Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Implement HTTPS (SSL Certificate) In WordPress?

As soon Google declared HTTPS as an official Google ranking signal, the discussions on implementing SSL certificate in WordPress started populating WP forums and social media sites. In this tutorial we are showing you an easy method to enable HTTPS working on your WordPress site.

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Top 5 WordPress Shortcode Plugins That Worth Giving A Try

Shortcode generator plugins are very useful for presenting your website content in a better and more beautiful way. For example: Instead of using simple bullets and numbering, you can use some icon based lists. You can make inpost headings more beautiful, you can frame your post images, add pull quotes, slideshows, make responsive embeds and there are tons of more options, a shortcode plugin provides you.

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How To Show List Of Current Page Siblings In WordPress?

Displaying page siblings means showing the hierarchy of pages, their sub pages inside content. There are many ways of displaying page siblings like generally users use bullets and numbering option and manually create the list of sibling pages.

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Organize Your Portfolio Projects In WordPress With Jetpack Custom Post Type Module

Now Jetpack by WordPress.com plugin provides you a new custom post type module called ‘Portfolio Projects’. The module is automatically enabled after Jetpack is updated. It allows you to use a unique portfolio content type so that you can organize your portfolio projects from a special section of your admin area dashboard.

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Give Unique Styles To Individual WordPress Posts & Custom Post Types

In this tutorial we will be showing you how you can easily use different template styles (like you theme’s page templates and other manually designed templates) with your single posts, custom post types and pages etc.

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Best E-commerce, Paypal Donation and Payment Plugins For WordPress

A part from popular eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce and WP eCommerce which empowers you to sell anything online, beautifully and easily from your WordPress site. There are several other similar purpose plugins you can use for accepting payments, donations via PayPal etc, specially when you want to accept payments on a few products without transforming your complete WordPress site into an online store.

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Easily Extend Common WordPress Admin Functions

Slash Admin allows you to manage some common admin functions that every website owner probably needs in his website. The plugin allows you to add favicon, insert Google Analytics code, insert custom web fonts, add a login screen logo, fix login page links, enable home page redirect after login, exclude various admin menus for non-admin users.

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How To Use bbPress (WordPress Forums Plugin)?

bbPress is forum (also called message boards, bulletin board) plugin designed for using with WordPress sites. A few days back a SANGKRIT.net hosting owner emailed us asking how he can easily start using bbPress, most bbPress tutorials on Internet are very long and confusing. All he wanted to do is create a few message boards in his WordPress site.

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How To Hide Sticky Footer Of Jetpack Infinite Scroll In WordPress?

Instead of making your visitors having to click a link view older posts or navigate to next page in WordPress you can use Jetpack’s infinite scrolling module which automatically pulls the next posts into view when the reader approaches the bottom of the page. It is now compatible with Google Analytics, now its options page on dashboard Settings -> Reading allows you to track each Infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics.

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How To Highlight New Posts For Returning Visitors In WordPress?

You can highlight new blog posts for returning visitors in your WordPress site. For Example: When a visitor returns to your website, he will be seeing the new posts (that were published after his most recent visit) in highlight. All highlighted posts displays a ‘NEW’ label appended to their title.

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