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Shardul Pandey Talks To Tarun Preet

120919-154006I welcome you Tarun at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

I am Tarun Preet, co-owner of Indian Weight Loss Blog. I am an MBA grad by qualification and a Consultant by profession. I have spent the majority of my life studying and perhaps ignoring my health. In my quest to lose weight, I have tried all possible weight loss measures those exist.

Diet, massages, gym, yoga, aerobics, supplements, hyped weight loss shortcuts – I have done it all ! In this struggle to become fit, I have spent lesser money on some helpful measures and wasted a lot, on useless marketing gimmicks.

When I finished my MBA and was struggling for job, stress took a toll on me and I was diagnosed with Thyroid. My weight shot up every day despite working out in the gym. I was frustrated with my weight and delay in getting a deserving job. Since I had all the free time, I started blogging about weight loss on Indian Weight Loss Blog. The intention is to help people save their hard earned money so that they don’t suffer like I did and at the same time, monetize technology for earning.

Your blog’s name is ‘Indian Weight Loss Blog’? Why you have chosen this name. Likewise Internet is one across all countries, its global and people on Internet are netizens not Indian or American.

So what made you choose this name and what it means? Are you targeting only Indian people or it simply means that the blog is managed by Indian bloggers? or your posts are specially written for Indian people?

There are a few reasons for naming the blog as Indian Weight Loss Blog. Firstly, there is not even one weight loss blog from India. Ironically, you would find a lot of Indian Food Blogs. We enjoy food to the core. But we forget that we are moving ahead towards an overweight/obese population. Secondly, our eating habits are highly influenced by our culture. Since our eating habits are different from the people in other part of the world, our weight issues have to be tackled differently. The weight loss posts are applicable to all the people who are health and fitness conscious. But the recipe posts may suit Asian people only due to our Indian style of cooking. Indian Weight Loss Blog is our first step to spread awareness about weight, across the world.

Whether you blog alone or you got people associated for working together?

We have a team of writers at Indian Weight Loss Blog. These are people who have learnt about weight loss, the hard way. Our writers are dancers, fitness freaks, runners, yoga practitioners, good cooks who believe abs are made in kitchen. Every writer has a weight loss or a fitness story to inspire people.

What philosophy drives you doing this? What is your business philosophy?

We started this blog to make people aware so that they don’t fall prey to dirty marketing gimmicks in nutrition industry.

There is only one business philosophy – Be honest to readers and the rest will follow.

How much time you spend working on your website? What efforts you make for driving traffic and building your readership?

On an average, IWB team spends works for about 6-8 hours daily. We make sure that the content is of high quality. I spend 2-3 hours every day working on creating content and working on social media and digital marketing strategy for IWB.

What makes your endeavours unique on Internet?

Internet is an endless pool of knowledge. Unlike websites that share knowledge, we share real life experiences.

What’s the best way for someone to motivate himself to get fit?

People have role models whom they follow. I feel it’s a temporary way to be motivated. Nothing supersedes self motivation. Let me be blunt. If you need self motivation, stand in front of a full sized mirror, naked !

Do you believe that living your best life means being fit?

I believe living one’s best, means living healthy and happy. Health and Fitness go hand in hand.

What three easy fat burning exercises would you suggest to our readers here?

1. Walk – You need ten thousand steps a day to start losing weight. Forget lifts and elevators, use the staircase

2. HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training is the best way to burn fat in less than 30 minutes a day.

3. Weights – Lift weights to burn fat. Monotonous and long cardio sessions do no good.

Do you think women have a completely different attitude to eating healthy and calorie counting to men?

Yes, women have a completely different mindset when it comes to food. No women (at least in India) would like to waste food, instead she would prefer to dump it in her tummy. How unfair is that ?

Most of the women believe that eating healthy means eating low calorie, oil free and tasteless food, not true though! Men, on the other hand don’t like to count calories in their food.

What’s been the best advantage to losing weight?

Healthy life and Happiness are the best advantages to losing weight followed by change in people’s attitude. By losing weight, you can spend your post retirement funds on travel and leisure rather than medical bills :)

What goals have you set yourself going forward? Is there any more projects you are currently working?

80% of working Indian women are overweight. In US, one third population is Obese. Similar trend persists all over the world. I wish to reach every woman in the world who is struggling with her weight and health. I am planning a few projects. One of them is a Health Blog so that I can cover entire health arena and not only weight loss. This venture would need a few months to launch.

What would be your words of advice for others who are looking to follow in your footsteps?

Losing weight is tough and Blogging is tougher. Doing both together is the toughest! Consistency and honesty are the only mantras for weight loss and blogging both.

Now tell me something about your city, your favourite hang out spots there? What do you like to do for fun and entertainment?

I am a Delhiite , currently based out of Bangalore. My favourite hangout spots are bluO, Phoenix, UB City. I like to watch movies, meet friends, read books, listen to music as much as possible. You would find me in multiplexes watching movies and shopping in the malls. I am a foodie, so I try different cuisines and explore restaurants, lounges and other eating joints.

Whenever I see an opportunity to take a small break, I look forward to travel and vacation.

How would you like to be remembered?

A maniac, a day dreamer who lived every moment of the journey called Life.

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

Stay healthy, fit and be happy!

Shardul Pandey Talks To Edison Nica


I am Edison Nica, a software engineer with over a decade of experience in Software Industry, most of that time at Microsoft and Google. I quit Google to build a business model around true privacy, because without a sustainable business model, privacy can’t survive.

4 moths ago, I put myself in the public service, with the goal to help people have more privacy online.

Lots of efforts started last year around improving users online privacy, my effort tries to add something new, and my vision is based on these core principles:

  • Data resides safely on the end user’s own device and is not stored in the cloud or by the advertisers
  • Data flow is transparent and user is under control
  • We must get Advertisers and Publishers on board, if we want to build a sustainable ecosystem

Tell us more about 0PII, LLC? Its brief history ?

Lots of efforts started last year around improving user’s online privacy, most around encryption. We want to contribute too. Our approach is that instead of fighting the Advertisement industry, we want to co-opt it. I don’t believe we can have more privacy as long as every business in the world stands to lose from better privacy.

So how exactly your idea sparked?

The two key principles are that “one can’t take away something I don’t have” and “privacy must be backed by a business model”.

For us, privacy means that only the user has his/her data – that 0PII stands for, Zero Personally Identifiable Information. So the user data resides safely on the end user’s own device and is not stored in the cloud or by the Advertisers.

If we want to protect user’s data, then we need to make sure it can’t be uploaded. But we live in a connected world, and many applications really need internet access, so for applications that need access to internet, we then need transparent data flow and user control over it. We must know What, Why, How and When an app accesses the internet.

And lately, if we want to build a sustainable ecosystem, we must get Advertisers and Publishers on board.

How it will improve internet life?

The products we build do not require the user to surrender privacy for convenience, free products or free services. You will be able to download a free game, that does not require network access, and still that game will be able to make money from advertisement.

Does it already exist anywhere else? What makes it different from all other frameworks out there?

We are not aware of any other company that does something similar.

Current Internet Giants have monopoly over your data. Your data stays in their servers and it is used to track your behaviour, extract knowledge and improve their services. Unfortunately this keeps the little guy out of the loop. Current small business can’t flourish when Big Players have monopoly over data.

Our solution breaks up this monopoly and lets you, the user, have your data, while we build services around decentralized user data. And without a monopoly over your data, and with true privacy, even small business will be able to offer you quality services.

What philosophy drives you doing this?

People have asked for more privacy, but in the same time they want convenience and free products. We bridge the gap between convenience and privacy.

Also, this is the right thing to do.

What keeps your endeavours unique?

We bring the Advertiser, Publisher and the User together, to show them that we can live in a harmonious world where Users get convenience and privacy, Advertisers can find the right users for their services, and Publisher can make money while protecting user’s privacy.

How other netizens can help you in this regard?

First, help us by contributing to our campaign on IndieGoGo: we can’t understate how important is to have financial freedom. We need money to develop our product as soon as possible. Second, tell your friends, Share on Facebook, Tweet about our campaign on IndieGoGo!

Any future plans ?

Our most important plan is to launch our Mobile Advertisement Platform.

Do you own a domain? Where netizens can grab latest news feed about your projects? We share news on Twitter:, but we can be found on Facebook at LinkedIn and Google+

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

Help me so I can help you!

It is that simple.

Proclaim Internet As The Only SEZ

Proclaiming contemporary times as the Internet Age, Internet Growth Engine has already changed the course of literacy via the wonder workshop “Make Your Website Today” that is everywhere live at Now Internet Growth Engine insists for proclaiming Internet in India as the only SEZ facilitating FREE TRADE worldwide with no other taxation except a 5% TRANSACTION TAX without any exception applied everytime for using India’s integrated gateway. This would most wonderfully work for bringing in the global fortune from worldwide without even harming the concurrent revenue volume since Internet transactions in contemporary India account very little portion of Indian economy so I do not see any practical problems in starting this much.

India is in a peculiar position for implementing this idea because very negligible amount of its revenue concurrently comes from Internet, which is going to get increased only gradually. Proclaiming Internet as the only SEZ is concurrently the foremost thing. It is going to be very good for India and equally good for the whole world too.


Showing Facebook Like Box Inside A Bottom Screen Notification Bar In WordPress

Facebook like toolbar is the brand new WordPress plugin for showing Facebook Like Page Button with a custom message of notification in a highly customizable bar at the bottom of your website. You can display a message in simple text or you can use the HTML code and include hyperlinks etc.

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Crossposting Content From One WordPress Blog To Other, Also Works Between Self-hosted & WordPress.Com Websites

Just like Tumblr Crossposting from WordPress, now you can easily cross post your WordPress blog posts and other content to your blogs and other self-hosted WordPress site having Jetpack installed in them. WordPress Crosspost is the new WordPress plugin that automatically crossposts your content to your other WP sites, it enables you to select the blog of your choice whenever you hit the “Publish” (or “Save Draft”) button.

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How To Crosspost From WordPress To Tumblr?

Crossposting from WordPress to Tumblr is easy, you can keep your WordPress blog completely in sync with your Tumblr blog and then you can easily control everything from your WordPress admin area. Tumblr Crosspostr is an awesome WordPress plugin that lets you cross-post published WP posts to your Tumblr, even the changes made to your WordPress posts also get reflected to your Tumblr posts.

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Screencasting Desktop From Google Chrome Browser, Great Solution For Chromebook Users

Screencasting your desktop, web browser and webpages is now very easy and you can do it right from your Google Chrome browser. Yes, Screencastify is an awesome chrome app we have tested and passed for this tutorial. It does what it says, best for YouTube channel owners. Some reviews say that the app doesn’t works for Windows8 but who cares, Windows8 users have many other options and the important thing is that it works with Chromebook where you don’t have much options.

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Intelligent & Useful Android App Which Changes According To Your Time & Needs

Aviate is a free Android app that completely changes your working experience with your Android device. The application was made by ThumbsUp Labs which is now acquired by Yahoo. The application provides you completely unique new take on Android’s home and that dynamically changes throughout the day and night for presenting you with the apps and info according to your location, time and other factors.

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How To Include Custom Post Types On Homepage In WordPress?

By default WordPress only allows users to display static pages and posts on the front page. There are many solutions for displaying any other post type on the homepage like by using shortcode plugins etc  but here we will provide you the easiest among all other solutions. We will be using a hack which you can easily enable on your website or alternatively you may also give a try to CPT on Front Page plugin by fabrizim.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Dr. Matt Barney

I welcome you Matt at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

I grew up up in the US, and as a child was passionate about Korean Tae Kwon Do, where I started teaching all ages as a 9 year old in 1978. I’m now an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist (Ph.D.), and have worked in dozens of countries around the world for firms like AT&T, Motorola, and Merck. For the last 4.5 years, I ran the Infosys Leadership Institute working for the founders of India’s most famous company. My new firm, LeaderAmp, helps leaders accelerate their careers every day through our smartphone app and community based on the latest science. It’s the culmination of all my prior work, and hope it makes gold nuggets that are usually only available to the elite leaders in large multinationals, more accessable.

Tell us more about LeaderAmp? Its brief history and how it works?

LeaderAmp came about after working with thousands of leaders at Infosys where we treated them like Olympic Gold medalists.  We measured, challenged, and supported each one to help them achieve their career dreams.  But it took highly skilled (and scarce) coaches to tailor a bundle of leadership vitamins, minerals and exercise regimens to support their growth.  And coaches could only spend a few hours a quarter with each leader, so leaders would sometimes get distracted and forget to work on their own career development.

When I moved back to the US, I spoke to younger leaders and found that they really didn’t have access to these advanced methods that people at the top of a large multinational get.  So I decided to invent a new, engineering worthy approach to measuring, challenging and supporting leaders, making it “come alive” for them every day on their smartphone.   LeaderAmp’s app starts with you selecting your goals, and then our advanced measurement technology asks questions about your leadership to you and people you trust.  While it’s waiting for others to give you feedback, it shows you early results and recommends a tailored set of actions for you to grow.  Uniquely, you can set your report to remind you every day with new actions you can take to accelerate your development.  It also has a web/mobile based community that has webinars, tweetchats and community support where you can learn from people like you who grew to greatness.  Lastly, it allows you to compare yourself with famous historical leaders.  We’re still building it, and the early adopters on IndieGogo ( will be able to select the first famous historical leader that we’ll measure.

So how did you come with its concept? How exactly your idea sparked?

It was, in part, looking at the gaps in the current state-of-the-art of leader development; and the “Quantified Self” movement. Quantified Self is a term coined by the editors of Wired Magazine for the tools people are now using to measure and improve themselves.  It includes fitness (e.g. fitbit), wellness (e.g. AliveCor), and now leadership development (e.g. LeaderAmp).

How it will improve lives of users?

Many leaders are frustrated with their careers and aren’t quite sure how they can get ahead.  Our app will have trustworthy actions they can do to really improve their potential, performance and “promotability”.  Unlike other approaches, we have made practical the 70+ years of science of leadership and persuasion in our app and community.

Does it already exist anywhere else? If yes then what makes it different from all other frameworks out there?

There are other apps out there and other approaches to leader development.  None of them combine the measurement, challenge and support that LeaderAmp does.  They also do not have the latest science for growth. LeaderAmp’s advanced content comes from my latest book, “Leading Value Creation: Organizational Science, Bioinspiration and the Cue See Model”, recently published by Palgrave Macmillan.

How many people got associated for working together on this project?

I’m the founder, and we have an extended team of about 11 people working on various components of the project such as the graphics, the code, or the science.

What philosophy drives you doing this and what makes your endeavours unique ?

We believe in the practical application of science to improve leaders.  Just as people over the decades have been able to become better Olympic athletes through better diet, exercise and vitamins, leaders will be able to avoid their frustrations with their careers by developing every day.  The fact that our app tailors new actions for the leader every day, and is rooted in science, makes our app unique.  Further, it will only recommend actions and provide community support in areas relevant to the leader.  Other solutions have a “one size fits all” for leaders, and cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars without much developmental support.  In contrast, LeaderAmp’s entry-level solution is about the price of a book on IndieGogo.

How other netizens can help you in this regard ?

If there are people you know who are frustrated with their career and aren’t sure how they can get ahead, we would like to help them.  We’re not a magic pill – it’s still up to the leader to work on himself/herself, but if they really want the secrets of what works, we want to help them.

What are your future plans ? Are you working on some other projects also ?

There are some very cool future features we’ll add to make this solution highly useful.   All of our leader development solutions are being built around the app, community and latest science.  We are completely focused on the launch of our new solution, and aren’t working on anything else.

What is you web address? Do you own a domain?

Yes, we’re currently encouraging people to support our IndieGogo campaign  and our regular URL is

Where netizens can grab latest news feed about your projects?

Our blog is the best way to stay in touch

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

What are you doing with your growth that makes your success unstoppable?

Thank you very much Matt for opting Internet as your place of doing business. I wish you success in upgrading humanity!

Top 3 Accordion Menu & Widget Plugins For Utilizing Sidebar Space In WordPress

According is good for saving space and showing up more things on user’s demand. Earlier we have discussed about many according plugins that enables you to add accordion with your post & post type content and now in this tutorial we are posting something new, we are sharing a list of three best plugins that provides you with accordion based menus and menu widgets.

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Top 3 Plugins For Extending Features Of Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme

After the release of Twenty Fourteen WordPress theme, many new plugins arrived in the free market providing various cool features that extend this default WP theme with more customization options and features. Earlier, the first thing (after WordPress installation) that most of the web designers used to do was activating a new theme but now this new default WP theme provides users with a professional magazine layout which looks good on both profession & personal weblogs and now you can make it more customizable with following free plugins.

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Awesome Calender Widget For Busy Android Users Who Don’t Want Missing Their Agenda

Event Flow is a clean & beautiful Android calendar widget that shows your agenda or calendar and hence is a very good app for the busy people who don’t want missing any other tasks, appointments or whatever. It comes packed with many customization options, various styling options and features.

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Easily Promote Your Blog, Latest Post & Social Links On Every Email You Send

WordPress Website Email Signature – by WiseStamp is a chrome app that lets you promote your WordPress blog’s address, recent post and social links on every email you send using a customizable signature template and it does that automatically. To start first install WordPress Website Email Signature – by WiseStamp in your Google Chrome’s web browser.

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How To Add A Facebook Like Box Slider In WordPress?

Here’s a simple and fast way of displaying a Facebook page like box block. Facebook Like Box Sliding, a new WordPress plugin automatically enables a Facebook button floating on the side of your website’s screen which when clicked slides up your Facebook page with like button, fan avatars and recent post scroll. The button and box are sticky so scrolls with the page.

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How To Display Widget By Devices In WordPress?

Displaying widgets by devices means displaying displaying the widget content only the device you want like only on mobile or only on tablet or only a computer’s web browser. WP Widget Devices is the new WordPress plugin with which you can display HTML text widgets only the device you want like smartphone, tablet or only on regular web browser.

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How To Display Fullscreen Photogallery Slides In WordPress?

In a few clicks you can create beautiful full screen photo galleries with inbuilt full-screen slider in your WordPress site. Here’s a completely new way of creating and displaying full-screen galleries which is totally different from default WP photo galleries. Fullscreen Slides is the new WordPress plugin which which you can easily add a fullscreen gallery to page or post simply by inserting a shortcode, the plugin provides you custom image management, it doesn’t rely on the default WordPress Media Library and is compatible with all major web-browsers and smartphone is optimized.

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How To Create A Highly Customizable Maintenance Mode Page In WordPress?

There are hundreds of under construction & coming soon page in WordPress plugins repository but if you want a highly customizable page with tons of options and features then Coming Soon / Maintenance mode Ready! is a good choice. The plugin not only provides you various features for designing coming soon page but even you can redirect your website to some custom URL or to an external website etc.

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New WordPress Child Theme Wizard To Generate Child Themes In One Click

Child Theme Wizard is the new WordPress plugin that lets you easily generate a child theme (from any theme)  in just one click and lets you customise its options. The plugin provides you a one step wizard ;-) which lets you create a new child theme without any need for additional tools and coding as everything works right from the WordPress admin interface.

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How To Redirect Error 404 Pages To A Custom URL In WordPress?

Error 404 pages are not considered good for SEO and also as per adsense terms & conditions you cannot display the adsense ads on 404 pages and hence it is always good to redirect these pages to your website’s home. In this tutorial we will explain you how you can redirect 404 to home or to a custom URL of your website or to a sub domain or even if you need you can redirect it to some external URL.

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How To Display Your Photo Gallery In WordPress?

500px, pronounced as five hundred pixels is a popular online photography community which is aimed at aspiring and professional photographers and encouraging members to upload their best work to gain gain exposure, find inspiration and connect. The webservice currently has over 2.5 million registered and over 10 million monthly active users. In this tutorial we’ll explain you how you can add your 500px photo gallery in your WordPress based website.

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