Category Archives: WordPress

How To Easily Integrate FancyBox In WordPress ?

Now you can very easily integrate a customizable fancybox in your WordPress site. All you need to do is install and activate the popular WordPress plugin called FancyBox for WordPress and that’s all. It automatically starts working soon after activation but still there are many customization options where you can set your own parameters. The plugin allows you make almost any customization which you can think about.

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Standard Widget Extensions With Accordion & Sticky Sidebar Features For Your WordPress Site

This tutorial is on a powerful WordPress plugin called Standard Widget Extensions. The plugin is a extension for WordPress standard themes, like Twenty Twelve/Twenty Eleven/Twenty Ten.  The plugin is also effective for themes which use widgets in a standard manner. Using this plugin you can add some cool features to your WordPress site widgets.

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How To Disable Jetpack Carousel On Mobile Devices ?

Jetpack’s Carousel is a lightbox overlay feature used for displaying image galleries in a stylish way but sometimes it doesn’t looks very nice in small mobile devices. This article explains you how you can specifically disable the carousel feature for mobile devices.

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How To Style WordPress Category & Tag Pages Using A Fully Functional TinyMCE Editor ?

Yes you can easily add a fully functional TinyMCE editor in your category and tag admin pages and use it for styling up the introductory information. CategoryTinymce plugin allows you to do so very easily.

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Increase WordPress Security By Locking Down HTaccess, WP-Config.php, Hiding Readme.html & Other Files

With new WordPress plugin you can improve your websites security by disabling a few insecure features. You can automatically hide the readme.html file, license.txt file, set permissions for wp-config.php and .htaccess file so that hackers cannot modify them.

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Cache Gravatar Into Your Host For Speeding Up Your WordPress Site

Cache is basically a component used for storing data transparently for fast processing of requests. Data stored in cache can be the computed values or duplicates of original values stored somewhere else. If data is stored in the cache then requests are served simply by reading the cache which is comparatively faster. This tutorial explains you how you can enable cache for Gravatars of your WordPress site.

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Easily Insert Google Visualization Charts With Custom Values In WordPress

Now its very easy to insert a Google Visualization chart inside your WordPress blog posts and pages simply by clicking a button and typing values in WordPress TinyMCE visual editor.

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How To Insert NoFollow Link Relation Via Shortcode In WordPress ?

Inserting `rel=nofollow` links inside your posts or pages via shortcode is an easy and much better method of inserting no follow attribute because here you can decide what links you want to prevent from search engine crawl.

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Easily Combine & Compress All JavaScript & CSS Files To Make Your WordPress Site Faster

Most popular way of making your website pages more responsive is simply minimizing the number of files to be downloaded as your webpage is loaded. This tutorial is on a simple yet powerful WordPress plugin called AssetsMinify, the plugin compress all JavaScript and CSS files to make your website more responsive and faster than before.

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Simple Threat Scanner For WordPress Content Directory & Database

Threat Scan Plugin runs a simple threat scan into your WordPress site checking for the things out of place in your website’s content directory as well as in your database.

The plugin searches PHP files for the occurrence of the eval() function, eval() function is an important part of PHP and can be also the door for that hackers. This eval() function is generally avoided by many PHP programmers unless they really need it. The function can sometimes be used for hiding malicious code or to inject future threats into infected systems. Hence it becomes important to delete the plugin and these containing this function. Not only this much the plugin does many other important things, continue reading about this plugin on its page.

Installation & Usage: Simply install and activate it. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Threat Scan, it automatically starts scanning your whole website and shows you the results.

Powerful WordPress Plugin For Creating A Business Website In Seconds

Quick Business Website is a brand new powerful WordPress plugin that transforms a simple WordPress blog into a fully functional business website. The plugin works same as advertised by its developers. It provides you a quick and easy interface for showcasing and managing your business pages. It automatically creates pages like contact, about, review etc soon after activation and hence you don’t need creating those pages from default admin area interface instead you manage them from this plugin’s AJAX powered user friendly admin section. There are a lot more features, after activation your website will immediately have:

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Few Good Alert Box, Announcement & Notification Plugins For WordPress

Few days back we discussed abot EMC2 Alert Boxes plugin which lets you to use jQuery and HTML5 animations to create a cool functional alert system with in your WordPress site. Now post contains some selected plugin we haven’t mentions earlier, you can use this plugins for inserting highlighting text, making announcements and gathering their attention for an event, update etc.

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Great Way For Notifying Or Alerting Your WordPress Site Visitors For Anything

EMC2 Alert Boxes is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to use jQuery and HTML5 animations for creating a cool functional alert system in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to display alert boxes by using [emc2alert] shortcode or by calling the $().emc2alert() jQuery function. You can see it working live at

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How To Completely Disable Site Delete Option In A WordPress Multisite Network ?

In a WordPress multisite network each subsite provides a delete site option in dashboard’s tools menu. This option is used for subsite admins for deleting their personal subdomain/subdirectory based website of weblog from the WordPress network of sites. This tutorial explains you how you can easily remove this site delete option for subsite admins and make subsite deletion limited to network administrators.

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Extend Default WordPress Widgets With More Powerful Cutomization Features

You can easily extend default WordPress widgets and add a few more widgets with more powerful features and customization options. GD Simple Widgets is a package of powerful and user-friendly widgets which expands default widgets features with few more must-have widgets specially for displaying posts, authors and comments.

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How To Add Custom Links, Copyrights & More In WordPress RSS Feeds ?

You can easily customize your WordPress site’s RSS feed by adding custom links, copyright information and other HTML at the top or bottom of your WordPress based site’s RSS feed.

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How To Easily Create A To-Do List In WordPress ?

You can set your WordPress install to let you users create private to-do lists or you can have all your site users share a to-do list, or you can have a master list with individual completion of items.

Cleverness To-Do List is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create To o list and provides you various options. You can assign your list items to a specific user, the plugin also includes an option to email new to-do item to the assigned user, you can optionally have those particular items only view able by that user.

You can assign different permission levels, capabilities, show deadline, progress fields, get category support and front-end administration etc.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate Cleverness To-Do List. After activation the plugin adds a To-Do List menu in your WordPress admin bar.

Click the link for opening the To-Do list page, here you can add to do items to your list.

You can configure all its options and features from its settings page (Dashboard -> To-Do List -> Settings)

Admin Area Widget:

To Do List Page:

Settings Page Showing Different Options Tabs:

Widget & Shortcode Support

The plugin provides you a sidebar widget and a shortcode [todolist] which you can use for displaying your to do list items anywhere in your WordPress site.

For adding the to-do list admin area section to the front-end of your website use the following shortcode: [todoadmin]

Post Formats Is Exiting Core From WordPress 3.6 Release

Few days back Mark Jaquith announced that Post Formats UI is exiting WordPress core in 3.6 but it will live as a plugin. It is said that Post Formats was holding the release of WP 3.6 so now developers are planning to extract it from the release but it would be live and will continue to develop as a plugin similar to MP6.

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