All Articles by Sangkrit

Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.

4521 Articles

Managing The User’s Portfolio

Investments can be made simplest by creating an user’s portfolio. You ought to be investing only in your user’s portfolio.

That means whatever you use is worth investing for. Like whatever successfully drives your buy decision that regularly is worth investing substantially in its stocks as well.

Buying and selling the stocks may have another simplest rules. You may buy only around a 52 weeks low price within your user’s portfolio to be selling only around a 52 weeks high price.

People Are One

Internet is one. It is making all the peoples one. Nothing integrates the humankind any better. Before-Internet the humanity had no other integrating force that is not separatist by nature. Internet is not so. This purely integrates.

Although persisting superstitions and politics might still misuse it but the Internet has the caliber inbuilt to finally defeat them all, duly burying in the past. The people are one everywhere and they are historically entitled to correct any geo-political mistakes coercively enforced by any misrepresentation if found in serious conflict with internet integration of humanity.

The China Crisis

Any system collapses because of its internal inconsistencies rather than any outside conflicts.

The Soviet Union collapsed by unnecessarily exerting itself everywhere in its super power syndrome instead of pursuing the welfare of its own people within the homeland. Contrarily China has become cash-rich by following that wisdom of consecutive leaderships but now its government has also proceeded on that hegemonial path where the Communist Party of China might itself cause its collapse without anything foreign involved.

What threatens CPC more, democracies in the West and in nearby India, or its own proclaimed adherence to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought?

Exceeding the Deng restrainment, now cash-rich CPC has started economically exerting itself beyond the borders of the People’s Republic of China almost everywhere at the expense of the Chinese workers. Workers in China are exploited utmost. It is up to the extent that for decades every other capitalistic corporation used to establish its production lines in China.

This is making Chinese students from the working class background increasingly find solace in the writings of Marx and Mao. Reading radical classics thoroughly exposes the sham of Communist system to them. Gradually public experience configures their own consistency sparking independent imaginations among most of them. This makes the system seem increasingly more inconsistent with the vows of its own adherance.

Half a century back CPC pumped Maoism into India that is yet bleeding because of this. Although India reasonably refrained from retaliating by pumping in anything from Dalai Lama to democracy in return. Nor India embraced Taiwan as tit for tat to cope with China encouraging Pakistan. Whereas China brought in Russia also into this. Still not exerting unnecessarily is going to become India’s clear advantage in the future. Encouraging Pakistan has made what of the United States of America is evident in itself.

Inconsistencies within the People’s Republic of China are increasingly evident everywhere from Xinjiang and Tibet upto Hong Kong in contradiction to the Republic of China at Taiwan. Any system collapses because of its internal inconsistencies rather than any outside conflicts. This was proved true through the collapse of the Soviet system and this is going to be true with the Chinese characteristics as well.

The Power Of Sentence

Salman Rushdie said that the literature occurs at the level of a sentence but this works better with the politics that is actually made by the craft of making statements. In any democracy the politicians bid for the power by competitively creating the cleverest sentences.

For making his revolution in Russia, Lenin accumulated an unprecedented power only by wrtiting the power of sentence at its best. He didn’t even made many speeches in public before the victory of his revolution and was not even seen even by the most of his people till then.

Although Hitler accumulated all his power by orating the power of sentences at his best.

Despite not being a prolific writer or that fiery an orator, Stalin accumulated all his power by executing the power of sentence at its best. Strategicaly utilizing others’ inherent motives, he was indeed a grand master of the political chess board in practice.

The power of sentence has been a higher skill indeed than any configuration of literature in it.

Taxation Is Outdated

Taxation and inflation continuing altogether means the statesmen not knowing the political economy of governance.

Sangkrit insists for taxing only the transaction volume of the economy in an inflation mode for updating the governance. Thus the state may finally dispose off the burdensome taxation machinery by stopping all unnecessary distraction on business.

Taxation and inflation continuing altogether means the statesmen not knowing the political economy of governance. That is how they still bother about harbouring huge taxation machinery for extorting from their people. The way taxation continued even after the establishment of central banks circulating state currencies proves only that.


To Not Be At Fault Like That

To have any future, it is essential at-least that you view it from the present tense.

Industrial revolution following the colonial occupation and followed by the Communist revolutions in reaction was another era that has been passed as Industrial Age. Thereafter the Internet Age has duly begun independently.

Calling this the fourth industrial revolution is an understatement by the people left in the past, who are still busy learning English and installing computers. Persisting with such old lessons make them perceive their future from the past tense but to no avail, as they have finally lost it. To not be at fault like that simply synchronise your sense of future with Sangkrit.

Ongoing digital developments have built the threshold of entirely different another era. We are not in the industrial age anymore. Just like the green revolution did not occur in the agrarian age.

Sangkrit’s entry point protocol begins as empty pocket entrepreneurship into internet startups. That is made explicit in Hindi in a power pamphlet made available for free at the google play. Educating in english has become outdated like installing computers were primitive things done till the early stage of internet age and these endeavours have ultimately lost worth with the beginning of the smartphone stage of internet age.

Continuing with such old habits is like perceiving future from the past tense. To have any future, it is essential at least that you view it from the present tense.

How To Start Ecommerce Website With Inventory Management Features?

An online store is easier and cheaper to run than other ways of selling and it also provides you with built-in inventory management features.

So if your inventory management needs are not overly complex then instead of using a separate ERP, it is better to make use of e-commerce to reduce dependencies and make things easier for yourself.

As now an e-commerce store can effectively keep all records and statistics of selling goods and services. It can manage its own inventory and it is much cheaper and easier than ERP applications out there.

Continue reading How To Start Ecommerce Website With Inventory Management Features?

Benefits Of Selling Products On Your Own Ecommerce Store

Netizens who sell on third-party e-commerce marketplaces undoubtedly notice many limitations on their selling platform. For instance:

  1. Your profit is shared
  2. You follow their conditions than making your own
  3. You are forced to upload images and content meeting their specific guidelines.
  4. People who buy from these third-party marketplaces think they are buying products from that specific service, your name becomes too small to be noticed
  5. You never build up your name as nobody cares whom they are buying from as long as they find the product they are looking for
  6. They get all credit for your sales and product qualities

And when you have your own store website –

  1. You get the freedom to sell what you want and how you want
  2. You can also make additional money from advertising programs such as Google Adsense
  3. You get complete data and statistics of your sales to grow your business online and do better each time
  4. You get connected to your customers directly, you have their contact information and emails with their permission
  5. You know what your customers like and what their shopping patterns are
  6. You can create promotions, send alerts, start and stop sales when you want
  7. You get all power to run your online store the way you want
  8. You can also open registration for other sellers to take part

So selling your products and services on your own e-commerce store is far better than using third-party marketplaces because on your webstore you will not meet any limitations and get more flexibility over your products.

You can start your online store without affecting your sales on other e-commerce marketplaces

You can also add affiliate products which you are selling on other marketplaces to promote only your domain as the center of all your online sales.

With a domain name registered at, you can easily create your online store instead of a simple website.

Read this tutorial to start your own e-commerce store with all functionality to support the shopping cart, allowing your customers to browse through your products, add them to the cart, and pay you online.

How To Start Your Own Invoice & Billing Application At

An invoice is a bill of the products and services with their costs which you give to your customers, it is often used to ask clients for payment.

This post shares an easy way of using an invoicing software on your domain or subdirectory for generating any number of invoices online with automatic calculations from anywhere.

  • It is absolutely free, no monthly subscription, all you need to have is a cPanel hosting at
  • It is a browser-based application you can use from anywhere
  • It is a free software, developed by the community and it’s yours
  • Easily track your finances, send invoices as PDF’s and hundreds of other great features

It is a billing i.e. invoicing application that focuses on simplicity while still providing advanced features at no extra cost.

Continue reading How To Start Your Own Invoice & Billing Application At

Deploying Java Applications Via Command Line Interface At

There are two interfaces of deploying Java Applications – The file manager interface and the command line interface. hosting and servers provide you cPanel management from where you can deploy your Java applications.

As we have discussed before, many Java applications ship in WAR packages which means Web Application Archive, which can be installed on your server.

Continue reading Deploying Java Applications Via Command Line Interface At

The Filename Your PHP Initialization File Need To Use

PHP initialization files are read when PHP starts up, these files can manage forms, server, and environmental variables as well as server-side cookies, temporary directories, error display, and error logging. The directives these files can control can be found in PHP’s documentation.

Continue reading The Filename Your PHP Initialization File Need To Use

Installing Email Marketing System On Hosting now supports five hundred emails per hour, you can use these relays to start a legit newsletter system on your domain and send daily or weekly newsletters to your email subscribers.

Simply start by logging in to your account, visit your products page and open the cPanel of the hosting where you like to setup your email marketing system.

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Five hundred email relays in an hour i.e. twelve thousand emails in a day is the new limit of web hosting options at

SMTP relay also known as email relay is a protocol that allows email to be transmitted through the internet. It is used for collecting email from the sender and delivering it to the recipient’s address.

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Manage All Your Websites From A Central Admin Panel

Once you startup as people’s personal outlet at and get some websites to manage, you can configure a central admin panel to manage all your websites and do all important tasks from one place without having to log in to websites manually one by one.

Website management tasks may include malware scanning, updating software, tracking vulnerable updates, accessing dashboard without a separate login, cloning a website to a new domain etc.

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Now You Can Transfer Expired Domains In Renewal Grace Period

After a domain name expires, it goes through multiple stages before being released for registration globally and sometimes is it released as a premium domain name which makes it very costly.

It is not possible to register an expired domain from another registrar for a time period but you can still transfer it to during the renewal grace period.

The length of the grace period differs by domain name extension. Most general top-level domain name extensions like .com and .net have a 30-day grace period between expiration and redemption. Whereas country-code extensions such as .ca and .jp might have very different grace periods or no grace period at all.

Continue reading Now You Can Transfer Expired Domains In Renewal Grace Period

Securing Your Brand Name At

While selecting a brand name for your startup, you must look up for the available domain names. The system often uses Bulk Domain search that allows you to look up a name on multiple domain extensions. As these days, with the growth of new TLD extensions such as .global, .company, .systems, .technology, .enterprises etc many more domain extensions have become available to choose from.

You should choose a brand name that is unique, this will also help you in securing all its domain extensions. In case you have made up your mind for your brand name and your favorite domain name is unavailable then look up for other available options such as .co, .net, .biz and there are many more, use Bulk Domain search. A broader array of domain names are available at so that you can easily get to know about more options on a domain name.

READ – Why you should register your domain names at

Alternatively, you can also search for the unavailable domain name and place a backorder. It helps you to acquire your favorite domain as soon it becomes available for registration. But placing a backorder does not mean a guarantee that you will get the domain name as the present owner might renew the domain on time.

If someone else has registered the domain name of your trademark?

Follow the guidelines outlined in ICANN’s Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy i.e. UDRP.

You may consult a lawyer ensuring your case is as strong as possible. Remember, even though you own your trademark, a domain owner is still likely to fight back to keep the domain.

Getting such domain names can be expensive, but if you own your trademark then you have a chance of getting the domain from the squatter.

Alternatively, you may also contact the domain owner and make an offer. This can be done by searching owner’s contact information on his website or via Who. Is record.

To avoid such issues, it is better to secure all important domains extensions of your brand name.

It Is Only Technology That Has All The Answers, Said Ravi Sharma

Considering the wealth divide as the biggest threat to the society, nations and the world, Ravi Sharma wants to use technology for enhancing education and employment everywhere since he is a firm believer that technology has all the answers and that actually brings him closer to us.

Continue reading It Is Only Technology That Has All The Answers, Said Ravi Sharma

How To Grow Your Blog With Focus & Plan?

Blogging can be the best home business for you. To make it profitable, you must always be blogging on your domain about your works or environs that interests you the most and you find useful for others also.

Read – Will I Make Money If I Start My Website?

You simply start by registering or transferring your domain to and then subscribe Managed WordPress to startup your blogging website in minutes – start from here.

People start blogging by posting on things that interest them and with useful posts on regular basis, they start to make money via Google Adsense and other online earning programs.

Blogging on random things might bring you some visitors. But without any focus, your intentions become unclear and this result in visitors that don’t return to your website intentionally.

Benefits of niche blogging

Posting in a niche that interests you the most helps you to grow your traffic and make your domain more popular on the Internet.

The reason is when someone comes to your website for reading some post, he would surely like to read more posts under the same category.

Just like a business plan, you should outline what your blog is offering –

  1. What is your blogging niche?
  2. Who are you blogging for, your target audience?

For a niche blog, post on categories you specialize in, maybe –

  1. Cooking blog– posting recipes
  2. Programming blog – sharing code recipes
  3. Technology blog – sharing technical lessons or product reviews
  4. Travel blog – Posting about tourist destinations and places of interest
  5. Photoblog blog – Sharing images and photos you have clicked
  6. Personal blog – You day-to-day activities or things you find interesting
  7. Or anything else you likeHealth & Fitness, Entertainment, Film Reviews, Place Reviews, Your Home Town, Your Views on something etc

From this concept, create

  1. Blog categories you like to post in
  2. Menu bar to outline your categories and give easy navigation
  3. Introductions – Your story so that your readers feel more connected to you

This cornerstone will make it easier for you to get new ideas and brand yourself as a blogger.

The Effect Of Google Chrome Updates Over Non SSL Websites

You should strongly consider getting your own HTTPS SSL Certificate. Sometime back Google has declared SSL as an official ranking factor and now the upcoming updates to Google Chrome browser will start to mark websites running without SSL certificate as “Not secure”.

As per the updates on new Google Chome versions expected to come before July 2018, visitors to your website using an up to date version of Google Chrome will notice a warning, which may put them off because most of the websites they visit on daily basis are properly SSLed.

You should also be concerned about your visitors’ sensitive data which consists of names, addresses, email addresses and payment information. If your website has a “logged in”, “members section” or “clients-area” on your website, then this too counts as sensitive personal information which needs to be protected.

How to use SSL on your website?

Start by subscribing an SSL certificate and then follow the steps given here. If you are a WordPress user then follow this tutorial. For further support email to