Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Disable Lazy Load Functionality In WordPress?

The lazy load image functionality has been added to the WordPress core. Hence, it works automatically all over your website and by default, there are no options given to disable it.

This lesson guides you on how you can turn it off on your website in case you don’t need it. All you have to do is install-activate the new WordPress plugin called Lazy Load Disable. Once activated, the plugin simply turns off the lazy load on your website.

There are no options to turn on or off lazy load functionality so in case you want lazy loading to be back, you simply need to deactivate the plugin and the lazy loading feature will start to work as before on your website.

How To Work On WordPress Blocks As Draft?

WordPress has given a new publishing experience by introducing the block editor. Blocks work as the component to add customized content inside a post or page on your website. This lesson guides you on how you can work on some WordPress blocks without publishing them.

While working on a live post or page, you can continue to work on any block in the backend, without making it live for the public view, until and unless you are done with your editing work.

Hide Block is the new WordPress plugin that lets you hide blocks from the front end of your website. Simply install-activate it.

Once activated, the plugin will automatically add the ‘Hide Block’ option (below the ‘Advanced’ tab) to the block editor section. It shows up on the side of your screen while you edit a block on your edit post screen.

The plugin works for the posts, pages, and all post types, wherever the block editor is active.

How To Give Photo Effects In WordPress?

By applying photo effects you can give a new artistic look to images you use in your WordPress posts and produce an enhanced look on your website.

You can do it easily by using the new WordPress plugin called Image Effects. It enables you to add images to your content and apply different effects over them.

Simply start by installing-activating it on your WordPress site and then on your post editor click the ‘Add Block’ button (that small plus icon). This will open the default block editor where you will notice the ‘Image Effects’ option added by this plugin.

Click that ‘Image Effects’ icon, select the image, set your effects and insert it in your post. It is that simple.

It offers you effects for setting the image brightness, blur, contrast, grayscale, hue, and inverts option, etc. For the images, you want to insert simply without giving any effects, just use the default ‘Image Block’ option on your post editor page.

Simplest Way To Insert Links In WordPress Posts

The new WordPress block editor works out of the box. It allows you to quickly add links to any text of your post, post type, or page.

Follow these three steps:

  1. Copy the link
  2. Select the text you want to link
  3. Press the CTRL+V keys on your keyboard

That’s it. Now there’s no need to use any button on the WordPress block editor or TinyMCE editor.

How To Copy Paste Images From Anywhere To WordPress Posts?

Now there’s no need to manually upload images to the WordPress media library, before inserting them in your posts. The new WordPress block editor allows you to simply copy-paste pictures from anywhere to your WordPress posts or pages.

All you have to do is –

  1. Copy the image from your computer or anywhere online
  2. Press CTRL+V on your keyboard

That’s it. The image will be instantly inserted into your post content. In the background, it will also get uploaded to the WordPress media library.

How To Scan Your cPanel Account For Security Threats?

The free virus scanner provided on every cPanel hosting, VPS, and the Dedicated Server allows you to scan your account for possible security threats.

To use it, simply login to your SANGKRIT.net account and perform the steps given below:

  1. Select a service to scan:
    • Scan Mail — To scan all of your account’s mail folders
    • Scan Entire Home Directory — To scan your account’s home directory
    • Scan Public FTP Space — To scan all of the publicly accessible folders via FTP services
    • Scan Public Web Space — To scan all of the publicly accessible folders via the web
  2. After selecting a service, click the Scan Now button
  3. Here, the scanning process starts and displays you a new interface with the following information:
    • File — Displays the number of files that the system has scanned as well as the total number of files to be scanned
    • Data — Displays the amount of data the system has scanned as well as the total amount of data to be scanned
    • Scanner Progress — Displays the progress of the scan
    • Infected Files — Displays malicious stuff the scanner has detected

The server may take several minutes to complete the scan. If the scanner identifies a threat, it will prompt you to perform an action. Once the scan is complete, you will be returned to your main Virus Scanner interface.

Pointing Out Posts That Need Improvement In WordPress

You can show tasks on specific posts and pages on your WordPress site to easily let your users know what else needs to be done to complete the post or to make it better.

Post Descriptions is the new WordPress plugin that enables you to add small descriptions to posts and pages. It lets you do things like adding small to-dos or don’t-forget tasks for your authors or simply for your own remembrance.

How To Add Small Notes On Your Posts?

To start simply install-activate the said plugin on your WordPress site. Now, post descriptions can be added either from the main edit screen of your post or directly from the quick edit option visible on each post via the Posts -> All Posts page.

Where Your Notes Get Visible

The post description written by you or any privileged user can be seen both on all posts page as well as a post-state which is the bold text next to your post or page title. The given screenshot clearly shows how the notes written on posts would be visible to you or any other user on your website.

Enabling & Disabling The Notes

Next, when you find that your post is perfect and you no longer need to show these notes, you can simply remove them and save your post.

In some cases, especially if your admin panel has become a bit cluttered and you no longer need post descriptions there. Then, you may disable it in post states using the given tick box option.

How To Allow Subscription On Products In WordPress Ecommerce?

You can allow your users to subscribe to products they need on regular basis. The desired duration on applicable products can be set by you. The duration of the subscription can be set in months and calculated from the present day or it can be added to an active subscription.

To start simply install-activate the new WordPress plugin called Monthly Subscription. Next, from the admin panel of your WordPress Ecommerce website:

  1. Create a new product
  2. Enter the product name, price, and other information
  3. Now select ‘Monthly Subscription’ as a product type
  4. You can add the ‘Subscription Duration’ on the input field (below the price under the ‘General’ tab of ‘Product Information’)
  5. Finally, save and publish your product

That’s for products. You can also use the plugin with your content via shortcode. Here you simply need to enclose selective content within the opening and closing shortcode (provided by the plugin) and only the users having an active subscription would be able to see that text.

How To Add Widgets To Specific Pages In WordPress?

You can create new widget areas to use on particular pages and manage them like other widget areas on your website.

Effata Widget Areas is the new WordPress plugin that lets you do that without editing your theme. The widget areas can be added to any page, category, or tag.

Simply start by installing-activating Effata Widget Areas plugin on your WordPress site.

Once activated, you would be able to create widget areas from the Appearance -> Widget Areas page, as shown in the given screenshot.

You can register new widget areas, set where you want them to display, the position and visibility range, etc. Once the widget area is registered, you can display it via shortcode on any page or via PHP code in your theme, and then start managing it like other widget areas using the widgets page in the appearance menu.

Drop Or Raise Product Price Dynamically In WordPress Ecommerce

On your WordPress Ecommerce website, you can dynamically increase or decrease product pricing by a set timeframe to entice more buyers.

For example, You may set a 7% automatic decrease in the price of any product and make it work for a set interval of time to attract buyers and make them busy on your website. This way they would also spend more time on your website waiting for the lowest price that they are willing to pay. 

How To Make It Work On Your Website?

Simply log in to your WordPress Ecommerce website and install-activate this new WooCommerce plugin called Drop / Raise Price for WooCommerce.

Now visit Products -> Add New page or open any old product for editing.

In the Product Data tab, you will see the General tab having new inputs fields for Price decrement, Minimal price, Drop price every ‘n’ minutes, Counter checkbox and Drop Price Timeframe, as shown in the above-given screenshot.

Enter your values then update or publish your product. That’s it.

How To Offer Renewals On Expired Downloads In WordPress Ecommerce?

To increase your recurring income you can offer renewable downloads on your WordPress Ecommerce website. 

If you sell books, PDFs, or any other downloadable products on your WordPress Ecommerce, you can send email reminders to your customers and ask them to renew their download to its newer version especially when their downloads are expired.

Download Renewals for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce plugin that lets you increase your recurring income by offering a download renewal option to your customers. This enables your customers to renew their purchase after a predefined time.

Simply install and activate it. Once activated the plugin automatically adds new fields for renewal price and product expiry in the ‘Product Data’ meta box on all product edit pages. 

All you have to do is enter a renewal price on the ‘Renewal Price’ field and set the number of days for product expiration on the ‘Download Expiry’ Field. Save your changes and it will automatically send email reminders to your customers at the time when their downloads expire.

How To Get Your Business Visible On Internet Search?

Simply start blogging your business, learn and improve, stay consistent, and don’t drop your frequency until you reach the first page of the search results page.

Start Your Blog

Every sale starts with an internet search and every internet search displays posts from other blogs. So first of all you need to create your own blog.

That can be easily done by registering your domain name and making your website yourself with WordPress.

You may simply subscribe to Managed WordPress, WordPress Ecommerce, or use a Dedicated Server as per your budget. 

Start Blogging Your Business

Once you make your website, start posting articles about your business. Write compelling post titles to target your consumer and create more posts every day. Each blog post is an opportunity to get visible on search and rank higher than before. 

Make Your Website Load Fast

If your website performs slow, ninety percent of the visitors are going to leave your website in a second. If you want to avoid such a situation then keep your website fast. Otherwise, you will also make it difficult for the search engines to archive your website.

To speed up your website you can 

  • Use fewer plugins
  • Use lightweight themes
  • Use WP Super Cache plugin
  • Set up a lazy load image plugin
  • Stick only to WordPress default themes
  • Ensure that the images are not too heavy

Searchers Come To You For A Solution

People click your post for a solution, not to see the beauty of your website. So always serve them with high-quality content. Find out what your searchers want and give that to them.

Focus on writing posts that can promote your business by helping others. You can write posts about your products, how they are useful to consumers, how to use them, why people should choose you, etc. 

Write easy-to-read and follow text and before you write a post title always think about the words that a searcher might search to find your post.

You Don’t Need Any SEO Expert

Posting high-quality content consistently is enough to get your website visible on search.

Don’t get into the trap of SEO experts or you will end up wasting your time and money. That can be better utilized in making great posts and promoting your domain.

You can simply subscribe to search engine visibility to be well on your way to an optimized website. It will help you to increase your search rankings with its suggested topic tool. It also lets you track your internet ranking, analyze your website and know its performance.

WordPress Ecommerce Is Extremely Affordable & Flexible For Any Business

WordPress Ecommerce is extremely affordable and flexible for any business willing to serve online. Compared to most platforms, WordPress Ecommerce automatically sets itself up on your domain and lets you manage everything from its admin panel dashboard.

The solution is significantly more cost-effective as it enables you to manage all design and features yourself with no need of hiring any coder.

Design & Features Can Be Implemented Easily, Free Of Cost

In general, design changes and feature add-ons can be very expensive, and also take longer when you go to a developer. But with WordPress Ecommerce you can do all that on your own with the help of millions of free plugins and themes accessible from the admin interface of your website.

That simply means design changes, as well as additional features, can be configured very quickly and that also at zero or very negligible cost, whereas other ways demand a much longer coding process and, therefore, makes you make a larger investment.

Anyone Can Start Selling Online

You can sell anything. From starting a local delivery service to selling homemade hand-crafted products to building a big business of multiple vendors. WordPress Ecommerce allows you to sell anything (retail or wholesale) online on your own.

Having Your Presence On Search Is Easy

You simply need to add your products so that others can purchase them directly from your website. And then start blogging your business, so that search engines can archive your articles to present them to the people searching for them on the internet.

The big reason for having your search presence on Google etc is because customer behavior has finally changed to adapt to the internet age. People first search for things on the internet before they really make any purchase.

Blogging your business is a worthwhile as well as the most cost-effective solution for promoting your business online.

Replacing Media File Uploads In WordPress

Have you ever wanted to replace an upload on your WordPress media library? By default, it can be done only by uploading a new file, replacing it in your content, and then deleting the old upload.

This technique is both long and causes clatter in your media library as well as dead links on the internet, The reason is that newly uploaded file gets a new permalink.

There is one different way to replace any image – On media library, click “edit” view, and you can replace your file in one of two ways:

Simple Replace

It just replaces your file. The option requires you to upload a new file of the same type as the one you are replacing. The name of the attachment remains the same no matter what filename you upload.

Replace the file and update all links

The option replaces the old file, uses the new file name, and updates all links i.e. all links pointing to the old file are updated to point to the new file.

How To Replace Media Files?

  1. Install and activate the Enable Media Replace plugin
  2. Next, visit Media -> Library in your WordPress admin area
  3. Locate the file that you want to replace
  4. Take your mouse near the file name
  5. Click the link labeled as ‘Replace Media’
  6. Click the ‘Choose File’ button
  7. Select from the two options:
    • Just replace the file
    • Replace the file, and update all links
  8. Press the ‘Upload’ button

The plugin also provides you a shortcode that picks up the file modification date to display it in your posts and pages.

How To Fix Restricted Upload Error In WordPress?

Sometimes an error is experienced when you try uploading a new file in your WordPress media library. The error message is – “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”

The reason behind this restriction is to prevent the accidental or purposeful upload of maliciously executable files as that could damage your website.

However, if you are certain about the filetype you are trying to upload then you can fix this issue yourself.

Add this code in the wp-config.php file (located in the WordPress root directory):


Alternatively, you may use a plugin called Remove Unrestricted Uploads. Simply install-activate it to enable unfiltered uploads.

However, the given plugin has certain limitations and does not always work. In-case, if it doesn’t work for your specific file-type then try another plugin called Enhanced Media Library.

Install-activate it and then visit Settings -> MIME Types -> Media page.

See whether your desired file-type is listed or not. If it is not listed, click the ‘Add New MIME Type’ button and type the extension details.

In-case, if you don’t know the name and the label of your file-type extension, you can easily find it from here.

Next, tick the ‘Allow Upload’ box for the new MIME type you have added and save your changes.

Targetting Billions Can Help You Make Millions

Anything, that divides the humanity, is disallowed in the universe of Sangkrit. So you have to be selling the same integrating internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure as other peoples’personal outlets also sell although they do not compete but cooperate instead.

Moreover you may startup your own business also.

Build business by subscribing dedicated servers

Any serious business begins only upon a dedicated server. Now-a-days there is no other way possible.

Instead of purchasing hardware and hiring engineers subscribing all internet infrastructure at https://system.sangkrit.net works more stably. Thus you do not loss money upon frequently replacing outdated hardware.

Brand your business by registering domains in bulk

The best way to brand your business is to register domains in bulk. You must register your business name with every possible domain extension.

Blog your business for billions on planet Earth

Install WordPress for marketing as there cannot be anything better than blogging your business in this internet age. You do so by writing posts. Write posts by addressing the whole of humanity. Such an integrated cross-border approach maximises your revenue streams.

You must only innovatively add a new post. So that you make many billions better understand you afresh.

Targetting many billions is sure to help you make your millions. Your first million may not be far away from you. Just keep the coordinates crystal clear.

Blogging Your Business Is Transactional By Nature

Blogging your business is transactional by nature which means you can make it action-oriented. This can be done by using a call-to-action plugin on your WordPress site. You can add a button for buying your product or subscribing to your service or simply booking an order or appointment right from your post page. 

You can use it to direct traffic to your eCommerce store or collect customer information on the contact page and ultimately drive your sales. 

There’s no guesswork in blogging. The SEO tool at SANGKRIT.net analyzes your website and gives you step-by-step guidance on optimizing your domain for Google®, Yahoo®, Bing® and track its progress on the internet over time. 

You can measure your performance, track your success, the increasing worth of your website, and more importantly how many people visit you in a day and how many calls to action are clicked. The more serious blogging you will do, the better you will get in it, and the more business you do overtime.

Do This To Discover Your Perfect Blog Subject

Pick five topics you enjoy talking about most and then try to write twenty headings under each topic. The subject on which you can happily create more headings is your perfect blogging niche. Follow that topic on the internet and start blogging on that.

To start your blog –

  1. Register your full name as your domain
  2. Subscribe to a Dedicated Server (Why?)
  3. Install WordPress
  4. Start blogging

For most people, the topics they like to talk about and the topics they like to read on are different. If you want to become a good blogger then read and blog on the same topic. 

If the topics you read and talk about are different then for blogging you should pick the one you like talking about because after all, you are blogging to interact with this world. The important thing is to get yourself started, pick your topic and give it all you have and you will learn new things on the go.

WordPress Ecommerce Now Supports Bookings & Appointment Scheduling

Do you want to allow your customers to book an appointment directly from your website? The new version of WordPress Ecommerce at SANGKRIT.net supports booking and appointment scheduling features especially for the professionals like doctors and lawyers.

A booking form can be displayed inside a page or post or via a menu link. The visitors on your website would be able to check availability and book appointments or make reservations directly from your website.

The booking form is customizable from the admin panel and digital payment options are also available. Notification emails are sent when an appointment is booked, rescheduled, or canceled. Admin may also send friendly email reminders of upcoming appointments.

Blogging Your Business Is The Most Decent Way To Outreach

Engaging customers is equally important for every business. By blogging your business you don’t push your offers to anybody but instead, you use a tactful way of making others aware of your existence and keep the conversation going.

When you post anything new, your customers especially your subscribers get automatically notified about your new offers having relevant information about your products and services. On the other side, search engines automatically work to give you new visitors by showing your site-links on relevant searches. This system on your domain when develops with time, not only helps you to reach billions of people online but opens up many new streams of income, examples are all around you.

By blogging your business you simply keep yourself focussed on creating new content which can be anything you want to share with the world. Just keep in mind to make your blog posts really useful, interesting, and time-worthy for others. It is all about creating fresh content to keep your old customers engaged and bring in new prospects from the world wide web.

The World Now Prefer Online Shopping

The eCommerce industry is growing like never before and if you are planning to enter the world of online selling then there has never been a better time to start. There’s absolutely no doubt that launching an online store can help any business in its total sales and that is why not only more people are searching and buying products online but eCommerce shops are also increasing every day. You may use Google to take a look at the growth of the online market in numbers.

A smartphone gives people a more convenient way to browse and shop with no limitations. Even a new consumer behavior is observed, some people go to offline shops only to touch and feel the product before they really order it online. With online shopping, people can see and compare a large number of products and they can continue this behavior for as much time they want, nobody is there to judge them except the software, which with time starts to show them more relevant deals based on their interest.

By understanding this new consumer behavior you can create a strategy to bring your business online. Starting an online store has never been so easy, all you have to do is register your business name as your domain and then subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce, no coding is required to build, manage and grow your business website.