uphold our human identity along with respecting local naturalness everywhere. That is the the way of not discriminating against anyone anywhere towards the ultimate globalization.

Consolidating the overall human force is a must to make humanity survive after all. Internet has made this possible so Sangkrit stands for that.

Do Not Eat Any Meat

Chinese authorities have appropriately warned in areas affected by Coronavirus outbreak to not eat any meat and feed on vegetables instead other than not shaking hands for greeting anyone. Following this is wiser indeed globally as well.

Necessary measures are made to keep the vegetables supply adequate in such areas. People ought to refrain themselves from the harmful habit of eating meats. Eating meat is neither good for health nor safe from uncontrollable epidemic outbreaks.

Meat eating habit of humankind is a reason of global warming other than the outbreaks of uncontrollable epidemics. This is equally dangerous to both the humanity and its only abode the planet earth.

How To Protect Your Domain Names From Domain Hijack Or Domain Theft?

Establishing strong domain ownership is important to keep all your websites safe and secure as unethical hackers can attempt to transfer the ownership of your domain to someone else name and gain control over it. The act is called domain hijack or domain theft.

Domain hijacking or domain theft is the act of changing the registration of a domain name and transferring it to someone else without the permission of its original registrant. A domain owner should be aware of this act and must take preventive measure to keep all his domain names safe from such attacks. 

You can prevent domain theft by locking in your domain name because transferring any domain name to another registrar requires it to be unlocked. Hence, keeping all your domains locked will add an extra layer of protection.

How to keep your domain names locked?

To lock your domains you should contact your domain registrar or you may transfer your domain names to keeps all your domains locked by default without charging any extra fees for it. Updating any domain setting requires a domain name to be unlocked, here the automatic system unlocks and then relocked your domain only when you attempt to update your nameservers or any contact information on your domain name.

A green colour lock-unlock button is also present next to each of your domain name listing to let you manually lock or unlock your domain names.

Additionally, an instant email notification is sent to you every time your domain settings are updated.

Registering New .STORE Domain Name For eCommerce Websites

Due to the lack of short, desired names in most top-level extensions, many domain registrants end up registering a domain with some filler word, hyphen or number which are not so effective solutions because a good domain name should be short, meaningful and easy to remember.

With new .STORE domain extension you can take advantage of the uncrowded space and you are more likely to get the original choice of the domain on a first-come-first-served basis. The .STORE domain directly serves the eCommerce market so it can be a good option for your new online store to create a distinctive space for your business.

Some advantages of .STORE domain:

  1. Is new, so less crowded
  2. Help clients to remember you as a store
  3. You can differentiate between your main website and webstore
  4. Describes your business before anyone even lands on your website
  5. Websites and Blogs that sell merchandise on side can highlight their store on their website with a .STORE domain

How to register .STORE domain name? Visit, type domain name desired by you and press the GO button. The system will present you a list of available domain names. You have to select the choice of your domain name and continue with the registration process.

How to set up your online store? Once your domain name is registered, follow this tutorial to startup your online store yourself.

Swiss May Show The Way

Multi-lingual federal environ in a direct democracy is what works for Switzerland and that can certainly work for the whole world better. Swiss setup may show the way to humankind everywhere for acquiring an integrated political approach while conserving local environs through the internet age.

The Swiss system favours diversity openning up equal opporutinites to everyone involved. That is how the Swiss may show the way for curbing separatist tendencies anywhere. Separatism in the name of freedom is not independence but integrating the diversity is that. Still the local characteristics could get conserved as well.

Indo-Chinese Informal Summits Would Become Of Global Importance In Future

Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping might have unresolved differences along with adverse commitments but they are close enough to cooperate without colliding and that is great enough for determining the age of Asia to begin with. They have completed another wondeful meeting at Mamallapuram in south India. This was their second informal summit.

They met in Wuhan in central China for their first informal summit in April 2018. Such regularly organized informal summits between India and China without any official agenda works pretty well for both the ancient most civilizations and their leaderships.

Narendra Modi & Xi Jinping in Wuhan

Gradually these informal summits would acquire utmost global value in practice as both the rerising countries would independently be competing to regain their global worth lost through their past subjugations. Informal summits between the top leaders of India and China are of utmost importance not only for Indian and Chinese peoples but for every other people also on the planet Earth. As together from time to time, both the leaders might formulate a few multilateral mechanisms as well to get pursued globally by both the governments avoiding their conflict of interests. Since both the countries are sincerely determined to disallow their differences from deteriorating their relations.

Other than the informal summits of the top leaderships of both the countries, cultural exchanges among both the peoples via business, leisure and marriages could also consolidate their further potential pretty well beyond the concurrent imagination.

One Country Two Systems Is Seriously Troubled

The political economy of the People’s Republic of China could further get troubled with the lowest GDP growth on record. A trade war is escalating between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping while China accuses the West in general and the United States of America in particular for provoking protests in Hong Kong.

Whenever caught in a conflict with the oldest democracy in the world that is far away, the People’s Republic of China got good support from the largest democracy in the world that is in its neighbourhood. But recently the Chinese Government has further alienated the largest democracy also by crticising the Indian act of terminating a kind of ‘one country two systems’ in Kashmir. China has unnecessarily gone too far in its alliance with Pakistan that is constantly accused of provoking separatism and terrorism by the Indian side.

Whereas the problem in Hong Kong is continuing independently of all these factors, manifesting a failure of ‘One Country Two Systems’ policy in particular. ‘One China Policy’ showcasing ‘One Country Two Systems’ is seriously troubled with Hong Kong Administration increasingly alienating the people of Hong Kong. The government response is seemingly posing a threat to democracy in Hong Kong, anticipating any retaliation by Chinese people into a threat of democracy in mainland China as well.

Your Domain Is Your Identity On Internet

Your domain name as your full name dot something serves as your well-defined identity on the world wide web. Domain name is the newest kind of private property which can be registered and transferred, its value increases with the time you invest in it. A specialized domain name is essential if you want to promote yourself, your professional skills or your business.

A domain can adapt for a particular purpose or person to heighten its presence on the internet. If you already own or planning to start a business then a domain name will make you easily discoverable and accessible from search engines.

You may go for any suitable domain extension, though some domains extensions will have restrictions (such as .gov, .edu. etc), these extensions can only be purchased if registrant meets certain criteria. But most extensions are available to everyone including most country code top-level domains known as ccTLDs. So discover your most suitable domain name and register it today.

Make Money By Investing Time On Your Own Domain

Start with cleaning your home and cooking your meal followed by blogging your ideas, you may work as people’s personal outlet and encourage others for doing the same thing as it saves everyone from slaving others and give freedom to earn from own place.

If you are willing to blog your ideas that others find useful and interesting then subscribe WordPress to startup your blog at Once your website is online on your domain, start sharing great impact posts based on your interest. The subject could be anything you have knowledge in, your interest and expertise but it is better to stick to one subject to make your domain popular and known for that specific purpose on Internet.

Once you have the ideas generating content for your domain, use Google’s AdSense to monetize it and make income from your website. Google Adsense is an advertising program that allows anyone to put ads on his website and then profit is made every time a visitor clicks on one of the ads.

Your Empty Pocket Entrepreneurship Starts With Your Free Account

It starts with your free account, once your account is registered simply set your homepage to and start promoting your business, (see how). During the initial stage of your business, you may target the manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers to explain to them the importance of online selling from their own e-commerce website and app. You may also target individuals, professionals, and housewives to explain to them the importance of blogging and how it can help them to make money from home by investing their time on their domain.

Continue reading Your Empty Pocket Entrepreneurship Starts With Your Free Account

Use Google Business To Find New Prospective Clients

After becoming people’s personal outlet, you will need to reach out to more and more people promoting your business to get new prospective clients. Here you may use Google Business to gather contact information of businesses in your locality so that you can generate leads from them.

Suppose you live in Zurich, Switzerland, open Google search page and type ‘Businesses in Zurich, Switzerland’ scroll down and you will notice Google Business section is listing the contact numbers and addresses of businesses active there. Send them an SMS or set an appointment and visit there, do whatever you find necessary to get a deal done.

When Your Client Registers Or Transfers His Domain To

Registering or transferring a domain name is the first step, not the last and that is why it opens up many opportunities for you to work as people’s personal outlet and make money from home by serving your clients.

Depending upon the type of the client you have, you can suggest him a business website, e-commerce store to start selling his products online to finally launch his own product app.

A website is the first thing people look for after registering the domain name so here you can make your earnings either by helping them to start their website by training yourself with internet tutorials of or simply take help from the other personal outlet by sending a mail to so that you can focus on promoting your business to gain new clients and deliver the best service they deserve on time. gives you the freedom to deal with your clients yourself as it doesn’t offer any web development service or promotes any people’s personal outlet on its homepage though it connects any general outlet with the technical one on request to help him in completing his technical tasks better such as getting a web or app planned & programmed for the client.

Internet Growth Engine provides complete internet infrastructure with homepage media to train you as people’s personal outlet so that you can independently start earning from your place by helping others in bringing their ideas online.

So start helping people in understanding the importance of domain names and how a website or app is beneficial for their business. Also, try to connect with the people who already know the importance of web-app and are just waiting for a good deal.

Bringing All Businesses Online Is The Biggest Ongoing Business

Sangkrit is leading the greatest ever movement #OccupyWebspace, more than one lakh domains are registered every day and more than three billion people have registered their domain names to own the internet age by now.

So bringing all businesses online is the biggest ongoing business, which is easier to startup as people’s personal outlet at

Startup from your own place simply by registering your free account and then send this message with your name and contact number to all your phonebook and email contacts.

Register / Transfer / Host your DOMAIN NAMES at in complete internet infrastructure and for any necessary support call me up as your personal outlet + [put your mobile number & name here]

Continue circulating the message to more and more people using other mediums as well, and every time a domain name is registered by your client, it opens up many opportunities for you to increase your earnings by genuinely helping him to the next step.

This is the smartphone stage of internet age so once a domain name is registered, a website is to be made followed by a product app. When these tasks are accomplished, you should help your client in promoting his business online via blog posts and internet marketing.

Your Domain Is More Important Than Just Getting Your Business Listed In Local Business Directories

Most of the people use the internet to find products and services and that is why you see many mobile marketplaces advertising online offering local search of professionals and services near your place.

It is easy to get your business listed on such business directories but most of the businesses are simply lost in the competition and never come visible to the end-user. Here, the businesses paying to these companies to get listed on the top win.

So what is more important to you is to register your domain name to start your own business website which is relatively easy to start, inexpensive and more powerful medium to bring customers to your business because it shapes way for the netizens to land on your homepage from the search engine results page and all you need to get listed on search pages is by publishing useful posts about your products and services.

Moreover, you may list your business and website in Google Business so that netizens would easily find the directions to your local store or office via Google Maps. Unlike other business directories, Google Business is much better because it works from the Google Search which is the leading internet search engine. Hence, the chances of getting listed on top generate from what the person is looking for and how your service is useful to him and not just mere paying-off to get listed on top.

Reinvent The State In Hospitality Sector

The smartphone stage of internet age has spread everywhere assimilating almost everyone. Therefore the old aggressively extortionist state and its predatory politics must extinct now.

Netizens cannot to be oppressed like any citizens. So the new state is to be developed in the hospitality sector.

Citizenships By Advance Tax Deposits

States should start charging a certain amount of an advance tax deposit for granting citizenship to any willing immigrants. So that the netizens may freely choose the countries as per individual liking for living.

Contemporarily independent states could only be hosting humanity by innovating the best of amenities facilitating for that. Any other reasoning for their continuing independently is getting rapidly eroded with changing times.

Nation States Must Be Distributing National Dividends To Their People

A political-economic debate on charitable idea of basic income is globally going on but people are not beggers. They are the stakeholders of nation states.

How the governments could be running without earning for actual stakeholders? The national governments must be distributing a national dividend direct to their people in everybody’s personal account.

It is going to become everybody’s basic income everywhere. Sangkrit calls netizens to insist upon that.

Own Your Domain Of Internet And Make Others Also Own Theirs

Internet is distributed into domains. Not even a single bit of webspace is free from top level domains. Domain registrants actually own the internet.

Domains can be bought, owned, transferred, inherited and traded into also as newest kind of private property. You too must own your part of internet by registering your domain name at and make your people also own their domain names. Own your domain of internet and make others also own theirs to keep it growing as another universe.

Moreover helping others into this might become your serious business. Signup for your account at to become the people’s personal outlet. You may freely work as internet growth engine.