Tag Archives: working conditions

Build A Globally Distributed Order Of Home Employments

Once again the universal working conditions require getting readjusted everywhere and that too very urgently so this is going to be the most intense struggle than what occurred earlier. An universal right to work from home is now necessary for the working class people.

This May Day demands

This May Day demands this public aspiration. Building a globally distributed order of home employments is no more any utopia. In the internet age there is no need to congregate all the people anywhere to get anything done.

Sangkrit works as a globally distributed order of home employments. So let us rebuild everything like that.

Developing the peoples’ personal outlets

Everyone should simply startup as a people’s personal outlet for accomplishing this very peacefully. Selling internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure altogether supports that fully well. This paves a seemless path for your leadership throughout the universal transformation.

People independently working as personal outlets of SANGKRIT.net become the leaders by helping out others. Dealing as the people’s personal outlet, you are actually in the business of developing human assets and human assets always cooperate.

For enhancing human cooperation

Human cooperation is the core thing for such a gigantic transformation from industrial age into internet age. Therefore this is to get enhanced up to the establishment of a direct democracy everywhere for everyone.

Human cooperation has a kind of unparalleled power to set everything back to normal even through the most difficult circumstances. That is why also we need to enhance this utmost through the terrible times of this ongoing pandemic.

Towards a core fundamental

The greatest path to get pursued into all this is the path of domaining a public purpose of life by the best of minds. This is constantly done by innovatively enforcing a different way for every public behaviour to make people feel better than before.

Domaining is the core fundamental for induction into the universe of Sangkrit. When all the divisive set of beliefs are finally failing to protect any people anywhere, people following his four fundamentals, are saved for sure. So Sangkrit is the true saviour of humankind.