Category Archives: Homeschool

How To Combine Similar Contacts On Android?

Android automatically fetches contacts from various sources such as your Gmail account, Facebook profile and other online accounts including Yahoo and Skype etc.

Also sometimes you save same contacts multiple times of same person with different numbers. This results in duplicate contact entries on your Android smartphone or tablet. In such cases you can join similar contacts to cleanup your address book.

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Android Development – Make Your Andoird Device Blazing Fast

Every new Android version is different from other the older one. The user interface works on direct manipulation, with touch gestures that loosely correspond to real-world actions, for instance swiping, tapping and pinching for manipulating on-screen objects, alongside with a virtual keyboard to input text.

Android’s source code is released by Google under free software licenses, although most Android devices ultimately ship with a combination of free and proprietary software, including those proprietary software which are required for accessing Google services.

In this lesson you will learn about enabling developer options on your Android device and then programming it to perform tasks much faster than before with new blazing fast speed.

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How To Keep Multiple User Accounts On Your Android Device?

Very much like to Linux, MAC OS, Windows and other operating systems now Android also allows you to add another user account.

Like your computer desktops and laptops, some Android tablets can have more than one user account so that other users can have their own custom options, home screens, widgets on a single mobile device.

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Best Advertising Extensions For MediaWiki

Site Notice After hook is one common way  to display advertisements on MediaWiki Website. It allows you to place your ad code directly below the site-notice and above the page header. In this lesson we gave hand picked some other MediaWiki extensions that can be used for displaying ads on any MediaWiki website.

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Best WordPress WooCommerce Plugins To Customize Payment Options & Related Features

WooCommerce is a free plugin to transform any WordPress website into eCommerce based online store with all important features such as product browsing, payment options and shopping cart etc.

Since it is the most popular eCommerce WordPress plugin so there are tons of addon plugins available to extend its default functionality.

In this article we have handpicked some of the best WooCommerce plugin that will enable you to extend and customize payment options and other related features on your WordPress WooCommerce website.

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How To Add Chat Option On MediaWiki?

In addition to talk pages which are associated on every MediaWiki article, you can add a chat tab to enable live discussion and communication between users.

With Chat extension on your MediaWiki installation, you may either add a Chat tab to every wiki Article or configure it to have only one chatroom across all articles, rather than default i.e. one chatroom per article.

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How To Modify YouTube oEmbed URLs In WordPress?

With oEmbed you can automatically embed any YouTube video simply by pasting its URL in post content. Unlike to default iframe embed code, oEmbed is easy, responsive but there are no visual options to reset custom values such as hiding YouTube logo, show info etc.

In this lesson you will learn about assigning custom parameters to YouTube video oEmbeds in WordPress.

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How To Pass Default Value For Any Custom Field Across All WordPress Posts?

WordPress provides ability to post authors for assigning custom fields to any post, page or custom post type. This arbitrary additional information is called meta-data which may include bits of information.

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How To Fix Image Gallery From Appearing Below Related Posts Column In Rowling WordPress Theme?

Rowling is a popular WordPress theme with is a clean, simple and elegant magazine layout for WordPress websites. Theme features a responsive design, great typography, two menu locations, social menu support, custom accent color support, custom logo support, gallery post format support, editor style support, a Flickr widget and recent posts and recent comments widgets with thumbnails.

The problem comes when you embed image galleries inside your post content, by default they show up after related posts section column leaving empty space on the top.

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How To Restrict Editing Of All But A Few Pages On MediaWiki?

A private MediaWiki website restricts editing of all pages whereas a traditional MediaWiki installation allows everyone to edit pages, even anonymous users. In this lesson you will learn about a special technique of proving edit right to users on selective pages.

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