Category Archives: Free Press

How To Enable WordPress Users To Toggle (View/Hide) Passwords On Login Screen?

Masking, the bullets that generally appear whenever you type any password on any website is a general practice you can find on most websites and applications. This was just designed to prevent other people from looking and memorizing your passwords from your screen.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Subin, A PHP Programmer & WordPress Developer

Shardul Pandey Talks To Subin, A PHP Programmer & WordPress DeveloperI welcome you Subin at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

My name is Subin. I am a programmer, blogger and a web enthusiast. I blog about programming related subjects, code solutions and the latest tech news. PHP is my favourite language and is a big fan of jQuery JavaScript library. WordPress is my favourite CMS and MySQL is my favourite Database. I create projects, play with code and blog about the problems and solutions I faced in creating projects whether it’s a bug or something else.

At what age what actually brought you up to programming and consequently programming WordPress? Why do you enjoy it?

I started programming when I was 11 years old. I only got into WordPress in 2013 and I created and published my first plugin “Blogger 2 WordPress” in 2014. I enjoy programming, because it relaxes my mind. When I code, I enter into a new world. A world where I forget all my problems in life and focus on the task in hand. Coding makes errors and I try and try to find solutions to those errors. When I find the solution, it is stuck on my mind and I’ll never forget it. Programming is a lot like Maths. You won’t like it first, but when you get around it you will find it enjoyable.

Tell us about the plugins and apps you have created so far?

By far, I have created 2 WordPress Plugins – Blogger 2 WordPress & Code Blocks. Blogger 2 WordPress makes it easy to set redirections from old blogger posts to new WP posts (and pages) after you moved your blog to WP. I have created a lot of web apps. Some of them are online and some of them in localhost. My first online app was Subins which I made it online in 2012. It was just a test app of mine. Nothing serious. I didn’t know much about hacking & cracking when I created it. So, it was vulnerable to Cracking. Soon after 1 year, my friend (Facebook) cracked it. I deleted the data on Subins just a day after it was cracked. Now I’m working on my blog ( and an open source social network called Open ( I’m also working on a new project which I can’t say about it now.

Suppose if you were reviewing any new plugin then what are the most important things you look for that indicate a well-designed program?

The most important thing is that the plugin shouldn’t contain any errors. A simple semicolon (;) can make a big error in plugins. Syntax Errors is the main error, plugin developers must notice. Also, plugin developers must make sure the plugin work on almost every versions of the language and server. A well designed plugin will work flawlessly at great speed. If you are running the plugin even on low memory CPUs, it should work well. So there are 3 main factors (maybe more) in a well designed executed plugin :

  1. No Errors
  2. Compatibility
  3. Environment

Your website shows a project section with links to Open & Demos? Tell us about them?

Open is an Open Source Social Network. Anyone can edit the source code of the site. There are no ads, no tracking stuff and anything else on Open. It’s clean, simple and have the ability to post to Facebook & Twitter at one place. Demos is the sub site of my blog. This site contains the demos of the tutorials, code or projects seen on the blog.

You have no Advertisements on your blog? Do you have any plans to go pro in blogging and earn money?

When I started blogging, all I could think about was money ! I placed ads at first. But when I went through the blogging, programming and contributing to Open Source Softwares, I understood that Ads are a distraction to the users. Ads make the site slow too. No one likes ads. So Why put it in a info blog ? Information should be passed free of charge. So, I removed the ads and put on the “Donate” button ( If people really like my content, they will donate. Also, the revenue from ads are low. Google Adsense rejected my application when I had 2 $. That made me angry and it’s also a reason why I’m not putting ads anymore.

How much time you spend working on your domain and writing programs? What philosophy drives you doing this?

When I return home from school and after I finish all the home works and stuff, I turn on the computer and start coding. I make up ideas of posts and projects on the free periods of my school and write it down. Then I do it when I reach home. On holidays, I use the computer from morning to noon (about 2 PM) and from evening (6.30 PM) to night (11.30 or more if I got an error). WP plugins help users to do big tasks with just a plugin. Open Source minded programmers always help people. I’m an open source minded person. WP philosophy “Code Is Poetry” and StackOverflow ( helped me into doing this.

How about your parents? Is either of them involved in programming fields?

My parents are normal Kerala persons. My dad is the “Assistant Secretary” of Ayiloor Panchayat, Palakkad, Kerala and my mom is an house wife. She worked as a computer teacher before teaching Windows 98 and stuff. I’m sure that the coding & computer stuff came from my mom. My dad always supported in coding and always made me walk through the right path. He scolds me when I say “I hacked someone / website”. Hacking is wrong and he made me understand about it.

What are you working on today? Any new plugin?

I’m now working on a project like WordPress, but not entirely like it. I can’t say more about it now. When I release my new project, I will certainly invite you. I created about 5-6 plugins. 2 of them WP and others jQuery & PHP. It’s hard to maintain all of them. I’m very very busy in maintaining blog, plugins and school stuff. I will improve my existing plugins and when I get a new idea, I will make another plugin.

Tell us something about your city and your favorite hangout spots there?

I’m from Kerala , a state in India. I’m living in Kunnamkulam, a town (muncipality). Nothing big here. I don’t go out much. But my favourite places are the paddy fields and the streets where I could walk or ride a bicycle peacefully.

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

Never stop working hard. If you work hard, you will certainly accomplish your task. Never copy content from others. Always make your own stuff. Don’t hack / harass any person on the Internet. Always be a good netizen and speak up when you find something illegal or bad behaviour. Never fear. There are millions of nice people in this world who can help you. Don’t hesitate to ask for answers on disucssion forums and Q & A sites ( Stay safe and simple.

How To Receive Email Alerts For Post Changes In WordPress?

On WordPress multi-author websites, there are a lot of things you need to keep eye one. Like if you want to allow limited number of external links, you have various conditions on productivity and content you want your authors to write etc etc. Keeping an eye on new posts is easy and that you can do without installing any additional plugin or adding any PHP hack etc but when it comes to the edits made of old blog posts then what to do? Here’s easy way of monitoring post changes made on your website.

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How To Activate & Deactivate Plugins Right From WordPress Admin Bar?

Sometimes, specially while working on client websites and when installing many plugins for testing purposes to see which one works best for you, it becomes very irritating to again and again visit plugins admin page for deactivating plugins. This tutorial is on a plugin that makes this job easy by enabling you to quickly toggle plugin activation status from the WordPress toolbar. Best for developers.

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How To Easily Reorder WordPress Admin Menu Items?

Here’s the most quick and very-very easy way of re-ordering WordPress admin area menu items. Admin Menu Reorder is the brand new plugin from WP Idiots. The plugin works completely live and allows you drag & drop for reordering menu items on the go.

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How To Hide Some Tags From Lists & Clouds In WordPress?

You can keep some specific tags hidden from tag lists and tag clouds of your WordPress site. You can very easily specify a list of tags whom you like keeping hidden and these selected tags will go invisible for your website users and won’t show up on the places like tag clouds and post tags lists present below the post etc while keeping their archives safe and accessible.

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WP Bootstrapper: New Easy Twitter Bootstrap Classes & Shortcodes For WordPress

WP Bootstrapper is new Twitter Bootstrap plugin for easily integrating new Bootstrap with your WordPress site. The plugin is easy and fun in use with classes and shortcodes. To start simply install and activate WP Bootstrapper.After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Bootstraper and here you can enable or disable diffent parts of Bootstrap. Use of this plugin is very easy with shortcodes and classes as shown below.

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How To Select Classic 1 Or 2 Column Admin Setup In WordPress?

Two Column Admin is the new WordPress plugin that provides you the ability to select from the classic 1 or 2 column setup on your dashboard in wp-admin. There are no configuration settings, install, activate the plugin and then use “Screen Settings” in the main dashboard view to select one or two columns.

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Enable Admin Column View For Easily Organizing WordPress Pages

WordPress posts and pages differ ins the same way tags and categories differ. Yes, the hierarchical view. Pages can have sub or you can say child pages just like categories. However when displayed in WordPress admin area, the child pages of parent page are displayed with a dash — before them which is fine for most WordPress users but there are many website owners who has a lots of pages and child pages and also other hierarchical custom post types and then it becomes difficult for users to find child pages. Here’s the solution, you can enable admin column view for better organize pages and other hierarchical post types.

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How To Display WordPress Post Archives In Compact View?

If you are blogging from a very long time and established a blog with huge amount of content, then the default WordPress archives widget is ofcourse not for you, it can be pretty long and messy. Here’s the solution, in this tutorial we will show you how you can display archives a good looking compact form instead of displaying a long list of months.

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Make Things Easy For Your Website Users By Providing Them Easy Documentation Through WordPress Dashboard

Simple Documentation, a free WordPress plugin makes things really easy for your website users by allowing to display a list of reference material to access in admin area. In simple words, this plugin helps webmasters/developers to provide documentation through the WordPress dashboard because you are on a stage where dashboard widgets are nothing and you don’t even look at them but there are many other users, specially the beginners, dashboard widgets are the first thing where they start looking up for the solutions or you can say answers.

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Best Way For Minifying HTML, CSS & JavaScript To Speed Up WordPress

Minify in WordPress simply means removing all white spaces from code which works as a great trick for speeding up your website and reducing resource usage. On one hand these spaces make the code more readable for programmers where as on other hand servers and also web browsers don’t like it. So here comes the use of an application that can automatically minify your website’s code rather than manually doing this job. WP Minify integrates the Minify engine in your WordPress installation which combines and compress JavaScript and CSS files for improving the page load time.

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Best Plugins For Optimizing & Managing Database Tables In WordPress

Generally there are two ways webmasters use for optimization database tables, some do it via phpMyAdmin which works from your webserver or your web hosting account and the other way is using a database optimization plugin which is more easy and user friendly way. There are hundreds of database optimization plugins available in WordPress plugin repository which confuses the new WordPress users.

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Best Plugin For Creating Multi-Column Post Content In WordPress

There are many plugins available for creating columns, we have tested many of them and found that Advanced WP Columns plugin provides you beautiful way to set up your website content into multiple columns using easy user interface, without using any shortcodes. It also provides you with its Online Video Tutorials & User Guide.

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How To Show Recent Videos From A YouTube Channel To Your WordPress Site?

If you have a YouTube channel for your website, you can very easily display all latest videos from there to your WordPress site either by using a widget or by using shortcodes inside you pages etc. Youtube Channel Gallery lets you display a YouTube video and a gallery of thumbnails for a YouTube channel.

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Enable All In One Easy Responsive Video Embeds For YouTube, Vimeo Etc In WordPress

Sometime back we posted a tutorial on how you can easily make all your website images fluid i.e., responsive and make them look nice on all screen sizes, no matter what the width and height you have given. We also posed a tutorial on keeping YouTube and Vimeo videos proportional and smooth according to the screen width. Here we are not discussing about any new plugin but the most popular Shortcodes plugin known as Shortcodes Ultimate, the plugin supercharges your WordPress site with a wide range of shortcodes which can easily be inserted using its easy shortcode generator. Same plugin can be used for embeding YouTube, Vimeo and all other kinds of videos very easily.

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How To Enable @ Mentions Feature For WordPress Comments?

When posting a new comment, you can enable a new functionality for users to directly mention the author of another comment in WordPress. The feature is similar to popular Facebook and Twitter mentions, comments can use “@” symbol. Mention comment’s Authors by Wabeo lets you enable this functionality in a very easy way.

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Easily Generate Carousel Galleries From Images Attached To Posts In WordPress

Carousel-of-post-images provides you completely integrated jcarousel Image Gallery shortcode and function call that enables quick and easy galleries generated from images attached to posts. Photos inside the gallery are selected from either all images attached to posts, or from images attached to a specific post. By default it selects 10 random images from all posts.

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Top 3 Mobile App Plugins For WordPress

UppSite – Go Mobile (iPhone, Android, HTML5) is among the most popular plugin that transforms your WordPress site into a mobile app. You easily start by using its free features and then you can upgrade to its pro features. it includes wide range of features and options. Watch the following video:

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Transform WordPress Into A Podcast Website

podPress enables a lot of features specially designed to transform WordPress the ideal platform for hosting a podcast.OR if ypu like doing things more professionally you can use our special service for easily creating and hosting a beautiful Podcast website which provides you blog and podcast in one, you can learn more about its options and features here.

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How To Manually Add Extra Fields To Media Files In WordPress?

Media Extra Fields lets you manually add custom fields for media files and you can use them while uploading new media like images etc in your library. The plugin has been created to add as extra field to media uploader while adding media to WordPress at the time of creating new post etc.

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