Category Archives: Homeschool

Instantly Access & Use Google Services From Any Website (Without Leaving The Webpage)

Now you can access your Google account and other Google services such as Google Search, Google Drive, Gmail, YouTube Google Translate, Calender, Google Maps, Google News and more instantly on Chrome without leaving the webpage you are working on.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Fahad Mahmood

I welcome you Fahad at, please tell our netizens about yourself, your story. Hi, I am Fahad Mahmood (A WordPress Mechanic) the developer of a few famous WordPress Plugins like Keep Backup Daily, Alphabetic Pagination, jQuery Post Splitter, RSS Feed Widget and a recently launched WordPress Plugin WP Header Images. My journey started from a HTML tag <marquee></marquee> which I learned very first even before <html> and <body>. It was really inspiring for me when text was moving from right to left. As notepad was available everywhere so i did a number of experiments in my college’s computer lab during my ICS session 2001. My interest became a passion when I learned about click event of a button in visual basic 6.0. It was purely a magic when I played with it and successfully changed document title, button text, label captions and text in textboxes.

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Kill Facebook News Feed To Cut Off Distractive Noise And Retain Useful Aspects

As said by Facebook users, FB news feed is one of the most distractive and addictive design element of Facebook. In this lesson you will learn about killing this Facebook feature on your Google Chrome browser and get free from distractions.

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View All Important Details Of Gmail Contacts Without Leaving Inbox

Now you can know all important information of your Gmail contacts without leaving your inbox and ongoing conversations. You can view more details about your contacts, their social profile links, photos, job titles, recent tweets, Instagram and Facebook posts etc.

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Easily Import Bookmarks And Other Data Between Firefox & Google Chrome Etc

When switching to a new web browser like Firefox or Google Chrome you are automatically prompt to import your old browser’s bookmarks, history and other data to your new web browser.

In this lesson you will learn about importing your old browser’s data and bookmarks easily to your new web browser.

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Enable Clients To See Ongoing Website Development In WordPress

There are various maintenance mode and under construction plugins available in WordPress plugin repository. Today in this lesson we will show you how you can disallow visitors to access an under development WordPress website and at the same time allow clients i.e. the actual owner of website to access website in order to check ongoing work in progress.

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Speed Up Your WordPress Website With jsDelivr, Free CDN Service

jsDelivr is a free CDN service that allows any webmaster to host website files including JavaScript, CSS, PNG, fonts, and jQuery plugins etc. It is also compatible with popular WordPress plugins such as W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache plugins and this CDN can even host JavaScript files of plugins like WP SlimStat etc.

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How To Use Google AJAX Libraries CDN To Speedup WordPress?

You can make your WordPress website to use common JavaScript libraries from Google AJAX Libraries CDN in order to make it fast as it enables users to download jQuery faster than before.

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How To Hide WordPress Dashboard Widgets By User Capabilities?

WordPress dashboard widgets like ‘At a Glance’, ‘Recent Activities’ and ‘WordPress News’ etc, you can easily hide them by user capabilities in your WordPress website. Great for simplify dashboard on client websites.

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How To Copy Content From One Website To Another In WordPress Multisite?

Earlier we have discussed about copying complete WordPress websites with all theme options and settings to new ones. Now in this lesson you will learn about copying content of one website to another in a WordPress multisite network.

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How To Clone WordPress Websites In Multisite Network?

You can easily clone existing WordPress websites to completely new ones in just a few seconds with all content, theme option and plugin configurations etc.

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How To Disable WordPress Posts Or Limit It To Admin Only?

If you are not using default WordPress posts functionality and using only pages or custom post types then you can easily remove the posts section from your admin area dashboard or limit it to website admins.

In this lesson we will provide you PHP fucntions you can either use in your theme’s function.php file or via Code Snippets plugin to limit or disable posts features in WordPress.

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How To Create Photo Albums Post Type In WordPress?

You can create and manage photo albums on your WordPress website just like posts but on a new custom post type. In this lesson you will learn about creating and managing photo albums without installing any photo-blogging theme or customizing CSS and other code files, the album displays nice right away.
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