Category Archives: Free Education

Create Content Inventory Right In WordPress Edit Screens And Mark Content As Redundant, Outdated, Trivial Or In Need Of Review

Easily create a content inventory right in your WordPress Edit screens. Mark content as redundant, outdated, trivial, or in need of a review for SEO or style.

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Easily Hide Unnecessary Items From WordPress Backend

Hide unnecessary items from WordPress backend. Make dashboard simple for clients so that they won’t get confused with many options which actually they don’t need.

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Easily Edit Standard WordPress User Roles Using User Role Editor

Easily change default WordPress user roles, add and remove capabilities. For example: you can give subscriber the right to edit post or you can take same right away from editor etc. In the same way you can easily edit all WordPress user roles or add new roles as per your like.

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Automatically Remove Spam User Registration In WordPress. Also Delete Unused User Accounts

Now you can automatically delete spam user registrations and inactive unused user accounts from your WordPress site. You can also block the annoying e-mail to administrator’s inbox after new registrations.

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Allow Internal Private Messages For Your WordPress Site Members

BuddyPress private messages are good, its a network plugin. But we don’t have any such functionality in WordPress by default. But still you can add feature of sending private messages by users to each other just like in forum.

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Display Random Surprising Quotes On Your WordPress Site

Quote This plugin allows users to call random quotes using quote_this() function, [quote-this] shortcode, or Quote This widget. Suppose you have written an article on literature then you can use this plugin for displaying random quotes related to literature inside your article.

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Restrict WordPress Navigation Menu Items To Specific User Roles

Easily restrict navigation menu items to specific user roles. Nav-Menu-Roles, a WordPress plugin currently available only at Github allows you to hide certain menu items based on WordPress user roles. So if you have a link in the menu that you only want to show to logged in users, certain types of users, or even only to logged out users, try this plugin.

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How To Test Drive Themes Before Activating Them On WordPress?

You can keep your site visitors on the default theme while testing new themes in your WordPress site.

Theme Test Drive is a WordPress plugin that simply make your site visitors to use default theme at the time you are testing other themes. Everything happens privately and they don’t even notice that you are testing a different theme on your website. The plugin also allows you to set new options to theme that you are testing.

To start testing themes, navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install Theme Test Drive plugin on your website. Upon activation, simply use the ‘Options’ page to set the theme you want to test drive. The WordPress theme you select for test driving becomes visible only to site administrators.

Post Pictures From Twitter Messages To Your WordPress Blog Posts

New WordPress plugin for posting pictures from twitter messages to WordPress blog posts is available in WordPress plugin repository. If you like this feature then install and activate Twitter repost media plugin. It adds a new tab Twitter Photo Repost on your WordPress dashboard’s sidebar when you can configure this plugin by filling out your Twitter username, tweets amount to check and categories for posting in. That’s all, if you fill out everything right the streams comes immediately.

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Path- Free Responsive & Customizeable WordPress Theme

Path a free responsive WordPress theme provides dashboard customization, widgets, from one to three columns layout, different widget areas including header widget area (before content) and footer widget area (after content), custom logo, custom background, custom layout, additional control over widgets, page navigation bar etc. Also, it automatically detects code inside posts and give it a different color with is useful for the bloggers posting programming tricks etc.

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Bootstrap Admin – A WordPress Dashboard Theme Based On Twitter’s Bootstrap

Bootstrap Admin is a clean, minimalistic WordPress administration area theme implementing Twitter’s Bootstrap. It comes in the form of plugin so you can install it from your Dashboard’s Add New plugin section.

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How To Protect Your WordPress Site Email Addresses From Email Harvesting Robots ?

Here is an easy way for protecting your WordPress site’s email addresses from email-harvesting robots by encoding them into decimal and hexadecimal entities.

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How To Create Pricing Tables In Your WordPress Site ?

Generate pricing tables in your WordPress posts and pages in the easitest and dynamic way. Pricing Table is a WordPress plugin for generating price tables. Using this plugin WordPress site admins can easily publish pricing tables inside posts and pages. It provides most features that anyone needs while generating pricing tables. You can build a pricing or features table for products and services and much more.

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