Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Lorelei at SANGKRIT.net, please tell our netizens about yourself.
Lorelei Lanford: My love for the cinema came at a very young age. I remember being 5 or 6 years old and watching the movie “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” with Marilyn Monroe and thinking “I want to do what she is doing” I was lucky to be born In a very artistic family.
I had a fun and exciting childhood. My grandparents were actors/singers at the Royal Theatre of Belgium. My grandmother used to teach me numbers from Operettas. I loved watching my grandfather memorizing his lines for his next play or movie or being at my father rehearsals with his rock band “The Mec-Op Singers”
At the age of 10, I moved from my homeland to the exotic island of Tahiti. I taught myself Tahitian dancing just by watching local dance groups perform then running home to practice in front of the mirror. I later won the title of “Best Dancer of the Year” A first for a European girl!
I came back to my first love, thanks to my dad, Guy Bodart, who had started directing feature films. I learned everything from him. I was taking the sound, working the fog machine to editing the film. In 1991 I got the lead role in the film “The Antichrist” but I am much more at ease behind the camera than in front.
I now produce, write scripts and am involved in the casting for all IFA Pictures productions. And I am the 1st assistant director on our next feature film “All Hallows Eve” which is something I am really excited about!
Shardul Pandey: What do you personally think is one thing which is god gifted in you, one thing you thing in which you are best.
Lorelei Lanford: I am my worst critic but definitely directing. I love reading the script and visualizing the film. In film directing, you have to be creative but also have great managerial skills. That is my forte.
Shardul Pandey: Did you always have plans for production or it just happened? How exactly you got interested in production work?
Lorelei Lanford: No! I thought I was going to be a movie star (Laughing). I never really liked watching myself on-screen and I became much more interested in the making of the film. Producing came naturally to me.
Shardul Pandey: Is film-making an easy job or more strenuous than people realize?
Lorelei Lanford: It is not a glamorous job at all.. People only see the Academy Awards and do not realize how tough of a business it is. And when you do get a job, you better be prepared to work extra long hours..
Shardul Pandey: Do you have any ultimate goal to fulfil as a film-maker?
Lorelei Lanford: Make better films with bigger budgets
Shardul Pandey: So when you are planning to announce your next feature film “All Hallows Eve”?
Lorelei Lanford: We are having our Premiere here in Las Vegas in April. I do not know of the exact date yet but it will be our website and we are going to the Cannes Film Festival in May.
Shardul Pandey: Would you like to tell us something about your next film “All Hallows Eve”, may be a little about the theme, story and characters or what-so-ever you like, anything?
Lorelei Lanford: I do not want to give too much away but it is based on why and how Halloween or All Hallows Eve as it was called, started. I have always been fascinated with history..
Shardul Pandey: What do you find to be the most gratifying aspect of film making?
Lorelei Lanford: To see people enjoy what you created.
Shardul Pandey: Would you like to tell us about other projects in which you are currently working on?
Lorelei Lanford: I am currently working on 2 other projects. One is a vampire film entitled “Inmortuorum” which means “The Undead” in Latin and “Wings of Glory” which is very dear to me. It is based on my Great Uncle Stephane Stolz who at 16 escaped the Germans and enlisted with the RAF to become a fighter pilot during the 2nd war. He had an incredible life and I hope I will do him justice.
Shardul Pandey: Is there any other creative mediums you like working in? Any hidden talents?
Lorelei Lanford: If I have any hidden talents, they are really well hidden!!! (laughing)
Shardul Pandey: Explain the time commitment you put into your movies. What do you do for entertainment? Do you have any peculiar interests?
Lorelei Lanford: Yes I can easily work 12-16 hrs/day during production. During my down time, I like to read, do photography and I am also an animal activist. My pets are all rescues. I am working to have my animal foundation.
Shardul Pandey: So do you get to travel for your work? What’s your favorite city that you have visited?
Lorelei Lanford: Yes, I do get to travel a lot. My favorite city is Paris…. But there are still many countries that I have not visited yet.
Shardul Pandey: Tell me something about your city, your favourite hang out spots there ?
Lorelei Lanford: Las Vegas is definitely a city that never sleeps. I am not into clubs but I do enjoy going to the shows. In the spring and summer, you will find me boating on Lake Mead.
Shardul Pandey: And what’s your dream holiday destination?
Lorelei Lanford: Lay on a beach in Tahiti. I am an island girl :)
Shardul Pandey: Now a few question related only to you. What are you likes and dislikes?
Lorelei Lanford: I really cannot be around people who lie. You lie to me once and you are in my little black book (laughing). What I admire? Generosity and kindness..
Shardul Pandey: Tell us about your favourites.
Lorelei Lanford: My favourite colour is RED. Favourite film? So many films that I love! Sound of Music, Some like it Hot, The Godfather, White Christmas.
Favourite Actor: Cary Grant. Favourite Actress: Marilyn Monroe. Favourite Singer: Michael Jackson. Favourite Author: Moliere
Favourites in International music: I grew up admiring French singer Daniel Balavoine. He had such inspiring songs.
Favourite holiday destination: I really would love to go back to Austria for Christma. Favourite festival: Cannes!
Favourite hobby: I love gardening. I am still decorating my house and of course my first love which is dancing!
Favourite food? I LOVE to eat. Italian, French, Indian and Chinese.
Shardul Pandey: How would you like to be remembered?
Lorelei Lanford: I would like to be remembered as a woman who has taken each day as a new experience, who had a good life and great family and who did everything her way without regrets and hopefully made a difference in this world
Shardul Pandey: How you communicate with other netizens? How often you reply to them?
Lorelei Lanford: I do have Facebook and Twitter. I do try to answer each email but I get hundreds! I actually did meet some of my FB friends. My Facebook is facebook.com/lorelei.lanford.9 and my twitter is twitter.com/LoreleiLLanford. Follow me and email me!
Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message to netiznes?
Lorelei Lanford: Do not spend too much time on your computer. Go out and enjoy your life!! :)