Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Add Shipping Cost Per Item, Per Shipping Class Or Per Order In WooCommerce?

Flat Rate Shipping, a free shipping method in your WooCommerce website enabled you to define a standard rate per item, per shipping class or per order. It works with Product Shipping Classes with more options and flexibility.

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Group Similar Ecommerce Products For Specific Shipping Methods In WooCommerce

Shipping classes in WooCommerce are used for grouping similar products and used by some shipping methods, such as Flat Rate Shipping etc to offer different rates to different product classes.

For instance – If you are using shipping classes, it becomes possible for you to create different flat rate costs for different product types such as bulky items and light items.

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Fix WooCommerce Image Size Issues On Your Ecommerce Website

Issues with featured product images is common on all ecommerce websites and market places, even Amazon and eBay are same in this regard. The reason is you can set a ratio for your product images and when someone uploads the images ignoring the format of featured images configured on your website, the display looks bad.

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How To Force Instant RSS Feed Update in WordPress?

Recently a Managed WordPress owner raised a question about how to force an immediate update to RSS feeds in WordPress.

Is there a way to force RSS feed update on my website? My problem is after I have made changes to a blog post? I have noticed that once the content is published, the RSS feed is sent and I can see it in my own RSS reader, but then I cannot update it anyhow, even if I change everything in the post. Frustratingly, the RSS keeps showing the old version, even after I manually update my feed reader.

By default what happens is when you update posts, tags or categories on your website, the content sent via RSS feed remains the same for longer period of time. The reason is default feed update cycle of WordPress is twelve hours.

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How To Display Responsive Logo Carousel In Your WordPress Website?

Logo carousels are used for displaying logos of business partners, investors, sponsors and affiliates etc.

Unlimited Logo Carousel is the new WordPress plugin that lets you easily display it on your WordPress website to showcase anything starting from logos to services you provide on your websites.

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Automatically Pull WordPress Plugin Banner And Title In Your Tutorials

If you are posting review or tutorial about any WordPress plugin, you can automatically display the title of the plugin, link to the plugin and the banner anywhere inside your post content to make an awesome presentation indeed.

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How To Parent Your Girl Child?

Women host humanity. They have that kind of courage that is really necessary for establishing sustainable world peace but do you have necessary courage for upbringing future women for that?

Sangkrit has very simple suggestions for parenting future women as follows: –

  1. When a girl child is born, her name should be chosen by seeing the availability of a dot com domain name to get registered in her name as registrant.
  2. Since early childhood she should be encouraged for systematically blogging her opinions on almost everything.
  3. She should be made to dream for developing her household in to the most wonderful domestic entrepreneurship.
  4. She should be taught to retire by running her homeschool for grandchildren.

By getting registered her name.com she gets the globally distinct identity and by installing WordPress on her domain she starts her own free press that keeps her always free.

By thinking about developing her household in to a domestic entrepreneurship, she prevents any education or employment of displacement.

Retiring by running her homeschool for kids shall bring her the greatest joy in twilight years. Upbringing women like that can make a complete revolution.

Ultimately every woman must learn to own her domain name, her household and her domestic entrepreneurship.

WordPress Is Free Press Of Internet Age

Installing WordPress on your domain is enough to let you have your own free press publishing whatever you want the world know. Managed WordPress at http://system.sangkrit.net does that too for you.

People like knowing and your consistent work to let them know pays off soon by generating advertising revenue for you. AdSense is a way to tap that smartly.

Manage All Website Files & Directories From WordPress Admin Area

Just like you do via FTP or cPanel File Manager, now you can manage all your WordPress installation files with ability to edit, delete, upload, download, copy-paste files and folders with new WP File Manager that works from your admin area dashboard.

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How To Display Inline Related Posts In WordPress?

Most of the websites display related content at the end of the article, however if you write long articles on your website, the user would probably be seeing related posts at last i.e. after scrolling entire content. You can make your website highly engaging by displaying interesting related content in between the post, may be between headings or paragraphs etc.

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How To Hide WordPress Admin Bar On Frontend & Vice Versa?

WordPress admin bar provides you admin area links connecting the back end of your website to the frontend. This toolbar, present on the top of every WordPress installation is very useful for accessing quick website management features. Still, sometimes it doesn’t looks great on the frontend of every website.

In this lesson you will learn about hiding it completely or under certain defined conditions on your website.

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How To Import .Docx Document Content In WordPress Post?

If you prefer writing in some Word writer instead on WordPress directly then here is one easy way of converting semantically marked up .docx documents to simple and clean HTML inside your post without copy-pasting document file which creates the usual mess.

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Market Your Artworks By Starting Your Own Website

The world wide web can be your best place to start your own virtual gallery. Artists can market their artworks live on most global platform i.e. your website. In this age of Internet, the virtual places are more essential when most of the netizens try to find fount everything online. Having your own dynamic website can be the most powerful way reach out to potential clients without taking a negative stimulus of distance and time.

In this lesson you will learn about the easiest ways of bringing your website online featuring your artwork portfolio etc.

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How To Create Responsive Pricing Tables In WordPress Website?

Responsive Pricing Tables offers you a new elegant way of showing premium plans pricing table of your service or product on your website. In this lesson you will learn how easy it is to create and display pricing tables in WordPress.

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How To Stop Search Engines From Crawling Your WordPress Website?

There are many scenarios when someone wants to stop search engines from crawling and indexing his website. For instance: If you want to use your website just as an Android app. In this lesson, you will see how easily you can stop search engines from crawling your WordPress website.

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How To Add Custom Buttons In WordPress Visual Editor?

WordPress visual editor provides you a semi-WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) content editor to easily write, edit, and format your text and rich media content in a view similar to word processors etc. You can switch between HTML i.e. text editor and visual editor from the top right corner of the post editing box.

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How To Hide Your Theme From WordPress Theme Detectors?

A WordPress theme detector detects all themes and plugins which are being used on some website. Earlier we have also discussed how you can completely hide the fact that you use WordPress on your websites. Now in this lesson you learn about a simple trick that will hide the name of your theme from such detectors. In result, WordPress detectors will not be able to detect which theme your are using on your website.

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