Category Archives: Free Education

Best Google Chrome Feed Reader: Get Instant Notification For Newly Published Content On RSS You Are Subscribed To

Feeder -RSS Feed Reader is the best and fastest feed reader for Google Chrome users. As soon any new article ispublished on any feed you are subscribed to, this Google Chrome app notifies you with its Title and Excerpt links to the original article.

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WordPress Dashboard Interface For Controling Permalinks And .htaccess File

Now you can customize and control permalinks structure and .htaccess file direct from your WordPress admin areadashboard. WP htaccess Control should really be called as htacess and Rewrite Control plugin. The plugin provides you an easy interface for customizing htaccess file generated by WordPress and also its permalinks structure of author, category, archives, pagination and custom taxonomies.

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How To Modify WordPress RSS Feeds To Include Both Posts And Pages ?

By default WordPress RSS feed include only posts not pages. WordPress lets you change post RSS settings to send full blog post or just a summary in your feeds. This tutorial is about a simple WordPress plugin that lets you modify RSSfeeds to include pages and posts both in your feeds.

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How To Allow Your WordPress Site Users To Add Posts As Their Favorites ?

There are many WordPress Like Box plugins and there are few good plugins we have talked about earlier like WP ThumbsGravatar Like and BuddyPress Like Dislike for BuddyPress users. We have also discussed about the P2 Likeplugin that P2 Theme Users can use.

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How To Get Updated With Latest BuddyPress Hacks, Themes, Plugins And More Goodies ?

BPMail.Me is BuddyPress newsletter site that provides you with all latest BuddyPress community news, articles, hacks, plugins, themes and more. This is best thing for all BuddyPress bloggers who used to post article on new BuddyPress features and events. All you need to do is visit BPMail.Me and subscribe to latest BuddyPress news and goodies.

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How To Delete All Pending Comments In Just One Click In WordPress ?

Spams and meaningless comments are common in all WordPress sites. Generally what actually happen is you approve right comments and ignore spams etc and in this way after some time you create a big collection of pending comments. Here is a quick and easy way to delete all pending comments from your WordPress site.

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Stylish And Compact WordPress Plugin For Displaying Instagram Images Anywhere You Like

The Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram is a free Instagram plugin for WordPress site owners. The pluginis is capable enough of retrieving photos from givn Instagram user and tag. You can link Photos to your Instagram page, any URL or to a Lightbox Slideshow. Using its shortcode generator you can easily insert Instagram widget inside you blog posts and pages. Full demonstration of this plugin is available at The Alpine Press.

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Beautiful JQuery Based Vertical Mega Menu Widget For WordPress

WordPress provides you menu option for creating menus yo can display for making your website navigation easy. This tutorial is about a JQuery Widget plugin that allows you to create beautiful menus widget to show in your sidebar or any other widget area of your theme.

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How To Selectively Apply NoFollow To WordPress Comments As Well ?

Sometimes when you get worried that some of your comment links on your WordPress site might harm your websitereputation, when you find any comment links like spam etc but you don’t want to delete them then in that case the easiest think you can do is add nofollow to your comment links. This is easy but most of the plugins offer you adding nofollow or  dofollow in bulk and this creates problem when you want to add link relationship by yourself.

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How To Add MIME Type Dependent Listings To ‘Media Tags’ Plugin And Its Shortcodes ?

This tutorial is about extending shortcode functionality of popular Media Tags plugin. Tag listings available by [media-tags media_tags="my-tag"] are intended only for images and other attachments produce invalid list items. This is where Multi-Media-Tags comes to the rescue. The attachments MIME type (like image/pngvideo/ogg or application/json) decides how to  appropriately format the attachment.

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Easiest Way To Grab Your Visitors Attention By Using Beautiful Alert Messages With Images,Texts And Links

WP Alert is the brand new WordPress plugin that adds a smart feature of getting your website visitors attention by allowing you to add images, icons, texts and links in a beautiful and smart way on your WordPress blog posts and pages. You can choose backgrounds color and font sizes etc.

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How To Move Title Text Field To Bottom In Your WordPress Site ?

Most of the bloggers prefer writing post title after they complete up writing their blog post. This tutorial is about new WordPress plugin that simply moves the title field under the editor box in WordPress admin area.

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Debug This: Peek Under The Hood Of Front-End Of Your WordPress Site

WordPress has a new debug plugin that allows super admins to access debugging information from WP admin bar.

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Image Credits – Display Source Name, URL Fields And Credit On WordPress Media Uploads

It is easy to display credit and source URL while explaining something taking content from other website. But in case of images, default process increases few or more steps. This tutorial is bout adding source name, URL fields and credits for media uploads on your WordPress website.

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Display Random Images As Background In WordPress At Each Visit Or As Timed Slideshow

Background Manager is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to display random image as your WordPress websitebackground at each visit or as a timed slideshow without editing any theme file. The plugin lets you create a number of set of images from where an image is grabbed and displayed as your website‘s background. You can use your media library images, upload them from your computer or import them from third party sources. A live demonstration of Background Manager plugin is available at Background Manager Demo Site.

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How To Embed CodePen Pen In WordPress And Start Sharing Code Easily ?

If you are a developer using CodePen, you can easily embed it in your WordPress blog posts and pages in just a few steps. This tutorial is about CodePen Embed, a free WordPress plugin. Install and activate it. After activation it adds a button to WordPress Visual Editor and also a quicktag button to the HTML Editor. Now you can generate the shortcode from visual and HTML editors while writing your blog posts and pages, it makes a shortcode with empty parameters, define the parameters and enjoy the plugin.’

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Now WP Developers Can Easily List Their Plugins And Download Stats On Their WordPress Blogs

There is a new plugin for WordPress Plugin Developers that allows them to easily list their plugins and download counts from WordPress.Org to their self hosted WordPress sites.

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How To Move WordPress Posts In Bulk From One Category To Other ?

While merging two different blogs together or while cleaning up the unnecessary tags and categories from your WordPress blog what you need to do is merge two different categories or you can say moving a category to another category. This tutorial explains you how you can easily move your blog’s categories and tags without creating any 404 error.

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Awesome RSS Widget For Displaying Feeds Using Various Beautiful Styles In WordPress

Ever thought of displaying RSS feed using different awesome beautiful style like using a news ticker effect with thumbnails or displaying multiple tabbed RSS feeds and other customizable options for color styles and more. This article is about a popular WordPress widget plugin that allows you to do all these thing very easily.

Super RSS Reader is a jQuery based RSS reader widget for displaying RSS in various attractive styles. It is highly customizable with both external styles and inbuilt color styles. It works as perfect replacement of default WordPress RSS widget.

Installation & Usgae: All you need to do is install and activate Super RSS Reader, then visit Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page and drag its widget to your sidebar. There is no other options page, all configurations can be set on the widget itself. (view screenshots)