By default, username and password are enough for logging into a WordPress site. There are some plugins which activates captcha, security question, pin etc but in this lesson you will learn something new, interesting and more secure. Something that can stop both brute force attacks and people attempting to login to your website.
If you are a web developer or website designer, many a times it happens when you turn on the option to discourage indexing of your website and then forget to turn it off again once your website goes online.
In WordPress there are various auto-generated archive pages for posts, post types, taxonomies like tags and categories etc. Archive pages simply shows you the list of articles that belongs to some specific taxonomy or post type. Continue reading Completely Remove Unwanted Archive Pages From WordPress→
Featured images i.e. post thumbnails can be assigned and edited from post edit screen. Earlier we have discussed about assigning default posts images in WordPress, we have also discussed about setting up default featured images for taxonomies like tags and categories. Continue reading Managing Featured Images On Multiple WordPress Posts→
Conditional logic solution is new logic design for empowering site admins to keep good control over most areas on their WordPress website. It provides you control for modifying what users can and cannot do. You can also control visibility of your content according to user, group of users and currently in use page template. Continue reading Complete Conditional Logic Solution For WordPress→
In this lesson we will show you how you can allow custom CSS styling for each post, page and other custom post types. Many times website owners need some extra styling on per post basis but default TinyMCE editor doesn’t allows you to do so. Continue reading Enable Custom Styling And Interaction For WordPress Posts→
Update Services is a WordPress tool that allows you to let other people know that you have updated your blog.
This feature automatically notifies popular update services about the changes you have made on your website by sending a XML-RPC ping each time you publish or update a post.
There are some hidden options in WordPress you can now customize with the help of this new plugin. Options like you can change the comment order to descending or ascending, you can change the gzip compression, default image alignment, default image size and default image link to file, post, custom URL or to none etc. Continue reading Tweaking Hidden Options In Your WordPress Site→
This lesson is on an awesome new WordPress plugin that provides you shortcode for beautiful and amazing headline animations. You can use them inside your posts, pages, custom post types and other shortcode supported areas. Continue reading Animating Headlines Of Your Posts In WordPress→
Themes customization API added from WordPress 3.4+ versions allows you to control the appearance or your theme, header, background, widgets and other theme options from one page with live preview.
Now you can easily alter the position and behavior of WordPress ‘Publish’ button so that your authors can more easily publish their blog posts from any section of post edit screen.