Tag Archives: past

People Are One

Internet is one. It is making all the peoples one. Nothing integrates the humankind any better. Before-Internet the humanity had no other integrating force that is not separatist by nature. Internet is not so. This purely integrates.

Although persisting superstitions and politics might still misuse it but the Internet has the caliber inbuilt to finally defeat them all, duly burying in the past. The people are one everywhere and they are historically entitled to correct any geo-political mistakes coercively enforced by any misrepresentation if found in serious conflict with internet integration of humanity.

To Not Be At Fault Like That

To have any future, it is essential at-least that you view it from the present tense.

Industrial revolution following the colonial occupation and followed by the Communist revolutions in reaction was another era that has been passed as Industrial Age. Thereafter the Internet Age has duly begun independently.

Calling this the fourth industrial revolution is an understatement by the people left in the past, who are still busy learning English and installing computers. Persisting with such old lessons make them perceive their future from the past tense but to no avail, as they have finally lost it. To not be at fault like that simply synchronise your sense of future with Sangkrit.

Ongoing digital developments have built the threshold of entirely different another era. We are not in the industrial age anymore. Just like the green revolution did not occur in the agrarian age.

Sangkrit’s entry point protocol begins as empty pocket entrepreneurship into internet startups. That is made explicit in Hindi in a power pamphlet made available for free at the google play. Educating in english has become outdated like installing computers were primitive things done till the early stage of internet age and these endeavours have ultimately lost worth with the beginning of the smartphone stage of internet age.

Continuing with such old habits is like perceiving future from the past tense. To have any future, it is essential at least that you view it from the present tense.

The Past Is Dead

The past is dead so everybody may move on only forward.

People’s personal outlets, upgrading humankind into internet age, by distributing and developing internet growth, always march forward so that the old world becomes everybody’s past. The past goes there, where all doors are closed forever.

Only idiots attempt to win back their defeated history. That never actually happens. The ultimate place of all history is a natural trashbin of human forgetfulness. The distant past must become that dead.

Always winning the future works. Wiseguys do not fight their battles in distant past. They settle down pretty well for their future. That is the source of all forgiving nature.