Category Archives: Free Education

Some Useful Keyboard Shortcut Keys For WordPress Bloggers

Here is a list of 20+ keyboard shortcut keys you can use while writing your blog posts in WordPressshortcut keys are very useful sometimes while writing any long blog post and for the bloggers who are more active on their blogs and do a lot of posting and commenting activities.

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Free Website Monitoring Plugin For WordPress: Be The First One To Know When Your Blog Was Down Or Slow

Monitor.Us is the popular web monitoring service and now WordPress users has an option to use its new pluginfor monitoring their website‘s uptime and speed.

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Display Your Social Media Profiles Using Beautiful Tabs In Your WordPress Site

Social Media Tabs is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to display your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, RSS and more in beautiful tab format. You have option to use it as a widget showing tabs or you can slide it out from side.

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It Is Possible To Autopost RSS On Google Plus If You Are Ready to Spend Some Money

When you want to autopost on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other popular social networking sites you get a number of free services. There are many websites, plugins and even inbuilt auto RSS grab features in some social networking sites but when it comes to Google Plus you don’t even get a single free service that gets your job done. This is becauseGoogle Plus provides only one sided read only API. There are some plugins in WordPress (like WPGPlus & NextScripts) that uses PHP script for autoposting blog’s feed to Google Plus they have certain limitations and flaws but PHP makes itpossible there for WordPress users.

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Best Way To Thank Your Commenters For Sharing Their Ideas In Your WordPress Blog

As you website starts becoming popular on Internet, you start getting a lot of comments. Some visitors drop very useful comments that makes your articles more valuable, some just come for increasing their Page Rank, some drop comment for getting backlinks etc etc But whatsoever may be the reason comments and commenters are always valuable for yourwebsite, even those who just drop comments for increasing their PR because they come and spend time on your websiteand this is the most important thing a blogger need.

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Jetpack’s Sharing Flaw When Using Pinterest Button In 2012 And The Future Of New Sharing Technique

We all know that Jetpack by WordPress.Com is loaded with quite useful and better working features. Its sharing bar is popular among the bloggers, when a blogger get confused with wide range of sharing plugins; he switch to Jetpacksharing module. Before Jetpack sharing feature was not providing bloggers with Pinterest’s PinIt button but afterwardsJetpack added the feature of Pinning images and that was one of important update for a wide range of Jetpack user but it was not very useful for the bloggers who used to post many images or you can say more than one images in their blog posts because the main problem with Jetpack’s ‘Share on Pinterest’ button is that it automatically grabs an image attached with in your blog post for pinning and hence it doesn’t allows you to select an appropriate image you want to pin.

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WiziApp For WordPress: Create Your Own Free HTML5 Mobile App For iPhone, Android And WP8 Users

WiziApp is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to publish your App as a native App to the App Store and Google Play Market. You can easily create your own free HTML5 mobile Apps for iPhone, Android and WP8 users.

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How To Easily Download YouTube Videos ?

There are many applications available for free that allows you download YouTube videos to your computer but most of the applications are for Windows and Mac, new Linux users face problem in downloading YouTube videos because most of the applications they find on Internet doesn’t works well or they charge something. Google Chrome Store provides you many video downloader extensions like FWD Video Downloader and they work really nice but the problem comes when you try to download YouTube videos because Google Terms and Conditions doesn’t allows it.

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How To Show Trackbacks And Pingbacks As Widget In WordPress ?

There are many plugins that allows you to show your blog comments in various styles. Some allows you to display comments with avatars, some displays top commenters, featured comments etc etc. But there are very few plugins or might be this is the second one that allows you show your WordPress site’s Trackbacks and Pingbacks as sidebar widget.

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List Latest Posts From Specific Tag, Category Or Custom Taxonomy From Across WordPress Multisite Network

Earlier we have discussed about WordPress widgets that allows you to display posts from selected tags or categories in your WordPress site. Now this posts is about a new WordPress widget that allows you to show recent blog posts from specific tag, category or anyother custom taxonomy by pulling them across your network and showing them on widget.

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How To Add Google Adsense On Jetpack Mobile Theme Of Your WordPress Blog ?

Jetpack by WordPress.Com provides you a mobile theme that you can activate from Jetpack’s main page in your WordPress admin area dashboard. By default most plugins that allows you to select positions for displaying ads like Google Adsense works only in main activated theme of your WordPress site. Hence, your blog readers who visit your site from their mobile devices get none of your ads displayed.

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Using Beautiful Subtle Background Patterns InTo Your WordPress Site

Now you can easily add the famous SubtlePatterns as backgrounds in your WordPress blog. WordPress has a new plugin called Subtle Background Patterns. Its very easy to use, even it provides you an option to activate live preview feature on the front-end of your website so that you can instantly check any background pattern simply by clicking on it.

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Easily Allow Your Users To Use Custom Avatars In WordPress Without Registering On Gravatar.Com

BuddyPress allows its members to upload a custom avatar but WordPress doesn’t provides you any option to upload and use a custom avatar directly from your website, instead you have to use Gravatar.Com This is OK because provides you avatar that can be used globally in all WordPress sites simply by using your email address. But some site admins running a multi-user WordPress site face problems because they don’t get any option for uploading avatar image for the users who are  not registered on Gravatar.Com

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WP Bootstrap Menu: Make WordPress Navigation Menu Twitter’s Bootstrap Style

Twitter Bootstrap is getting more and more popular in blogging world. WordPress plugin’s repository has a new plugin called WP Bootstrap Menu, with this new plugin you can give your WordPress navigation menus a Twitter’s Bootstrap style.

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How To Add Theme Demo Bar For Previewing Themes In WordPress ?

You can allow your users to preview themes without activating them, this way you can setup a website providing different downloadable themes to your users and easily allow them to preview each theme.

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Jellyfish Counter For WordPress: Odometer Style Counter Displaying Either A Static Value Or Animates To A Set Total

WordPress plugin repository has a new plugin Jellyfish Counter Widget, it provides you an odometer type counter widget for displaying either a static value or animate it to a set of total. Great for tracking totals, not for counting jellyfish ;-)

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How To Add An Undo Button In WordPress Post Editor?

Undo is popular feature of office suites, photo editors and many other apps. WordPress by default doesn’t provides you any undo button but sometimes you can use CTRL + Z to undo a line or character but thing is very limited because you cannot use us it for many undo steps like you do in other applications.

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How To oEmbed HTML5 Audio Files In WordPress ?

oEmbed has made content embedding really very easy for bloggers, for example if you want to embed a YouTube video in your WordPress site then you simply paste the video URL and it gets embedded automatically without using any iframe code. In the same way for embedding images you simply paste the image file URL in your blog post and it gets embedded automatically. oEmbed features now comes in BuddyPress also, now by pasting any video or image URL in BuddyPress activity stream makes it auto embed.

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How To Reorder Categories And Custom Taxonomy Terms In WordPress ?

Now you know how to reorder blogs posts globally or reordering them with in a given category. This tutorial is also related to the given tutorials but here you will be knowing to to reorder post categories and custom taxonomies using the same drag and drop interface.

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BossAdmin: New Dark Style Color Scheme For WordPress Admin Area Dashboard

Once I read a question in a FB’s WordPress Group, the group admin asked his members which admin area theme they use? One person commented that he use to try new admin area themes that comes in WordPress plugin repository and then after few days he switch back to default and when new theme arrives tries that one, then back again. This way he never gets bored with the color scheme of his blog’s dashboard. If you also like trying new dashboard themes then here’s a new one for you.

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