Category Archives: Homeschool

Prevent Your Clients From Deactivating Plugins In WordPress

Earlier we have discussed how to prevent your client’s from changing themes on their WordPress sites and keep using the theme you have designed for them.

We have also discussed about disabling plugin and theme installation/update functionality in WordPress and customizing admin area user interface. In this lesson you will learn how to remove deactivate links on plugins list.

Continue reading Prevent Your Clients From Deactivating Plugins In WordPress

Easily Disable Theme Changing In WordPress

Webmasters probably spent lots of time in customizing, creating and adding more specific features to theme for their client’s website and if by mistake your client switches to a new theme, deletes the old one could result in disaster.

So if you are also a website designer using WordPress to create client websites then here is a code snippet to remove “Themes” menu from “Appearances” section in your admin area dashboard.  Continue reading Easily Disable Theme Changing In WordPress

Enable qTranslate X Multilingual Framework For WordPress All In One SEO Pack

qTranslate X is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to add user-friendly multilingual content management and translation support in your WordPress site. The plugin is an up-to-date fork of qTranslate, it comes packed with many more additional features.

Whereas All in One SEO Pack is another plugin that provides you SEO functions to automatically optimize your WordPress based website for various popular search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo etc.

In this lesson you will see how to use both of these plugins together to optimize your multilingual website for Google and other popular search engines.  Continue reading Enable qTranslate X Multilingual Framework For WordPress All In One SEO Pack

Embed Any Reddit Discussion Inside Your WordPress Post

Sometimes when you or someone else submits your article to Reddit, the discussion goes on and one and the link gets more Reddit comments than comments on main article’s page on your website.

In this lesson you will learn how to easily embed any Reddit discussion in your WordPress site so that your users would be able to join Reddit conversations directly from your WordPress site.  Continue reading Embed Any Reddit Discussion Inside Your WordPress Post

Locate What And Where Shortcodes Are Being Used In WordPress

When moving away from a theme or plugin that utilizes a lot of shortcodes in your WordPress site leaves broken shortcodes inside your content.

So when deactivating a shortcode plugin or switching to a new WordPress theme requires you to make sure none of your posts, pages and other custom post types have no outdated shortcodes to break in process.  Continue reading Locate What And Where Shortcodes Are Being Used In WordPress

Ellipsis (…) To Hide Specified Number Of Characters In WordPress Post Title

Earlier we have discussed about forcing post title characters limit to a defined number. Likewise display title on search engine results page is limited to 70 chars and hence last characters after 70 are automatically trimmed.  Continue reading Ellipsis (…) To Hide Specified Number Of Characters In WordPress Post Title

Easily Prevent Concurrent Logins In Your WordPress Site

Default WordPress installation allows users to login to their account from multiple locations at the same time. For instance: More than one user can login to one WordPress account and make changes. This is sometimes useful but it may compromise the security of your WordPress site.

Earlier we have discussed how a WordPress user can logout from all devices, sessions and locations easily from one place. This can be done from Users -> Your Profile page simply by clicking ‘Log Out of All Other Sessions’ button.

We have also discussed about setting WordPress to automatically logout idle website users by displaying a custom message.

Now today, in this lesson you will learn how you can disable concurrent logins on your WordPress site.  Continue reading Easily Prevent Concurrent Logins In Your WordPress Site

Translate WordPress Themes And Plugins Directly From Your Browser

With Loco Translate, a WordPress plugin you can edit PO files and localizing your WordPress site themes and plugins. It provides you a translation editor and provides you features to create or update language files directly in theme or plugin.  Continue reading Translate WordPress Themes And Plugins Directly From Your Browser

Design Contact Form 7 To Fit Your WordPress Theme

Contact Form 7 is a popular WordPress plugin for generating various types of contact forms in your WordPress site. But the default layout of contact form is plain and very simple, so in this lesson you will learn how to redesign it to match your website theme.  Continue reading Design Contact Form 7 To Fit Your WordPress Theme

Generate And Save Avatars Locally On Your BuddyPress Networking Website

In this lesson you will learn how to create and save avatars locally on your BuddyPress site, get rid from generic WordPress avatars and avoid calls to Gravatar for displaying user avatars.  Continue reading Generate And Save Avatars Locally On Your BuddyPress Networking Website

New Multisite Auditor For WordPress Multisite Networks

Now you can properly audit your WordPress themes and plugins for large multisite installations running 1000+ websites. You can access detailed report on data and statistics for each any every theme and plugin you have installed on your network.  Continue reading New Multisite Auditor For WordPress Multisite Networks

WP Advertize It – Collectively Show Ads From Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate And Commission Junction In WordPress

WP Advertize It works collectively for Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate and Commission Junction. With this plugin you can insert ads anywhere on your WordPress site:  Continue reading WP Advertize It – Collectively Show Ads From Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate And Commission Junction In WordPress

Easily Create Top Corner Ads In Your WordPress Site

You can display ads with turning animation on any top corner of your WordPress site. Corner Ad is a WordPress plugin that allows you to make use of your webpage’s top corner for promotion and advertising.

The plugin can be used for displaying announcements, newsflashes, any event or anything else you like promoting on your website.

The plugin allows you to create multiple ads and then display them selectively on posts, pages and other custom post types with the help of shortcodes.  Continue reading Easily Create Top Corner Ads In Your WordPress Site

Extend WordPress TinyMCE Color Picker With Lot More Colors

By default WordPress color picker button on TinyMCE editors shows you limited color options, it allows you to use a custom color but selection box is limited to limited color shades.

In this lesson you will learn how to extend WordPress TinyMCE color shades to more color options to choose from.  Continue reading Extend WordPress TinyMCE Color Picker With Lot More Colors