Category Archives: Free Education

Do You Know Google+ Shows Your Blog Performance Based On Search Traffic, Impressions And Clicks

Google Plus tells you how you how your website is performing on web. How many times it appeared on search and how many impressions & clicks are recorded but for using this feature of Google Plus you should must have Google+ Authorship. We have already discussed about getting Google’s Verified Authorship for your blogs. If you don’t have yet then read this tutorial and get yourself as verified as an Author.

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How To Use WordPress Shortcodes In Post Titles ?

It sounds weird but yes you can make shortcodes ready to use in your blog post and page headings. Shortcodes In Titles is a free WordPress plugin that adds ability to use shortcodes in post titles without any hassle.

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How To Display A Grab Box Showing Click To Copy Button In WordPress ?

You might have observed on some sites showing an image, video, logo or anything with some embed code with a click to copy button. Mostly these types of Grab box are found in non-profit sites promoting any cause or campaign, it was widely used in SOPA-PIPA potests. You can use this type of widget in your WordPress site too by following few simple steps given here.

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How To Bulk Install Plugins In WordPress?

Yes you can very easily install a number of plugin simply by typing their names or download URLs. Sometimes while creating a new WordPress site people like installing some of the plugins basic plugins like I always install No Page Comment plugin on every new WordPress site I create.

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Now You Can View Enhanced JetPack Stats On Homepage Of WordPress.Com

Now website owners who are using Jetpack by WordPress.Com on their self-hosted WordPress sites can view enhanced stats with more useful information on the homepage of WordPress.Com

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Shutter Reloaded: More Small And Fast (Less Than 10KB) WordPress Lightbox Plugin

We have already discussed about some of the best Light box plugins that you can use in your WordPress site. What lightbox does is, when you click an image present in a blog post or page the lightbbox plugin starts its work by darkening the rest of page showing only your image to you, it also allows you to use arrow keys for viewing different images attached to the blog post you are reading, you an press ESC or cross button for closing the lightbox and returning back to your blog post.

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WordPress Auto And Manual Installation Guidelines For Beginners

There are many different methods for installing WordPress. Some hosting providers provides you with some auto installers for WordPress, one click WordPress installer like Softcalculus etc but then also there are many new users who faces problem in installing WordPress on their web-hosting  Some people faces problem because they are new to WordPress, some are new to web hosting and cPanel or whatever they have purchased.

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How To Easily Drag And Resize Your YouTube Videos In Google Chrome ?

While watching any video on YouTube you have to go through few click for changing the resolution of the video you are watching. But now if you are a Google Chrome user, you can easily drag and resize any YouTube video.

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WP Family Tree Generator Plugin For WordPress Based Family Blogs

If you belong to a blogger family, running a multi-user blog with all your family members as blog authors having their own posts and categories then you should try WP Family Tree plugin.

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Instantly Add Encoded Events On Websites You Are Browsing To Your Google Calendar

If you are a Google Chrome user, you can easily view and create new events on your Google Calendar direct from your Google Chrome web-browser. Not only this much, you can instantly grab special encoded events from the websites you are browsing to your Google Calender from your Chrome browser.

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How To Give Instant Post Download Option In WordPress ?

You can allows your blog readers to download blog post to their computer’s hard-drive in PDF format. You can apply this post download option in both front-end and back-end of your WordPress based site. Using it’s great features you can easily manage PDF report and display post information the way you want it to be, use custom CSS for PDF files and more.

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RebelMouse: Create A Page Showing All Your Social Media Streams In Your Website

Rebel Mouse allows you to pull streams from your social accounts like Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook , Tumblr, Pinterest and more to a page in your website. This way you can keep all your social profiles information at one place. You can easily your embed code by registering yourself on RebelMouse.Com, following few steps and copy-pasting its embed code into your website.

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Easily Implement A Basic Library Collection And Circulation System In WordPress

WordPress is the only webcasting platform that gives you power to transform its default blogging feature of WordPress to different types of publishing and networking features. You can use WordPress for building a multi-author powered blogging system, a multisite network, a social networking website, a small messaging front, a video broadcasting site, a photo-blogging platform, e-commerce & shopping website and anything you like. In most cases you have a powerful plugin available that upon activation gives you more powerful features within your WordPress install. In this article we are discussing about a free WordPress plugin called WebLibrarian, it allows you implement a basic library collection and circulation system in your WordPress site.

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Quickly Send Links & Other Content From Google Chrome To Your Android Device

Sometimes while web-browsing when you find any useful mobile app or any other link then what normally you do is type that big link in your mobile browser and then you bookmark or open it. In this tutorial we are discussing about a Google Chrome app which makes this thing very easy.

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How To Add And Display EXIF Data For Images Of Your WordPress Site ?

EXIF means Exchangeable image file format. It is the metadata saved with photographs and audio by modern digital devices. EXIF data includes information like aperture, credit, camera, resolution, time, coordinates- latitudes and longitudes, shutter speed, focal length, etc which some photographers desire to show with their photographs.

In this lesson, you will learn to show EXIF information conveniently on your WordPress Website.

Exifography is a free WordPress plugin that gets detailed EXIF information on any media file. It lets you display EXIF data for your photographs and enables the import of latitude and longitude EXIF to the database. You can display this data via shortcode, by calling a function or it can be inserted automatically for the first image attached to a post.

How To Display EXIF Data In WordPress?

Install and activate the Exifography plugin, then visit your admin area Settings -> Exifography and check the EXIF data tags you like to display in the first image of all your blog posts.

Now for adding a photograph showing EXIF data, you have to simply click Add Media button on add new post page, after you upload any image it shows you the EXIF shortcode. You can use this shortcode if you have not checked the “Automatically Display EXIF” option on Settings -> Exifography page else it does it automatically in the first image of your blog post.

For the second image you have to insert the shortcode in the same way as explained above, you can select the shortcodes you want to display directly from the post add new-edit page.

By default its shows an unordered list for displaying EXIF tags but you can add your own custom HTML from its settings page’s Custom HTML section. For displaying EXIF tags in your theme by making a function call and for learning more about this plugin, refer to its homepage.

An update is here, you should know that new plugins have come and these are also tested with the latest WordPress versions. EXIF Details is a WordPress plugin that also allows you to get detailed EXIF information on any photograph. And another plugin called EXIF Caption from the same author can be used together with the EXIF Details plugin to insert the EXIF data into the caption of the media file.

Google Dictionary: Double Click A Word To Get Instant PopUp Definition

Normally what blog readers do when they don’t know the meaning of any word, they select the word, right click on it and search it using their browser’s default set search engine. But now by using a simple Google Chrome extension you can know the meaning of any word instantly by double clicking on it.

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Google Chrome Tab Packager: Do Research With A Number Of Tabs Open In Same Web Browser

If you in habit of opening a number of tabs then after some time you get messed up with many open web pages and at last you have to copy-paste URLs in may be your notepad or something, this temporarily solves the problem but increases unnecessary steps next time you try to open those links in your browser.

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How To Promote Old Blog Posts Automatically In WordPress ?

There are many different methods you can use for promoting your old blog posts. This tutorial suggests you two different methods for promoting your old blog posts automatically.

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How To Save Web Pages And Files To Google Drive?

Google docs developers have launched new Google Chrome Addon you can use for saving web pages to your Google Drive directly from your web-browser. This addon saves web pages as HTML files (also as .mht files) including CSS & JQuery in your Google Drive as one archived file.

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Beautiful Tabbed Widget For Displaying Most Commented And Most Viewed Posts In WordPress

There many WordPress plugins you can use for displaying most commented or most viewed WordPress blog posts as sidebar widget. But, in this article we are discussing about a tabbed widget plugin that lets you show most commented, most viewed, tags and more at the same time using different widget tabs as shown in the given screenshot.

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