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Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.

4522 Articles

How To Enable Password Protection & Multi-user Accounts In Google Chrome?

Just like Chromebook (where you can log into any Chromebook machine using your Google Account, and that feels like you are working on  your own Chromebook), one can also login/logout to any Google Chrome browser (on any other operating system) and use it in his personalized settings.

This tutorial is ofcourse not about Chrome login & logout instead it is about an hidden trick you can use for making your Chrome a multi-user web-browser or in other words you can say password protecting your Chrome Account while making other people use Chrome with Guest Account or using their own Google Accounts.

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How To Show Authors Only Their Post Comments In WordPress Admin Area?

Default WordPress functionality shows all comments (in admin area) to all registered authors in your website. In this tutorial we will show you how you can restrict comment visibility in admin section so that authors can see only comments posted on their articles.

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Connecting A USB Pen Drive To Your Android Phone

All Android phones and tablets have a micro USB port in them which is generally used for charging the device, transferring files & sharing internet. However, most of the Android users don’t know that micro USB port can also be used for connecting USB pen drives and SD Card Readers (for memory cards).

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How To Set Comments Cessation On Per Post Basis In WordPress?

It is easy to set comment expiration date on per post/post type basis in WordPress. Comment Expirator plugin enables you to close comments, pingbacks and also trackbacks on your posts, pages and custom post types on an individual basis.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Brittany Mason

I am from a small farm town in middle America, so I guess you could call me the all American girl with big dreams.  At a young age I became very motivated, I had a difficult upbringing but I always would day dream of the life I wanted to one day have. I started setting goals at a young age and working towards them. At the age of 16 I signed with my first modeling agency and moved to NYC. Later that year I competed in teen pageants and won Miss Teen Indiana. I competed at nationals and won America’s Southern Teen, after winning nationals I represented the USA at Top Model of the World in Germany against 52 countries. I came in 2nd place, at this time I was only 17. My life changed in a big way in a very short time. That is how my career began. Since then I have traveled the world working as a model, to places like London, Paris, Milano, and more. I feel so blessed to be living the life I always dreamed of. I believe in community service and giving back so I started a movement called I AM POSSIBLE. My message with I AM POSSIBLE is that no dream is out of reach, I work with students on character building, and building better communities. I encourage them to use their voice and hope to empower the next generation so they understand that nothing is impossible, the word it’s self says “I’m Possible”

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Top 5 Services To Generate Cartoons From Photos

Sometime back we have discussed about Cartoon Photo (Android App). It is an automatic cartoon generator for Android which enables you to convert your real photos into cartoon like pictures in just one click. There are various other free online services that allows you to generate cartoons from your real life photos.

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