Category Archives: Homeschool

How To Add SMS Sharing Button In WordPress?

There are various plugins that allows your users to share posts on social networking websites. Earlier we have discussed about adding Whats App sharing button in WordPress, read:

  1. WhatsApp Sharing For WordPress Can Increase Your Website Traffic
  2. Enable WhatsApp Sharing Button In Jetpack Powered WordPress Site

Now you may also activate SMS sharing button so that your users would be able to share your content by sending links to mobile numbers via SMS.

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How To Make MediaWiki Responsive And Mobile Friendly?

Default MediaWiki installation is not programmed to go responsive on many mobile devices  (i.e. smartphones and tablets). It is not mobile optimized and hence you will have to use additional skins or extensions to make a responsive MediaWiki website.

Otherwise your website may be difficult to view, with menus, layouts and media, not appearing in the best place on small screen devices.

In this lesson you will learn about completely optimizing your MediaWiki website for mobile devices, implementing a responsive layout to make it look good on all screen types.

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How To Bulk Delete Pages In MediaWiki?

Default MediaWiki installation doesn’t provides you any feature to delete multiple pages at once. And no matter how many protections are active, spamming will always be present to a certain level unless you are running a completely private wiki.

Bot flood is the most common attack that happens on most wiki websites. In this attack, one or more vandals may attempt to run bots that can edit, move and create new pages at a very high speed and upload unwelcome versions of images.

As said by MediaWiki developers, “This is the most frequent kind of vandalism on most wikis and usually done for spam purpose.” We have already discussed about enabling ReCAPTCHA on MediaWiki in order to minimize such type of spams.

Now today in this lesson you will learn about deleting spam and unwanted pages in bulk on your MediaWiki installation.

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How To Clear “Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance” Message In WordPress?

Core automatic upgrade feature was introduced in WordPress Version 2.7. While doing automatic upgrade WordPress places a file named .maintenance in your website’s root directory.

The file is shown during automatic and manual updates made from WordPress admin section. But sometimes when WordPress fail in completing the update process (especially when your PHP memory is hitting its resources or during some communication error etc), it keeps showing, “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.” message on every page of your website.

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Autoptimize Your WordPress Website Minimizing JS, CSS & HTML

When it comes to optimizing your WordPress website, the question comes, how to? Now no worries, in this lesson you will learn about automatically optimizing your website and minifying JavaScript, CSS and HTML files which are pushed into header when you activate new plugins and themes in your WordPress installation.

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How To Hide Main Page Title In MediaWiki?

You can also hide main page title on the home page of your MediaWiki website via CSS. Changing ‘Main Page’ title is also one option to get rid from ‘Main Page’ H1 heading text but then it starts to show small ‘Redirected from Main Page’ text on your wiki’s home page.

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How To Use Google ReCaptcha On MediaWiki Website?

Like all other lively websites, MediaWiki is also a common target for spam bots. As soon you get backlinks and your website is listed on search engines, it becomes easy for spammers to find your website and use it for the promotion of their products or web content.

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Google’s New App Will Link Android Watches To Apple iPhones

Google is now trying to pursue iPhone users. The new app by Google is going to link Android watches to Apple iPhones. Likewise, till now Android watches were only programmed to work with Android smartphones. Similarly, Apple Watches are designed to be used exclusively with iPhones.

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Remove Query Strings From Static Resources In WordPress

Google uses page speed to rank any website on its search results page. Hence, removing query strings from static resources improves the performance of your website.

This not only betters your performance on SERPs but also enhances user experience, because no one wants to visit a website that takes lots of seconds to load.

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Android Pay – Google’s New Mobile Wallet App Is Now Available

Android Pay is Google’s second mobile wallet app (after Google Wallet). It is fast, secure, tap-pay-done app, now officially available for download at Google Play.

It works with all NFC-enabled Android devices (running KitKat 4.4+), on any mobile carrier, at every tap and pay ready location across the US.

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How To Remove Built-in User Roles In WordPress?

Subscriber, editor, author and contributor are built-in WordPress user roles. In case you have already created new user roles using popular User Role Editor or any other plugin and now you don’t need default WordPress user roles on your website. You can easily remove them by creating a new PHP function.

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What WordPress Should Do Next To Overcome Security Flaws?

WordPress is the most popular website designing and publishing platform written in PHP. It is becoming better from update to upgrade but there are some very important functions; Automattic (the company behind WordPress) must work out and provide its users in future updates.

Like all other online applications WordPress is also not 100% secure, it can easily be hacked if the user has not implemented any security functions on his website.

There are plugins, apps and online tools that enables you to increase the security of your WordPress site but they are packed with useless and heavy code causing unnecessary load on the resources of your website.

Don’t you think some important security features should be included in WordPress core to make it easier for netizens to secure their websites and save themselves from online threats.

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Scan WordPress Core, Theme & Plugin Files Against Originals

It is very important to watch your WordPress core, plugin and theme files for injected malware code.

In this lesson you will learn about scanning every single bit of your WordPress website core, themes and plugin files against their original version present in plugin and theme repository at

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Auto-Copy All Google Chrome Tabs (Links & Titles) To Clipboard

Now you know how to auto-suspend unused Google Chrome tabs or track and undo them. We have already discussed about managing all tabs from one place and also about hiding, saving, locking then restoring them anytime.

Now today this lesson is about a very useful feature you can enable in your Google Chrome or Chromium browser.

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How To Auto-Convert WordPress Post Title Into Proper Case?

Earlier we have discussed about converting post content into proper case. We also posted lessons on automatically converting first alphabet to uppercase after full-stop and beautifying content text by auto-fixing case, punctuation etc.

Now in this lesson you will see how to convert your WordPress blog post title in proper case with a click of a button.

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