Tag Archives: Plugins

Configuring WP Super Cache Plugin To Speedup Your WordPress Website

WP Super Cache is a popular and featured cache plugin, officially developed by WordPress core programmers and Automattic team. The plugin can be used everywhere such as on shared hosting plans, VPS and dedicated servers.

It powers WordPress with a very fast caching engine that produces static HTML files to better your loading time and reduce resource usage.

When HTML files are generated, your webserver starts to serve those files instead of processing PHP queries. Hence, less resources are used and website loads faster than before.

These static files are served to majority of your visitors, but when a user’s details are shown in the comment form, as they leave a comment then in that case requests are handled by the legacy caching engine.

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What WordPress Cache Plugin To Use? WP Super Cache Or W3 Total Cache?

WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are two most popular cache plugins for WordPress websites. Both plugins are designed to generate cache of your website in order to make it fast and perform better on world wide web.

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How To Add SMS Sharing Button In WordPress?

There are various plugins that allows your users to share posts on social networking websites. Earlier we have discussed about adding Whats App sharing button in WordPress, read:

  1. WhatsApp Sharing For WordPress Can Increase Your Website Traffic
  2. Enable WhatsApp Sharing Button In Jetpack Powered WordPress Site

Now you may also activate SMS sharing button so that your users would be able to share your content by sending links to mobile numbers via SMS.

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Autoptimize Your WordPress Website Minimizing JS, CSS & HTML

When it comes to optimizing your WordPress website, the question comes, how to? Now no worries, in this lesson you will learn about automatically optimizing your website and minifying JavaScript, CSS and HTML files which are pushed into header when you activate new plugins and themes in your WordPress installation.

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Remove Query Strings From Static Resources In WordPress

Google uses page speed to rank any website on its search results page. Hence, removing query strings from static resources improves the performance of your website.

This not only betters your performance on SERPs but also enhances user experience, because no one wants to visit a website that takes lots of seconds to load.

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How To Remove Built-in User Roles In WordPress?

Subscriber, editor, author and contributor are built-in WordPress user roles. In case you have already created new user roles using popular User Role Editor or any other plugin and now you don’t need default WordPress user roles on your website. You can easily remove them by creating a new PHP function.

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What WordPress Should Do Next To Overcome Security Flaws?

WordPress is the most popular website designing and publishing platform written in PHP. It is becoming better from update to upgrade but there are some very important functions; Automattic (the company behind WordPress) must work out and provide its users in future updates.

Like all other online applications WordPress is also not 100% secure, it can easily be hacked if the user has not implemented any security functions on his website.

There are plugins, apps and online tools that enables you to increase the security of your WordPress site but they are packed with useless and heavy code causing unnecessary load on the resources of your website.

Don’t you think some important security features should be included in WordPress core to make it easier for netizens to secure their websites and save themselves from online threats.

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Scan WordPress Core, Theme & Plugin Files Against Originals

It is very important to watch your WordPress core, plugin and theme files for injected malware code.

In this lesson you will learn about scanning every single bit of your WordPress website core, themes and plugin files against their original version present in plugin and theme repository at WordPress.org.

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How To Auto-Convert WordPress Post Title Into Proper Case?

Earlier we have discussed about converting post content into proper case. We also posted lessons on automatically converting first alphabet to uppercase after full-stop and beautifying content text by auto-fixing case, punctuation etc.

Now in this lesson you will see how to convert your WordPress blog post title in proper case with a click of a button.

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How To Display Last Updated Post Date In WordPress?

By default WordPress shows you publish date and there is no way for reader to know about the recent changes made to any post in your WordPress website.

You must have noticed certain news websites running over WordPress shows last modification date on their articles. In this lesson you will learn how you can easily let your visitors know that the post was modified.

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How To Disable New User Email Notifications In WordPress?

When a new user registers on your WordPress website, an email is sent to site admin’s inbox. If more and more users are frequently registering on your website and you don’t want the email notification to be sent then you can easily disable it.

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How To Customize Welcome Email On WordPress Multisite Network?

When a new website is created either by admin or any other user, WordPress automatically sends an email to the new site administrator. In this lesson you will learn how to customize this welcome message and use something custom for promoting your website.  Continue reading How To Customize Welcome Email On WordPress Multisite Network?