Tag Archives: WordPress

Fast Elegant On Hover Social Sharing Buttons For WordPress

AR Simple Social Share, the new social sharing plugin for WordPress provides you a new style of social sharing buttons. Unlike to other sharing buttons, AR Simple Social Share shows up its sharing buttons when someone hovers the customizable message ‘Share On Social Networks’ or whatever you write there.

This new lightweight social sharing plugin comes packed with various visibility control options you can use for showing sharing buttons in posts, pages, excerpts etc. The plugin also provides you a Shortcode [ar-simple-social-share] for displaying sharing buttons manually anywhere you like.

Simply install and activate the plugin, upon activation the plugin automatically displays sharing buttons on single post pages. You can control visibility, select font, text, icons etc by visiting its settings page (Dashboard -> AR Social Share).

Classic Grey WordPress Admin Color Schemes For Everyday Use

New Grey Admin Color Schemes for WordPress 3.8’s admin area from Toolstack.com gives your WordPress site admin new classic grey color schemes that will not make your bored after few days like other colorful schemes. Install and activate Grey Admin Color Schemes plugin. upon activation the plugin adds four new color schemes you can change from Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile page.

Continue reading Classic Grey WordPress Admin Color Schemes For Everyday Use

Changing Frontend Admin Bar Color As Per New Admin Color Schemes In WordPress

Now new WordPress version provides you 8 different color schemes, few days back we have also discussed about Adding Some More Admin Area Color Schemes and how you can Randomly Change WordPress Admin With Various Colors Schemes. You can select your favorite color scheme from Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile page but that doesn’t changes the color of admin barin the front-end, it remains same on all color schemes. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin that one thing automatically, it simply changes the color of admin bar in front-end on the basis of selected color scheme.

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Tweak Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme, Make It Full Width, Center Aligned, Change Colors And Much More

The new default WordPress theme, Twenty Fourteen has an awesome layout but there are few things some bloggers are not liking. For example: Twenty Fourteen theme floats to left by deafult and in big screens it shows some empty space on the right side. The theme is left align so the background color shows up only next to right sidebar. Theme’s primary menu floats to right, you cannot modify all theme colors by default etc etc.

Continue reading Tweak Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme, Make It Full Width, Center Aligned, Change Colors And Much More

Enable Facebook Style Activity Privacy Settings In BuddyPress

With BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin you can add Facebook type activity privacy options in BuddyPress so that while posting anything new or while updating status your network users can set the privacy and make that content available for limited users. Just like Facebook’s ‘Who can see’ small icon you can add ability to restrict who can see individual activity posts shared by your BuddyPress community site members.

Continue reading Enable Facebook Style Activity Privacy Settings In BuddyPress

How To Hide Selected Posts From Home Page In WordPress?

Hidden Posts, a new WordPress plugin from Automattic lets you hide a limited number of posts from home page. The plugin is lightweight and very easy to use. Simply install and activate the plugin and upon activation the plugin adds a hide post check box in ‘Publish; metabox present in add new and edit post page.

Hidden WordPress Posts

You simply need to tick that ‘Hide Post’ check box and your post will be kept hidden from the home page.

How To Give Manual Handcrafted Excerpts To Posts In WordPress?

Manual WordPress Excerpts are the hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. It is unlike to automatic excerpt or you can say teaser which is actually the part of your post used before more tag. Manual excerpts have some advantages over automatic excerpts and the biggest advantage is that here you get full control of explaining what is your post is all about and that becomes very useful specially in the search results.

Most WordPres themes provides you functionality of manual excerpts. By default Manual Excerpt meta box is hidden from Add New & Edit post pages. So if you want to give manual excerpts to your blog posts then first visit your admin area Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New page.

WordPress post excerpts

Now second step is to click ‘Screen Options’ present in the top right corner, just below the Howdy text. Now tick ‘Excerpt’ checkbox present in ‘Show on screen’ section.

WordPress screen options for post

That’s all. Close ‘Screen Options’ and scroll down, you will be seeing a new meta box for the excerpt is added. Use this metabox for writing manual excerpts for your posts.

Redirecting Image Attachment Pages To Parent Posts In WordPress

A new page is created by WordPress for each file attachment (like images, videos, audio, PDFs etc) you have on your WordPress site. The feature is good for some but not for all site site owners. Sometimes accidentally bloggers link images to attachment pages and then they don’t like the layout and look of the attachment page. Here we are discussing how you can easily disable the image attachment pages in your WordPress site.

WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin users can do this by visiting Dashboard -> SEO -> Permalinks page and then under the Permalink Settings section, tick ‘Redirect attachment URL’s to parent post URL.’ and save the new settings.

Alternatively, you can disable image attachment pages and redirect them to their parent post pages using another plugin called Attachment Pages Redirect. Simply install and activate the plugin. After activation the plugin automatically starts its work and if in-case no parent post is found the the attachment page is directed to home.

Bump BuddyPresss Activity Streams To Top After New Comments

Like in Facebook as soon any new comment is made, the activity automatically comes to top on the homepage of your friends. Here, we will be doing similar thing by making BuddyPress activity stream bump to top as soon any new comment reply is made.

Buddypress Bump Activity Streams To Top is a BuddyPress plugin by Gladwinput.com originally based on the OLD BuddyPress Activity Stream Bump to Top plugin which has been left unsupported. So what all you need to do is install, activate and forget Buddypress Bump Activity Streams To Top.

Integrating BuddyPress Pages & Profile With WordPress Menus

By default WordPress menus are not compatible with BuddyPress account menus but now you can add real menu items and make them go directly to Buddypress pages. You can add a profile dropdown with avatar, message counts, and more- fully customizable.

BP Direct Menus is an awesome plugin that completely integrates with the WordPress menu system so your theme’s menu menu styling is used.

It provides you awesome custom menu item type that lets you link to any page that requires the username as part of the url (example.com/members//messages).

bp-direct-menus screenshot 1

The meta box in nav menu admin page

bp-direct-menus screenshot 2

An example of a custom profile menu

bp-direct-menus screenshot 3

The admin view of the above profile menu

Tons of tags can be used to customize the menu text: * User Info: username, firstname, lastname, displayname * BuddyPress counts: unreadmessagecount, friendcount, groupcount * BuddyPress counts that hide when zero: (unreadmessagecount), (friendcount), (groupcount) * BuddyPress/WordPress avatar: avatar, avatar-thumb, avatar-mini.

Easily Enable Facebook Style Notifications In BuddyPress

FB like notification for buddypress plugin simply updates notifications list and browser window title in BuddyPress powered network while user is away. Install and activate it. Upon activation the plugin repeatedly checks for new notifications for the logged-in user and if any new notification is found, it does 2 things:

1) Updates the browser window title( e.g: ‘members|mydomain.com’ becomes ‘(2) members|mydomain.com’ ) and blinks/switches repeatedly between the old and new title

2) Updates the notification menu:  Adds new notification(if any) items to the list and updates the existing ones(if any). E.g: from ‘You have 1 new message’ to ‘You have 2 new messages’

Enable Facebook Style On Profile Private Messages In BuddyPress

Like in Facebook, when you click ‘Message’ button present on the profile page, a pop-up appears from where you can message to the person without leaving his/her profile. Whereas by default in BuddyPress as soon you click ‘Message’ button you get redirected to your message compose box for creating and sending message to the person.

This tutorial explains you how you can easily replaces the functionality for Public Message and Private Message buttons on profile pages so that you can send messages without leaving the profile page.

BP Profile Message UX Free plugin lets you replace the functionality for those message buttons.  Using this plugin you can make things go fast, you can stay on a profile page and send private or public messages to member.

This plugin uses default WordPress ‘thickbox’ code, so it is very difficult to style. In-case you need ability to style the overlay or adjust the javascript then checkout its premium version: http://www.philopress.com/products/buddymessageux/

Randomly Change WordPress Admin With Various Colors Schemes

From 3.8 update WordPress provides you six awesome admin area color schemes and now Admin Color Schemes plugin has also been updated so you get many extra color schemes for your WordPress dashboard. Now this tutorial is on new, light weight but very interesting free plugin called Color Schemes Roulette, the plugin is made for changing your admin colors in random and yes it is compatible with Admin Color Schemes plugin.

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Adding Some More Admin Area Color Schemes In WordPress

Admin Color Schemes, the plugin that brings new extra color schemes in WordPress admin area dashboard has been updated for new 3.8 update of WordPress. Likewise now WordPress already provides you six different admin color schems, now you can add up some more simply by using this WordPress plugin.

admin-color-schemes screenshot 1

Aubergine, by Kate Whitley & Kelly Dwan

admin-color-schemes screenshot 2

Flat, by Mel Choyce

admin-color-schemes screenshot 3

Vineyard, by Kate & Dave Whitley

admin-color-schemes screenshot 4

All your awesome color choices

So first of all install and activate Admin Color Schemes plugin. Upon activation the plugin adds new color schemes which can be managed from same old user profile page using the color scheme selector radio buttons.

Shortcode To Easily Embed Facebook Posts In WordPress

Earlier we discussed about embedding any Facebook post on any website, weblog or simple HTML page. Just like YouTube, Twitter and Flickr etc, Facebook also provides you an embed code which can be copied from Facebook post drop down options itself, the code simply embeds that specific Facebook post with all its like and comments into your website.

Continue reading Shortcode To Easily Embed Facebook Posts In WordPress

Best Plugins For Uploading Avatars Locally In WordPress

Unlike to Gravatar which works universally on all WordPress sites showing one common avatar by email address you can add avatars of your choice for your WordPress site authors, editors and subscribers etc. There are several good WordPress plugins that allows you to upload avatars locally on your blog right from the user profile page. Following are some free plugins ordered by their popularity and downloads.

Add Local Avatar

add-local-avatar screenshot 4


WP User Avatar

wp-user-avatar screenshot 4

Simple Local Avatars

How To Visually Modify Any WordPress Theme Colors?

Theme Tweaker grabs all your existing theme colors and allows you to modify them either by typing the color codes or by using color picker. The plugin offers you another feature to change theme colors in bulk, like you can invert all colors, use grey scale, sepia style colors or you can generate random colors in a click etc.

Continue reading How To Visually Modify Any WordPress Theme Colors?

Automatically Display Targeted Amazon Products Related To Your WordPress Site Content

StickyZon Lite is an awesome WordPress plugin that lets you add Amazon products related to your blog posts content. With this new plugin you can add targeted products without touching or adding any code snippet. Its a quick set and forget plugin which automatically adds most popular Amazon products to your blog posts related to your post topic.

This way the similar products increases the chance for your visitors to go and take a look over your products and buy them from Amazon. You can make easy commissions without any work.


  • Easy 3 mintue setup
  • Automatically searches Amazon products based on post tags, categories or preset keywords
  • Automatically adds Amazon products at the end on of post contents
  • Completely blends with site layout and post content
  • No code modification or extra coding required

Getting Started: Install and activate StickyZon Lite plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> StickyZon Lite page and set Amazon Affiliate ID, API Key (Access Key ID), Secret Access Key and choose your Amazon Product Category using the drop down box.

Other than this you can Use Post Tags to search products, Use Post Categories to search products, Set Default search keywords, Add Widget Title, Edit Buy Now Link Text and Show sponsor link etc.

WP Curtain: Hiding Your WordPress Site From General Public & Search Engines

WP Curtain is the new highly customizable WordPress plugin that lets you hide your website from general visitors and search engines like Google, Yahoo and all others. The plugin allows you to enable access for logged in users having a specified access level like Editor, they can can view website but all other visitors will get directed to a friendly error page showing a message or a beautiful countdown timer (FlipClock) or a log in section, its up to you. You can easily customize its settings.

Simply install and activate WP Curtain plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Plugins -> WP Curtain Settings page and here you can:

  1. You can add Title, Heading and Description to show on the page where your visitors are directed.
  2. You can enable or disable countdown timer. It shows when will your website be online by asking you to enter expected site’s online date, hours, minutes and seconds.WP Curtain
  3. You can set enable or disable login box, You can add Redirect URL where your users will be sent here after login. Leave it empty to send them to the page that they tried to access. Finally the third sections lets you set minimum access level required to view your website.

Easily Create Facebook Ads Right From WordPress Admin

Facebook Ads Tool lets you create cool Facebook ads directly from your WordPress admin interface. It provides you an easy user-friendly interface and you can quickly start in seconds creating your own Facebook ads that drives new traffic and promote your web pages. You can know more about its awesome features on its download page at WordPress.org here.

To start simply install and activate Facebook Ads Tool and follow the given steps:

Step-1 Creating your Facebook Add

  • Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Facebook Ads Tool -> Create An Add page
  • Choose your Ad Destination, Type Headline and Ad Text, Upload image (It shows real time add preview) and click Next button

Step-3 Specify the people (audience) who will be shown your Ad. How old they are, what their interests are, etc.

  • Add countries you like targeting
  • Enter amount you like spending on this add
  • Set Start & End Date and then click Done button

Step-3 Time to enter your Billing Information

  • Enter your Full Name, Card Number, CSV Security Code, Expiry Date then click Submit button and follow the steps.

The plugin also activates Facebook Ads Dashboard (Dashboard ->Facebook Ads Tool -> Ads Dashboard) where you can keep track of your Facebook Ads, Clicks, Conversions and other useful information. Following screenshots will certainly make you better understand this useful tool that works from WordPress admin section:

facebook-ads screenshot 1Creating a Facebook Ad in your WordPress Admin (Part 1)facebook-ads screenshot 2Creating a Facebook Ad in your WordPress Admin (Part 2)facebook-ads screenshot 3Creating a Facebook Ad directly from a wordpress page

facebook-ads screenshot 4Your Ad on Facebook

facebook-ads screenshot 5Live Social Contests & Promotions

facebook-ads screenshot 6Creating a Sweepstakes in your WordPress Admin

facebook-ads screenshot 7Email Automation Campaigns

facebook-ads screenshot 8Contact Database

facebook-ads screenshot 9Campaign Analytics


New Sticky Metro Style HS Social Media Buttons For WordPress

HS Social Media Buttons provides you sticky metro style social media buttons with four different button effects. The buttons allows you to add Facebook URL, Linkedin URL, Twitter URL, Youtube URL, Google+ URL, Pintrest URL. You can set their position to left or right and set their top margin in pixels.

Simply install and activate HS Social Media Buttons plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> HS Social Media Buttons page and add your social profile/page URLs and save changes.


  • Place it on left or right side of your site.
  • Select various ‘Effects’ for Social Buttons.
  • User can easily reach to your social media page
  • Provides you social Media buttons like facebook, google plus, twitter etc.