Tag Archives: humankind

Everywhere Outlet Everyone

Everywhere outlet everyone to make everything get distributed into personal apps. That is how Sangkrit spreads.

Sangkrit; as a set of wisdom that works like a human faith through all pandemics and recessions as well; is to be brought in a popular fashion simply by the individual initiatives of outlets like you are.

What makes an outlet?

Set your homepage to https://system.sangkrit.net and mail to system@sangkrit.net for any necessary support to startup trading in personal app, online support and global exposure. Moreover you should signup for your free SANGKRIT.net account also. That is how anyone becomes an outlet.

Sangkrit’s outlets are not any shops or subsidiaries but independent human-beings who cooperate. Unprecedented power of worldwide human cooperation flows through them. They facilitate for connecting everyone so that people plug and play the game of building their own net worth as made explicit at Sangkrit.org.

How does this work for you?

When you become an outlet, you release that unparalleled strength to let others also plug and play the game of building their own net worth. That builds your own net worth also. That is the way to make this work for you. That is why Sangkrit should spread.

Everyday morning, enthuse your day by going through the global media at Sangkrit.net for refreshing your necessary worldview and every night before going to bed reread Sangkrit.org as your regular reorientation program.

Human Cooperation To Defeat Divisive Distractions

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, peoples across all the countries thoroughly experienced the failing superstructure of all divisive assumptions everywhere alike. Superstitions suppress the fact that the humankind is one and all divisive assumptions are false.

Undermining all superstitions, Sangkrit stands for humankind with Internet as the unity of humanity. Universal cooperation among human beings is made easy further through ongoing smartphone stage of internet age and unleashing human cooperation is quite capable of defeating any divisive distraction. So let it be like that.

Despite all divisive distractions, domaining, blogging and sponsoring Sangkrit paves the way ahead. Follow this to build one integrated future by integrating humankind and let that become your business henceforth.

Build Fortune From Home By Following Four Fundamentals

Building fortune makes you a humankind. Actually that differentiates you from the rest of animal kingdom.

Following four fundamentals of Sangkrit lets you build your fortune from home. That also up to the mark as per the ongoing internet age. Irrespective of confusing you with any other outdated or irrelevant identity, this leads you as only humankind. Induction into this universe is simplest.

Sangkrit’s four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business with necessary social distancing are proved COVID-19-proof through these pandemic times also across all countries alike since this sufficiently prepares you for staying at home and you may be practising same thereafter also.

Following four fundamentals, you build your fortune to lead humanity through internet age. Whereas its consistent course won’t let you become poorer through the lockdown as well.

Make your own name your domain such as your-full-name.your-country-code so the world knows exactly who and where you are. Installing WordPress by registering a domain in your name prepares you fully well for a very responsible blogging. Thus you credibly contribute in fighting any misinformation around.

Your WordPress is truly free press. By regularly posting very reasonably you build your credibility as a free press. Now you do have your private property with its value increasing everyday. So sponsors looking for advertising their products monetize you sooner or later and you become wealthy forever.

Thus Sangkrit builds a saviour system for humankind into internet age, where you build your wealth by changing this world from home.

Break The Line Before It’s Late

Peoples of all the countries are compelled to fully cut-off from each-other just because their governments didn’t stop doing any business with China before it’s gone late. Now the whole world is facing its worst. Just because a Wuhan virus was not stopped then and there before its becoming a full-fledged Chinese epidemic while the world didn’t cut-off all ties that timely with China to not let it become a global pandemic. Such a social distancing was immediately necessary.

India is gone under a complete lockdown to not lose through impending pandemic times. Still India’s imposing the world’s biggest ever lockdown is not enough to save humanity but a global lockdown alongwith massive medical identification and treatment in isolation of all the persons exposed to it is awaited. That must not get delayed. Asia is endangered. Europe and America are under unprecedented attack. Break the line before it is late.

Keep The World Posted

Chinese people have suffered severely and Europe is under a seige. It is a war like situation. Humanity is under attack by COVID-19.

Victory depends upon defetaing the misinformation circulated by certain vested interests, interested in keeping all people irresponsibly ignorant. People of all the countries altogether, can certainly defeat all the misinforamtion around by the responsible blogging on their registered domains.

Responsibly blog the truth from everywhere so that the humankind may take any measures necessary to cope with the enemies of humanity. Don’t let the Wuhan spirit die ever.

Keep the world posted. WordPress is the free press. Humankind has to defeat COVID-19.

Internet Integrates Humanity

Internet integrates humanity. There is no better way of uniting humankind. Internet unity is the greatest possible form of integrating humanity.

Let us uphold our human identity along with respecting local naturalness everywhere. That is the the way of not discriminating against anyone anywhere towards the ultimate globalization.

Consolidating the overall human force is a must to make humanity survive after all. Internet has made this possible so Sangkrit stands for that.

Suppression And Separatism, Both Are Equally Condemnable By Humankind

Catelonia is the country first made in Spanish mindset that includes Catelans and non-Catelans alike. That is why Spanish government wants to prevent all outside people from forming any active understanding regarding the separatist subject, which has officially been suppressed by state.

Swiss government made an offer to mediate but that was refused by the Spanish government. Spanish law even prohibits news publishers from sharing abroad for free.

That is how even google news is not able to have any spanish news version. Local naturalness, formed only by the free will of individuals, is sustainable. Integrity of humankind is even then a globally valid greater fact of internet age that can never be superceded under no circumstance.

Suppression and separatism, both are equally condemnable by humankind. Sangkrit condemns apartheid in all formats.

A New Vocation Is Open To Everyone

Transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure is the new vocation, open to everyone.

You create a complete ecosystem from home to homepage by following a simple routine of cleaning your space, making your meals, programming your world and blog only public interest. This new routine makes you a new humankind and you inspire everybody else as well by transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. This new vocation is open to everyone. Sangkrit leads you into that. Simply signup for your free SANGKRIT.net account to startup now.

As new humankind, your children deserve a new education. Practicing a programming language for developing your domain, is the core curriculum with everything else. Developing private properties of public importance as top level domains, builds the new civilization.

Domain is the new private property whereas code under GPL is the new public property. At SANGKRIT.net people build own net worth for changing the world. Transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure is the new vocation, open to everyone.

Empowering Everybody’s Free Will With Necessary Quantum Freedom

Humankind like doing their own things, without disturbing others at all. That makes this world beautiful. But when savage people like untamed animals start disturbing others, ugly scenes are staged.

Everybody has a free will. You too. This is very much respected by Sangkrit since quantum mechanics, made of everybody’s free will , has made Sangkrit functional by not letting anybody’s free will clash with anybody’s, just to let us form free families in a free society of free men, free women and free children by empowering everybody’s free will with necessary quantum freedom.

Sangkrit respects the free will of humankind. You must be doing whatever you truly want doing without any outside pressures involved. That is your natural course.

Sangkrit facilitates for doing anything online to bring you into internet age with all necessary internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure for doing that. You control your time and space dealing with whole world as per your being useful to humanity. Thus Sangkrit constitutes your world of pleasure.

The Code Of Humankind Could Split Into Two Kinds; The Rich Kind And The Poor Kind

The social and sexual selections are causing an inescapable split up to the extent that the code of humankind could also be splitting into two kinds; the rich kind and the poor kind although the invent of Internet protocol has prevented it for the time being while everything else consistently contributes toward the inevitable split of humanity. Continue reading The Code Of Humankind Could Split Into Two Kinds; The Rich Kind And The Poor Kind