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Responsive Web Slider To Split And Rotate Images In WordPress

Rift Slider is the new responsive slider for WordPress which splits and rotates your slides. It is an image slider plugin which allows you to create image slides with text and content and attach them to a carousel. You can display your carousels on your website and show off exciting information in a unique way to your website visitors. The plugin uses the latest transformation techniques for splitting the images and use effects to give a unique feel to your image slider.

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You Were Discussed And You Are Destroyed

spy-netSovereign intelligence used to come out of covert spy games where it was believed that players must not get discussed publicly. A typical Mossad curse was used to be, “May we read about you in newspapers!”. The moment you were publicly discussed, you were actually destroyed forever. Glory has never been a part of this game.

Although Internet age has reversed the game. Proliferation of information has become a worldwide power in practice. It has rarely been a fine art of a few gamers.  Snowden survived only through the way he managed to get him publicly discussed. The time has professionally passed when knowledge was not meant for all.

Improve WordPress Search By Displaying Real Time Query Results

Search in Place is a cool WordPress plugin that improves your website search by showing up search query results in real time. The plugin uses AJAX and displays results dynamically as soon you enter the search criteria. Also it groups search results by post type (post, page, attachment) and allows you to limit the number of elements in the dynamic search results. It also offers a different navigation option on the website.

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A New Left On Electronic Frontiers Has Waged A Decisive World War, In Which Nobody Is Dying

egypt-rebellionThe real situation in middle east could get made comprehensive in our way that every possible political pattern is fiercely fighting for monopolizing violence but none succeeding so far in doing so. Due to this people are dying everywhere but a new left on electronic frontiers has waged a decisive world war, in which nobody is dying.

That is why Russia somehow returned to cold war pattern being the state fully managed by former spies of cold war times. The situation in Syria is becoming another inevitable disadvantage to US Administration while Russia would be taking advantage of any outcome by keeping Iran and China actively involved. Although globally changing times have left a very insignificant space for cold war.

The new left has categorically come out. It consists of mainly internet industry but all sorts of ideological left-outs are also travelling along. Hackers form the vanguard now and more often than not they are followed by entire internet industry. Resurfacing villain is always a government. Whom this disorganized force fights fully well, very non-violently demanding individual freedom along with social privacy across all time zones.

Internet is expanding and so is this front. Patronage networks of old world business are continuously getting marginalized while new world business of internet age is always willing to cooperate with the new left. Ironically the business of internet age is forming the new right.

That is why is a neutral webspace with ‘hutech’ as its buzzword that stands for quantum mechanics of cooperation. Human-kind cooperates because of human technology, which has been the foremost example of quantum mechanics in civilizations. Internet age is developing as highest possible form of civilization with its own right and left cooperating fully well against all old world orders.

Beautiful Responsive 3D Slider Slice Box For WordPress

3D Slider Slice Box is a free beautiful and responsive 3D slider plugin you can easily set up working in your WordPress site. It provides you a simple and easy admin interface that you can create your favorite slides in minutes.

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Easy Content Slider With CSS3 Animations For WordPress

WP Parallax Content Slider is a powerful customizable JQuery content slider plugin with CSS3 animations, parallax effects, 4 different themes and more. The plugin provides you beautiful transitions between slides made using a combination of CSS3 and JQuery for displaying a cool parallax effect.

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How To Crop Featured Images (Post Thumbnails) In WordPress ?

By default WordPress doesn’t allows you to crop your post’s featured images (thumbnails). This tutorial is on a simple WordPress plugin: Crop Thumbnails which enables powerful image cropping functionality in WordPress. With this plugin you can crop images directly from post admin (add new & edit) pages using same old featured image metabox.

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New MP6 Frontend Editor Addon Plugin For WordPress

WordPress Front-end Editor by Avryl is the new WordPress front-end editor created as an addon for MP6 plugin. If you are a user of MP6, a plugin to break the wp-admin UI then you can have this new lightweight frontend editor installed for an easy frontend editing. Although there are already many frontend editor plugins available in WP plugin repo. but this new one is smart, user friendly and provides you beautiful frontend editing features.

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How To Change Admin Username In WordPress Without Disturbing Other Usernames ?

Username is the new WordPress plugin that simply allows you to change username, if username is not exist and without effecting others user’s username.

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How To Display A List Of Upcoming Blog Posts In WordPress ?

Using BCD Upcoming Posts plugin you can very easily display a list of upcoming posts in your WordPress site. The plugin provides you a sidebar widget and a shortcode [bcdupcoming] you can use for showing off your future blog posts list.

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How To Display Image Carousel As Widget In WordPress ?

Carousel Widget allows you to show carousel widget for sidebar and carousel for page. Currently the widget only supports auto play mode with fixed height and width and movement interval. But it allows you to add bigger carousel on page. The image moves on once other images are clicked. Also you can link the images to custom URLs.

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Keep On Reinventing Yourself Till You Are Mandated For What You do was not born in one go. It has always been busy being born and gradually it got mandated for domains, WordPress and AdSense. Now we are about to disrupt the space occupied by so-called PR companies worldwide not because we want to make all the money they used to make but because what they are doing to their clients has now become all rubbish.

We want all individuals registering their domains for doing business upon internet by using WordPress and we are simply integrating that possibility to get distributed worldwide from here with great geek support system like Shardul Pandey Talks so that it is not made mere a dumb domineer system. We are doing the same old business so differently. This matters most.

If you register a domain, install WordPress and start blogging religiously about everything you come across, gradually you are sure to come across your true business what is used to be called karma in ancient-most civilization. Then you will get some plugin from the great repository to let it go that way or may be you end up developing the best one for your business.

Thereafter also keep on reinventing yourself till you are mandated for whatever you do. This you will have to do many more times again also. Today Nokia is being sold out to Microsoft just because it failed in reinventing itself unlike what Hewlett Packard or Apple successfully did many times through their business cycles.

Web Session Manager, When Bookmarks Aren’t Enough

Bookmarks are quick and easy way to accessing your favorite websites but sometimes bookmarks aren’t enough specially when you need saving a web page exactly as it is like your account logged in and certain work already in progress etc. In such situations you can use Session Manager, a Google Chrome app alows you to save sessions of your opened tabs and windows and you can quickly re-open them whenever you want.

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How To Stop YouTube Videos From Autoplaying ?

By default YouTube automatically plays videos as soon your they are clicked and this is annoying sometimes specially when you open a lot of pages at one time. There are extensons for disabling video auto play but the problem is they also turns off the pre-buffering of the video which is crucial for slow networks.

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SEO Keyword Suggestion Tool For WordPress Post Admin Pages

WP Keyword Suggest is the new easy to use WordPress SEO keyword suggestion tool that automatically get fixed at the top right corner (right above the ‘Publish’ metabox) of Add New & Edit Post admin pages. It allows you to look up SEO keywords from autocompletes of popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon & Blekko etc. You search for keyword suggestions and add the selected keywords to Post Tags and Title from the keyword suggestion widget itself.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Shriswara

Inspired for acting by Yash Chopra’s Shahrukh Khan starrer superhit Hindi film Dil To Pagal Hai, stage dancer Shriswara is at first seen upon celluloid screen in Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s period film, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag before to fully act Nafisa in D-Day as RAW agent Wali Khan(Irfan Khan)’s Pakistani wife. Her own early life experience at Lucknow helped her in naturally doing so since Indian sub-continent is still so similar at the core.
Shardul Pandey Talks To Shriswara

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Shriswara at, please tell our netizens about yourself, your story.

Shriswara: I don’t have much of a story to tell and am quite far from the climax of my career. I grew up watching many films which influenced me towards the performing arts from a very young age. I’ve given nearly a thousand auditions in the last four years with ads sprouting from some and one main one resulting in “D-Day.”

Shardul Pandey: Think back to your first audition. What was it like?

Shriswara: My first audition was for Samsung with Aamir Khan. I was a little more excited about Aamir than the ad itself. There was a long line at Nirvana Studio 97, Shreeji. There wasn’t anything scary, actually, at that point. I had waited quite long to give an audition and internally was prepared. I gave the audition and went home keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, feet, laces, brain, everything crossed for the next week, but of course, nothing happened. That was a bit of the hard part, as that happened 250 times again before I landed my first ad eight months later.

Shardul Pandey: So what advice would you give to newbie actors and someone who wanted to do what you do? What do you like most about this profession ?

Shriswara: I would say to a newbie that they’d better want this with every last electron in their soul. If luck is on your side then yes, things fall in place coincidentally, else you can do everything in your power without any positive result, and despite obsessive desire, it’s usually the later most of the time. You have to keep your heart and mind open to failure but remain tenacious, else it will eat you alive from within. What I love about acting the most is acting itself. When you finally act in something you love, in my case, D-Day, all the complaints, all the frustrations, all the tried patience become worth it. You become free of everything, including yourself.

Shardul Pandey: After acting in D-Day, what you learned about yourself from the experience? What are cushy and hard parts of acting? What is your profession’s greatest challenge today?

Shriswara: After acting in D-Day I’ve learned that I still shouldn’t lose my patience. I’ve graduated, perhaps, to level two of the video game. Challenges have also graduated and this time in different disguises. The difficult areas in acting for me is making sure what I feel internally reaches my face and body language. My heart can be pounding in my chest in the scene, but the audience cannot see or feel that unless I emote correctly. Getting that balance is difficult. My professions greatest challenge is staying afloat outside and inside of the industry. Choosing desired work, waiting for desired work, achieving that work and still be able to eat and pay rent in Mumbai; plus balancing the pressure from those related to you. It’s hard to explain to them why it takes so long and requires so many interviews before you’re seen on screen consistently.

Shardul Pandey: I must applaud you for your phenomenal instincts in acting. What you feel is your strength as an actor and how would you like to be remembered ?

Shriswara: I believe my strength as an actor is that I’m emphatic and emotional. I’d like to be remembered as being a good human being.

Shardul Pandey: So now what’s next for you? What can we expect from you this year or in the next few years ? What kind of character roles do you prefer and where do you see yourself in future ?

Shriswara: I have no idea what’s next for me. What characters are in line for more, which will be taking birth in scripts that I may be a part of in the future, I haven’t any idea and perhaps, it’s better that way. This year of 2013, you can expect a low profile from me. Inshallah, I’ll pull a bunny or two out my hat next year. I’m not too limited on roles, except for the fact that they have to have a reason for being in the story. I have to feel what that person is feeling without the emotions being forced or cliched. As long as I’m not type casted or limited to one particular role, I’d like to play any type of any age that I can genuinely pull off.

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Shriswara: मानो तो सब कुछ है, ना मानो तो कुछ भी नहीं. ख्वाब और हकीकत में कोई फर्क नहीं है सिवाय सूरत के , और उनकी अपनी कोई उमर नहीं होती (Mano to sab kuchh hai, na mano to kuchh bhi nahi. Khuab aur haqeeqat mein koi farq nahi hai sivaye soorat ke, aur unki apni koi umar nahi hoti). Be practical about your dreams, but not cynical. Be dreamy about them, but not completely careless or gullible. Be flexible where required and rigid when needed. Don’t give up; what is desired will come.

Shardul Pandey: Yours is an exotic name almost unique upon world-wide-web and that creates highest possible value upon largest media of humanity i.e. the Internet.

Internet is distributed in to domain names. You must have one like as that would indeed be accommodating your fan-following independently to make some value for you. Have a domain, use WordPress, integrate all social networks from within that to regularly keep on blogging about little things of life. This works wonderfully in show business.

Shriswara: Sounds good. Thank you. :)

Highlight Images On Hover With jQuery Based Pinterest “Pin It” Button For WordPress

jQuery Pin It Button For Images is the easiest way of showing up a Pin It button over the images on mouse hover in WordPress. All you need to do is install and activate the plugin and it automatically displays a Pin-It button when anyone hovers the mouse pointer over images present in your blog posts and pages etc.

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Prevent All Dead Shortcodes From Showing Up In WordPress

After removing any shortcode plugin or theme from your WordPress site, a lot of unwanted shortcodes are left on your blog, they show up as [shortcode id="1234"] inside your posts, pages etc. In order to remove such dead shortcodes you will need risky database queries which is not what you want. This tutorial is on Hide Unwanted Shortcodes plugin which allows you to prevent all unwanted shortcodes from showing-up on your blog.

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