Category Archives: Homeschool

How To Stop Internal Pingbacks In WordPress?

Pingbacks attempt to notify the website you have linked in your post but the default WordPress behavior sends a ping also to the posts you have interlinked within your website. This shows a trail of similar content in the comments section which some users find useful but annoying for others running bigger websites with lots of content.

You can separate trackbacks, pingbacks from the actual comments section for a better look or you can disable pingbacks sitewide from Settings -> Discussions page by unticking ‘Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the post’ option on your website but that also stops sending notifications to other websites which might be useful for bringing new traffic when you write articles linking to some external website.

Another way is to simply disable the self pingbacks on your WordPress website so that you don’t find new pingbacks coming for approval in the comments section after you post new articles linking to the posts within your website.

Simply install and activate a plugin called No Self Pings, once the plugin is activated, the self pings are gone. It also adds a new section on Settings -> Discussions page where you can specify more domains that you don’t want to be pinged. 

Grow Your Business By Building A Network Of People’s Personal Outlets

You startup as people’s personal outlet by following Sangkrit’s four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business to start your own business in the internet industry by helping people in bringing their businesses online.

Bringing everybody’s business online is the biggest ongoing business where you can easily expand by preparing your own personal outlets who brings you more paying customers.

What You Are Selling?

You are selling internet essentials to businesses and individuals so that they can start up and grow online. The most essential thing to bring any business online is the domain name and anyone who registers a domain needs a website.

A website can be of many types, it may include a personal website that is useful for individuals to blog their business, business website which can be an informative site or an eCommerce store to help businesses sell their products online, etc.

Website requirements entirely depend on the consumers you are targeting and the good thing is that you can easily make and sell all these websites yourself with Managed WordPress.

Next step, growing your business online as a people’s personal outlet.

How To Grow Your Business?

Start preparing your own outlets so that they all can bring you more clients. Try making a network of people’s personal outlets. This can be done in two different ways:

  1. Internet Marketing
  2. Individual Prospecting

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a way to reach out to the people in bulk, it is passive in nature, it is a way of making unknown people interested in your offer, it is a way to make people ask you, “Hello, I just read your blog post on making money from home, and I am interested in joining your business” In marketing, you have to make a great offer to the masses, to make them respond to it.

Blogging your business is the best way of marketing your products and services online, and you can accelerate it during the starting phase of your business (especially when search engines are ignoring you) by submitting your website to Google, promoting your posts on the internet, building an email list, making videos, promoting your posts via other free marketing channels, etc.

Individual Prospecting

Individual prospecting means directly reaching out to a person and recruiting him to work as your outlet. This also works for both known and unknown markets but has its own limitations. Such as, you can only make an offer to a limited number of people at a time, unlike blogging where you try to reach out to the world from a single post.

Still, prospecting helps you to quick start your business by preparing people you know or the people you can easily contact, to work as your personal outlets. You can do this by –

  1. Offering an easy home-employment to individuals
  2. Offering businesses to build a second stream of income simply by sending you referrers

You may start with the people and businesses you already know. When you talk to someone, you may give them an offer to send you referrers and get paid from the profit of each order they bring.

Post your story on your blog – how you started up from home as a people’s personal outlet and why you encourage everyone to do the same, etc. And start sharing it with the people you know.

Induct expert salesmen to your business. They generally get fifteen to thirty percent from each sale but you have the power to offer them more. And during this corona time, most of them are doing nothing. So reach out to them, recruit them to let your business grow with their expertise in selling.

Keep learning and innovating new ways of attracting more people to join you and build a massive network of personal outlets to make more money from home by doing less.

Make Direct Democracy The World Order Of Internet Age

In July 1867, first case of cholera was reported in Zurich and soon the disease was spreading throughout, mainly among the people from poorer and dirtier districts. In December 1867, thousands of the people gathered demanding their democratic rights by challeging then prevailing political order. In the autumn, the epidemic stamped out but the canton was all geared up to create the most democractic political system in the world.

Contemporarily both the restrictive and the representative societies have equally failed in saving humankind from upcoming pandemic as now they are busy blaming each other. Through this COVID-19 experience of humanity, it is affirmed by now that a direct democracy must become the world order of internet age.

Independent people do not deserve becoming the subjects of any restrictive or representative masters anymore. Instead they deserve taking all the necessary policy initiatives themselves.

Any restrictions and representations upon the public will are all outdated alike as in this age of internet any people can online elect to post, suspend and transfer any trained officials subject to their performance in implementing online public decisions.

This deserves becoming a direct democracy in the internet age. Let us make this the new world order.

Human Cooperation To Defeat Divisive Distractions

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, peoples across all the countries thoroughly experienced the failing superstructure of all divisive assumptions everywhere alike. Superstitions suppress the fact that the humankind is one and all divisive assumptions are false.

Undermining all superstitions, Sangkrit stands for humankind with Internet as the unity of humanity. Universal cooperation among human beings is made easy further through ongoing smartphone stage of internet age and unleashing human cooperation is quite capable of defeating any divisive distraction. So let it be like that.

Despite all divisive distractions, domaining, blogging and sponsoring Sangkrit paves the way ahead. Follow this to build one integrated future by integrating humankind and let that become your business henceforth.

Easily Bring Your Wholesale Business Online In COVID-19 Crisis

The corona crisis has forced people to shop from home. The demand for the essentials is high as it was ever and the big eCommerce companies are failing to satisfy this demand on time. The reason is that the sellers registered on such eCommerce platforms are cleaning out their shelves in their local area and the delivery slots are going down because of the shortage of delivery boys and active courier services.

So this is the niche that wholesalers can fill by bringing their businesses online to serve both retail businesses and regular customers from their own mobile-optimized eCommerce website.

How To Bring Your Wholesale Business Online?

Bringing your wholesale business online is an easy task which you can do yourself simply by registering your domain name and subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. The automated process of WordPress Ecommerce takes you to a step-by-step tour to help you set up your eCommerce website in minutes. The website can be used for both wholesale and retail purposes.

How To Serve Wholesale & Regular Customers Both From The Same Website?

Taking your wholesale business online has the same steps as bringing any retail business online and once your website is online you can make use of a plugin called WooCommerce Wholesale Prices to supply specific users with wholesale pricing for their product range. This is very simple, you can control pricing from the product editing page and manage wholesale users from the ‘Users’ section on your admin area dashboard.

Simply install and activate the plugin then navigate to the product you wish to enter wholesale pricing for. If the product you have selected is a simple product, you will find a wholesale price box on its general tab whereas if it is a variable product then each variation will have its own wholesale pricing.

Apart from this, you can change the user role to ‘Wholesale Customer’ for customers you wish to grant wholesale privilege.

Another plugin called Wholesale For WooCommerce Lite provides you the same set of options with the ability to sign-up your customers using a wholesale registration form and then you can assign them “Wholesaler” user role. With this plugin, you can also display the amount they’re saving on your products.

WooCommerce Team also provides you a wholesale addon called Wholesale For WooCommerce but that is a premium plugin.

Easily Fix All Broken Links On Your WordPress Site

Error 404 is bad for your website as it takes visitors and search engines on pages they were not looking for. It not only happens when you have broken links on your website or when you change the permalink structure but also when someone mistypes your post URL or links to an errored URL.

The good thing is that you can fix all types of 404-not-found errors on your WordPress Website simply by activating a plugin called Link Fixer.

It works for all broken links that include broken post links, in-post links, page links, text widget links, and every link on your website or on some other website pointing to a broken page on your website.

Fixes All Broken Links In One Click

All you have to do is install and activate the Link Fixer plugin. Upon activation, it automatically redirects pages where WordPress fails to find any valid permalink by itself.

And before your website generates a 404 error page,  the plugin tries to locate your posts having similar words. As a result, all active and possible 404 errors get fixed across your website.

How Link Fixer Works?

The plugin does this by searching the database attempting to find any of the word values matching from the bad link in the process. After finding the best match, rather than issuing a 404 error page, it sends a redirect to that page, and hence the user sees the content they were looking for. Whereas, Google and other search engine spiders see the 301 redirects and update their results accordingly.

It is a very useful plugin while migrating form other blogging platforms to WordPress where the conversion process automatically removes words such as “the” and “a” from the permalinks and generates many not-found errors on your website.

The plugin also offers you some settings on your admin area dashboard Settings -> Link Fixer page where you can change any values to set your own parameters.

How To Test If Broken Links Are Fixed?

Simply mistype any permalink or temporarily add a broken link somewhere on your website then click that link to see how quickly this plugin works.

How To Disable Full-Screen Post Editor In WordPress?

A form of distraction-free i.e. full-screen post editor existed in some form from many years in WordPress, that has now been forced to default.

If you don’t want to use it on your website, you can simply disable it with the use of a plugin, just as we did while switching back to Classic Editor which is fully supported and will be maintained until at least 2022, or as long as it is necessary.

Disable Fullscreen Editor Mode is a lightweight plugin that you simply need to activate in your WordPress site and that’s it. The plugin has no settings, it automatically works for posts, pages, and other custom post types.

Small Businesses Have Unprecedented Opportunity

The big companies are failing to adapt to the changed consumer demand, they cannot hire people fast enough to maintain their supply, even major eCommerce services have failed to serve their customers on time. Whereas small retailers efficient enough to supply everyday essentials are rising in business, they have unprecedented opportunity to serve new customers online.

Startups are now coding apps to target every small business, there are some new apps that enable shoppers to browse their local shop owners, their contact, and website in order to make purchases online. Google has now enabled small businesses to show their products under the shopping tab in the free product listing pages. If you are a small business owner you can clearly see that overall things are going on your side. From small startups to big companies have now started thinking about your problems and this because they can see where things are going.

The world has been forced to shop from home so make use of this opportunity. Register your domain name and subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce to bring your businesses online. Start blogging your business to introduce your products and services to your potential new customers online, as well as to keep your old customers engaged.

Set Minimum & Maximum Amount For Orders In WordPress Ecommerce

You can set a minimum and maximum order amount in your WordPress Ecommerce website to make each order achieve a set amount before it gets placed on your WooCommerce based WordPress website.

If you don’t have a mobile-friendly eCommerce website, you can make it now, with WordPress Ecommerce. You may also help others in doing the same by starting up as People’s Personal Outlet to build another income stream for yourself”

The new WordPress plugin Set Minimum Order Amount for WooCommerce enables you to quickly set a minimum order amount. Simply install and activate the plugin then navigate to the WooCommerce Settings page and set your minimum order amount.

If in case you need to set both minimum and maximum order amounts then you may use another plugin called Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce (instead of the above-mentioned plugin) to set required minimum and maximum sum with quantity for orders in your website. This plugin provides you more options such as:

  • You can set the minimum & maximum sum for orders
  • You can set the minimum & maximum quantity for orders
  • You can set different order amounts on a per-user role basis
  • You can exclude shipping and discounts while calculating the total sum of the order
  • You can display customizable user messages on cart and checkout pages
  • You can optionally disable customer from reaching the checkout page if in-case requirements are not met

Just as the first plugin, Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce settings can also be managed from the WooCommerce Settings page on your admin area dashboard. This way you can easily define the minimum and maximum order quantities for general and sales orders on your website.

What Should Students Do During COVID-19 Outbreak?

The coronavirus outbreak is a global health crisis that has exposed the worst flaws of educational institutions. So expect nothing from anyone and start taking your decisions. When you start making decisions, you learn to establish order as well. The best thing you can do during this corona time is to register your full name as your domain name and start blogging to build your online business as people’s personal outlet.

Grow your web building skills, no matter where you’re located. Master WordPress, the technology you use as your blogging platform with free online tutorials which you get when you subscribe Managed WordPress to buildup your skills you can apply right away, by starting up as people’s personal outlet as your individual initiative to bring all businesses online.

Bringing all businesses online is the biggest ongoing business and becoming a people’s personal outlet is easiest and best for starting own business where you independently learn at your own pace following four fundamentals of Sangkrit and work as internet growth engine, making money by blogging your business and helping humankind in using internet infrastructure in order to adapt to the changing ways of doing things.

How To Retail In COVID-19 Crisis?

This is the time to take your offline store online. Due to lockdowns in many countries to get through the coronavirus, the independent retailers are facing a complete downtime in their business. The WordPress eCommerce is a product designed for such businesses to help them easily shift their offline store online in a very small budget.

You can do this yourself simply by registering your domain name and then subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce to build your online store yourself in minutes offering simple store pickup and home delivery options with online digital payments.

So that you can make your business prepared for selling all or most of your products as soon the lockdowns are lifted or when the restriction is relaxed for your business.

Take Physical Store Experience To Your Product Pages

Once you setup your online store using WordPress Ecommerce, simply login to your website and you would be able to add new products and take your physical store experience to the product pages of your website:

  1. You would be able to add new products from your admin area dashboard PRODUCTS – ADD NEW page.
  2. All product listings can be accessed and edited from PRODUCTS -> ALL PRODUCTS page.
  3. PRODUCTS menu on the admin area lets you manage all product attributes and categories.

Manage Your Stock & Inventory

One issue that customers experience nowadays is new online stores don’t maintain correct data of stock on their website and hence customers end up buying products that are actually not available.

Your online store can effectively keep all records and statistics of selling goods and services. It can manage its own inventory and it is much easier than maintaining an offline record of your products.

And if necessary, you may use WooCommerce Stock Manager, a free plugin on your website for more complex stock management options.

Provide Store Pickup & Home Delivery Options

You can enable both store pickup and home delivery options on your eCommerce website so that your customers can place orders and if in-case delivery slot is unavailable, they may either choose to wait or simply pick up their parcel from the store without crowding the place. This can easily be done by using a free plugin in your WordPress eCommerce installation.

Your Homepage Is Your Storefront

Your online store has all the important options to use your website as your main storefront. You can add multiple product options, accept digital payments, manage shipping costs, and online market your products by blogging your business. WordPress Ecommerce provides you a variety of industry-specific free themes that can be searched and installed from your website’s admin area.

You can also extend your website with more features by using free WordPress plugins, accessible from your admin area dashboard. All you need to do is simply search for the functionality you are looking for and then install an appropriate plugin for that.

Start Blogging Your Business

Blogging your business is the best thing to do during lockdowns. Your online store has a built-in blogging platform of WordPress, it is a great way to market your products online, build your audience, generate more sales from your website to not only get new paying customers but also make passive income by displaying advertisements on your website via Google Adsense.

Start Blogging Business

Build Alternate Revenue Streams

Building another stream of income is as important as bringing your business online and the best way for that is, helping other businesses to come online.

Bringing all businesses online is the biggest ongoing business, so startup now as people’s personal outlet to rebuild this disrupted world.

Enable Store Pickup & Home Delivery Options in WordPress Ecommerce

Store pickup and home delivery are essential options for eCommerce websites selling products at this time of the pandemic. You can make use of the home-delivery option if you have someone for delivering your products, or courier services are working in your area. Else you can enable your customers to place their order and then pick it up from your store without crowding the place.

WooODT Lite is a free WooCommerce plugin that can be installed on your WordPress eCommerce website. It allows your customers to select their order type as home delivery or self-pickup on a desired date and time. Optionally, they may also select a pickup location.

The plugin provides you a wide range of options such as you can limit each slot with a maximum number of deliveries or pickups, turn store as delivery only or pickup only or offer both services at the same time. These options can be managed from your admin area dashboard, simply install and activate the plugin then navigate to its settings page from the left side menu in the admin panel of your WordPress eCommerce website.

How To Nano Target Customers With Your Smartphone?

If you have just started to blog your business on your domain, it might take some time for search engines to identify your website and display it in results. In the meantime, you may nano-target your customers to promote your online business and get new paying clients.

Identify Your Targets

Identify your target market, classify it into groups, and then aim with a very sharp message to start your nano marketing campaign for promoting your website. Your objective is to quickly target a small group of people every day to make maximum profit from that.

Write A Blog Post To Promote

Write a blog post that can be marketed to a targeted group. Your prospects want to know how you can solve their problem, the issues they are experiencing in their business. Keep your post small, simple, and sharp so that they can easily get to know the solution you are providing and why it would be a better choice for them.

Before posting on your blog, collect all important information about the group you are targeting, analyze their main problem, and then write a blog post to show them this is what they need. If you will look confident, they will come to you for help.

Email & SMS Personally To A Set Group Of People Everyday

Collect a set number of contact details such as the mobile number and email of the group you are targeting. Compose a message with the link to your blog post and send it. Don’t ever try to spam messages or send emails in bulk, this is not at all useful.

You can easily get the contact information from Google business search, yellow pages, just dial, online classifieds, old newspapers, online business directories, etc.

Try to contact a set number of people every day and since you are contacting everybody personally, you may use your personal email and mobile number for that.

Don’t Push On Products That Aren’t Needed Now

The corona time has disastrous consequences on businesses not in the field of essentials. They are getting increasingly disconnected and have become irrelevant to the consumer’s requirement. What concerns people now is everyday essentials, earning from home and social distancing. So if you are not in the business of essentials, no one will appreciate you for pushing on products and services that are not needed.

The best thing you can do during this time of pandemic is – start blogging your business, plan to repackage your products & services for online delivery and startup as people’s personal outlet to bring yours and other businesses online by providing everyone with internet essentials.

By doing this, you not only build a second source of income for yourself but you also help others to keep their businesses running online.

Visually Edit The Footer Credit Line In WordPress

In WordPress, the footer credit line is a text with a link to credit the WordPress and its theme developer. You can anytime change the footer credits of your theme if you have something more important to display there. In general, this is done by editing the footer.php file of the theme active on your website but now you can do this thing visually by using a plugin.

Simply install and activate Visual Footer Credit Remover plugin in your WordPress site and then navigate to your admin area dashboard’s Tools → Visual Footer Credit Remover and click OPEN VISUAL EDITOR button.

This will take you to the home page of your website with a visual composer box on the right. Simply scroll down on your website, click the footer text you want to edit, and replace it with your own text in visual credit remover box. Click the save button and you are done.

Startup From Home To Rebuild The Disrupted World

The COVID-19 impact has already disrupted the world, it has changed the old ways of doing things and is building up the new consumer behavior by forcing people to go online. This is going to forever change the previous methods of surviving, schooling, and shopping.

Humanity will overcome this pandemic like other past crises but the coronavirus is here to stay so there will be a strong need of maintaining social distance and avoiding any gathering while doing anything in future as well.

A successful startup is a disrupt to ongoing ways of doing things. It makes old ways less profitable. The world has already been disrupted. Now what people need is to startup from their homes to help each-other easily adapt to the new norms as the world cannot go back to the past-normal.

You can startup from home by following four fundamentals of Sangkrit to build your online business as people’s personal outlet and help people in bringing their businesses online so that they can easily work from home and serve their clients from their domain.

You Are Suffering Because You Were Not Prepared

Individuals, businesses, and governments all are suffering from the impact of the COVID-19. Imagine a few months back someone telling you that most businesses will be out of business, tourism will be banned, schools will be closed, people will stay in homes and homeless will be moved to hotels. Would you have believed? The answer is no for almost all of you.

You are suffering because you don’t know how to think in four-dimensions and that is why you were not prepared for the worst – you are not home-employed, you don’t use blogging as your social activity instead you depend on other things for that such as social gatherings, you don’t know that happiness can be driven to things good for you.

End Your Suffering By Following Four-Fundamentals Of Sangkrit

Sangkrit builds a savior system for humankind into the internet age, where you can build your wealth by following four-fundaments of Sangkit i.e cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business to startup from home as people’s personal outlet and help everybody in bringing their businesses online to serve from home and stay economic, physical, and mental well-being.

Do You Expect Consumers to Comeback After COVID-19 Crisis?

Are you just waiting for the lockdowns to be lifted so that you can move back to your business and serve consumers like before? Is it not risky speculation? Having a business of non-essential things and that also offline and expecting consumers to come back after the COVID-19 crisis and buy things from your store as before! The assumption is not at all safe for any business.

The corona crisis has made consumers move online but still, most of the businesses are ignoring the need of serving people online and this attitude can make them a thing of the past. People are now spending more time on the internet learning about the products they want to buy, reading blogs, and getting consistently targeted by online advertising programs. So there also comes another possibility of moving from your products and services to some other option.

The solution is easy, simply bring your business online and then start blogging your business to stay connected with your customers, reassuring them that you are there. Keep writing posts to reach out to prospects online and get more paying customers.

Provide ‘Leave At Door’ Option In Your WordPress Ecommerce Website

Prepare your business for providing a contactless delivery of products with necessary social distancing. Scott De Luzio’s ‘Leave At Door’ is a free plugin that enables ‘Leave at Door’ option on WooCommerce based WordPress Websites.

“If you yet don’t have an eCommerce website for your store, you can easily make one by subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. You may also help others in doing the same by starting up as People’s Personal Outlet in order to build another income stream for yourself”

Simply install and activate ‘Leave At Door’ plugin from your WordPress admin panel and it will add a small checkbox option on the checkout page just before the ‘Place Order’ button, enabling customers to opt for ‘Leave At Door’ delivery option.

How It Works?

When a customer ticks ‘Leave At Door’ option, a text field is shown to them so that they can optionally add more instructions such as ringing or not ringing the doorbell after leaving the box or leaving the package at some specific place near the door, etc.

The customer’s instructions are automatically placed below the billing address on the admin’s order edit screen, on order email, and the invoice displayed to the customer when they place their order. This information can be added to other places as-well by using the plugin’s function code on template files. The plugin’s settings page allows you to select the shipping methods to be enabled with ‘Leave At Door’ option.

Shift From Self-Employment To Home-Employment

Self-employed individuals are worst affected and least supported during any time of crisis. By following four-fundaments of Sangkrit and starting up as people’s personal outlet you can easily shift your self-employment to home-employment.

By doing this you will not only help yourself but others as well, by helping every business to come online and helping every individual to startup online from home.

Start Blogging Your Business

As ex-self-employed, you may simply start blogging your expertise by sharing your findings, ideas, and solutions as new blog posts. You may teach people with Do-It-Yourself solutions in your blog posts and charge for online consultation on requests. Keep your blogging consistent to develop a following and get regular traffic so that you can monetize your website and make money by blogging your business.

Startup As People’s Personal Outlet

Once you make your own website using Managed WordPress, you yourself become skilled enough to do the same for others and make money from that. Managed WordPress is a complete solution for most types of websites which includes all eCommerce solutions as-well.

Solve The Biggest Problem Of Employment

As a people’s personal outlet, you are solving the biggest problem of employment by making more people’s personal outlets like yours so that they can bring you more referrers. This will help every individual in home-employment and it will help businesses to keep themselves running by building another stream of income.

Learn To Work From Home And Serve From Homepage

Businesses are facing unprecedented losses in the prevailing COVID-19 effect whereas self earning individuals are financially suffering most. Learning to work from your home and serve from your home page is the only way left to solve your business problems without putting yours or anybody’s health at risk.

Learn to work from home by following four fundaments of Sangkrit i.e. cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business. Bringing your business online is the most essential task which you should have completed before. So register your domain name and subscribe to Managed WordPress to bring your business website online and serve your clients from your homepage.