Here are four plugins you can use for displaying animated tag cloud in WordPress.
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Here are four plugins you can use for displaying animated tag cloud in WordPress.
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There are two good working WordPress plugins available that allows you to display recent or random posts from a set of tags or categories in your WordPress site’s widget areas. All you need to do is Install-activate them and you display posts by categories and tags from Appearance -> Widgets page.
Continue reading WordPress Widgets For Displaying Posts By A Set Of Tags And Categories
Restrict non-admin members from adding new pages in your WordPress site.
Continue reading How To Restrict Users From Creating New Pages On WordPress ?
New BuddyPress plugin allows you to manage notification system for all of your BuddyPress site members. Admins can manage all notifications settings including notification settings added by other plugins. After activation settings are applied to new members indivisibly. You can also disable access to notifications page for all members if you like.
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Add tags automatically rather than manually. Using Automatic Post Tagger plugin by Devtard all you have to do is create a list of tags with related words for each of them and this plugin automatically adds relevant tags when a post is published or updated. Also it offers you the feature to import those tags which are already present in your database and assign them to all posts.
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You might have seen some sites displaying 125*125 static banner ads. WordPress repository has a plugin that provides you feature to create these banner ads easily. They can be run on specified number of days, and will automatically be taken down. It track clicks too.
Continue reading Easily Create 125*125 Banner Ads In Your WordPress Site
A Facebook style ajax live search for WordPress based install, Ajaxy Live Search is a WordPress plugin which uses the same functionality as Facebook to retrieve the results from your blog.
Continue reading Facebook Style Ajax Live Search For WordPress
Everybody wants traffic but here is an option to block traffic from certain domain or IP.
Continue reading How To Block Visitors From Specified Domain Or IP Addresses ?
Hotlinking means showing images from other sites which increases bandwidth usage. You can stop Hotlinking in your WordPress site. All you need to do is open .htaccess file present in your WordPress root directory and the given code.
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .(gif|jpg|swf|flv|png)$ /feed/ [R=302,L]
WordPress plugin repository has a beautiful, automatic and dynamic “To Top” button to easily scroll long WordPress site pages back to the top.
Continue reading Dynamic “To Top” Button For Scrolling Long WordPress Pages Back To Header
Now make blogging more easy and fast by automatically adding most relevant tags to your WordPress blog posts.
Continue reading Automatically Add Most Relevant Tags To Your WordPress Blog Posts
Add a four column widget area in Atahualpa theme’s footer of your WordPress site.
Continue reading How To Create A Four Column Widget Area In WordPress Atahualpa Theme Footer ?
WordPress has a secret options page for site admins. Admin can access this page only by typing full page address.
Continue reading WordPress Hidden Options Page For Administrators
If you are looking for a plugin that exports ALL user data and meta data of your WordPress site to CSV then WordPress plugin repository has one good working plugin, using it you can get users data on spreadsheet. Even you can export the users by role and registration date range.
Continue reading How To Export WordPress Site Users Data And Metadata To CSV File ?
It is hard to organize grid column content in WordPress. Generally there are two methods for generating grid column content in WordPress. Either you have to use HTML or you need to add 20+ column shortcodes in your theme. Generally blog authors don’t like doing this as it gets lost after switching to new theme or running an update. I know there are many other methods for solving this problem but I am discussing about the easiest method so that it can be used by them who don’t know coding.
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Blog readers are not always ready to post comment for their like or dislike. You can add an option to like posts and pages so that your members and visitors can quickly like your posts by clicking the like button.
There are many WordPress widgets available for displaying links to social media profiles but the widget I am discussing here is Social Media Widget and it is the best one, best because it allows you to add almost all social media profile links easily and also you can add custom profile links too. You can choose from tons of icons which comes in 3 sizes or you can add your own icons. Other than social media profile links it offers you to add links to many more services, email, rss and much more.
Continue reading WordPress Widget For Displaying Links To All Social Media And Custom Profiles Popular Posts is a WordPress plugin for Self Hosted WP Sites, it simply displays your popular blog posts on your sidebar based on the data collected by Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin or WordPress.Com Stats plugins.
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WordPress Page ordering means order of pages in navigation menu. By default WordPress offers you an option in the Page Attributes section of Add New/Edit page for changing the order of pages as per your like. Changing order of pages is time consuming for the sites having many parent and subpages because adding a new page in between breaks up your order and in that case you have to quick edit all pages for keeping them in correct order again. Here I am discussing about new WordPress plugin that solves this problem and makes page ordering easy by adding drag and order page feature.
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WordPress site administrators can easily create chat rooms from their dashboard for their users to participate in. After creation, users can access it using permalink of that particular chat room.
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