Category Archives: Free Education

How To Restrict Certain Pages And Posts To Logged In WordPress Users ?

Restrict certain posts or pages for logged in users of your WordPress site using a simple admin interface. You can very easily hide few, all or none of your website pages or posts.

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How To Modify Colors In Your WordPress Theme Without Editing CSS And PHP ?

You can modify default colors of your WordPress theme using color picker. You can change them in bulk like invert all colors, use grey scale etc.

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Free Contact Form Plugins For Your WordPress Site

There are many free and premium contact form plugins available for WordPress sites. I have been looking for a light and simple contact form plugin for my site. I searched it and found many but most of the sites that provides list of contact plugins include both premium and free plugins, its fine but steps and time increases for the people looking for only free plugins because they have to visit plugin’s site and look is it free or not. Here the list I am posting contains only free WordPress contact form plugins. Check it out and use what works best for you.

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Enforce Automatic Creation Of Links From Words Across WordPress Multisite Network

Easily enforce automatic creation of links over given words across WordPress Multisite installation. WordPress plugins repository is having a simple, light and powerful plugin that allows you to do so. It works in single WordPress installations too.

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30+ Shortcodes For Your WordPress Site

Get support for more than 30 useful shortcodes in your WordPress site. Easily create buttons, boxes, different sliders, quotes etc. Using Shortcodes Ultimate, a WordPress plugin you can quickly and easily retrieve many premium themes features and display it on your site.

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WordPress Widgets For Displaying Posts By A Set Of Tags And Categories

There are two good working WordPress plugins available that allows you to display recent or random posts from a set of tags or categories in your WordPress site’s widget areas. All you need to do is Install-activate them and you display posts by categories and tags from Appearance -> Widgets page.

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Control Every Single Widget Visibility On Different Pages Of Your WordPress Site

Widget Manager Light gives you control over every single widget (including custom widgets) visibility on different pages of your WordPress site. After activating you can easily control widget visibility while adding any widget to sidebar or any other widget area.

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Manage Buddypress Email Notifcations Settings On One Screen For All Members

New BuddyPress plugin allows you to manage notification system for all of your BuddyPress site members. Admins can manage all notifications settings including notification settings added by other plugins. After activation settings are applied to new members indivisibly. You can also disable access to notifications page for all members if you like.

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Automatically Add User Defined Tags To Your WordPress Blog Posts

Add tags automatically rather than manually. Using Automatic Post Tagger plugin by Devtard all you have to do is create a list of tags with related words for each of them and this plugin automatically adds relevant tags when a post is published or updated. Also it offers you the feature to import those tags which are already present in your database and assign them to all posts.

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Easily Create 125*125 Banner Ads In Your WordPress Site

You might have seen some sites displaying 125*125 static banner ads. WordPress repository has a plugin that provides you feature to create these banner ads easily. They can be run on specified number of days, and will automatically be taken down. It track clicks too.

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How To Stop Hotlinking Via .htaccess?

Hotlinking means showing images from other sites which increases bandwidth usage. You can stop Hotlinking in your WordPress site. All you need to do is open .htaccess file present in your WordPress root directory and the given code.

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .(gif|jpg|swf|flv|png)$ /feed/ [R=302,L]

Dynamic “To Top” Button For Scrolling Long WordPress Pages Back To Header

WordPress plugin repository has a beautiful, automatic and dynamic “To Top” button to easily scroll long WordPress site pages back to the top.

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