Category Archives: System Engineering

Perform Power Cycle When You Lose Access To Server Boot Options

Power Cycle is an option used to immediately disconnect power from your server to power it up again. This is mostly done when you lose access to rebooting options on your server.

Before performing a power cycle you should know that it does not shut down your server applications gracefully and thus could result in data loss.

If you are a Dedicated Server owner, and you want to turn it off and then restart it forcefully, just follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage next to the server you want to restart
  5. Select Server Actions > Power Cycle from the upper-right corner of the page
  6. Click the Request Power Cycle option

Now the power cycle begins and this may take some time, a couple of minutes. Next, when it is finally done the cycle is added to the history list of your server.

The VPS owners need to follow a different set of steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage next to the server you want to restart
  5. Select Server Actions > Restart Server

That’s it. These options are useful especially when you are not able to boot your server via SSH. These don’t cause any loss to saved content but you may lose any unsaved files or temporary settings on your server after enforcing a power cycle.

Configuring MySQL Repository On Linux Server CentOS

CentOS offers you no native MySQL package so you need to add it on your own. This you can do by adding a MySQL hosted repository on your Linux System CentOS.

Add the MySQL Yum repository to your system’s repository list. This can be done by installing an RPM that comes with MySQL.

  1. Go to the Download MySQL Yum Repository page ( in the MySQL Developer Zone
  2. Select and download the release package for your platform
  3. Use the yum package manager to install MySQL (yum -y install mysql-server)
  4. Enable the MySQL Daemon Service, use these commands systemctl start mysql followed by systemctl enable mysql

That’s it. Now you may check and make sure that MySQL is up and running, simply use this command – sudo service mysqld status.

Configuring WAF & CDN On Your Dedicated Server & VPS

To configure WAF or CDN, you’ll need to additionally purchase a Website Security alongside your hosting option such as Business Hosting, VPS, or Dedicated Server.

Then, there are a few steps you will need to take to activate the Web Application Firewall(WAF) and Content Delivery Network (CDN) over your websites.

Start by subscribing to a Website Security option. Then, simply login to your account, move to the product page, and follow these steps:

  1. Select ‘Manage All’ given next to Website Security and Backups
  2. Select Set Up under Firewall, for the domain, you want to set up WAF and CDN
  3. For hosting users, the setup completes in a few minutes. But the server users need to follow a few more steps which are given below
  4. Use the link supplied under Internal Domains to make sure your site loads correctly
  5. Login to the account where your DNS is hosted and configure the A Record so it points to the Website Firewall using the IP address listed under your Firewall IP address
  6. Once A Record is updated, the Website Security dashboard will update and show that the service has been activated. This can take up to a day to complete

If you have a firewall on your hosting servers like CSF or ModSecurity, you should allowlist some IPs. Because all connections to your server will pass through this firewall and adding associated IPs to your firewall’s allow list is going to prevent your sites from being blocked incorrectly.

These are the addresses you should allow:,, 2a02:fe80::/29,,

Once WAF is activated, the Content Delivery Network (CDN) automatically starts working.

Reprovisioning Your Linux VPS or Dedicated Server

In the previous lessons of System Engineering, you have learned how to startup working with VPS or Dedicated Server. Now sometimes it happens with the newbies that they mess up with config on their server and in that case when no return is possible or you don’t know the solution you can just rebuild your server to give yourself a fresh start.

For reverting to a clean setup on your Linux Server, you can rebuild it which is also called reprovisioning. This reprovisioning process is done to return your server to a newly purchased state.

Reprovisioning erases all problematic code and content on your server’s hard drive, including all backups, files, everything and this cannot be undone.

To start, simply login to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit your My Products page
  2. Click Servers
  3. Next to your server, click Manage
  4. On the upper-right corner, click Server Actions
  5. Select Rebuild Server

Now, follow the prompts on the rebuild your server screen, and then re-set-up your server by following these steps:

  1. Next to your server, click Manage
  2. Enter a name for your server in the Server name field
  3. Select an OS and data center location (if available) and then click Next
  4. Complete the fields for making a username and password
  5. Click Finish

It takes sometimes and your server is rebuilt, configured, and restarted and then you may log in to your server and do whatever you like doing.

Patching Your Linux Server For Security Vulnerabilities

Once your Linux VPS or Dedicated Server is up and running the websites. You’ll need to keep it protected from security vulnerabilities. To do that, keep patching your server regularly.

Develop a monthly or weekly practice of performing this uncomplicated task and it will save you from a lot of hassle thereafter.

To start, you need to connect to your server via SSH, we have discussed it before, read this tutorial. Once you are connected, switch to root user by running this command:

  • sudo su –

and enter your server password. You now have root access.

Next, run the following command:

  • yum clean all
  • yum update

If you have Ubuntu Linux on your server then replace the above two commands with the following one:

  • apt-get upgrade

That’s it. In the case of Windows Server, you need to connect the server via RDC, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Remote Desktop Connection
  2. Enter your server’s IP address
  3. Enter your user name and password
  4. Select Control Panel from the Start menu
  5. Click Windows Update
  6. Click Check for Updates
  7. Complete the steps to update your server

Managed Hosting, Business Hosting, WordPress, and other assisted service plan customers do not need to patch their own servers. It works either automatically or by the support team.

How AutoSSL Secures All Websites On Your Server At

AutoSSL is a free feature of VPS and Dedicated Servers you subscribe from, it can be used as a free alternative to paid SSL certificates. Configuring AutoSSL, you can automatically secure your websites using a Domain Validated (DV) SSL.

Apart from the users of VPS and Dedicated Servers, the Business Hosting users also get the advantage of AutoSSL. The domain names associated with your VPS or Dedicated Server account automatically get an SSL certificate by AutoSSL unless you have purchased and installed another one. In that case, AutoSSL won’t override the existing certificates but still works for other domains on your server.

After the SSL certificate is installed, the auto-application installer of your server (that allows you to install WordPress and other apps) also lets you choose an HTTPS connection for your website. If you have made or uploaded a website manually then you can manually redirect it to a secure HTTPS connection.

This is done by making a few modifications to your .htaccess file which can be created (if not already present) in the root i.e. public_html directory of the domain you want to secure

If you just created the .htaccess file, use the following code (replacing the with your own domain name) to set up the redirect to the HTTPS version of your website:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

At the time you change the primary domain or add another domain to your server, the AutoSSL immediately attempts the installation of an SSL certificate. But for the SSL to install and work successfully, your domain name must point to the server’s IP address.

If you see that the SSL is not working for any domain name or you want to manually activate or deactivate the SSL on some domain, you can do that manually from the SSL/TLS Status page in the cPanel administration area of your server.

Configuring Object Caching System On Linux VPS & Dedicated Servers

Object caching system speeds up any dynamic database-driven website by caching data and objects in RAM. As a result, you get a faster website and a server that handles more traffic in fewer resources.

This is recommended for you especially if you have subscribed limited RAM option on your server. Even if your RAM is high, configuring it will help you reduce the resource consumption of your server.

Memcached is a free object caching system that offers you a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.

There are 3 parts that need to be present for Memcached caching to work properly on your VPS or Dedicated Server:

  1. The background process i.e. Memcached Daemon needs to be installed on your server and configured to listen on the correct port, and start automatically at server startup
  2. The Memcached PHP libraries must be installed to allow your PHP application suchas WordPress, etc. to communicate with this object caching system
  3. Your PHP application must be configured to use Memcached

Installing & configuring Memcached on your server

Login to your VPS or Dedicated Servers. The installation is done from the command line but it works with all WHM/cPanel also Plesk

First, follow these three steps:

  1. Make sure administrator access is enabled
  2. Connect to your server with SSH
  3. Switch to the root user

Next, start with these commands:

  1. Install Memcached using YUM
    yum -y install memcached
  2. Configure Memcached to start automatically at boot time
    systemctl enable memcached
  3. Change the Memcached configuration to make the service more secure and to configure the amount of RAM to allocate:

Edit the configuration file with your favorite text editor – vim /etc/sysconfig/memcached

That’s how it will look like


It’s important to update the OPTIONS line to bind Memcached with localhost and to disable UDP traffic, protecting from certain attacks:

OPTIONS="-l -U 0"

You also need to configure CACHESIZE to the amount of RAM you’d like to use. This depends on how much total RAM the server has, but 512M to 1024M is often a good place to start:


The modified file should look something like this:

OPTIONS="-l -U 0"

Check and save the file and then use the command – systemctl restart memcached to restart Memcached. This is going to reflect your changes.

The next coming lessons will guide you on how you can test whether Memcached is working or not and also how you can set up PHP libraries and configure your website to use an object-catching system such as Memcached.

Configuring SSL On Linux VPS & Dedicated Servers

To configure an SSL on your server there are mainly three steps: subscribe to it, generate a certificate signing request, and once SSL is approved, install it on your server.

This lesson shows you the step-by-step process of implementing SSL on a Linux-based server.

What is SSL? The SSL certificate establishes encryption over information that is sent to the server. It scrambles data into an undecipherable format that can only be returned to a readable format with a proper decryption key. 

How Does SSL Works? When a client attempts to send confidential information to a Web server, the user’s browser accesses the server’s digital certificate and establishes a secure connection.

SSL authenticates the identity of a website. It contains the following information: 

  1. The certificate holder’s name & public key 
  2. The certificate’s serial number and expiration date 
  3. The digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority

How to install SSL on your VPS or Dedicated Server?

  1. Open account
  2. Visit your Products page
  3. Select SSL Certificates 
  4. Select Manage for the certificate you want to use
  5. Under Download Certificate, select a Server type and then select Download Zip File.

Launch your dedicated server:

  1. Visit your Products page
  2. Click the Servers tab
  3. Next to the account, you want to use, click Launch
  4. From the management interface, next to cPanel Site,
  5. Click Manage Server (WHM) and click Proceed

Upload & Install SSL certificate

  1. Search SSL on the left sidebar menu on WHM cPanel
  2. Click Install an SSL certificate on the domain
  3. Type your domain name in the first field
  4. Click the Browse button
  5. Select and upload your SSL certificate
  6. Click Install button

When you choose the browse and upload option, the empty fields are auto-discovered and filled from the SSL you are uploading. Once SSL is installed you may redirect your HTTP site to an HTTPS connection.

Testing Linux, Apache, MySQL, & PHP On Your VPS Or Dedicated Server

In the previous lesson, you learned about configuring the super admin access to your server.

Next, while launching a new web application project or a simple website you will need to make sure that the server versions of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP are compatible with the application you like to build or install on your VPS or Dedicated Server.

At, you always get an up-to-date server so you won’t be facing any such compatibility issues here. But, there are commands to check different versions of commonly installed services on your LAMP Server (VPS or Dedicated) running CentOS, Ubuntu, or Fedora.

Simply run these commands to check your versions of Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP:

Apache: /usr/sbin/httpd -v or httpd -v

Server version: Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) Server built: Oct 9 2020 11:35:25 Cpanel::Easy::Apache v3.26.8 rev9999

Apache on cPanel: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -v

Server version: Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) Server built: Oct 9 2020 11:35:25 Cpanel::Easy::Apache v3.26.8 rev9999

Curl: rpm -q curl


Bash: bash –version

GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

Exim: exim -bV

Exim version 4.84 #2 built 9-Oct-2020 15:02:41

Glibc: ls /lib/libc-*


Kernel: uname -r


PHP: php -v

PHP 5.4.33 (cli) (built: Oct 7 2014 11:48:26) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

MySQL: mysql -v

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 213432 Server version: 5.5.40-cll MySQL Community Server (GPL)

CentOS/Fedora: cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 7.6 (Final)

Here, Linux is the operating system you are using on your VPS or Dedicated Server, Apache is the most popular HTTP server used on the public internet, MySQL is the database that contains all text and password information of your website and PHP is the programming language used to code web applications.

These most commonly used services need to work on your server so that you can build websites and web applications on your domains.

Making Highlevel Changes To Your Linux VPS Or Server

Before making high-level changes such as installing new applications or setting up server configurations, you will need to make sure that super admin i.e. sudo (also called as ‘root’) access has been enabled on your Linux-based VPS or Dedicated Server.

To do it, login to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit your ‘Products‘ page
  2. On your ‘My Products‘ page, click ‘Manage
  3. In the account ‘Dashboard‘, select ‘Settings‘ option at the top of the page
  4. Select ‘Enable Admin Access’ (this is root account sudo access) 
  5. Now click ‘Save

In the settings section, you will see that admin access is now enabled on your server.

Next, to enjoy the privileges of super admin, you will need to switch to the root user. But be careful you now can do anything having super admin access, and now it is really easy for you to mess up your server. 

To switch to sudo i.e. root user, follow these steps:

  1. Enable root access for your server (you have already done that in the above mentioned steps)
  2. Next, connect your server via SSH
  3. Run this command: sudo su –
  4. Enter your server password

You now have the root access.

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Accessing The Recovery Console Of Linux VPS & Dedicated Server

In the previous lesson, you learned about the secure shell i.e. SSH. Next important thing is that if you lose access to your server due to some security issue, you can use the recovery console provided to you to regain access (via SSH) to your Linux VPS or Dedicated Server.

For example, in a case, if you have been accidentally locked out by some new firewall or IP rule then a recovery console is the thing you will need to regain access to your server. But there also you will need to know your server username and password so that you can connect to your server via SSH.

But before that, you should know while working on Linux VPS, some steps to regain access are different from the actual steps of the recovery console on the Dedicated Server.

So, If you are a VPS user simply follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account and visit your Products page
  2. On your My Products page, click Servers, and next to the server you like to use, click Manage button
  3. Now in the top left corner of the Account Dashboard, select Recovery Console
  4. Next press Enter and now you can now log into your server to make changes

Whereas on a Dedicated Server, log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Click the Servers option on your My Products page
  2. Click Manage right next to the Server you like to use
  3. On the top-right corner, click Server Actions
  4. Select Recovery Console

It takes a moment for the Recovery Console and then it automatically launches in a new browser tab. You will have to use your SSH login credentials to get into your server to make the required changes.

Now, the next important thing you should know is in case logging in through the Recovery Console does not work for you or it is of no help to you then, you should try booting your server in Rescue Mode. We will discuss the Server Rescue Mode in our next lesson.

Dedicated Server Means Your Business Can Serve More People

Running your business over a dedicated server means you can serve more people online. Just like the domain name is your online business address, your server acts as your business location. So if you want a good location for your business then go for a good hosting option and it is only a dedicated server.

Running an online business involves less money compared to selling anything in the same old way. You don’t have to invest money in purchasing business premises or worry about the business location. During the old days, planning where to locate a business and selecting its premises was very important. The location used to play a big role in attracting and retaining customers. Now in the online business, these two things got replaced with domain names and servers

If your server is big, your business website can handle huge amounts of traffic (customers) and if it is small then it would be like a small counter crowded with so many customers, where the owner can never think of serving more people or earning more money. 

Running your website over a dedicated server plan simply means you can serve more people. Thus, your business will also grow more.

How To Use Business Mail Service On iPhone? offers you both cPanel Webmail that works from your hosting or dedicated server, as well as Business Class Email, an email service ideal for professional use.

Both types of email accounts can be accessed from your iPhone and iPad touch devices, you can use them just like other email services. The difference is they use your own domain name and all data remains secret and secure on your own server or the webspace you are subscribed to.

Additionally, they offer you more SMTP relays so that you can send more emails without getting banned. These relays can also be subscribed whenever you need more than the number provided to you by default.

To add email on your iPhone:

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts & Passwords and tap Add Account
  2. If you’re using iOS 10.3.3 or earlier, go to Settings > Mail > Accounts and tap Add Account
  3. Tap Other to add your account manually
  4. Enter your name, email address, password, and a description of your account
  5. Tap Next and then it will try to find your email settings automatically
  6. If Mail finds your email settings, tap Done
  7. Your account setup is complete now

In case if it fails to find your email settings, then enter those settings manually, follow these steps:

  1. Tap Next, given on the same screen
  2. Choose IMAP or POP for your new account.
  3. Enter the information for the Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server.
  4. Tap Save to finish

Remember –

In step number two, if you aren’t sure whether your account is IMAP or POP then you can easily find that.

If you are a cPanel user, simply use these settings:

  1. Username – Your email address
  2. Password – Your email account’s password
  3. Incoming Server – mail.[your domain name]
  4. Incoming Ports – IMAP — 143 POP — 110
  5. Outgoing Server – mail.[your domain name]
  6. SMTP (Outgoing) Port – 25 (587 or 80 also works)

Else, for Business Class Email service, use IMAP with the following hostnames:

  1. Use hostname as for the incoming mail server
  2. Use hostname as for the outgoing mail server

Finally, Tap Next. Your app will discover your email account.

The most important settings to configure any email on any device is the username, password, incoming server, outgoing server, account type i.e. IMAP or POP, the incoming port number, and the outgoing port number.

Many devices automatically fetch your account settings by using just your email address and password. In case if that doesn’t work for your device then by knowing the above-mentioned details you can easily set up your email account on any computer or mobile device.

How To Use Domain Redirects On cPanel Of Your Server Or Hosting?

Using domain redirects you can redirect an entire domain or selective links to a new domain or links to individual pages. While configuring a domain redirect on cPanel, you will notice that there are two types of redirect options; temporary redirect, and permanent redirects.

  • A 301 redirect i.e. permanent redirect means that you are directing the page permanently. It prompts the search engines and HTTP clients to update their caches to the new link. It simply indicates that the page has been moved to a new address permanently. This is useful when you move your website to a new domain.
  • A 302 redirect i.e. temporary redirect means Found, but it is mainly used to tell the search engines and HTTP clients that the page is temporarily redirected and will soon be available to the old address, so there is no need for them to update their caches, etc. This is useful while you are developing your website or working on a page.

To configure a redirect, simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel hosting account or select a cPanel of your server
  4. Scroll down to the Domains section and click the Redirects option
  5. Select Permanent (301) or Temporary (302) from the first dropdown
  6. Choose the domain you want to redirect
  7. In case you are redirecting a page, simply paste the URL of the page
  8. Add the new destination domain or URL including https:// or http:// protocol
  9. Click the Add button

You will also notice that there is a wild card redirect option present as a checkbox. Ticking this option will redirect all of a site’s pages to the same URL you have entered.

How To Use New IP On Your Domain On Dedicated Server?

After subscribing to a new IP address you can add it to your domain on your dedicated server. Simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your server and click manage
  3. On your WHM home page i.e. the main page of your server
  4. Navigate to Add a New IP Address under IP Functions of the side menu
  5. Enter the new IP address and a subnet mask
  6. Click Submit to finish


  • In step number five, if you don’t know which subnet mask is to be entered, just contact the online support team
  • In step number six, in case you make a mistake, you can delete the new address in the Show or Delete Current IP Addresses option

As you click the Submit button, the new IP address gets added. Now you can associate it with your cPanel hosting or other domain accounts on your server.

To change an existing site’s IP address to the new one you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the List Accounts page from the Account Information menu
  2. Select the domain account you want to change
  3. Click the “+” next to the domain name
  4. Click the Change IP Address button
  5. Select the IP you just added

That’s it. Once you have changed your website’s IP, the site will not be available to the old IP address, and it should also appear offline to the new IP address for sometime.

Configuring SFTP On Your Dedicated Server

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is one secure file protocol used to manage, and transfer files over an encrypted transport connection. In comparison to the traditional FTP protocol, it offers all the functionality in a more secure and easier to configure way.

The lesson guides you on how to connect your cPanel account via SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol).

SFTP clients generally require the following information to make a connection to the server. Open your SFTP client and configure it with the following information:

  1. Hostname — Your server’s hostname (for example,
  2. SSH port number — The port number on which sshd listens (for instance, 22)
  3. Security — Whether the client combines FTP and SFTP functionality
  4. Username — The SSH username that the client uses to connect to the server
  5. Password — The SSH user’s password
  6. Private Key — The SSH user’s private key

Lets Make This Easier For You,

  • In step number six, this is the absolute path to a private key on your local machine (for instance, c:\data\id_dsa)
  • In step number four, the username can be a valid cPanel account username or the root user
  • Remember, you cannot use your FTP account to connect via SFTP
  • SFTP is not just FTP over SSH. Instead, it is an entirely separate protocol
  • cPanel users can generate and download a private key via cPanel’s SSH Access interface via cPanel -> Home -> Security -> SSH Access
  • The root users can generate and download a private key via WHM’s Manage root’s SSH Keys interface on a dedicated server or VPS via WHM -> Home -> Security Center -> Manage root’s, SSH Keys

Sometimes, you may see a warning that the host of the server is unknown. To cut back on such situations in the future, accept the key and store it on your local machine.

How To Update Folder & File Permissions On cPanel?

All files have some preset permission that directs the cPanel system on handling different access requests. For instance: The file permission tells the cPanel what files are only readable, or editable, or hidden on your server.

You can change file permissions by performing a few steps. Simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel account
  4. Scroll down and open the FILE MANAGER
  5. Click Settings to open the Preferences box
  6. Click Permissions on the top toolbar
  7. Now simply use the checkboxes or given text boxes to update the permissions. The setting defaults to 0644
  8. When you are done, click Change Permissions 
  9. Your changes will be saved by the system

Note: You can visually change the file permission by using the tick box. In case, if you are using number code to change file permissions then you should know that:

  1. Zero is no permission
  2. Read permission is r or 4
  3. Write permission is w or 2
  4. Execute permission is x or 1


  • Read allows users to view and read the file
  • Write allows users to edit and update the file
  • Execute allows users to run the file as a program

But the permissions have a different meaning on folders:

  1. Read enables users to list and view the files in the directory
  2. Write enables users to create, rename, and delete files in the directory
  3. Execute enables users to access the files and folders within the directory

Next to each file permission, there are tick boxes for user groups. It allows you to set what permissions on a file are applied to what group of users. There are three groups given as checkboxes:

  • User means permissions are applied to the owner of the file
  • Group means permissions are applied to other users on the group to which the file belongs to
  • World means the permissions are applied for everyone, this also includes users who are not in the group to which the file belongs to

Read other lessons on cPanel File System.

How To Change The Default Folder Of cPanel File Manager?

You can change the default folder in which the File Manager interface opens, simply login to your account and follow the steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel account
  4. Scroll down to select the FILE MANAGER
  5. Click Settings to open the Preferences box
  6. Now select a folder to open by default:
    • Home Directory — This is the main folder for your account
    • WebRoot (public_html or www) — Provides a direct route to your website files
    • Public FTP Root (public_ftp) — Is your FTP files directory
    • Document Root for: — This is the main folder of the domain name that you select from the menu
  7. Select the folder you want the file manager to open by default
  8. Click Save

And you are done.

Read other lessons on cPanel File System.

How To Create, Copy, Or Move Files On cPanel?

The cPanel File Manager allows you to visually copy, create or move files and folders in a few easy steps. Simply log in to your account and follow the steps:

Creating New Files & Folders:

  1. Click + File or + Folder icon given in the toolbar
  2. Enter the name of the new file or folder you are creating
  3. Enter the location where you want your new folder or file to be created
  4. Click Create New File or Create New Folder button

TIP: In step number two, you may also rename any folder or file. Simply click the name, enter the new name. Then, press the Return key and your changes will be saved.

Copying Files & Folders:

  1. CTRL + Click to select the files you want to copy
  2. Click the Copy icon given in the top toolbar of your cPanel
  3. Enter the file path where you want to copy the file
  4. Click the Copy Files button

REMEMBER: You cannot create a copy within the same folder.

TIP: In step number two, alternatively you may right-click and select the copy option from the menu.

Moving Files & Folders:

  1. CTRL + Click to select the file or files that you want to move
  2. Click the Move icon given in the top toolbar of your cPanel
  3. Enter the file path where you want to move the file
  4. Click the Move Files button

TIP: Alternatively, you may also move files by dragging a file to a new destination folder.

Read more lessons on cPanel File System.