Category Archives: Homeschool

Train COVID-19 Survivors As Healthcare Volunteers

COVID_19 survivors must consider making themsleves available as healthcare support to COVID-19 infected patients.

Since the treatment of COVID-19 is only symptomic so fast training a surplus force to cope with its outbreaks is not that difficult. Survivors volunteering into this can create a veteran vanguard like that.

That could become a sure way of defeating this virus once forever by enhancing human immunity as resistance is the key to survival.

Healthy Households Isolate!

Adequately isolate your healthy household if none from your house is exposed to COVID-19. Disallow any visitors to enter your house and do not visit others’ houses either. Learn living a lockdown in advance.

First of all stock a household supply sufficient for a few weeks to prepare your family for living at home without any outgoing essentials involved anymore.

Start everyday by cleaning your home. Make every member of the household do this work. Following that freshly cook your vegetarian meals. Again make every member of the household independently prepare at least a dish of choice. Enjoy family meals together by discussing your opportunities of domestic entrepreneurship.

Register a domain name each for every member of the family by visiting and install WordPress to responsibly start blogging and business. Simply by homeschooling your children into this domestic entrepreneurship for working from home you become a Sangkrit household to proudly say “hello world!”

Blogging Is The Best Thing You Can Do To Work From Home In This Pandemic Time

Blogging is the best thing you can do from home and make money online. You can start blogging whenever you want, it is easier than other online jobs, you can blog at your time and it lets you earn money from home by doing what you love.

Don’t get impressed by the people posting pictures of expensive things, trying new food, travelling places, meeting new people and then sharing their experiences by working from the beach. It is of no use in today’s time. Instead, cleaning your place, cooking your meal and then blogging your ideas work far better.

Making money from your blog, also called as professional blogging by some is no different thing. You don’t need any online course and seo trick for money blogging when you can simply start by registering your domain name and then installing WordPress to start blogging your ideas.

After posting a few articles, you can apply for the Google Adsense and monetize your website.

Bring Your Business Online And Work From Home Using

It is easier to build your website and bring your business online today from applications such as WordPress, Shopping Cart or Website Builder available at

It simply starts with registering a domain name. Just as the street address helps customers find your shop, the domain name will help netizens to find your business online.

Once your domain name is registered, the system at will let you easily create your business website on your domain name.

Help Businesses Near You In Selling Their Products Online

People are collecting products from local market, online ordering of products is going far beyond the limit and that is why deliveries are taking more time than usual. Still it is not safe as the package travel from city to city from courier office to delivery boy and then everywhere else till it reaches the end customer.

In this time of pandemic you should suggest small businesses near you to make their products available online for the locals. This will not only help people to get the products they want in a short interval of time but the packages will move through less exposure.

You can work from home and design their ecommerce websites yourself and you don’t really need any specific training for that.

There are two ways of bringing an ecommerce website online:

  1. If you are making your own ecommerce site then register a domain name and Subscribe Shopping Cart app from which provides you everything you need to start selling your products online.
  2. If you are doing it for others then Register the domain name -> Subscribe WordPress Hosting -> Install WooCommerce Plugin and then customize the site from the admin panel.

You don’t need to know any coding or have any technical skill for that.

Prepare Free General Wards Everywhere

If any poor people are not being properly tested and treated for COVID-19, this is going to kill all the rich people as well so subsidize their treatment fully well for now and forever. All the countries need to prepare free general wards with beds at one meter distance from each other fully subsidized by paid private wards in luxury and make this practice mandatory by every hospital for not to discriminate any people in healthcare.

It is an universal emergency and emergency response must not be discriminating against the poor people in healthcare. Sangkrit insists for immediate implementation of a simple policy that whatever cost comes for enforcing an universal healthcare in general wards for free of cost, make the paid treatment in luxurious private wards that much costly without a hitch.

This is not going to happen without your insistance. People of all the countries will have to insist for that. Such an arrangement should continue forever covering every treatment other than COVID-19 as well.

Keep The World Posted

Chinese people have suffered severely and Europe is under a seige. It is a war like situation. Humanity is under attack by COVID-19.

Victory depends upon defetaing the misinformation circulated by certain vested interests, interested in keeping all people irresponsibly ignorant. People of all the countries altogether, can certainly defeat all the misinforamtion around by the responsible blogging on their registered domains.

Responsibly blog the truth from everywhere so that the humankind may take any measures necessary to cope with the enemies of humanity. Don’t let the Wuhan spirit die ever.

Keep the world posted. WordPress is the free press. Humankind has to defeat COVID-19.

If China’s Claim Of Having Controlled Their Epidemic Is Also A Cover-up?

China’s said success story of containing their epidemic, seems not that credible because of its being silent about silencing any initial alarms by a few doctors at Wuhan.

Endangering entire humanity, it is going to be very disastrous for the whole world if China’s claim of having controlled the Chinese epidemic is also a cover-up just like pretending earlier that there has not been any Wuhan virus.

It is very much possible if China doesn’t come forward voluntarily with verifiable details of properly prosecuting the real culprits of Wuhan, who are indeed responsible for making the local epidemic a global pandemic by a criminal cover up.

Till now China has failed even in accepting that.

This Has Been More Than A War Crime

The world is witnessing that doing business with states suppressing facts can become catastrophic up to what extent.

Chinese epidemic has become a global pandemic just because initially they tried to cover up the Wuhan virus and allowed this to spread up to that level and further into a global pandemic also in order to continue doing business. Thereafter WHO too delayed declaring the pandemic till Europe is said to became its epicenter. Isn’t this a mere concerted marketing gimmick so the business of China is continued?

If Chinese Communist regime would have acted even a few weeks earlier, Wuhan virus would have been contained even before its causing a Chinese epidemic that has now become a global pandemic. Suppressing the voice of Wuhan whistleblowers so consequently delaying a systemic response to Wuhan virus has turned out even more than a war crime.

Now by bending evident facts, they are even trying to reverse the narrative by shifting the blame beyond the borders of China. Still what is going to change in fact is China as a global hub hereafter. The world won’t ever become like before.

Self-Quarantined Self-Employment To Everyone Around

Sangkrit ascertains human solidarity with necessary social distancing across all the countries alike.

Adapting a Sangkrit way of life can certainly help you in staying within your home throughout these globally pandemic times and thereafter also by developing your online business in between.

You could do, so should be doing, blogging and domaining along with sponsoring Sangkrit. This would be simplest and best for making the world much better by staying at home.

Blogging would keep the humanity responsibly communicated for enhancing its resilience. Domaining would build your global networth doing that. Sponsoring Sangkrit would spread the solution to the problem.

Therefore keep calm and start up to carry on.

Free People Face It Differently

With Italy reporting 250 more dead by the Chinese epidemic COVID-19 in just 24 hours; people, facing a nationwide lockdown that began this week, appeared in their balconies singing songs together to boost the public morale all over, while Europe is said to have become the new epicenter of COVID-19 disaster. It is the worst thing happening after a century of Spanish flu.

Italy is the worst-hit country in Europe so far with 17,750 declared infected and 1441 dead due to this. Still the Italians have shown a great will to fight the pandemic as free people.

Independent countries are closing borders and declaring national emergencies without hindering a free flow of information whereas Iran is said to be suppressing the reality about situation there as satellites have images indicating mass burials of possible COVID-19 victims in very big mass graves clearly visible from space.

A Global Recession Made In China

Stocks are crashing in every other country as the people are dying everywhere due to globally spread Wuhan virus technically termed by the World Health Organization as COVID-19. Just to prevent a complete collapse, exchanges temporarily stopped trading at certain stages.

This ‘Made in China’ global recession with a pandemic, is going to be really hard to contain because the governments would unusually work for shutting down businesses and making the customers absent other than spending billions of state funds to cope with the pandemic.

Award DR Li Wenliang Posthumously

Dr Li Wenliang (who wrote about Wuhan epidemic in an online chat group on 30 December 2019, was silenced immediately thereafter before he himself died of the disease), deserves a posthumous award to correct all that by commemorating him as a martyr.

Moreover it is globally established that the governments’ not interfering with public interactions via internet is a must for public security everywhere.

Initial Inaction At Wuhan Made COVID-19 A Pandemic

Mistakes must get registered as mistakes so as not to get repeated again. “If I had known what was to happen, I would not have cared about the reprimand. I would have fucking talked about it to whoever, where ever I could,” Dr Ai Fen said in the interview with the Chinese magazine ‘Renwu’ that means ‘People’. Dr Ai Fen is Director of Emergency at Wuhan Central Hospital, where she was reprimanded by higher-ups at the hospital in December after alerting her colleagues and superiors about a SAARS like virus seen in the patients. To err is only human and realising that eases evolution.

Despite the commendable work by XI Jinping government in controlling the pandemic in China, whoever arrogantly silenced the voice of doctors at Wuhan, when initially warned about the epidemic, must be brought to book by the Chinese Government and the International Court of Justice as well since their this typical bureaucratic behaviour allowed Wuhan virus getting globally spread. It is not only condemnable but is globally culpable.

People are dying in every other country since they were not timely warned for staying away from Wuhan virus. Thus nothing else but initial inaction at Wuhan made COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic because initially and idiotically the local authorities preferred a coverup till the Wuhan virus gained a globally tenacious hold the way humankind are suffering this everywhere.

Avoid All Foreign Travels For The Time Being

India is appropriately geared up to avoid all foreign contacts for the time being. Other countries might also follow the suit since all countries can still change the course of this pandemic.

To cope with the escalation in domestic and international situation, the Government of India notified the cancellation of all non-official visas till 15th of April in 2020 while closes its Myanmar border as well along with advising its people against any non-essential travel abroad.

A few hours after the decision made in a high powered Group of Ministers meeting yesterday, the Bureau of Immigration under the Ministry of Home Affairs today notified the new norms as follows:-


In supersession of all earlier advisories issued on this subject the following visa restrictions are issued for implementation –

i.    All existing visas issued to nationals of any country except those issued to Diplomats, Officials, UN/International organizations, Employment, Project visas stand suspended till April 15, 2020. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of any foreigner for onward journey to India.
ii.    Visas of all foreigners already in India remain valid. They may contact the nearest FRRO/FRO through e-FRRO module for extension/conversion of their visa or grant of any consular service if they choose to do so.
iii.    Visa free travel facility granted to OCI card holders shall be kept in abeyance till April 15, 2020. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of any foreigner for onward journey to India.
iv.    Any foreign national who intends to travel to India for compelling reasons may contact the nearest Indian Mission for fresh visa.
v.    All incoming travelers, including Indian nationals arriving from any destination and having visited China, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, France, Spain and Germany on or after February 15, 2020 shall be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of such travelers.
vi.    International traffic through land borders will be restricted to designated Immigration Checkposts with robust medical screening facilities. These will be notified separately by Ministry of Home Affairs.

2.     In addition to the above visa restrictions the following travel advisory is hereby issued in accordance with instructions of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare –

i.    Indian nationals presently abroad are advised to avoid non-essential travel. They are hereby informed that they can be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days on their arrival in India.
ii.    All Indian nationals are strongly advised to avoid all non-essential travel abroad. On their return they can be subjected to quarantine for a minimum period of 14 days.

WHO Declares COVID-19 A Pandemic

Today the World Health Organaization, anticipating to see the number of cases, deaths and affected countries climb even higher, has finally declared the COVID-19 outbreak from Wuhan in China a pandemic.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cautiously said in Geneva “We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by alarming levels of inaction. We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. This is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus. And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time. We cannot say this loudly enough, or clearly enough: all countries can still change the course of this pandemic.”

Desperate Measures Are A Must In Desperate Times

COVID-19, originated as Wuhan virus from China, initially spread following only Chinese connections. This Chinese pandemic is now increasingly killing more people abroad. To cope with widely spread COVID-19, today Italy has to declare a complete lockdown of their country by asking all its people for staying within homes. Every other country is also taking desperate measures.

It is not any coincidence that yet unseen viral pandemics repeatedly outbreak from China. It is just because of a wet (meat) market there. So shutting down all the wet (meat) markets, wherever they are, to prevent pandemics such as #COVID19 is a must.

Now not only China but every sovereign state must also check for this within its domain. Desperate measures are a must in desperate times.

Sangkrit Makes You A Freedom Fighter

Only you are capable of becoming your sustainable source of a consistent happiness as many others may only reflect any part of that and that too only sometimes. So celebrate yourself by bringing you always your happiness. Sangkrit facilitates for that.

Ordinary people subscribe many assumptions from their circumstances while assertively independent people can force any circumstance to subscribe their assumptions as well. Other than learning etiquettes and acquiring knowledge, when people adopt any assumptions from their circumstances, they become unnecessarily arrogant.

Alien patronage networks do not allow any of the arrogant ones progressing through them. Only the submissive ones progress through any patronage network.

Contrarily Sangkrit makes the most arrogant ones the best of freedom fighters since Sangkrit doesn’t demand any submission considering any submission the worst thing for humankind.

Netizens’ Insistances Make Us A Movement

Yet unseen viral pandemics repeatedly outbreak because of meat eating habits of a few people and spread basis others’ non-essential travelling and meeting habits. Sangkrit forbids all that from the very beginning as smartphone stage of internet age fully facilitates otherwise.

You need to find your purpose in being around wherever you are, to get connected with the things happenning around, to feel alive as that is your life. Internet is universally happenning around so you get connected via a smartphone as that is the way in your times. Thereafter also you require to find out a purpose that stays with you even after you give it away. This happens to you only by your natural induction into Sangkrit.

Considering four things such as system, application, data and outcome about everything in observation, you clean your space, cook your vegetarian meals, program your world and blog your knowledge by involving anyone following this much for an all-inclusive execution that is literally called Sangkrit. Pursuing this program you must make netizens insist upon such Sangkrit way of life as made explicit here and stay in that stance forever. That is to be known as insistance.

‘Insistance’ is a typical term of Sangkrit. This is directly upgraded from english term ‘insistence’ by accomodating the ‘stance’ that means ‘आसन’ into it. So this means आग्रह आसन of सांकृत गुरुकुल to be implemented. Any realised insistance is called the ‘instance’. ‘Insistance’ means the statecraft is confirmed although the concerned authorities might change upon not implementing the same.

Netizens’ insistances make us a movement. It is a movement that no one is going to leave, never!

Immigrants Must Abide With Local Naturalness

“The crisis will last until it is recognozed everywhere that (Muslim) migration is the Trojan Horse of terrorism.”

Says Viktor Orban, the Prime MInister of Hungary.

Muslims are mainly refugees, immigrants and converts in Europe and elsewhere while local acceptance about them is dangerously diminishing because of superstitions, separatism and terrorism associated with aggressive Arabism.

The faith of Islam is said to be Quranic so imitating Arabs has only been an additional enforcement through culturally devastating Arab invasions of other societies during their subjugations to Arab occupations. It is a matter of fact that initially Arabs opposed Islam before intstigating their predatory wars with the pretext of expanding this religion. It is the time to set them apart.

Linguistic diversity along with cultural integrity in Europe is of a similar character as it is in India. That is why the Indian tragedy manifests a chronology making European Islamophobia additionally evident. The invading Arabized minority enslaved natives for centuries, whom they called Hindus. Hindus id est Indians were a diversified nation of multiple religions so welcomed Muslims as well but conversion-minded Arabized Muslims mainly failed in reciprocating that. Even after migrating into India they preferred staying separate and continued calling the rest of not converted people as Hindus excepting themselves as Muslims. Thus considering the rest of people altogether as a counter-religion.

Later on Arabized Muslims as minority in India got the country divided for forming Pakistan by eliminating the native not converted Hindu minority in reoccupied areas in the name of a direct action as per their two nations theory. Although Muslims were no nation but a religion. Even Arabs are not any one nation but mere a foreign language. So soon thereafter the Bangla Mukti Sangram was fought to safeguard the local naturalness in East Pakistan. Now the Kashmir problem is a naked example of genocidal Arabized crimes against the native not converted minority of Kashmiri Pandits in the valley. The very existence of the Organisation of Islamic Countries establishes very well that nations are made out of local naturalness instead of Islam or Arabism.

Recently India refused to take in any Rohingya Muslim refugees. Thereafter Citizenship Amendment Act was brought in for giving citizenship to the people except Muslims whoever had come in to India prior to 31 December 2014 upon being oppressed for religious reasons in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Similarly “Turning Muslims Away, Poland Welcomes Ukrainians” has been a headline in The Wall Street Journal on March 26, 2019. It is not any Islamophobia but a realpolitik of preventing aggressive Arabism.

Muslims ought to abide by local naturalness in their own countries instead of imitating Arabs as any occupying force by unnecessarily naming themselves in Arabic if they are not Arabs. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Its fifth President Megavati Sukarnoputri is a Muslim but without naming herself or her people in Arabic. Confusing with an Arab identity has nothing to do with being a Muslim somewhere else. Only a true adherance to local naturalness is going to help Muslim migrants and refugess anywhere in reestablishing themselves with dignity.

Immigrants move in anywhere seeking better opportunities for themselves so they must abide with local naturalness everywhere. Arabs are no more an occupying force anywhere and there is no Arab nation to take Muslims back as theirs. Contrarily most of the refugees have come out of Arab countries as a few places there became inhabitable.

A decade ago historically neutral Switzerland became the first European country that banned building minarets on mosques along with wearing burqa by Muslim women and now witnessing a public campaign to consider banning Muslims from praying in public places.

Islam is not aggressive Arabism. The faith need not ever be abiding with Arab aggressions as that makes Muslims’ assimilation in any society almost impossible.

Algorithms Govern Better

Chinese Wuhan virus might globally cause an outbreak of a pandemic disease in more countries than covered in Chinese Belt and Road Initiative just because the local Chinese administration initially tried to cover up the matter.

Chernobyl and Wuhan disasters had a common genesis in their outbreaks. It is not that both were Communist Party controlled totalitarian states but a bureaucratic failure in timely taking necessary measures, due to their administrative denial mode in governance, actually made both the disasters occur in this world.

Sangkrit advocates for an algorithm run administration everywhere to get rid of all the corruption, negligence and ignorance in governance. Technology is readily available to take over like that. Sooner or later this has to happen after all, since agorithms govern a lot better, wherever bureaucratic wisdom lacks any necessary proficiency.