Category Archives: Homeschool

Easily Disable Shortcodes On Per Post Basis In WordPress

A common problem noticed by WordPress plugin developers, bloggers and documenters is that whenever they try posting demo for some already activated shortcode, it automatically starts showing the output of that specific shortcode.

Even when you enclose your shortcode in code tag present on text editor, it displays the output as soon the content is published.

In this lesson we will show you how you can use, give examples and post demos for various shortcodes easily by disabling them on per post basis.  Continue reading Easily Disable Shortcodes On Per Post Basis In WordPress

Purge Post Revisions Using A Simple Discreet Link In WordPress

Post revisions automatically saves each post draft, update and auto saves. Earlier we have discussed about limiting or turning off post revisions in WordPress.

The main purpose of limiting, deleting or turning off post revisions is to decrease unnecessary load on your database. In this lesson we will show you how you can purge i.e. delete post revisions when writing or updating posts in your website.  Continue reading Purge Post Revisions Using A Simple Discreet Link In WordPress

Easily Add Page Breaks In Your WordPress Posts

You can now easily add pagination in your single posts, pages and other custom post types. This not only enables you to write long articles in a better layout but also increases the page views , boosts revenue and in this way you can also increase focus on your advertisements.  Continue reading Easily Add Page Breaks In Your WordPress Posts

Create Blazingly Fast Dropdown Search Box For WordPress

Just like Mediawiki has one separate page for each article. WordPress also has separate pages for blog posts, post types and other content types. So why not use a search box showing dropdown suggestions for each article on your website instead of dropping down already searched keywords, tags etc.  Continue reading Create Blazingly Fast Dropdown Search Box For WordPress

Customize Every Single Piece Of Text On WordPress Admin Area

In this lesson we will show you how you can change every single piece of translated text in your WordPress admin area dashboard.

Today a hosting user emailed us asking how he can customize the admin area text. He wanted to use ‘Hello’ instead of ‘Howdy’. He said, “HELLO would be better on my website. Howdy for Texans :)”.  Continue reading Customize Every Single Piece Of Text On WordPress Admin Area

Now Display WordPress Posts On Theme Active During Their Publication

Pascal Birchler has designed an awesome WordPress addon that allows you to keep your old themes active on old posts of your website in order to maintain the perfect design and layout of posts.

For instance: When you activate a new theme, you loose the perfect layout of some older post like your loose image size, content alignment etc which was designed to perfectly match your old WordPress theme.  Continue reading Now Display WordPress Posts On Theme Active During Their Publication

Get Rid Off From Non Essential WordPress RSS Feeds

By default WordPress automatically generates RSS feed for every post type, tag, category and other archive types. This results in unnecessary load on your website.

In this lesson we will show you how you can disable all unnecessary RSS feeds and promote your main RSS.  Continue reading Get Rid Off From Non Essential WordPress RSS Feeds

Moving Out Of WordPress Media Uploads Directory (For Easier Management & Backups)

By default WordPress stores all uploaded media library files in your website ‘s root -> wp -content -> uploads folder. Moving this (uploads) directory to some other location would make file backups and management much easier.  Continue reading Moving Out Of WordPress Media Uploads Directory (For Easier Management & Backups)

Easily Increase Or Decrease Indent In WordPress Posts

Indent is a start line or a block of text further from the margin than the main part of the content. Creating indent paragraphs is quite popular in Word and Writer documents. In this lesson we will show you how you can create Indentation in your WordPress site posts, pages and other post types.  Continue reading Easily Increase Or Decrease Indent In WordPress Posts

Auto Assign Parent Category When A Sub Category Is Added In WordPress

There is an issue with post categories in WordPress. You must have noticed that whenever you assign a subcategory on a post, the post gets only assigned to that particular subcategory and it doesn’t shows up on the archive page of parent category. In simple words, you post shows no relation with main parent category. Continue reading Auto Assign Parent Category When A Sub Category Is Added In WordPress

Easily Use Speech Bubbles In Your WordPress Posts

Now you can easily add speech bubbles and create a conversation like structure in your WordPress posts. Speech Bubble is a free WordPress plugin that provides you simple shortcodes you can use in your page, post or post type content and create a good looking conversation, talk or chat in minutes.  Continue reading Easily Use Speech Bubbles In Your WordPress Posts

Working With WordPress Post Formats

Post Formats are theme features of styling and presenting posts on a WordPress site. Technically it is a piece of meta information used by theme in order to customize the appearance and presentation of any post.

It can be easily used from WordPress post admin screen (post editing page) from ‘Format’ meta box. The meta box simply list post formats with radio buttons so all you got to do is click the post format you like applying to a post on your WordPress site.  Continue reading Working With WordPress Post Formats