All Articles by Sangkrit

Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.

4522 Articles

NewsSquares – Make Reading News & RSS On Chrome A Better Experience

NewsSquares brings new stylish RSS and news reading experience in your Google Chrome browser. This beautiful news reader provides you a clean, personalized reading experience and keep you up with all latest news articles from your favorite sources.

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Secure Your Website From Top 10 Internet Threats

More than five thousands websites are compromised everyday. Small business site owners think that they’re too small to be noticed by hackers but that is a wrong thinking because now-a-days hackers use automated bots which keeps on searching vulnerable websites.

Another reason of not securing website is lack of awareness. Many website owners don’t know how they can secure their website, what security tools they should be using etc etc.

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The World Would End The Way It Began

Still the internet has very little or no information about the new book of lectures by Stephen Hawking “Sparmus” but it is overwhelming by the chaos caused by its preface in which Stephen Hawking has very recently claimed that the Higgs-Boson has worrisome potential to become meta-stable at energies above 100bn giga-electron-volts, which might send the universe into catastrophic vacuum decay with a bubble of true vacuum expanding at the speed of light. With this the time and space would collapse and none would see that coming.

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What Made Us Dynamically Aware

What actually made us dynamically aware about everything up to the extent of building our autobiographical memory is finally decoded now and three scientists John O’Keefe, Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser are awarded Nobel Prize for resolving this puzzle. Popular media has called it the discovery of brain GPS like Boson was called the God Particle.
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Highlight Anything On Web To Perform An Instant Google Search

By default there are two ways of searching any text or word written on any webpage. You can either select any word or sentence, right click and then select ‘Search Google for …’ option from the context menu or type those keywords on (or address bar) and hit ENTER.

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Create Attractive Announcements And Display Them On Multiple Locations In WordPress

Announcer, a free WordPress plugin allows you to display awesome announcements, welcome notes, greetings, events, news etc using attractive style, colors, themes and enables you to position them anywhere on your WordPress site.

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The Economic Program has its own internet-growth-based economic program for humanity. Opening-up opportunities to every individual for free education and employment, its self-sustaining business cycle works worldwide.

Sangkrit, the economic program starts by selling’s worldwide exposure that is produced all the time upon world-wide-web. Since corporates and sovereigns have amassed the most of public money on planet Earth, so we do ask them to buy it every time for independently releasing a lot more individual initiatives of humanity as nothing else could ever prevent many more ‘Occupy!’ movements from taking place.

That is why we specifically invite the corporates and sovereigns alike to buy the worldwide exposure at because every time this voluntary measure independently increases the capacity of this world for hosting humanity a lot more peacefully.


It is more important to take care of massively enhancing a lot more individual initiatives, at the expense of the public funds amassed by corporate and sovereign interests, to compete with monopolistic situations than to let the governments regulate economy here and there.


Internet Growth Engine invites consolidated advertising support for running its Universal Free Homeschool of Internet Age that facilitates fluid courses in live education to support each individual business while people across all time zones register or transfer their domain names with free software support accessing global markets; thus making the whole world a lot better each time the Internet is expanded by another domain as private property.

Facilitating this much has already become the most global Internet media on planet Earth so sponsoring this earns an overnight reputation worldwide. Now it is popular across all the countries alike. Thus globally sponsoring this is the best of possible position that money can buy on Internet.

It is like sponsoring the internet growth, where the sponsor is showcased worldwide within many millions of pageviews engaging all the attention for the sponsorship. Under the Founder’s Special Sponsor package this offer includes…

  • a footer credit-line as Powered by You
  • followed by an ad placement of the size as large as the time bought
  • visible worldwide via all the smartphone devices as well
  • and no chance to competition because of its being a singularity

This provides greatest possible leverage upon the internet growth in addition as the most of money is duly invested in expanding the searchable knowledge index of humanity, dedicated to help everybody in bringing own enterprise online and all the value-addition returns to the sponsors’ ad displayed upon all devices worldwide.

Thus we seek the corporate and sovereign support to keep the Universal Free Homeschool of Internet Age running incessantly as whosoever is not yet brought on Internet is to be brought here and whosoever has access to it is to be taught to accumulate virtual wealth by registering a domain so that the ownership of Internet is indeed distributed up to every individual across all the countries alike.


Connectivity across humanity, in mobility with portability, is very fast changing whole world. It helps a lot to let the knowledge get globalized. Doing that the Universal Free Homeschool of internet age helps everybody create wealth in webspace. Buying the worldwide exposure from for a few quarters actually supports to keep it running till then.

Everybody enhances virtual wealth of humanity by registering a domain as private property upon Internet. This boosts a continuous growth that never ends. For the first time in human history sustaining freedom is built around domains running wonderful utilities in webspace that human-beings enjoy.

This actually expands the internet by registering new domains with free software support for doing business worldwide and by publishing new posts to make the humankind of internet age prepared for it. Every time more brilliant teachers get payment. Every time they deliver more interestingly useful complete lessons. Education is made here fashionable for technology as business, where individual startups get admission and the result comes as networth.


Domain is the newest kind of private property after stocks. Not even a single bit of webspace is ever free of domain registry system.

Upon the world-wide-web every domain, that somehow attracts users, contributes something to the overall value of internet. Reciprocating this value-addition, internet promptly returns adequate advertising worth to that particular domain, which can easily be sold for a recurring revenue.

Once you develop something interestingly useful upon your domain, users from worldwide find it within no time. Whenever users arrive, the domain accumulates worth of some sort. This enhances overall worth of internet. That returns advertising value to it in accordance with that. It is such a unique course, again and again repeated upon world-wide-web that the largest-ever continuous competition is configured for staying interestingly useful.

Enhancing the user experience has become the whole thing since whatever is not interesting or useful is easily ignored also. Likewise when anything does a lot better than others it starts monopolizing its sector within no time. Thus even start-ups compete with monopolies here. The largest-ever marketplace of internet simply works like that.

We invite peoples of all countries to bring their business online at Online REGISTER or TRANSFER your DOMAIN at for doing business worldwide. Domainers from elsewhere also can shift their web-presence to as migration is made easy. What makes here your experience unique is that you get free software support for life so that nobody works for your domestic entrepreneurship except the free software that consistently evolves investing many light-years long seamless cerebral strength of humanity. You may even reasonably hire a free software programmer from worldwide for not more than hours enough to build your business online.

Anyone may own an all-inclusive fully serviced website, on the domain of choice with dashboard access and round-the-clock free software support, delivering solutions weekly at US$ 50 a quarter or daily at US$ 500 a quarter or hourly at US$ 5000 a quarter, starting within 24 hours of payment via PayPal to Use it for your free press or business.

System at is distributing free domains with WordPress hosting upon android handheld devices so that independent programmers from across all the countries can develop those private properties worldwide for bitcoins. Moreover you may also create your private wealth in webspace by registering or transferring a domain at as it is like a four wheels’ drive of domain, WordPress, android and bitcoin for creating wealth in faster lane as Internet Growth Engine. You may simply download android application from Google play to start with it.

Thus every independent human-being individually owns his or her independent value-addition so that its quantum mechanics makes this globally distributed order gigantically superior to all possible patronage networks of old world and Internet grows only in private ownership of each individual while human-kind truly become collaborators in this collaborative measure of internet growth story. is adamant upon involving everybody into this. This is fast leaving other entities far behind. With its globally distributed order as internet growth engine, it is reinventing business, technology and media of Internet Age. We invite successful domainers to get globally glorious.


Once your domain is financially successful, you should contact with your price-a-week offer to buy the footer credit-line of worldwide exposure yourself by sponsoring the Universal Free Homeschool of Internet Age, which facilitates fluid courses in live education to support each individual business while people across all time zones register or transfer their domains accessing global markets with free software support; making the whole world a lot better each time the Internet is expanded by another domain as private property.

Again the most of value-addition, it simply brings back to the sponsors, because the searchable knowledge index of humanity is incessantly getting increased upon world-wide-web, with every step of this self-sustainable business cycle of Sangkrit.

Growing very much similar to the pattern of overall Internet growth, has made Internet marketing so simple that anything that is not averse to global regime of internet protocol will at once reach across all countries. Thus you most easily subscribe the global growth story of Internet. is expanding the Internet as industry of technology, taking over as upcoming fashion, making modern people befitting for the internet age, with ‘See you online!’ as its tagline of globalization.


Sangkrit insists that only permissible way to get taxed must come through a free fiscal policy worldwide that automatically taxes the users of its currency under an inflation mode on the basis of total transaction volume.

The transaction tax under such an inflation mode upon the usage of a particular currency shall put a full stop on unethically compelling the internet industry for bureaucratic submissions so no non-productive legal designs could ever deviate entrepreneurs’ attention from actual business.

Sangkrit, as a neutral webspace, allows all the entities to participate through this program and the System at globally responds if anytime anywhere anyone needs help. This has become an ongoing public rally upon world-wide-web across all time zones with continuously increasing global participation so endorsing anything appropriate to its ecosystem is possible for a price to meet out its ever-growing cost of growth.

Any entity on planet earth can request, by submitting its purpose to, for price along with an internet advisory in this regard.

Programming At The House Of Sangkrit

Technically Sangkrit is the galaxy of independent domain registrants to let all emerge as sovereign suns within their solar systems upon world-wide-web. So that around them their planets move in their particular orbits and there move their satellites too in their own orbits. Thus all coalesce altogether without ever crossing paths with each-other . Continue reading Programming At The House Of Sangkrit

Beautify Text On Your WordPress Site. Auto-fix Content For Bad Casing, Punctuation And More 

Text Beautify is an easy way to beautify text content of your WordPress site. It is a free plugin that enables you to clean up your blog posts and comments etc for bad sentence case or title case, it auto-fixes punctuation, makes quotes and commas curly and allows other custom enhancements.

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It Is Coming But What Is It ?

Hong Kong is a place with complete connectivity. It is completely connected internally as well as with outside world. This takes it beyond comparison with Egypt or India, which were still incomplete in this sense of advantage that is making something unprecedented to come soon. Everybody is seeing it coming here but what is it ? Still nobody knows. Continue reading It Is Coming But What Is It ?

Extracting Mathematical Abstracts Resolves The Surrounding Most Scientifically

The Indian cleanliness drive must get made multidimensional to get rid of all the clutter overburdening the government. Indian tolerance and adjustments have hindered the real progress in universal terms. Continue reading Extracting Mathematical Abstracts Resolves The Surrounding Most Scientifically

Public Life Must Not Get Disturbed

Whosoever is against anything may simply blog about it via own domain. Publishing very explicit post about anything you oppose helps to let the world know who you are and what do you expect as outcome that mainly depends upon that how explicit you express it to the world. Continue reading Public Life Must Not Get Disturbed

Make YouTube Video Ratings Preview Visible On Thumbnails

You can easily get to know about the likes and dislikes of any video before playing it. Ratings Preview for YouTube™ is a Google Chrome extension that displays a likes and dislikes bar showing ratings of videos on YouTube.

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