5 Pinterest Security Issues You Should Know About: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-pinterest-security-issues/
Category Archives: Homeschool
Don’t Rename Your Pinterest Boards
Renaming Pinterest board is not a good idea. As soon as you rename any Pinterest board the associated web address (permalink) also get changed and all those shared links on different social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc and also Google archives redirects the user to Error 404 page. Not only this much but all those Facebook likes again start from zero.
New Facebook Page Features You Might Don’t Know
How to Reposition an image preview on your Wall?
- Open your Timeline.
- Scroll to the image you want to fix.
- On the right hand side of the image click small Pencil icon.
- Click Reposition and use your mouse to adjust the image.
Note: You can also reposition your Timeline’s Header Image
How to Edit Facebook Comments?
- Open the page where you have commented.
- Right hand side of your comment; there is a pencil icon.
- Click it. It gives you two options Edit and Delete.
How to Schedule Facebook Posts on Pages?
- Open your Facebook Page.
- In share box where you write your posts, there is a small clock icon on the left.
- Click that small clock icon and follow the instructions.
How to export a Facebook Event?
- Open your event page.
- There is a button Create event and on its right side there is a drop down button, click it.
- Now click Export Events.
How to Post on Facebook from Email and Mobile ?
- You can even post an update to your Facebook Timeline (wall) using email and SMS.
- Move to your Page >> Click Admin Panel >> Click Update Info >> On the Left Sidebar Click Mobile.
Now copy that secret email address and,
- To upload a photo, email the photo to this address and include a caption in the email subject line.
- To update your status, write in the email subject line and leave the email body blank.
There are more options available check them all. You may signup for SMS etc.
How to edit the name and description of the link you have shared on Facebook?
- After you type the link address on Facebook it fetches the link name and description.
- If you want to edit link’s name (title) then click it on its name.
- If you want to edit description then click on the description and edit it.
How to Allocate Roles to Page Admins ?
Facebook Page provides option for the page administrator to give different roles to other people like you can make someone page manager, moderator, advertise etc.
To allocate roles move to your Page >> Click Admin Panel >> Click Edit Page (dropdown) >> Click Admin Roles.
How to check the number of People viewed your Post Organically vs Virally ?
Yes you can see how many people have viewed your posts on your Facebook page. You may check it by hovering on “X people saw this post” .
Where Organically means fans and Virally means friends of fans.
How to see pages that liked your page?
Open your Page >> Admin Panel >> New Likes >> Click See All.
If you have any questions ask me here
Russian Blackhole Malware Attack Is Hitting Twitter
Blackhole malware attack is spreading on Twitter. It claims that you are pictured in an online image and give you a link to that image using Twitter’s public messages and when you click that link it redirects you to Russian websites that attempt to infect Windows PCs (better use Linux) using some notorious Blackhole exploit kit. Since late 2010 Blackhole exploit kit is grown to be one of the most notorious exploit kits. Now it is spreading thousands of malicious links targeting twitter users.
WordPres Spam Words And Moderation
Here are words widely used in spam comments. Adding them to your moderation list protects your site from spam trackback and comments. Just copy-paste this list in your wp-admin/options-discussions.php (if using WordPress)
What is Moderation ? WordPress Comment moderation allows you to prevent comments to appear on your webiste before your approval. It can be useful for addressing Spam Comment.
How Moderation Works ? A new comment goes through many WordPress tests before appearing below your post. If comment fails one of the test conducted by WordPress then it goes to spam list, where you can approve or trash that particular comment. That’s how comment moderation works.
Akismet is a better option available for WordPress users for blocking Spam Comments.
Following is spam word list (released by WordPress) to add in your WordPress wp-admin/options-discussions.php
508 Resource Limit Is Reached
It means that your website is hitting some hosting resource limits. This can be checked from time to time from cPanel ‘Resource Usage’ icon. If you are getting this message continuously then it would be better for you to upgrade your hosting account. Sometimes it comes because of inefficient website software.
Pirate Bay block effectiveness short lived data suggests…
The Pirate Bay block effectiveness short-lived, data suggests- http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-18833060
Google Plus takes over Facebook on customer satisfaction
Google Plus takes over Facebook on customer satisfaction- http://daily.bhaskar.com/article/SCT-SOM-google-plus-takes-over-facebook-on-customer-satisfaction-3557137-NOR.html
Verify Your Google+ Business Page
- Make your Google+ plus business page if you don’t have one.
- Your Google+ page should be authorized by your business, organization, brand or product etc.
- Your Google+ page’s profile should have a link to your business’s website.
- Your business’s website should connect to your Google+ page. This is done by adding the Google+ Badge/Code
- People (near about 999) must have added your Google+ page to their circles.
- You must be authorized as administer.
- Contrast your page with Google Terms of Service and Google+ Content – Conduct Policies
- Visit: http://support.google.com/plus/bin/request.py?hl=en&contact_type=page_verification&rd=1 fill in the request form and send it
- Now wait for approval.
Google Introduced Handwrite For Mobile And Tablet Search. Now Use Your Fingers To Search The Web
Google Handwrite is a new way for searching web by using your finger to write and search in your smartphone. After voice search now Google introduced new search feature Handwrite. It enables you to search anything anywhere by writing letters by moving your finger on the screen not by typing from keypad.
Start using Google Handwrite:
- Go to Google.Com in your mobile browser.
- Tap on Settings persent at the bottom of your screen .
- Enable Handwrite
Whereas in tablets, Search settings are available as an option behind the gear icon. As you can see in the folowing image:
After you enable Handwrite feature:
- Activate writing surface by tapping Handwrite icon present at bottom right corner of your screen
- You will be noticing search autocomplete below your search box as you type a few words.
- If you find any option appropriate then tapp it to search or continue your writing for longer queries.
- Use arrows (present next to the autocompletions) for moving the right option into the search box.
[iframe][/iframe]Help:We designed Handwrite to complement rather than replace typing: with the feature enabled, you can still use the keyboard at any time by tapping on the search box. Handwrite is experimental, and works better in some browsers than others—on Android devices, it works best in Chrome. For now, we’ve enabled Handwrite for iOS5+ devices, Android 2.3+ phones and Android 4.0+ tablets—in 27 languages.
Convert UTF8 strings to UTF16 using SIMD SSE…
Convert UTF8 strings to UTF16 using SIMD/SSE instructions: http://woboq.com/blog/utf-8-processing-using-simd.html
Know Your Current Public IP Address Using Google Search
- Open Google.Com
- Type ‘ip’ (without single quotes)
- Press Enter
- First number you see is your public IP address.
- Click Here to check it now
Shared by Hacker News
Get all those images your friends took with…
Get all those images your friends took with you, forward and backwards in time (Introducing Flock) – http://blog.bu.mp/introducing-flock
Facebook Is Down 5.32% Today
Facebook Is Down 5.32% Today: http://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ:FB&0726
Google Apps Status Dashboard
Google Apps Status Dashboard offers you the performance information on Google Services (Apps). It applies to both consumer services and for organisations using Google Apps Services. You can visit Google Apps Status Dashboard anytime to view current running status of App Services. You may switch to its RSS feed.
- Green Dot means No Issues
- Pink Dot means Service outage
- Orange Dot means Service disruption
Move Across WordPress Draft, Pending And Publish Post Statuses
Don’t use register_post_status before init. Register Post Status is a function used to create and modify post status based on given parameters. register_post_status() function is located in wp-includes/post.php It accepts following two parameters:
- $post_status means a string for the post status name
- $args means an array of arguments
<?php register_post_status( $post_status, $args ); ?>
(Following example registers “Unread” post status:
function my_custom_post_status(){
register_post_status( ‘unread’, array(
‘label’ => _x( ‘Unread’, ‘post’ ),
‘public’ => true,
‘exclude_from_search’ => false,
‘show_in_admin_all_list’ => true,
‘show_in_admin_status_list’ => true,
‘label_count’ => _n_noop( ‘Unread <span class=”count”>(%s)</span>’, ‘Unread <span class=”count”>(%s)</span>’ ),
) );
add_action( ‘init’, ‘my_custom_post_status’ );
- label is a descriptive name for the post status marked for translation.
- public – Set true to show posts of this status in the front end. Defaults to false.
- exclude_from_search – Set true to exclude posts with this post status in search results. Defaults to false.
- show_in_admin_all_list – Defines whether to include posts in the edit listing for their post type.
- show_in_admin_status_list – Shows in the list of statuses with post counts. Example: Published (12)
- label_count – The text to display on admin screen or you won’t see status count.
Google Talk is down
Find A Perfect App In Chrome Web Store By Taking A Little Help From Your Google+ Friend Circles
Now Google Chrome Web Store helps you to share all your Google Chrome’s items in your Google+ Circles. You may do so by finding them in Chrome’s Web Store and clicking +1 (located in store detail page).
And by clicking “From your circles” (located in Chrome Web Store’s category menu) you can review different apps and themes recommended by your friends. Now it is easy to find right app, you would be getting app suggestions from Chrome Web Store on the basis of all that apps +1’d by your friend circle in Google+.
AdSense Toolbar For Google Chrome
AdSense Publisher Toolbar is a Google extension which help you to access AdSense earning reports very quickly. It displays its report on the same page which you are reading.
It gives AdSense Publishers two different ways to access real time information about your account. It shows your AdSense earnings for the last day, present day, last month, present month . It also displays revenue data for top channels created by you in your AdSense account.
With Pop-up account overview you can view the following:
- Summary of account earnings (today, yesterday, this month, last month)
- Top 5 custom channels (with selectable date range)
- Top 5 URL channels (with selectable date range) And
- Lifetime revenue
In-site ad overlay provides you following options:
- It overlays for both adunit-based and legacy AdSense ads for the logged in user
- It overlays for DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) tags on overlay-enabled domains
- Provides instant summary reporting on adunit-based AdSense tag overlays
- Provides instant summary reporting on legacy AdSense tags with custom channels
New in 3.x:
- A cleaned and light overlay.
- Supports for AdExchange Seller publishers.
- New panel with Ad Details
- Provides URL blocking in the Ad Details panel
- Provides creative blocking for ALL Ad Review Center users
- Feedback and Reporting on problems related to Ads
After you install AdSense Toolbar Extension it connects with your Google AdSense Account and uses AdSense API in the process of fetching your earnings data.
How to Make Money on the Internet ?
Is it possible to add a Page Tab…
Is it possible to add a Page Tab to an external link of some other website. I mean page navigation menu that is at the top of WP blog and I want to link a page tab from there to an external link of some other site.