Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Beautifully Animate The Twenty Thirteen WordPress Theme?

Twenty Thirteen is a colourful WordPress blogging theme designed by Automattic. The theme features a full range of post formats, each displayed in their own unique way. It has a vibrant color scheme, matching header images, good typography, icons, and a flexible responsive layout which works for all small and big screen devices.

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Easily Customize The Scrollbar Of Your WordPress Site

Using CSS you can customize the scroll bar or any website but it is not easy for everyone and also there are some browser compatibility issues. This tutorial is about a WordPress plugin which provides website a customizable, stylish & responsive scrollbar. See it live working here. Dewdrop Custom Scrollbar allows you to customize the frontend scroll bar and use you own custom colors, width, height, border, radius etc and it supports all major web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Opera etc.

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Top 10 Awesome Ways Of Displaying Social Sharing Buttons In WordPress

Social sharing buttons gives more exposure to your website, they encourages visitors to share your content and now search engines also includes social media sharing counts in their algorithm for counting the strength of links. In general website owners display sharing buttons before or after their post content or by using a floating bar with share buttons etc. In this tutorial we are sharing some more good ways of displaying social media sharing buttons in WordPress.

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How To Remove Unwanted Admin Area Menus in WordPress?

WordPress admin menus arethe links visible on the left side navigation in your admin area dashboard i.e /wp-admin screens. There are various ways of customizing these admin menus and we have discussed about them here. Now what is the need of removing admin menus? It entirely depends on the user, everyday many searches are made on removing unwanted menus from WordPress dashboard.

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How To Use High Contrast Login Screen In WordPress?

Today one of our reader emailed us asking how he can use a high contrast color style in his website’s login page. Black Login Screen plugin automatically changes WordPress login screen to black color and makes it more contrast. It provides you a simple WordPress hack which you can manually edit (or use inside your theme’s function.php file) to activate a custom background color on your website’s login page.

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How To Clone & Replace Posts In WordPress?

Clone & Replace plugin provides you a useful post forking and merging tool. It simply allows you to clone published posts, then edit those clones (as any other draft can be) and finally replace the original posts with your updated post clones. All features can be used both individually and in combined state like a fork and merge model.

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How To Wrap WordPress Login Screen With Your Website’s Theme?

You can create a simple WordPress page and use it for displaying the login form. You can either completely wrap login with your active WordPress theme or fully customize the default login page adding your own logo, style and colors etc. WPF-Login enables you to use all these functions and create a new custom login page or simply insert the default login form into currently activated theme of your website.

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How To Enable Header & Footer On WordPresss Login Page?

WordPress’s default login page looks fine if you are running a personal weblog. But if you are designing your client’s website then it will certainly appear to be odd to your client. The reason is it promotes WordPress whereas everybody likes professionally designed websites and not the websites promoting some other brand, logo or company.

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How To Easily Rename WordPress Login Page?

Renaming WordPress login page can be very useful in preventing brute force attacks making unauthorized login attempts, you can use it on your client sites etc. Sometime back we have posted a tutorial on modifying WordPress admin slug i.e. /wp-admin to something else of your choice. Rename wp-login.php is a similar plugin which allows you to change your login page slug directly from your admin area dashboard.

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How To Insert Shortcode Less Buttons In WordPress?

In general most WordPress button plugins provides you shortcodes for inserting various kinds of buttons in a post, page and other custom post types. In this tutorial we are discussing about a completely different plugin which provides you a visual way of adding CSS buttons inside the post editor screen and to your themes.

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How To Make WordPress Admin Bar Slide?

You make WordPress admin bar slide by replacing it with an admin button, it saves your frontend space without completely disabling or hiding the toolbar. Admin Bar Button is a WordPress plugin which upon activation replaces the default WP admin Bar on the front end with a simple slide button. Clicking this admin button slides and displays the admin bar and makes it accessible for you and other users of your website.

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How To Unset Login Screen Logo In WordPress 3.9+ Versions?

We have posted various tutorials on customizing WordPress login screens (take a look over to related tutorials showing up after this posts). In this tutorial we will show you how you can simply unset the login screen logo without customizing or changing anything out. You can so so either by activating Hide Login Logo plugin or alternatively you may add the following code in your theme’s function.php file and that’s it.

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How To Use SANGKRIT.net To Start Your Website Designing Business?

A few things you must have to start your website designing business is your own domain and website where you can show up your information, what kind of websites you can design and what are your charges. A website is the first impression of your online business, it helps you in gaining more trust. A professionally design website leaves good impression on your visitors and encourages them to become your client. In this tutorial we will discuss how you can use SANGKRIT.net to start your website designing business.

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How To Add An Attractive Sliding Panel In WordPress?

You can easily add a beautiful panel with a sliding login form for logged out users and admin area and site management links for logged in users. WP Sliding Login/Dashboard Panel provides you a cool slide login and dashboard links panel which automatically get fixed at the top of your website. The good thing is that you can disable the default login/dashboard functionality and use your own custom HTML content instead.

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How To Organize WordPress Posts In Multiple Parts?

You can now create and organize WordPress posts into multiple parts. Multiple parts means you can automatically add a table of content at the top of the post which links to other selected posts of your website. This table of contents looks similar to Wikipedia’s table of contents but here it links to individual posts and it automatically shows up on all posts which are linked to it.

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How To Create & Display Your Own Text Advertisements In WordPress?

You can easily create your own simple text advertisements to place inside your posts, pages and other shortcode supported areas, you can create and manage the advertisement from one admin screen and it shows up everywhere you have used its shortcode. Text Advertisements is a very handy WordPress plugin which allows you create and edit text advertisements (very much similar to Google Text Ads) and display them via shortcode.

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How To Define Words Globally Using Hover Text In WordPress?

This is not about inserting tool tips with shortcodes, this is about adding meanings to some words on your website which will automatically appear on hovering the mouse pointer over the predefined words in WordPress. Text Hover, a WordPress plugin lets you add hover text to regular words. The plugin provides you a handy way for providing explanations of names, terms, phrases, and acronyms mentioned inside your posts, pages and comments.

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How To Get Goo.gl Short URLs From WordPress ‘Get Shortlink’ Button?

WordPress provides you a ‘Get Shortlink‘ button on post edit screens which generates a shorted URL of the page. A WordPress short URL contains your domain name suffixed with some numeric value. Where as Jetpack plugin enabled websites generates shortlinks with wp.me/something address. In this tutorial we will show you how to use Google URL Shortner service for creating short URLs with WordPress ‘Get Shortlink’ button.

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How To Auto Color Change WordPress Post Editor On Word Count?

A post with minimum of number 300 words is considered good for SEO than those which just have a little text and links in them. This tutorial is about an amazing WordPress plugin which allows you to set editor colors associated with number of words in them and then when a user starts typing the post content the color starts changing on the basis of number of words he has types or pasted in editor’s post content area. This way you can automatically know your post has reached that number of words.

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How To Display Full Header Google+ Badge And Other Social Network Widgets In WordPress?

Social Media Buttons & Widgets is the brand new social profile display widgets pack for WordPress. The plugin provides you a pack of Faceboook, Twitter, Google+ and social links widgets and after post sharing buttons. The social sharing buttons include sharing links for Facebook Like, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest. Whereas the widgets pack include Social Media Links Widget, Facebook Like Box Widget, Twitter Feed Widget and a very beautiful Google+ Badge with follow bubble link.

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Top 15 WordPress Plugins For Multi-Author Blogs

WordPress allows you to register and keep multiple authors in one website installation. You can add new authors anytime from users’s add new screen present in the side menu of your admin area dashboard.  In this article we are sharing a list of some very good plugins we have installed and tested for improving the default multi-author system of WordPress.

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