Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
Social media sites can be used as a powerful marketing platform. Sometimes especially newbie bloggers and website owners promote their content irresponsibly and the automated system of social networking websites blocks them from posting the content.
NIC Photo Editor is the brand new WordPress plugin that lets you create absolutely amazing graphics direct from your WordPress admin area dashboard. You can merge multiple image and convert them in to single then save your canvas image in WordPress media library and finally insert them inside your blog posts and pages etc.
Earlier we discussed about the plugins you can use for displaying tag clouds inside an individual page. Now this tutorial explains your how you can beautifully display your website categories, tags and (OR) other custom taxonomies in a columns.
BuddyPress Activity tab displays the site wide list of status updates and other activity streams. This article explains you how you can get tags from each new blog posts activity and display the most commonly used ones.
There are many features in WordPress that doesn’t provides you any admin area setting and option pages. WordPress Helpers plugin opens up those missing settings you wish were there in WordPress and gives you control over them.
Using WP Elegant Testimonial you can show testimonials inside your blog posts and pages. The plugin is easy to use and you can insert testimonials without any limitation on number of testimonials you display on a specific page or post. You can insert as many testimonials as you want using shortcodes.
Now you can easily create your own custom ribbons in your style, color and place them on the top-right, top-left, bottom-right or bottom left corners of your WordPress site. Custom Ribbon Maker lets you generate ribbons in a very easy and user friendly way.
You can easily encode mailto and plain email address links on your WordPress site and hide them from spambots. Email Encoder Bundle is a free WordPress plugin that plugin works directly when activated. Simply install and activate it, after activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Email Encoder Bundle plugin option page and check where you want options to take effect like you can enable it on all posts, comments and text widgets. You can set it to automatically encode both mailto and plain email addresses links, you can set class for mailto links and there are few more useful options.
Neon lighting means brightly glowing, electrified glass tubes or bulbs that contain rarefied neon or other gases. This tutorial explains you how you can easily create neon light style logo images for your company, business, social media pages, for using it in your website etc.
WP Admin Theme (Lime Green) is the new lime green colored admin area theme for WordPress site owners. The plugin activates a different style layout in WordPress admin area. There are margins on the left & right, text becomes a little bit bigger and color changes to black and lime green.
Now you can easily integrate the Clicky web analytics service by Clicky.Com into your WordPress blog. Clicky by Yoast is a free WordPress plugin that provides easy integration of clicky web analytics to self-hosted WordPress blogs. The plugin is easy to setup, simply install and activate it the visit its admin settings page and enter your Site ID, Key and Admin Key and you are done. It immediately starts working.
With WP Mailto Links plugin you can easily protect all email addresses and mailto links from spambots and being used for spamming. The plugin is easy to use and configure.
After you post your articles you can automatically display latest news related to your content in your WordPress site as a sidebar widget. Google News Widget is a simple but powerful WordPress widget plugin that activates a configurable widget for each of your post showing related news article links from Google News depending upon your post tags and categories.
News CPT is a powerful and complete WordPress plugin that allows you to publish news article from your WordPress blog. All news posts are added as custom post types and are accessible with address YourDomain.Com/NEWS. It also provides you a news taxonomy and is compatible with default taxonomies like tags and categories in your weblog. The plugin activate a sidebar widget which you can use for displaying recent news items.
Using Multiple Post Thumbnails plugin you can add multiple thumbnails (featured images) in your WordPress blog posts. The plugin is specially created for bloggers who wants more than one Featured Image on a post.
By default when someone clicks any external link on your website he gets redirected to that particular site. This article explains you how you can easily display a custom message with social links or advertisements for few seconds after your visitors click any external link and gets directed to a new web address.
Game Captcha is a different, funny and interesting style you can use for stopping spams coming to your WordPress site. FunCaptcha – game CAPTCHA is a free WordPress plugin which is also compatible with BuddyPress & Contact Form 7 and even it works very nicely on every desktop, all browsers and mobile device systems.
Here is a list of five good working plugins you can use for suggesting Windows and Mac users about the advantages of Linux, and providing links to selected distros etc.
You can very easily display a simple, light weight but beautiful page and post view count icon and number in the frontend of your WordPress blog posts and pages. The plugin allows you to select where you want to display view count. You can display it on posts, pages, archive page and even on post extracts on category and tag archives by ticking the check box present on plugin options page.
UpTimeRobot.Com is free service that allows you to monitor your website’s uptime. Now by using its free WordPress plugin you can get log messages for your website’s uptime directly in your admin area dashboard.
Post Formats is a theme feature introduced with WordPress Version 3.1. It is basically a piece of meta data that can be used by a theme to customize its presentation of a post. WordPress Post Formats feature provides a standardized list of formats which are available to all themes that support the feature. Here is a list of ten popular free WordPress themes that supports post formats.