Category Archives: Homeschool

Sangkrit Likes You For Your Flaws

Following Sangkrit you are tasked considering your flaws.

If any task is given to you considering your flaws, you would indeed be delivering your best since your flaws represent your conditioned reflex and that makes you quite trustworthy so naturally Sangkrit likes you for any flaws of yours.

In fact your conditioned reflex delivers a lot better than your cerebral self because nothing distracts that. Not even your own wisdom interferes in your performance. Following Sangkrit you are tasked considering your flaws.

Every Time Judiciary Must Be Giving Only A Judgement

Judiciary must not be seeing anything other than hard facts to make a judgement.

Establishing order and delivering justice is the essential duty of a sovereign state for what any people actually accept that. Without a doubt every time everywhere judiciary must be giving only its judgement.

Not doing so very rapidly and regularly or getting involved in doing anything else might cause injustice. Judiciary must not be seeing anything other than hard facts to make a judgement. They cannot stay away from giving a judgement fearing its consequence.

Creating Free Business Email Accounts On Your Web Hosting At

Apart from Business Class Emails that not only provides email addresses on your own domain but also professional inbox interface with online storage and tools, you can create free unlimited email accounts on your domain hosting without additionally paying for any resources.

Continue reading Creating Free Business Email Accounts On Your Web Hosting At

How To Assign Programmers To Develop Your Website On Your Web Hosting Account? enables all its outlets and account holders to get help from other outlets, assign programmers to develop website or resolve technical issues on any webhosting account by allowing account owners to give limited level-wise access to other account holders.

Continue reading How To Assign Programmers To Develop Your Website On Your Web Hosting Account?

GPL Integrates A Vanguard Of World Revolution

Programmers must be practicing independently to get paid hourly per terminal by domain registrants.

Programmers make no ordinary persons. They are the force to reckon with. GPL has made them that kind of a class. So neither that should keep them unemployed nor they should be doing anything else for livelihood. Sangkrit has reasonably resolved this question forever.

Now programmers must be practicing independently to get paid by domain registrants hourly per terminal for their GPL code. They should not be signing any NCNDs with any corporation or other entities since the code that they create under GPL is the only way to keep them social.

Everybody should signup for free account to bring everybody’s business online. This makes the best self-employment for everyone and every programmer should be working professionally among them to get paid hourly per terminal. That is the greatest concurrent choice of individual.

Thus people work as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of and just like everybody else, professional programmers also work as personal outlets. So that they can commercially satisfy many requirement of coding whenever asked by other personal outlets.

Everybody should make such a free account to help others. That should now become everybody’s hobby. Cooperation is the new buzzword that builds the greatest commonwealth of codebases under GPL to support humanity through internet age.

GPL integrates professional programmers to let them emerge as vanguard of world revolution within this movement to occupy web-space by humankind. Nothing else integrates them that much. Not even Richard Stallman himself.

Next generation of programmers are getting trained while functioning as personal outlets of as practicing programming is purely online business. They learn on internet practicing necessary programming languages to work for domain registrants and receive payments in their net banking account. They keep the four freedoms intact. That helps the growth at personal outlets.

Your free account is your admission into this and your net worth at any point of time is your instant dynamic result that changes as well with your caliber.

Leninism, World-Wide-Web And Boson Carried Same Swiss Ingredient

Swiss contribution to the world has been most wonderful.

Sangkrit appreciates Switzerland for exclusively circumventing unnecessary industrialization and avoiding all untoward effects for successfully sustaining own ecosystem. This could help the political economy everywhere in formulating domestic road-map of growth through internet age.

Apart from Geneva Conventions, peculiar Swiss environment unearthed strangest things to this world in its peculiar way. Money made everywhere used to get deposited in the most reliable Swiss bank accounts, which have been very dependable to the global humankind very much like Swiss watches. Likewise Leninism, world-wide-web and boson carried same Swiss ingredient i.e. Geneva.

Leninism got made at Geneva for effectively implementing Marxism, which was born before that in Germany. World-Wide-Web got made at Geneva for effectively implementing Internet, which was born before that in USA. Discovery of candidate boson got made at Geneva for effectively studying boson, which was theoretically formulated by Satyendranath Bose.

World-Wide-Web and candidate boson were born at CERN in Geneva while the office of the central committee of Russian Social Democratic Party was located at Russian Library in Geneva. Swiss contribution to the world has been most wonderful.

Local Spontaneity Must Not Get Lost

The education of upheaval and economy of displacement should not be allowed spoiling all that.

Local spontaneity through globalization at any point of time is like the flow of a river at a place. Spoils of the industrial age such as the education of upheaval and the economy of displacement should no more be allowed spoiling that.

Determining this everywhere as per the progress of internet age, Sangkrit leads globalization considering that every individual’s local spontaneity is never lost through this as it is no less important than protecting your environment so that anyone can startup online simply by working as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of to end up contesting own constituency via personal app.

It is about doing your best to program your world for ascertaining that your local spontaneity is never lost. Local spontaneity must not get lost through globalization.

Why You Should Register Domain Names At

Because provides all domain solutions. When you register a domain at Sangkrit, you get a package of products and tools to start a website with email address ending @ your domain before you go for a hosting and developer.

Your domain is automatically parked, the page allows you to login and manage your domain. And once you subscribe a hosting or server at, the cPanel of your website becomes accessible directly by via Hence you don’t need to login to your system account every time you like access the admin panel of your website.

Continue reading Why You Should Register Domain Names At

Women Must Now Program Own World

Every girl must start growing with a dream to buy a better house before to have children.

Sangkrit eliminates all discrimination by encouraging everyone to clean own space, cook own meals, program own world and blog own mind just to let the women make the most out of it. Anyone can startup online simply by working as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of to end up contesting own constituency via personal app.

It is quite empowering for women to let them find out many new ways of doing things much more efficiently for changing any old ways of doing things forever. Housewives may also startup to find their true freedom that might break their boredom into an exotic pleasure from within their household.

Moreover they should learn Hindi as the second language to connect with the most happening economy in the world and consume only freshly cooked vegetarian meals for growing sharp intelligence like ancient Indian Brahmans.

In fact everyone should signup for free account to startup online and help others also do the same. Every girl must start growing with a dream to buy a better house before to have children.

Business And Politics Made Easy For Women

Emancipation of women in fact completes with Sangkrit.

Let us make a movement that finally eradicates all discrimination fully well including those made on gender basis. When everybody cleans own place, makes own meals, programs own world and blogs own mind without any difference for a man or woman or rich or poor, emancipation of women actually completes. This makes an all-inclusive execution that is called Sangkrit so that women are no longer held up within household chores anyhow more than men. Thus the loads for women get evenly distributed as for men.

Number of women among the programmers are negligible despite the fact that the first programmer in history was a woman so Sangkrit has designed another befitting way for enhancing women’s role in humankind’s’ migration into internet age. Women across all the countries alike, should startup as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit. It is not only easiest for them but works indeed best in their interest. Not even any cultural contrast anywhere hinders them on this way.

Women brought us on planet earth so we must make it possible for them to lead us into internet age as well. This could get accomplished by encouraging women everywhere to signup for the free account to startup online. To startup as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit is open to every humankind but it is indeed a boon for every woman to startup online.

Free Software Programmers Must Not Get Taxed

GPL is like licensing humanity.

Sovereign states used to control technology. Thus they used to determine discrimination among peoples of different countries. That is how the education of upheaval and economy of displacement that began with industrial revolution had enhanced immigration up to extreme ultimately resulting in concurrent trends like Trumpism but free software movement made a new beginning long back by unleashing technology forever in public domain, followed by the invention of world-wide-web inspired by GPL at CERN that is now changing the world forever.

The room at CERN where web was weaved.

That free software effect is consistently growing into a whole new world order. Sangkrit as collaborative collective upon world-wide-web, would ultimately be consisting of only personal outlets independently functioning via personal apps. Most of them are run by free software programmers selling online support in addition. What they do makes humankind progress very rapidly so free software programmers must not get taxed if they independently practice professionally.

Consolidating a public opinion across all countries alike acknowledging this can compel many governments comply with this insistence of Sangkrit. Automated transportation, robotic labors, artificial intelligence and augmented reality almost every sphere of human progress would get enhanced by coding under GPL. Coding under GPL is like licensing humanity so taxing free software programmers would only be unwise.

A Government Without Appeasement Is The Greatest Democratic Achievement

India is one and open to everyone.

The most evident distinction, concurrently shown to world, is that India is one and open to everyone. China, Arab, Europe and even America should learn a lot from India that how different people, speaking different languages, following different faiths, should live that peacefully together in such a close cooperation to make a better society. Not only that much but moreover that even in a such diverse society, politically making a government without any appeasement is democratically that easy.

A government without appeasement is the greatest democratic achievement. Although unprecedented in India also for the time being due to pseudo-secularism prevailing for sometime but India is finally changing to become that great again.

Nothing Unnecessary, Nowhere, Never!

You are the personal outlet and not anything else.

When you do signup for your free account for both- business and personal, you become a personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit. The personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit is to keep you free forever. Neither you ever get victimized of any wage slavery nor you do victimize anyone else. This is the movement.

So you should not become a shopkeeper by exploiting others to work for you. Contrarily you ought to transport humankind into internet age by unburdening them of any outdated era. Sangkrit is a collaborative measure so you may seek all necessary cooperation in your business from other personal outlets such as yours. In any case you own your world to make a world revolution. The quantum mechanics involved here work like this.

Every move denotes a purpose. You do nothing unnecessary, nowhere, never. That is the fundamental principle following what makes you a hero of internet age. You do have to lead this course for others as well. You do regularly cleanup your place, make your meals, program your world and blog your mind to take on an outgoing world.

Doing all that you emerge as the hero of internet age. You may be working on the go as independent humankind, meeting clients in the coffee shops of five star hotels whenever necessary and accepting payments direct in your personal bank account. You are the personal outlet and not anything else.

Everywhere Doesn’t Belong To Everyone

Sangkrit is not invading America with immigrants but creating unlimited jobs for Americans in addition.

Sovereignty means monopolizing violence of a state but independent coercion takes its toll as so-called sovereign governments simply fail to protect their law and order in accordance. That is how Americans have shot dead many Indians by now. The government of India would only be able to speak by next week as Union Home Minister told to the parliament today.

“That door you just kicked in, was locked for your protection, not mine.”

“Trespassers will be shot and survivors will be shot again.”

Those western signboards now represent the globally local temperament as people are getting increasingly troubled with immigrants. Borders of a homeland, fences of a gated community and boundary walls of a private property are indeed made to secure trespassers from innocently getting troubled but immigration laws are misguiding them.

Coercive state nations still govern the planet earth while humankind is getting integrated also by the rise of internet age.  Everywhere still doesn’t belong to everyone. Going anywhere for a job is an outdated exercise. In this internet age, you can independently work from your place.

Becoming a personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit is indeed the best choice to avoid all that since Sangkrit is not invading America with immigrants but creating unlimited independent jobs for Americans as well.

Domains’ Demographics Determine WorldWideWeb Dominance

Numbers of domain registrants and developers matter most.

How many domains are registered across your country? How many programmers are there, who might help developing any domains? No other data is more relevant for the progress of your people. Numbers of domain registrants and developers matter most. Signing-up for free account to work as personal outlet resolves for both via your free personal business account.

Privately owned domains need to become publicly useful for enhancing individual worth with increasing income. Life gets made of necessity and utility determining evolution in a routine. Your ecosystem governs the genesis of any necessity and utility for you. Following that paves the way for your prosperity.

Women must own domains. Men must know programming them. Children could be practicing any necessary languages for developing their own domains. does that everywhere. People are encouraged by personal outlets. They register/transfer domains at as it paves the simplest way for developing business with online support and global exposure and domains’ demographics determine WorldWideWeb dominance.

US President Is Mandated For His Glasnost And Perestroika

Very precisely if Donald Trump fails, USA would be nowhere around.

Unfailingly Donald Trump is representing the political necessity for US majority. What happened to USSR post-Afghanistan has happened to USA post-Iraq. Unnecessary campaigns of coercion ultimately made them collapsible alike. Very precisely if Donald Trump fails, USA would be nowhere around.

There might be a possible threat for US President’s life from the most unexpected forces.

To save the situation, Trump is duly mandated about his role for openness and reorganization and this is unlike Gorbachev but NATO allies are equally alarmed as then WARSAW Treaty states and KGB were. There might be a possible threat for US President’s life from the most unexpected forces.

Things work like that within murderous menace of political status quo and Donald John Trump doesn’t belong to them.

Whether US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as payback for many assassination attempts earlier made on Fidel Castro or for his inclination for rapprochement with him, nobody would come to know ever. KGB coup d’etat of 1991 is said to be failed but remains of former USSR are now absolutely governed by former KGB operatives. Things work like that within murderous menace of political status quo and Donald John Trump doesn’t belong to them.

WikiLeaks tweeted very well, “Killing hundreds of Muslims & destroying their states? OK. Stopping them going to the US? Not OK.” Donald John Trump is the US President now. Only political morons are surprised by his election and his Hillary-us opposition followed by that.

Murderous Menace Of Politics Has Been Universal

US President, heading the oldest consistent democracy finally acknowledges all that.

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind” said George Orwell. Murderous menace of politics has always been universal.

Killers are everywhere, who kill for political gains and the United States is not innocent in this regard. Newest US President, heading the oldest consistent democracy now acknowledges that.

In an exclusive interview when O’Reilly branded Putin as killer, Trump intervened emphatically by saying “There are a lot of killers… what you think our country is so innocent?”

Every Neighborhood Refuses Any Untoward Elements

Since jihadism is muslim-borne social trouble caused by pseudo-arabism so naturally a government has to be vigilant about entrants with arabic names or attire.

Donald Trump is trying just that. The very first opposition to his discrimination with Muslims had come by the most dominant hindus and jews in America such as Sunder Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg followed by a plethora of Trump-baiters. People dislike discrimination through this internet age.

Still every neighborhood refuses any untoward entrants. So is the case with the United States of America. You just cannot take a sovereign country for granted. Donald Trump is duty bound for doing whatever he promised for getting democratically elected as US President.

Maximizing Worth And Income Of Assets

Making assets and maximizing worth to have an increasing income is civilization.

Humankind create private property and can keep it as publicly traded stocks. That is our foremost distinction in animal kingdom. Making assets and maximizing worth to have an increasing income is civilization.

Whatever you do have, is your availability and what you might achieve, is your possibility and how you have to do, configures your ecosystem. You do have to master through that to maximize your net worth and income.

Making your private property publicly useful for generating income is sangkrit. Developed domains do just that. Through this internet age your individual net worth matters in public interest as well, when this gets made around your domain.

Sangkrit Insists For A Smart State

Law-abiding citizens should be getting a national dividend whereas law-breakers be made to clean the country ceaselessly.

To whatever extent, any subject remains unsorted, the state is absent up to that extent. In a smart state, no subjects remain unsorted. Subjects should get sorted as data so that reward and punishment is duly delivered then and there.

As per the corporate governance, a successful government, at the time of making budget, should be paying a national dividend to all its citizens direct into their bank accounts. The political parties, aspirant about forming the government, should better be taught for promising primarily about that instead of letting them make many absurd promises.

Law-abiding citizens should be getting a national dividend whereas law-breakers be made to clean the country ceaselessly throughout the given term.

Imprisonment is all about isolating the individual away from untoward social influence and reasonably rebuilding another persona. The jail industry should work by considering imprisonment as compulsive employment in cleaning the country.

Sangkrit insists for a smart state considering citizenship entitled for a national dividend and imprisonment as compulsive employment in ceaselessly cleaning the country.