Tag Archives: homemployment

Build Your Wealth By Homemploying Everyone as Sangkrit’s Outlet

Becoming an outlet of Sangkrit is the best kind of homemployment that makes anyone independently comfortable. As an outlet, your task is to help people in bringing their businesses online simply by purchasing online support from you. 

Online support offers them programming power with all sorts of technical help that any business needs while configuring its online business setup. It may be an online store, business website, app, or anything else to start serving the customers online.

Hiring good prospects to make them an outlet of Sangkrit helps you achieve financial freedom. Because new outlets make more new outlets and thus help you in building more wealth.

A Sangkrit’s outlet that successfully converts at least one great salesman into his outlet becomes rich in less than a month. To build your own selling outlets you will need to 

  1. Build your prospect database to
  2. Start promoting this homemployment opportunity

Everybody likes money, so you have a big chance of transforming every single human into an outlet of yours. But for that, you will have to engage them in the right way.

Do these two things to effectively attract people and convert them into an outlet of yours:

  1. Find out what your prospects want (Everybody wants more money)
  2. Give it to them (Your homemployment opportunity)

You don’t have to do very deep research on your prospects because when it comes to making new outlets, everybody is your prospect. 

What you have to do is make an easy and effective offer to them and for that, you will have to test the potency of your statement so that you can deliver it better every next time.

And soon you will see some phrases are receiving more universal positive responses.

Whenever you start with what people want, you have a much easier time convincing them to consider, and ultimately get into this business. They all want money but they want it in a way that suits them best,

  1. Earning money from home can be appealing to housewives
  2. Earning more money on side can be appealing for employees
  3. Having multiple revenue streams can be appealing for small businesses

So make sure to polish your marketing statements and highlight such points, to make your promotion material more targeted and effective.

Let’s Solve Your Employment Problem

Your employment problem will itself get solved when you’ll stop looking for employment and become an outlet of Sangkrit.

Becoming a people’s personal outlet is the only homemployment that works for everybody. You can get homemployed and you can homemploy your family and friends too to finally build up a home business that can secure all generations of your family.

Simply start by having a daily routine of practicing & promoting four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world & blogging your business to pursue the core fundamental of domaining a public purpose of your life. 

Find Businesses & Sell Them Online Support

As an outlet your main objective is to help businesses come online and that you do by selling online support and global exposure. Online support comprises all sorts of technical and programming support that can help any business to start operating online, build his eCommerce store or smartphone app, etc. 

Buy Online Support & Utilize It On Your Client’s Projects

You simply need to find businesses and help them come online by purchasing online support from you.

You can purchase this online support (to utilize it on your client’s projects) from other outlets you have built or simply by emailing system@sangkrit.net.

Earn Money And Share It With Your Outlets

As you earn money from your clients, pay your outlets for the online support that they have provided for your client’s project. 

For Example: Suppose you have utilized online support for making an eCommerce store for your client then simply pay your outlets for helping you on that. 

You can decide an amount or some share in profit or you can keep things simple by buying online support (on a per hour per terminal basis) at a lesser price and then reselling it at a higher price to your client to gain profit. 

For Example, You can buy online support at 80USD per hour and resell it to your client at 120USD per hour. This means if you are putting two persons at work for 3 hours then online support will cost you 80USD * 3 for each individual you have put on work. That is called per hour per terminal basis rule.

Homemploy More People To Grow Business

Help others in following a similar routine comfort like you and join you in this business. Start growing your chain of outlets and they will bring you more orders.

Make a list of 100 people you know and then try to introduce your homemployment opportunity or your products i.e. online support and global exposure to at least one person in your network every day.

Build Your Home Business By Homemploying People

Apart from helping people bring their business online, you should always stay in hiring mode and look for the people whom you can transform into an outlet of Sangkrit. So that they can help you get more business. 

They would do the same thing that you are doing i.e. selling online support and global exposure to help others bring their business online. When you will have many outlets, you will have many new ways of money coming up to you.

Think of making your own outlets in the same way as a recruiter who looks for the best candidate to fill up a work position. You will have to put your best efforts to look for the best people for that. But at the same time, you should also keep the homemployment opportunity open for all.

Remember, this is not about trying hard to convince others, or about why they should think like you or arguing with people who you think will eventually become interested in doing this business. It is a simple process where you just put up this homemployment opportunity in front of everyone and then let them decide. You move on to the next.

And, as you receive any positive feedback from anyone, just put in your best effort to help that person to get into the system and grow with you.

Build outlets and your outlets are going to make your business succeed.

Ask This Question To Everyone

To build your own home business as an outlet, simply start asking this question to as many people as you can, every day.

You may especially target big & small businesses, retailers, and other sellers and soon you will end up building a successful home business as a people’s personal outlet.

Start asking this question to everyone –

Do you need online support for doing business online? 

Don’t care if the person says no, just move to the next. Until the person says yes, your only task is to ask and ask as many people as you can.

It doesn’t let you invest capital or exchange your time for money. It is domestic entrepreneurship which when seriously done makes you and your family safe for the rest of your time. 

That means even when you stop working your income will not stop.

Your Work

Register your free SANGKRIT.net account, and you are an outlet now. 

Next, your business task in hand is to help people in bringing their businesses online in the cloud infrastructure at https://system.sangkrit.net 

During the starting phase of your business, you can help them yourself by making their business website or online store (read this lesson).

Your clients may simply buy necessary online support and global exposure from you that you may easily outsource by developing many more outlets like you or by simply emailing to system@sangkrit.net.

Your Homemployees

A big headache for business owners is to have employees. Having employees can typically cost from seventy-five to eighty-five percent of all business expenses. 

In this business, you don’t need employees. Still, you can have the benefit that comes from employees by distributing homemployment to people everywhere in the world.

You simply need to tell other people how they can work from home as an outlet like you.

To make more outlets like you, simply start asking this question to people – Do you need Homemployment?

By doing this you can build a massively large army of homemployees, whom you can send to capture the market. 

The Easiest Task For Your Outlets

Instead of asking them to go and sell, simply give them a field or market and ask them to contact every one and just ask – Do you need online support for bringing your business online? 

Ask your outlets to ask this question to everybody. 

They don’t have to worry about closing deals or bringing in new orders or anything else.

They simply need to ask this question to as many people as they can.

Ask them to keep the counting of how many people they have asked so far and also suggest them a number which they may try to finish on a daily or weekly basis and soon the orders will also start to come.

Everywhere Homemployment For Everyone

Sangkrit has facilitated a simplest way to startup in the internet industry. You are set free to become an independent outlet of his order of homemployment for everyone everywhere. This makes the most human effort through pandemic times since the #homemployment has become the only possible lifeline for humankind.

The simplest startup

The simplest way to startup is to sign up for your free SANGKRIT.net account so that you enter in a globally distributed order.

Creating homemployment for everyone

Being a people’s personal outlet, you help all the people bring their business online in completely cloud infrastructure at https://system.sangkrit.net to buy any necessary online support and global exposure from you that you may easily outsource by developing many more outlets like you or seek any necessary help from system@sangkrit.net. This leads you too in creating homemployment for everyone and that makes your business succeed for sure.

Developing many more independent outlets is the best way of outsourcing any kind of online support. This enhances the probability of increasing homemployments for everyone.

That makes you succeed for sure

Homemployment makes anyone independently comfortable. Becoming independently comfortable matters most in life. Homemployment is the only possible new lifeline for everyone everywhere to become independent and comfortable now so you build your business upon that greatest ever probability.

Just because you startup in the globally distributed order of homemployment for everyone, everyone is going to make you succeed also exactly in the same way once you understand your position perfectly.

Facilitating Homemployment For Everyone

Spreading Sangkrit; by developing everyone as an outlet; facilitates homemployment for everyone in developing everything to get distributed as a personal app.

Exit the old world to survive

You must immediately leave any old world ways. That party is already over. Now they are all doomed.

Homemployment is the new term coined by Sangkrit. Sangkrit defines this as your basic business in the new age:-

  1. Spreading Sangkrit by developing everyone as an outlet
  2. to let them satrtup by opening a free SANGKRIT.net account to begin with their homemployment
  3. to help everyone register a domain as their business instead of registering a company to begin with and startup upon a dedicated server instead of opening any office or shop
  4. and you could be selling to all of them any necessary online support & global exposure to make everyone succeed.

That exactly should become your business in the new age. You thrive by trading online support. Buying and selling online support makes all the outlets surive. Activating increasingly more outlets advances the revolution along with increasing everyone’s income.

The future is getting personal

The smart ones can be selling the networking-enabled smartphone apps along with a global exposure to cash-rich customers. Thus they can change their status in the world without wasting much time. That leads to another level in this business. Mail to system@sangkrit.net for any necessary help in this regard.

In any case homemployment is a must for ascertaining a pandemic-proof life-style. So that you need not go anywhere outside your home to make a living.