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Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.

4521 Articles

Top 3 Free Websites For Creating Beautiful Photo Colleges

Photocollage is a collection of various cut and pasted photographs assembled in some stylish way. Here are some of the best free websites that allows you to create cool photo college collections, download them to your hard drive or share them directly to popular social networks.

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Enable Upscaling Of Thumbnails (Small Attachments) In WordPress

By default WordPress is not set to upscale small images and hence you are never guaranteed a certain size for a featured image format. This tutorial is on a simple WordPress plugin that enables upscaling of thumbnails for small media attachments in your WordPress site.

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How To Import iTunes Music List To WordPress & Display Song Listings ?

Tune Library allows you to import XML iTunes Music Library file to your WordPress database and there after you can show up your complete music listing on any page of your WordPress site (View Demo).

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Powerful Featured Category Widget For WordPress

Featured Category Widget is specially designed for website owners for whom the Featured Post Widget is not enough. There are many different featured category widgets but this Featured Category Widget plugin is highly customizable and provides you a number of display options and features.

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How To Make Default WordPress Navigation Menu Sticky ?

T&P Navigation Menu is the new WordPress plugin that automatically sticks your website’s default navigation menu to top of the webpage when your visitors scroll down the page.

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GIFGIFS: Free Public Domain Animated GIF Image Collections You Can Use In Your Website Etc is a free GIF animated image provider service which provides you various collections of free public domain images which you can download and use in any media sharing website, social networks, your own website or blog, email, slideshow, print it etc.

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How To Easily Convert HTML5 Videos To GIF Animated Images Right From Your Web-browser ?

MakeGIF Video Capture is a Google Chrome app that allows you to capture HTML5 videos direct from your web browser and turn them into GIF image animations.

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How To Instantly Check Multiple Domains For Page Rank & Alexa ?

You can easily check page rank of multiple URLs at once, in a single click without going through any spam filter hurdles like CAPTCHA, Math etc.

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How To Limit Post Title Characters In WordPress For Better SEO ?

Display titles in search engine results like Google etc is limited to 70 chars and hence last characters of posts & pages having title of more than 70 characters get trimmed from the end.

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Show Your Latest Tweets With Fade In-&-Out Effect In WordPress

Tweet Fader is a WP widget plugin which uses jQuery for displaying your latest single tweets with a fade in & fade out effect in your WordPress site. The plugin requires a Twitter application so first you will be needing to create your app from Twitter Developers Page Here.

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India Can Certainly Create A Twenty Trillion Dollar Economy Within Ten Years

SANGKRITdotnetCan India create a twenty trillion dollar economy within three to ten years? Yes! It is neither impossible nor difficult. Cooperating for its due growth with is a sure-shot option and it is always open. globally runs following program that could indeed be very helpful in doing so: –

  1. Encouraging women through all social environs for registering domains in individual names and using WordPress as free press for domestic entrepreneurship in global market.
  2. Encouraging freedom of internet through the onion routes in p2p mobility beyond android.
  3. Discouraging client-server architecture of world-wide-web.
  4. Discouraging master-servant architecture of society.

First of all it must be understood fully well that India is a developing country and would remain one for many decades to come. Following with that understanding will really be helpful. Unleashing domestic entrepreneurship among the people of India with global market at disposal will change the scenario within no time. At least ten million domain names should get registered in individual names for using WordPress as free press and business toward that. Within ten years India can certainly create a twenty trillion dollar economy on its own.

Powerful 4in1 Intuitive Slideshow Plugin For WordPress

Meta Slider is a powerful flexible, intuitive slider plugin for WordPress. It provides you 4 different jQuery sliders you can use with custom options and features.

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No Political Party Has A Clear Road-Map To Overhaul The Legislative Chaos In India

parliamentPublicity always dis-activates the public rationale. To propagate for anything, knowledge is not necessary. Unlike hackers, who have to get the things done, politicians usually make promises about doing. Since the people make no constant entity through the long run so the political hope is always worthwhile despite repeatedly proving futile.

No political party has yet shown a clear-cut road-map to overhaul the legislative chaos in India. None is telling in a legislative way that for doing what they are seeking a mandate. What they are seeing and showing is that they want to form the government, which has systematically proved very lucrative to them. India is no small player in upcoming media of Internet so the situation can only change by giving it due respect.

Easily Dispay News Bulletin In A Lightbox Overlay In WordPress

WP News Bulletin allows you to publish news as a CPT and display them in a sliding sidebar widget, when a news headline is clicked it gets displayed in a lightbox overlay from where your users can read full news articles.

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How To Temporarily Stop All Outgoing Emails In WordPress ?

If you need you can temporarily stop all outgoing emails from your WordPress site (there are a lot of reasons). Stop Emails is the new WordPress plugin that silently stops all outgoing emails from your website.

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Bring WordPress Admin Area Post Management Features To Frontend Of Your Website

Earlier we discussed about a few WordPress plugins that makes frontend post editing possible but are limited to content editing purposes only. This tutorial is on a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create, edit and manage all your blog posts with media, taxonomy terms etc direct from the frontend of your website.

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How To Customize Colors Of New Twenty Thirteen WordPress Theme ?

Twenty Thirteen is new vivacious color WordPress theme released with WordPress 3.6 update. This tutorial explains you how you can quickly and easily change color strategy of this new WordPress theme for your branding etc.

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