Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
By default all plugins go active on all types of devices. There is no default feature of making any plugin to work only on desktop or only on mobile devices.
Toady, David Behrens, a user of emailed us asking how he can keep a plugin work only on desktop operating systems and keep it switched off on smartphones at the same time. He just wanted to keep his jQuery mega menu off on smartphones.
Here is an easy way to better Google Chrome tab management. With Tab Outliner extension you can manage all your browser tabs from one place by using an hierarchical list of all tabs and windows. You can also save entire tab sessions and access it anytime.
Now there is no need of opening the link on new tab and waiting for it to load. Now you can make your web browsing experience very fast and easy by reading the web page simply hovering its link .
There are two kinds of web service providers: first, that asks you to register before accessing their webservice and second, that doesn’t requires any registration.
You must have observed various websites displaying a two columned comment form, as that looks more symmetrical on some websites. Now you can easily customize the default WordPress comment form and make it something other than default.
Now with just one easy tap you can recognize the music playing around you or if you remember lyrics but don’t know what song it is, you can enter the words and get song details.
By default, most WordPress themes slides sidebars to bottom on small screen devices like on mobile phones and tablets. But you must have observed various websites automatically remove the sidebars if it’s viewed on a small screen and keep it visible everywhere else.
Check that your business is mandated by what interests of which people? A relationship founded on business is indeed better than a business founded upon relationships.
A single sidebar or footer can easily be divided into multiple columns and multiple widgets can be added there. For example: Suppose you want to display a recent posts widget next to ad text widget in your website’s sidebar.
There are various scroll top button plugins available for WordPress. Scroll to top or to top buttons simply allows you to instantly scroll back to header of the webpage. In this tutorial we will show you how to make it work on responsive WordPress sites.
You can offer your users to rate posts and pages in your WordPress site. WP-PostRatings plugins provides you an easy AJAX rating system with all useful features and management options.
Instead of opening post preview in a new tab everytime, you can add an on request inline preview next to the post editor. Inline Preview, a free WordPress plugin by Christopher Finke simply adds a live preview slide next to post content text area.
InstaFontMaker is an add free Android app that lets you create fonts in truetype format using your own handwriting. Yes, it provides you easy option to create your own fonts in your own handwriting and then you can use that font in composting notes etc.
A number saved in your phonebook is automatically identified and the name of the caller, his image is displayed on your screen. But when an unknown number calls to your phone, then only the number is displayed on your screen. Here comes the use of some addon feature to identify the person calling you form an unknown number.
Android is Linux and in a few steps you you can get the benefits of running a complete desktop Linux system with in your Android device. You can turn Android into a desktop Linux working station running Debian, Ubuntu or any other popular distro.
Now you can set alarms on your Android phone using Daily Motion videos, YouTube videos and other locally saved videos on your device. Easy Alarm Youtube lets you do this very easily, it is free and there are no ads either.
Every time any developer creates any new theme or plugin or when you design your client’s website or while checking for new plugins and hacks etc, there is always some need of custom data like posts, pages, comments, users, tags & categories etc (it depends) in order to check the working of any plugin or whatever you are developing.