Category Archives: Free Press

Display Custom Content After Posts From Some Specific Category In WordPress

Inserting custom content after each post can be done by adding a simple function in your theme’s function.php file or if you don’t like editing in your theme files and avoid feature lost after updates then use the Code Snippets plugin. In this tutorial we will explain you adding custom contnet after each post or after posts from some specific category in WordPress.

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Branding Your Videos With Custom Image Overlay In WordPress

You can brand videos which you have posted or iframed in your WordPress site using a branding cover or a custom image overlay. This is workable for videos from popular video broadcasting websites like YouTube, Vimeo and Sceenr enabling compatibility for embed suppliers as well. Video Overlayer, is a free WordPress plugin which provides you option to overlay an image on each and every video on your website.

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How To Implement Breadcrumb Trail Navigation In BuddyPress?

WordPress has many breadcrumb plugins and we discussed about them in a tutorial. Breadcrumbs are not just limited to blogging sites but you can also use it in your BuddyPress network. You can adds breadcrumb trail navigation to your BuddyPress site simply by adding a line of code to your template.

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How To Change Number Of Posts To Be Displayed On WordPress Blogpage?

By default WordPress displays recent posts on homepage. Blogpage, posts page or frontpage are the pages where multiple posts are shown. WordPress allows you to change the number of posts showing up on blog page, by default it displays 10 posts per page. Here we will be explaining you how to change this number to the number of posts you like showing up on your blog page or home page.

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Top 7 Popular Breadcrumb Plugins For WordPress

Likewise we have discussed in our last tutorial about breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs enables you, your website visitors and search engines to determine the structure of your website. It is a trail or a set of links showing navigation route which helps users to understand and navigate on your website’s category hierarchy. Here we are publishing a list of 7 best breadcrumb plugins you can use in your WordPress installation.

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What Is A Breadcrumb And Why You Should Use It In Your Website?

The term ‘Breadcrumbs’ generally confuses both new and old bloggers who are not the web developers, many people know breadcrumbs only by face but don’t know what actually it is and how it works. Breadcrumbs are very good functions, both for your website visitors and also for the SEO and the results displayed on search results page. Even Google has a separate team for breadcrumb.

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How To Easily Paginate Comments In WordPress?

There are a few disadvantages of showing large number of comments on one page. If your website gets a lot of comments then you must have noticed that the comments load slower than other content you have on that webpage and a long list of comments also make the navigation difficult for visitors who are willing to further the discussing by posting more comments. You can make long discussion easy by paginating the comments in multiple pages.

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How To Parse Or Fetch Selective URLs In WordPress Posts?

URL Parsing is mostly used by the social networking websites like Google+ & Facebook. URL parsing means whenever you type any URL, the service automatically grabs its details like title and description. Earlier we posted a tutorial for enabling URL parsing/fetching feature in BuddyPress with BuddyPress Activity Plus Plugin. Now, today we will explain you URL parsing in WordPress so that you can fetch any link details inside your posts, pages & other post types.

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How To Easily Identify & Use Fonts From Any Website?

Earlier we have discussed about grabbing and using colors from webpages. Now, today we will be explaining you the technique of grabbing font families from other websites. Suppose you visit a website and you like used fonts, font family, font color & font size and want to use the same on your website too. You can easily decode the font, copy and use it by following a few steps given here.

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How To Use Your Own Facebook Notification Sounds?

Facebook Notifications simply informs you when any new action is takes by the people related to you. For example: Facebook place a sound whenever a new chat message arrives. Other notification works the same way like a notification sound for photo your are tagged in or any new posting on your timeline.

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Fast & Easy Way To Manage Multiple Facebook Accounts On Google Chrome

Unlike to Google, Facebook doesn’t provides you options for managing multiple accounts from one place. In this tutorial we will be explaining you how you can manage multiple Facebook account more easily than before, even you can have all your family account in one browser. This is not about adding more on Facebook but instead the feature instantly logins you to the account selected by you.

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Easily Show Stream Of All Your Online & Social Activities In WordPress

WP Social Stream is the new WordPress plugin which enables you to display a stream of all your social media and other online activities in your WordPress site.The plugin is not just limited to social media website but it covers all major networks, web blogging platforms and popular web sites, even wikipedia and github etc. The plugin is very easy to use, all you have to do is add your usernames and starting using its shortcode [wp_social_stream], you can use it inside you posts, pages, text widgets and other shortcode supported areas of WordPress.

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Easily Hide, Save, Pin Lock Then Restore All Google Chrome Tabs In One Click

While working on many Google Chrome tabs, most of the people minimizes the browser instead of closing it. Bookmarks are also a quick way for accessing favorite websites. Sometime back we have discussed about Session Manager, the app which enables Google Chrome users to save complete sessions of multiple tabs  & and windows opened up in web browser so they can easily access them next time in same condition as they have left before.

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Easily Enable Guest Posting Feature For Unregistered WordPress Users In One Minute

Earlier we have discussed about building an account based guest posting system with WordPress. But that’s off course not for everybody. This tutorial is for the website owners who simply want to generate a for for accepting guest posts without allows any kind of new account creation. The plugin works out of box and is one of the easiest guest posting plugin for WordPress.

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Easily Get Your Pinterest Account Verified With WordPress

Pinterest verification is done with a code  provided by pinterest itself. After your Pinterest account gets verified, you will be noticing a little tick mark on your pages displaying that you do indeed own that website. The only problem or you can say difficult part in Pinterest verification process is you you either need to upload an HTML code file to your website or insert some code into your template file. Many website owners don’t like digging inside the website files, for them here’s a very easy process for verifying your Pinterest account using your WordPress website.

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How To Write Product Reviews Without Creating Any New Post Type In WordPress?

Earlier we have discussed about creating a review website with WordPress, but that method activates a new post type whereas in this tutorial we will be explaining you how you can write product reviews without adding any new custom post type. WP Product Review is plugin which adds in-depth reviews & ratings features to basic WordPress posts. The bloggers make regular posts but at the bottom of the page, the plugin will ask you if this post is a review or not. If you select “Yes, it opens up a whole bunch of extra fields and makes it easy for you to list product’s features, its pros and cons, you can add a product image and add other review details.

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Receiving Android’s WhatsApp And Other Notifications On Laptop

Android Desktop Notifications is an awesome app which works same as advertised.  The app enables you to receive your Android notifications on your Google Chrome or Chromium browser. You can use it on your desktop, laptop or enevn on your Chromebook for connecting your Android device with your computer’s Chrome browser. It works with all popular messengers, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts and hence you are stay informed even when you are busy working on your computer.

For using Android Desktop Notifications you will be having to install Android Desktop Notifications Chrome Extension on your browser and install its Desktop Notifications Android App on your Android phone or tablet.

After installing the apps:


After installing its Android app on your smartphone it will randomly generates a code. Now you will be having to enter that code in the settings of this extension in order to start receiving notifications.

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Now from its apps settings on Android, turn on the desktop notifications and select and enable the apps for notifications as shown in the given screenshots:

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Finally, your browser is ready to receive notifications from your android device:

You can also enable ongoing notifications like downloads progress and timers etc and set it to send both text and content as notifications to your chrome browser 6

You can also enable ongoing notifications like downloads progress and timers etc and set it to send both text and content as notifications to your chrome browser.


How To Sync Any Facebook Page Photos & Albums To WordPress?

This is not just about importing and managing Facebook photo albums on to your WordPress website but you can bring in photos from any public Facebook page into your WordPress media library simply by using the FB page slug. FB Photo Sync is an incredibly powerful and free WordPress plugin which is very easy to set up, manage, you can sync FB photos & albums and to display any album with all photos to a post, page, post type etc via shortcode.

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Increase BuddyPress Networking With Friend Of Friend (FOAF) Connections

Buddypress Friend of a Friend (FOAF) is a new block present inside each member’s profile page and displaying a “Friend of a Friend (FOAF)” display. BuddyPress network admins having BP friends feature enabled then your friends will have their friends. Their friends will also have friends and then again these friends will have friends. So there becomes “social paths” inside your members friends lists. It visualizes nearest path to the member whose profile is visited by another member in your BuddyPress site community and as the world is small and you’ll see that most users know each other – because their friends are friends and so on.

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Best Twitter Bootstrap Accordions & Shortcode Plugins For WordPress

We have spend hours in selecting and providing you very cool list of some of the best shortcodes and accordions which gives you power to transform your free simple WordPress theme into a professional looking theme loaded with cool amazing features. You can use them for beautifying your website like adding awesome buttons to editor which provides you plenty of handy shortcodes for bootstrap based designs, buttons, frames, responsive embeds, icons, lists, infoboxes, responsive video embeds and loading your website with many great packs of shortcode styles.

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Top 5 Awesome Audio Player Plugins For WordPress

Want to create music playlists or if you are willing to sell music on your website or whatever. The following plugins are tested on latest WordPress version of 3.8.1 and then included in the following list. If you are just looking up for a simple music player with basic controls then no need to install and plugins, WordPress already provides an audio player you can use for including and playing music files inside your posts etc, a few days back we discussed about it here. We have also discussed about Audio Player plugin which is among the most popular audio plugin in WordPress plugin repository. Now if you still need more the check out the following plugins and use the one works best for you.

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